1834 -
Remind me again, does the proc only trigger on the tier3 pet? Doesn't seem to work at all in the tier1 or tier2 ones, supposedly because they're lower than level 50.
Does this proc shine on any specific pet in particular? -
ET is still weirdly unbalanced in that it animates faster than Total Focus, even though Total Focus does less damage.
Around level 10 is the keep-or-delete threshold. Premature? Maybe. More often than not, however, it ends up being due to name or concept rather than powersets.
Is Health worth grabbing on a Stalker without any inherent regeneration to stack it with? (e.g. Ninjitsu)
Or would it be so unnoticeable that I'd be better off grabbing Swift + Hurdle to make up for a lack of travel power besides Ninja Run? Stalkers seem to have low-ish health, which means less health restored per regeneration tick... -
Look at it this way, it gives you an excuse to grab Weave too for more +def to all. Not sure how hard it'd hit your endurance, though... Claws is very endurance-light, isn't it?
I think one of the Sonic Blast attacks actually uses a wolf howl sound, actually.
tl;dr (sorry, posting on the run)
I'd just be happy if they made the other armor toggles worth using past level 32/38. It's a little depressing when the entire powerset is more often referred to as 'Granite', not 'Stone Armor'. -
If it's fixed, would it hurt to tell what the exploit was, for the curious among us?
Ah, sorry, wasn't referring to the proposed set idea in the OP , but the concept in particular of a Pulse Rifle powerset fleshed out across 9 powers. The current in-game powers do energy/smashing damage, one of which has a chance to knockback, another a chance to stun; although I see you slightly changed the first two powers from their Robotics equivalents.
Not sure how well a debuff-version replacement for Aim would work - it's essentially a Surveillance clone turned into a cone effect capped at 16 targets, which is already pretty out of place in a Blast set. Taking into account the fact that Blasters actually have access to Surveillance through APPs... I dunno. Sure, Sonic Blastalready does this, but...
1) Sonic Blast has (or had, the last time I checked) somewhat low base damage output to balance out the debuffyness, and
2) Sonic Blast has the debuffyness as its gimmick, its selling point.
Ah well, what do I know. Still waiting on a Blast set that has a ranged version of Follow Up, myself. -
Col. Blitzkrieger's (Elec/Elec Brute) flawed clone was Earth Control/Sonic Resonance. He kept Ajax perma-immobilized and buffed me to immortality. Fun stuff.
Lord Crow's (Bots/Traps Mastermind) flawed clone was Dual Blades/Martial Arts. I was somewhat surprised at how well the costume worked for swords and kicks, although the clone died pretty pathetically due to its somewhat lackluster powerset combination.
Isshintou's (Broadsword/Ninjitsu Stalker) flawed clone was Claws/Something. I can't remember the secondary. It kept Ajax on his backside pretty well and oneshotted the Wyvern ambushers with Focus. Damn. -
I suppose Dark Armor is out of the question, considering how its stealth also replaces your character's costume with Fluffy the Dark Servant.
How do I choose what AE arc to play?
Back in the day, I didn't have to. I cheated and started an arc review thread. Free recommendations!
I wonder if I should get back to that. Or maybe nobody cares anymore. MA seems to have declined since back when it first came out. Sure, there were even more farms back then, but there were also less arcs, more people excited about making and playing arcs, and so on. I took down and re-uploaded my old arcs recently, and in two weeks one has been played once, the other twice. Back in the day you'd get 10 playthroughs within the first day. I miss those days.
I think I still have my old arcs-to-review list somewhere, too... -
Anything one should avoid with a Fire Melee/Fire Armor AV? As annoying as defensive sets are, it's a huge walking suit of armor so it'd be somewhat jarring if it were squishy. Humorously enough, the lack of KB protection makes it look like you can tip it over due to its own weight.
I've removed the obvious Build Up and Fiery Embrace.
Also, on a related note - attack chains. Said Fire Melee AV currently cycles attacks almost without pause. Would it be a good idea to, for example, remove the non-sword attacks (or the sword ones, haven't decided yet) to slow down its attack frequency?
I'm not trying to go for 'easy', I'm trying to go for 'not frustrating as hell'. -
I took a patron pool on my Crab Spider just for the 6th pet.
No offense meant, but you really should have done a Search for this before you posted a new thread. We get one of these at least once a month and the topic is pretty much a dead horse by now.
Anyway: No, never going to happen, bad idea. -
Nitpick: I'm not sure if any mobs are 'immune' to CC. Some just have mez protection higher than 3.
Example: It takes two Web Grenades to immobilize a standard Boss. That's Mag3 + Mag3 = Mag6. However, it takes... I can't remember, three or four to immobilize a Warwolf of any rank.
Oh, and in case I came off as antagonistic in the above post, I'm all for a pulse rifle set as long as it doesn't end up as an Energy Blast clone with a gun. I just meant to point out that we don't need some sort of AE-only version of the set without giving players access to it as well. -
You can already make Pulse Rifle critters in the AE if you want. Give them the Robotics powerset and untick all the pet summon powers.
Grab Weave and Combat Jumping, use that -acc debuff combo and knockdown combos a lot.
My own EA Brute is Dark Melee so I can't offer much more unbiased advice. -
Willpower doesn't have any tools for mitigating endurance problems.
Energy Aura has a PBAoE endurance drain ability with a very short recharge that will refill your endurance with only two targets in the radius, and is autohit. It also heals you a tiny bit per target in the radius, up to an amount comparable to Reconstruction if you hit the target cap with it.
EA would be the better choice if endurance is what you're afraid of having problems with. -
The -def on the Rage Crash will indeed affect Invul's survivability as it is a hybrid Resistance/Defense powerset.
Unlike most(?) MMOs, CoX is about the journey there, not the endgame. There practically is no endgame content to speak of. The reason you get up to a potential maximum of like 36 character slots per server is because the devs want you to roll a lot of alts and try new things.
Supposedly, the GR expansion will finally have endgame content for 50s. We'll see. -
Mako implies that he respects you despite hating your guts - because he'd have done the same in your place, but he didn't think you had it in you to betray someone like him. Or something along those lines. It's been a while.
That's what I mean. The damage ticks/debuffs never fail to land on the enemy. Maybe I'm just phenomenally lucky with this one particular power.
I've never, ever, -ever- seen Acid Mortar miss, even if it hits in an AoE. Can it miss? The normal 100% accuracy suggests that it can miss just like any other power, but I've never seen it miss.
I actually asked this in a thread over in the Mastermind forums a while back but didn't get a definitive answer.