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  1. I will Netflix this DVD if I can be guaranteed a Jet Li Chuck Norris matchup.
  2. Every melee character has an attack on auto, usually a tier one or two with a proc or two in it. It just keeps the damage flowing faster in real team situations in my experience. I will try and always use the best available DPA attack or an appropriate AoE. I know this flies in the face of most melee players, but it allows me to focus more on target acquisition/positioning while knowing I will hit immediately upon entering range. Sure, there's the occasional unintended agro acquisition from flyby smacks, but I build for survival so there's no real consequence to it. Often I will put a high damage fast melee attack on auto for blasters (Ice sword, Bonesmasher, etc.) to deal with close opponents. I know the practice is not for everyone, but it works for me.
  3. Remember the geniuses who thought Disney paid too much for Marvel?.... Yeah.
  4. Yeah, I saw the pool hustling in a few scenes, though it is of course much harder to find a game for significant money in reality than Hollywood would make you think. I'd be willing to bet that if someone researched it, they'd conclude that 90+% of bar pool games are for no stakes or for posession of the table. Most people would find a stranger wanting to play for $100+ to be silly/sketchy.
  5. Ok, I am just getting caught up on the series Supernatural on Neflix streaming. I elected to start with season 4 and have enjoyed seasons 4 and 5 (now watching S6). I do have one quick question that may have been answered in an early season. Where do Dean and Sam get their money? Did they get a giant nestegg early on or is it Hollywood plot magic. I know they aren't exactly 'living large', but they do sometimes throw cash around like it doesn't really mean anything and gas ain't free, and they put some ridiculous miles on the Impala.
  6. Imo, the only buff blasters need is to somehow find a way to make snipes tactically relevant, perhaps by applying an additional damage buff depending on target distance (the further the target, the greater the damage buff, up to +100% perhaps)
  7. An outstanding replica, from a bodywork perspective. Very impressive. I would like to see a version put together with beefier functional engineering and maybe even an electric powerplant. I wonder how the thing handles compared to a conventional frame. Seems like it might be a bit tricky at low speeds, due to the low center of gravity and long wheelbase.
  8. I think it looks funny. The source material was high-concept dreck. It should be right in Burton/Depp/Elfman's comfort zone, which is where I want them. I think it will be a safe 70%-er on the Tomatometer. Also, I loves me some disco. I am MUCH more worried about the Lone Ranger remake.
  9. I just watched the new Conan fiasco on DVD. Good lord, it was bad. How can you screw up a Conan reboot? Most of the weak points have been detailed. I found it to be a cross between Kevin Sorbo's Hercules and Pirates of the Carribean. Jason Momoa clearly worked his a$# off to get the physicality for the role and for what? What a waste. As stated, the musical score was dreck. The director totally blew the vibe. One thing I can't remember anyone saying is that the whole movie was far too clean. I never once felt like these people were living anywhere other than on a soundstage. Tragic fail, across the board.
  10. I thought it was good, solid escapism with some great set-piece action scenes. The chase through the sandstorm I felt was very well done, for example. Cruise was in his comfort zone. Simon Pegg was very funny and Brad Bird cemented his stature as a go-to guy for non-idiotic directorial competence.
  11. Chazzmatazz

    New Archtype

    I'll be astonished if they ever introduce a new AT into the game at this stage in its life. Has a dev (in the last year) even hinted at any additional AT?
  12. Brad Pit in Kalifornia.
    Robert DeNiro in Meet the Parents.
  13. Chazzmatazz


    Ok I said I could easily come up with 20 more, but I wanted to go with ones that haven't been listed yet, so only have 13 at the moment.

    Kung Fu Hustle
    The Princess Bride
    Enter the Dragon
    A Fish Called Wanda
    Monty Python: Holy Grail/Life of Brian
    and the very under-rated though admittedly cheesy, Sam Raimi-directed The Quick and the Dead.
    The Warriors (1979)
    Drunken Master 2
    Fist of Legend
    Once Upon a Time in China III, featuring the most amazing lion dance wire sequence I have ever seen as well as numerous virtuoso set-piece "1 vs. many" fights with Jet Li at pretty much the top of his game, wire work-wise. (a sample)
    The Heroic Trio (Michelle Yeoh, Anita Mui AND Maggie Cheung! Oh my.)
    And finally a film by Wong Kar Wai that has to compete for most sumptuous romance ever put to film (no small credit to talented cinematographer Christopher Doyle), In the Mood for Love. Trust me. This is the good stuff.

    A bit heavy on the Chinese cinema admittedly, but I like their cinematic aesthetic, especially as regards action, and they have some terrific actors and actresses.
  14. Chazzmatazz


    Nice pick with Demolition Man. That movie has great rewatchability imo. Others that I can watch essentially any time include:
    The Matrix (1 only. The sequels were tremenous failures comparatively.)
    Big Trouble in Little China
    Pulp Fiction
    The Road Warrior
    The Empire Strikes Back
    Hellboy 2
    Spiderman 2
    Spirited Away (and most others by Hiyao Miyazaki.)
    The Incredibles
    Anything by Brad Bird or Zhang Yimou (especially House of Flying Daggers)
    Moulin Rouge
    Pirates of Penzance (the Kevin Kline, Linda Ronstadt version)
    Could easil come up with another 20.
  15. Anyone have a link to a stream of the episode?
  16. Have only seen the first 3 eps (7 episodes at Anilinkz), but am strongly recommending Bakemonogatari. 15 episodes in the series total I believe. Good stuff.

    Although there are still traces of the brief period he became a vampire, third year high school student Koyomi Araragi is human again. He happens upon others with their own supernatural problems and finds that he can empathize. Koyomi becomes involved in their lives, seeking to help them and occasionally asking for advice from Meme Oshino, the homeless man who helped him become human again.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Giant2005 View Post
    What is it you fans like about Cowboy Bebop?
    I watched the entire series (not the movie though, had no idea one existed) and found the entire thing to be so boring...
    Each episode was pretty much stand-alone with no overall plot until the very end of the series. The entire show was literally filled with "filler" episodes.
    I find that to be a strength. It's episodic. Each 25 minute long chewy sci-fi story/action/comedy nugget has unique characters and a fun story, with almost no cliffhangers that the mega serials rely on.
  18. I thought it was solid, a nice matching of song and image, but agree with some that it was edited too slavishly to the beat.

    This is my favorite Anime AMV (LL Cool J with Samurai Champloo).

    Love the editing on it.
  19. Patrick Swayze at 51 (or even being on the list for that matter)? Carl Weathers? Really? Also clearly it only includes English speaking (or even only English performing actors. I can think of a half dozen Asians deserving of a spot. Hell I would put Tony Leung in the top 10.
  20. No one has mentioned the sword of Inigo Montoya from Princess Bride. It was one of the first three I thought of.
  21. As for contemporary stuff, I never saw a full episode of Lost. Or Supernatural. Or Fringe. Or Warehouse 13 or Dollhouse. Or True Blood. Was too busy playing this game actually. Gave up on Heroes after the season 3 nosedive.

    It took me until season 2 to forgive certain production design disagreements of nu-BSG. Once I was able to get a sense of story arc and characterizations, I really started appreciating what an exceptional effort it was. By the end it was a terrifically well-woven saga, imo.

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer hooked me in season 2. I am glad that I did not come across it in season one as I would have probably given it a pass. I wonder how many would-be disciples of BtVS missed out on it because of first season impressions.

    Have not seen any post-Tom Baker Dr Who's, or other BBC sci-fi of the last 2 decades.

    Lots of old B&W classics I haven't seen. The Day the Earth Stood Still, Fantastic Voyage, etc.

    I'd like to see a thread featuring lesser known brief but shining sci-fi shows that either failed to reach broad audiences or were for some other reason cancelled.