Hell on Earth Procs
I'm guessing this has been discussed before, but I'm afraid I have yet to find it. I have seen more than one post saying that the four def/res procs should be placed in Hell on Earth. My question is, why? Won't these procs then only apply to that power instead a particular pet?
Thanks in advance for any information provided. |
Also, is Mids' incorrect? It shows that HoA only takes the two types of pet sets.
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Well, I'll break it down.
When you put in your defense/res set 'procs' they apply a special passive power to your character. This is an aura that radiates from you all the time, even if Hell on Earth isn't active, and I think it has the same radius as leadership toggles ( 60' ) but I'm unsure. Anyways, this aura will grant the defense/res bonuses to ALL pets under your control. Even pet 'allies' you pick up in missions will get the bonus, and the heavy pets in Recluse's Victory too.
Your little hell spawns will get the bonus, and so will any other pets under your control, as long as they're in range of your aura (as mentioned, it's quite a large aura, so it normally isn't an issue).
Hell on Earth's little living hellfires are basic imp like pets, so you won't be able to put in set procs like knockback or defense debuff etc as they don't have powers that can use them. Just standard pet-sets and recharge intensive pet-sets.
And yeah, it's great. 20% res and 10% defense bonus to all your pets. It makes a difference

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Thanks Zerge, that is exactly what I was looking for.
I was thinking of actual procs from a defense or resist debuff set... duh.
Guides: Dark Armor and IOs | SS/DA | Crabbing | Fortunata
I read somewhere that the aura is 40'. Still pretty good, as long as you stay close to your pets. (Which you'll probably want to be doing *anyway*...)
Though on the original question, I'd also wonder "Why put them all into this power, and leave almost no room to enhance it's own function?"
I read somewhere that the aura is 40'. Still pretty good, as long as you stay close to your pets. (Which you'll probably want to be doing *anyway*...)
Though on the original question, I'd also wonder "Why put them all into this power, and leave almost no room to enhance it's own function?" -Morgan. |
I haven't tried it out yet. But what about slotting it for acc/damage so the imps it summons are stronger and can actually hit the broad side of a planet?
"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton
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I haven't tried it out yet. But what about slotting it for acc/damage so the imps it summons are stronger and can actually hit the broad side of a planet?

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Sticking all the pet procs in there + 2 rech IO's is fine if you only want to use the power for the buff it provides.
If you want the imps it summons to contribute then you'll want to enhance the acc/dam.
Like the other powers in prim/sec that take RIP sets I find it best to stick the two RIP procs in said power and then improve its acc/dam/rech as desired. The two procs from the normal pets sets aren't hard to squeeze into one or two of the 3 pet summons.
I'll probably end up slotting a recharge intensive pet set into hell on earth. Which one, I'm not too sure of yet.
"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton
Madam Enigma's History
The auras from the pet damage sets are 40' the auras from the recharge intensive pet sets are 20'
There is no reason to put them all in Hell on Earth, just the ones from the recharge intensive pet sets should go there.
If you have the slots and don't have it slated anywhere else, Soulbound Allegiance provides VERY nice increases to recharge/damage/accuracy with only 4 of them. If you 6 slot HoE, you can then get a couple of the auras into it and still have a beefy power. The BU proc in SA is better for one of your real pets though I think. Though since SA is a purple set, it's only a level 50 solution.
I was looking at it in mids. Its only up for 90 secs. Down for like 8 minutes. Id use the procs if they work while the power is inactive because theres no real reason to use acc or damage if its down for 8 minutes. IMO. I may not even take the power at that cool down time. I guess with hasten and ios may help some but prolly still down a while.
I dumped the four aura IOs into Gang War on my Thugs MM. I'd do the same with Hell on Earth if I had access to Demon Summoning, probably. Along with two Recharges, maybe.
Do we have any info on whether this is Working As Intended or an unintended side effect?
Do we have any info on whether this is Working As Intended or an unintended side effect?
i'd guess WAI.
Check out this page on ParagonWiki: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Call_t..._Aura_for_Pets
So, there's two things. Yes, it's supposed to be on even when the power hasn't been used, that's how globals *are*. And the recharge intensive pet ones also give a 40' aura, the 20' is a display error.
Oh holy what. These numbers are impressive. Am I doing this right?
Demon numbers selected by old screenshot and may not be accurate to reality (There don't seem to be any numbers for Mids or red tomax) and I'm going off old screenshots, so bear with me.
Demons have (apparently) a base of about 23% to smethal. Using World of Pain (I plan for my demon summoner to be /pain, I think that Thermal gets even better numbers) I can get about 17% resistance.
Slotting 'Sovereign Right: Resistance bonus' and 'Expedient Reinforcement: Resistance bonus is ten each, 20% more resistance.
On top of that, Ember Aura appears to grant 10% more resistance, (Presumably) Unslotted. Already, that's 70% resist. All for only two IOs.
Alternatively. A x/Bubbler MM with Edict of the Master and Call to arms (Thugs, Necromancy, and Demons all have a power that will let you slot both of these IOS.)
Deflection Shield, Dispersion bubble, Insulation Shield, and Maneuvers, all with three +def IOs at level 50 gets 17.8 from the Deflection and Insulation bubbles, 11.9 from dispersion, and 4.16 from maneuvers.
17.8 + 11.9 + 4.6 = 34.3. Add in the extra 10% from the two IOs, and you can hit 44.3 res for all pets within your dispersion bubble, 25 feet. That's very nearly defense cap.
This is giving me an insecurity about my Merc/Traps. Or I'm bad at math. Either is bad.
I was thinking of actual procs from a defense or resist debuff set... duh. |
I'm not sure what the OP is refering to.

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU
I'm guessing this has been discussed before, but I'm afraid I have yet to find it. I have seen more than one post saying that the four def/res procs should be placed in Hell on Earth. My question is, why? Won't these procs then only apply to that power instead a particular pet?
Thanks in advance for any information provided.