
Caption Champ 4/16/10
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  1. I do see one glaring omission on this list. Granted not everyone is aware of their comic origins as they aren't in the USA or in English, but...where are the Smurfs?
  2. Wonder Woman #2 had a big "This Changes Everything" revelation at the end. I won't spoil it here, but it had already been spoiled on teh interwebz. Still, I thought the set up leading up to it was really well done, and it is something that will likely define a lot of the conflict in this title going forward.

    With Justice League #2 it was fun to see how the heroes interact with each other when meeting for the first time (for the most part) in DC's revamped history.

    With GLC #2, I do love watching the Corps function as a corps. And the new enemy certainly looks promising. But the "mysterious new enemy" thing has been done to death. I expect I'll care a lot more when more is revealed about them.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    That'll only be for a while - recently it's been City of Ghostbusters and then City of Street Fighters - and right now, it's City of Brains in Jars
    And before that it was the City of John Woo, and before that it was the City of Pastel Colors, and before that it was the City of Captain America Pastiches.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
    * Fusionette now accompanies me on EVERY one of my missions... and she's power-suppressed.
    Wait. So long as mission success doesn't depend on her survival, this is actually a bonus. DEVS, I WANT THIS FEATURE TOO!
  5. Every time the developers add content to the system, they end up adding bugs as well. Most get squashed within a few weeks, but a few linger on. But by your logic, this means that got a lesser game than what we started with back in April 2004.
  6. Part of the problem is that some of the old 'n' busted content was once the new hotness, and because the devs wanted to feature the new stuff they made contacts steer players toward it. Now some of that content is still good, but if you're specifically being steered toward a subset of the missions that are out there, you're left with the impression that that's all there is.

    Over the weekend I just started Veluta Lunata's arc, which for the nearly four years I've been playing I didn't even know existed until last Saturday. I'd heard that there was an old pirate fort on the east of the island, but I'd always been steered in a different direction and hadn't even seen that part of the island until just recently.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post

    Yes, I know I'm being as presumptuous as all get out, but look where we are with power customizations!

    Thank you in advance for your hard work in enabling my character to assume his rodentine form.
    And once this is achieved, your first task will be to join your brothers in keeping the servers up and running.
  8. Of course, much like what was done with shield defense, the work for a power set with different mechanics can made more palatable if that work is stretched over several projects.

    First step is to create a "beast run" travel power for players.

    Second is to create a four-legged pet.

    Third may be to create a "beasties" villain group.

    Next step is to create an "animal training" primary power set for masterminds.

    And then the final step is to transform all characters into four-legged versions and turn the game into City of Kitties and Puppies.

    (Caveat: OF COURSE the above is all speculation, except for the last one.)
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BatFan View Post
    Has anyone mentioned Wonderman and Hawkeye? I beleive both of them started out as villians as well.
    I was wondering if Hawkeye was going to get mentioned. In fact, the first big shakeup in the Avengers' lineup happened when all the founding members left and it was Captain America leading three former villains: Hawkeye, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch.

    On the DC side, Catwoman has been very ambiguous since the 1980s. But right now the most moral ambiguity seems to be in the Green Lantern titles, where you have seven color-coded corps and the only ones that seem unambiguously heroic are ones, and all the other ones are ambiguous, even the Greens.

    Atrocitus may rage against the Guardians, but he has good reason to. Larfleeze may be a greedy *******, but there are glimmers of him wanting to be better than he is. Sinestro wants to make the universe a better place, and spent the most recent issue showing Hal Jordan how he's actually a better hero. The Star Sapphires started out as villains, but now seek to save all that love. And big hints have been dropped that the Indigo Tribe are not as altruistic as they may appear.
  10. Twinshot has actually become one of my favorite NPC characters in the game...because of the character development that happens in the second and third arcs. Grym and Dillo aren't idiots, they're just experiencing big time culture clash right now. And Flambeaux...once you accept that she's a nihilistic idiot and always will be, she's actually a really fun character.
  11. Exalted also seems a whole lot busier these days.

  12. Chris_Zuercher

    Avengers Teaser

    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Ant Man was. Wasp and Scarlett Witch came later.
    No, that's incorrect. Wasp was part of the original team along with Ant-Man, Thor, Hulk and Iron-Man. She was the one who came up with the team's name.
  13. Chris_Zuercher

    Avengers Teaser

    It seems that this is the most anticipated superhero movie for next summer, which is amazing considering that Batman and Spider-Man will be in theaters in July.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
    Seriously. The question isn't why would anyone choose to be a civilian in Paragon City - why does anyone who isn't a member of Arachnos live in the Rogue Isles? It's got all the danger of Paragon without anybody around who wants to help you in any way, plus it's got that Caribbean hurricanes-n-malaria thing going on. There should be Etoilian boat people fleeing in droves to Cuba to get away from that crap.
    Simple. There are guards at every airport, helicopter pad and ferry.
  15. Another reminder that superheroes are, alas, not nearly as awesome in real life.

  16. What do you get when you cross Street Justice with a clown?

    A Knock-Knock Joke.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
    I get the feeling that everyone here is clamoring for a one world government!

    ...just so that we can never be excluded from contests.
    That is, if any of us can agree on what form that government should take on who should be running it. Um, good luck with that.
  18. For what it's worth, Posi just tweeted.

    Originally Posted by Posi via Twitter
    Since it's a FAQ: I have no control over what countries our contests are eligible in. I am not an international lawyer.!/Positron_CoH/s...27815319334912
  19. It doesn't really matter if you're making money off it or not. If you're using one of Marvel's or DC's trademarks to create something that can compete against their products or their officially licensed products, those companies have can issue a complaint against you. And given that these days Marvel has a game where you can play as Spider-Man, Captain America or Wolverine along with other players, they probably have a stronger case for protecting their copyright than they did when they made their lawsuit.
  20. This thread actually got less ridiculous once ponies got involved.
  21. Chris_Zuercher


    Saw the same guy on Exalted. So even us ivory tower types didn't escape the madness...of a single lowbie npc Paragon City's biggest hero hangout. Didn't really have the heart to "arrest" him.
  22. And it just occurs to me that if they really wanted to do a melee + buff/debuff archetype, they probably ought to combine one of those with defensive powers, much like they do with the blaster secondary (melee + control) or dominator secondary (ranged + melee). Maybe have melee as a primary and "protection" (buff/debuff + defense) as a secondary.
  23. I can easily get over the fact that they're making Lois a redhead because they're making her Amy Adams.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
    ...can wring amoral profits from their microtransaction system.

    ..I just thought Paragon Studios was better than most companies and they wouldn't use their new Freedom system to do evil. But shady 'technical problems' make me question my confidence in them.