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  1. Any word on when this is going to hit?
  2. I wouldn't have thought a creature made out of darkness would HAVE a set form. I would have done several oversized beasts, and have it randomly selected when the power is executed. Dire wolf, mega panther, gorilla, maybe some unrecognizable chimera form. I would think the umbral beast would be based on the personal fear of the dark -- and that would change by culture and geographic area.
  3. Yeah it'll probably be a quick one -- change a few flags , test them out, then let it rip.

    They've done this several times before, so it is just a matter of going through the procedure.
  4. I'm trying to imagine Jurrasic Park with a molting season....
  5. I've googled Movie posters some more and found some landscape variations. Most are similar to their portrait counterparts, save having graphics and logo OVER the artwork directly. Most of the portrait variations are a little more graphic.

    Of course are these pre-release posters? Or post release posters -- The latter would have Reviewer comments ("FIVE STARS" --Peter Clark - Paragon Post) Pre-Release posters usually have rating pending, or the Movie release dates on them. If you did those, it might narrow your window of in-game viewing...

    The only thing I can think of is that these contest entries might appear on the BILLBOARDS instead of on the movie theatres themselves. Which wouldn't be too out of character, and give them a wider distribution throughout the game.

    I see more and more why they'd want a layered view. In case they have to REMOVE something like release dates or some such that didn't fit.
  6. So this is kinda like CoH's equivalent of a Bling Gnome?
  7. Yeah -- some chest details seem to float above the chest slightly -- reminding me of how Green Lantern insignia has been recently depicted...
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mallard View Post
    So, at its core, this contest is open to people with a legal copy of Photoshop?
    Not really -- I do all my cover work in PhotoImpact which CAN save in PSD format -- I checked. I'd expect other software packages to be able to do the same, presumably as long as they can do layers in some manner.

    The portrait aspect got me too -- If anything I'd do it 768 by 1024 and just rotate it 90 degrees before sending in... IF they're planning to be used in game which I think likely, they'd be upright there. (Come on those movies have been playing or coming soon for years now. What movie in real life gets held over for YEARS?)

    As to the subject matter I'm thinking something about recent events in the last couple years might make a good poster -- even stylized. Aside for that a comedy or romantic comedy set in a superhero world such as Paragon City doesn't necessarily have to mention anyone in game specifically. Personally I think that someone in Paragon would want to see something they DON'T see on a daily basis -- movies after all are escapist entertainment, and they see hero stuff every day.

    Google "movie poster" and look at images -- you'll quickly see lots of trends. MOSTLY close ups overlayed some unique distant shot. Sometimes a stylized image. Some times abstract. Usually with a tag line of some kind. And a stylized Font for the movie name itself -- which in some rare cases might be a logo unto itself. After that -- Credits and a movie rating.

    I wonder if all the movies would have to be rated PG-13 or less? If someone did a Horror flick, which usually are R rated, in the Paragon universe -- What would THAT look like. With the likes of some of the creatures roaming that world, WHAT would scare the people of Paragon in a fun way?

    Of course with people of fantasy and alien races, some stories might be possible that are difficult without resorting to CGI, might be done easily in that universe that haven't in ours.. But it would have to be public domain material to escape the "other copyrights" clause of the rules.

    I've got a few ideas mulling around....
  9. Maybe this will come back.... If they ever do a COH 2. Which will happen after Sony screws up and looses DC rights and the Marvel game gets scrapped before release for the umpteenth time.
  10. If it doesn't get bought by someone else, I wonder if we'll see a movie or some books that carry on the story... That's the usual track...
  11. CentralNexus

    Argh / Yay

    Boo @ only 1 power released. --> Personally I've never liked releases that only have one powerset added. Day one, I tried Darkness control, and the entire DFB team I got on was All Controllers and Dominators. Everyone had the same idea. Really screws up play balance when everyone only has the ONE thing to try. Having a Beast mastermind and a couple staff scrappers in the mix would have been so much better.
  12. Actual City busses... Come on -- I've seen bus stops for YEARS but no busses making the rounds...

    A working gas station -- Where *DO* the cars fill up at?

    Car accidents .. one or more cars off to the side with a police car, wrecker, etc. We've gone nearly 8 years -- lots of collisions but never saw ANYONE dealing with the damage thereof...

    A car chase -- stolen car, escaping robbers, etc.
  13. No question -- CoH

    Sadly at this time we're a distant 3rd. Surely we can stuff the ballot box...
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LegionAlpha View Post
    t comes in 3s. (
    Strange I was just thinking the same thing. And I'm old enough to remember watching the show when it came out...

    I suppose we'll here some semi-forgotten name from the 60s or 70s shortly...
  15. I've tried KM several times, but the animations were always WAY too long for me.
  16. I think it was hitting its stride and that it might have had a chance given a second season. I mean look at Smallville's first season - Kryptonite mutant of the week got old fast. But they changed things and went 9 more.

    And they hinted at the 2nd season. A man made artifact from the future found in the past. That meant there was some link from Terra Nova past to SOME future. Whether it was of their own future or the Terra Nova world future -- who knows? One way or two way? But that could have brought in several factions that were too far removed to get involved on first season. Indians? Pirates? Colonials? Their own ancestors from centuries beyond? Themselves from years beyond?

    I wonder what they were aiming for -- and whether they would have broadened the focus so wide that they would have further lost their direction, *OR* more tightly focused it.
  17. I've tried lots of MMOs -- none ever caught a hold of me like COH. Some I just never figured out what I was supposed to do. Some I only got as far as I could solo.

    This game everything is different. Every toon can be different. Every TEAM has its own unique dynamic, and that is exactly like it SHOULD be in an superhero universe. With customizable bases for supergroups, this gives you lots of leeway -- both for play, and for role play.

    The competitor games? Teaming doesn't seem to happen, unless absolutely necessary, and then ONLY as long as the giant monster is about or such. Missions are few and HIGHLY repetitive at low levels. I've tried. It just doesn't thrill me.

    Could City do better? Sure. If a City 2 came around, I'd get it in a flash. If a DCUO or Champions 2 came out -- I'd pass.

    If a Marvel MMO ever rolled out would I try it? Sure -- I'd love to see if we could make City of Heroes classic heroes like Statesman , Ms. Liberty, Positron and the like on THEIR engine. Wouldn't THAT be ironic... Would I stay there? Doubtful. They'd have to hit all the right
    things to drag me away for long...
  18. I wouldn't mind seeing this for scrappers. You could work it a bit... Maybe add one power that lets you grab an opponent and another that lets you throw him. Tearing up hunks of pavement doesn't seem very heroic at times...
  19. Same here - my character was a martial artist, a super jumper. I couldn't make heads or tails out of the hole, found myself briefly back in the corridor, then the hole again. It took forever to reach a certain point where I suddenly saw the DA zone selection pop up. NOT fun. I can imagine several non-vet jumpers or speedsters getting VERY stuck in that hole. I did have a rocket board power which worked a lot better going up than jumping. Even then I got stuck IN the thorn spires twice.
  20. I think this is a moot point. Somebody can find something offensive on almost any character. There are all types of people playing this game. The vampire wanna-be play right along side the bible-thumpers. Some people will get offended by a political stance, sexual preference, etc.

    ANY terrorist concept can raise problems. Name issues aside, EVEN though you are presumably playing a villain and terrorists in this COH universe would be considered villains, you don't know if or which other player might have lost a friend or relative to a terrorist action. You push those buttons just right, and yes, they will push back and report you. Concept and universe will be ignored, and they will see someone who is GLORIFYING the terrorist. I can imagine a whole host of villain concepts that are valid, but certain real life crime themes would STILL be a red flag if attempted to be played in game.

    This concept is right there on that razor edge. I would expect it to last up and until you ran in to that one player out there that would take offense. That could come in your first hour of play, or your 500th. WHY take the chance?
  21. Agreed -- too expensive.

    But it won't stop some people from trying it...
  22. Delay on staffs will not please the melee fighter, the scrapperholics in the least. And the rest of the players will have to contend with the endless inquiries on "WHERE are the STAFFS?" till they get here.

    Its not going to be pretty in the meantime...
  23. I noticed that it was showing a lot of stuff not in the initial release. That will only raise the "Where are the staffs?" and such comments in broadcasts for the next week or so for whatever is missing.

    I put both videos on my blog -- together they give the whole story. Great one as always Samuraiko!
  24. Oh joy. Now I got to get my computer updating....