What is too offensive?




I figure I might as well ask this here before I devote time into making this toon just to be generic-ed.

I am going to make an MM named Admiral Allahu Akbar, and he's blatantly going to be a middle-eastern terrorist. No hiding it. I am doing it largely as a joke toon made for laughs, but also because it compliments one of my other toons nicely. Just wondering off-hand if NC soft is... cool with that.

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Generic Rule: If you have to ask, you probably should avoid it.

Come on, use some common sense, you already KNOW people will be upset about that character. It is bound to be reported, and bound to cause GM action against the character.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
I figure I might as well ask this here before I devote time into making this toon just to be generic-ed.

I am going to make an MM named Admiral Allahu Akbar, and he's blatantly going to be a middle-eastern terrorist. No hiding it. I am doing it largely as a joke toon made for laughs, but also because it compliments one of my other toons nicely. Just wondering off-hand if NC soft is... cool with that.
I wouldn't go to any lengths to be politically correct with regional stereotypes of real world villains ... Middle Eastern terrorists, Russian communists, German fascists, Italian mobsters, South American drug-lords, and so on, but in this case, the name itself could be in bad taste as it's a common religious statement.



The name is actually a parody of Admiral Akbar from Star Wars. His catchphrase is going to be "It's a trap!" and everything.

The reason why I ask this isn't just because I probably should avoid it, but because it sounds like I would have a really fun time with this and I really want to do it. Everyone gets a kick out of my joke toons, and last I checked everyone still gets a kick out of Achmed the dead terrorist.

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Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
The name is actually a parody of Admiral Akbar from Star Wars. His catchphrase is going to be "It's a trap!" and everything.
If this is true, why put "Allahu" in it? And why spell it "Akbar" instead of using the Star Wars spelling of "Ackbar"? And to be honest, quite a few Star Wars characters' names and characterizations have been considered offensive -- I wouldn't use them as a role model. Name him Admiral Salmon Head, or Admiral Itzat Rahp, instead.



Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
The name is actually a parody of Admiral Akbar from Star Wars. His catchphrase is going to be "It's a trap!" and everything.
And that would be grounds #2 for the petition.

Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
The reason why I ask this isn't just because I probably should avoid it, but because it sounds like I would have a really fun time with this and I really want to do it. Everyone gets a kick out of my joke toons, and last I checked everyone still gets a kick out of Achmed the dead terrorist.
And I'm saying that a single complaint will be acted on. Especially a racial slur combined with the Star Wars reference. The GMs will not care how much fun you are having. What you are suggesting would be a clear violation of the EULA, and they would have to act if they were presented with a petition.

I know one player, after 7 years of naming all his characters with an everyday word, that is now left the game because of GM overreaction to a petition. What is worse is that he belongs to the racial group that the word is taken as a slur against. He had fought (and won) this battle a few years ago, and now the GMs have gone back on their promise to leave this player alone about this naming convention of his.

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Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
The name is actually a parody of Admiral Akbar from Star Wars. His catchphrase is going to be "It's a trap!" and everything.
Right, so there are two reasons to generic the character rather than just one. If you make this character, it will get reported, and generic'd. Maybe the first GM won't report it, but one of them will. It's a sure thing.



Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
I am going to make an MM named Admiral Allahu Akbar, and he's blatantly going to be a middle-eastern terrorist.
"Middle-eastern terrorist" in itself should fly (I play a MM whose bio describe her as a russian terrorist...), but the name will get you in trouble for reasons explained above.

Quick rule of thumb (with all the caveats that are associated with rules of thumb): If you think it might be too offensive, it probably is.

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The rule of thumb isn't that simple. There is an equation to it; how much you will enjoy something is weighed against the potential consequences of that act as follows.

F(P1) - C(P2) = A

Where F is the potential fun you'll have, P1 is the probability of that fun happening, C is the consequences from that action, and P2 is the probability that you'll have to endure those consequences. If A > 0, the act occurs, and if A < 0 or A = 0, the act does not occur. This is a not-so-basic mechanism for weighing deviant behavior in individuals. Unfortunately I read the equation a long time ago, so I have a strong feeling I have butchered it from the thesis I originally read it in.

Though if I just need a name change, I suppose I could go with it. It'll be hard to match the genius of the exploding fish military captain.

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It's a grey area. I advocate for making it much more blatantly offensive and enjoy the short hellish ride.



Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
The rule of thumb isn't that simple. There is an equation to it; how much you will enjoy something is weighed against the potential consequences of that act as follows.

F(P1) - C(P2) = A
Well, that's the question of whether it's worth doing. But that wasn't what you asked at first, which was whether NCSoft would allow it. In terms of the equation, you only asked "What is P2?" And the answer is that it's quite high. A GM won't care how much fun you're having breaking the rules.



I agree. Basically, the terrorist theme should fly, but the name will not. It's too close to a copyrighted character and too close to being racially insensitive at the same time. I like Admiral Itzat Rahp though, going with a mixed alien and middle eastern theme should avoid the copyright and political correctness issues without ruining the joke. Still wouldn't guarantee you won't be generic'ed though. It just takes one sensitive person to ruin a joke.



Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
The rule of thumb isn't that simple.
"Probably should've been a rule of wrist."

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
The rule of thumb isn't that simple. There is an equation to it; how much you will enjoy something is weighed against the potential consequences of that act as follows.
Actually, the rule of thumb is quite simple: Their service, their rules. It doesn't matter how much fun you are having. Someone harassing another player may be having fun, but it is against the "parks" rules, so they are acted upon.

Making excuses also doesn't protect you from GM action.

Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
Though if I just need a name change, I suppose I could go with it. It'll be hard to match the genius of the exploding fish military captain.
I'm guessing that you've already made the character and are seeking to justify breaking the rules. If so, go somewhere else, because you won't find much (if any) sympathy on the forums for a blatant rules violation.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Ya, if you got a fish headed guy you call Akbar you are toast. I had a couple days e-mailing back and forth with GMs over my character "Zerg". In the end I was approved, and the GM said specifically it was because I was not (and there is no way to!) make him look like the Zerg race. But if You name a character Adm Akbar and make him a fish? Like CoH needs a Lucasfilm lawsuit. NOT! In fact, I am kindly asking you to delete that. Please.



Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
The rule of thumb isn't that simple.
Yes it is. A 'rule of thumb' is by definition simple and not universally true. You also shouldn't bother asking a question if you don't really want to hear the answers.




The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
I couldn't have said it better myself.

In all seriousness, I'm in agreeance with some of the other posts that if you have to ask, you probably shouldn't. I know I've got names that will probably be generic'd if I bring the toon out for too long, so I don't. Mostly because they're named after Mythology characters that have been gobbled up by comic book companies and turned into HUGE franchieses of movies, action figures, more comics, etc.

I do know that a friend of mine had a toon name that if it was said quickly it came off as the lovely F-word (I don't remember the whole name honestly), but the spelled connotation wasn't anything like the F-word, as the name was spelled with a 'Ph'. But he was still generic'd and after some time spent with trying to save his name with the GM's they didn't allow it.

[Admin] Anti-Matter: I was in ur dimenshun, killin ur d00ds.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: Good job, Anti-Matter. Troll them.

Freedom, Virtue, Exalted



I see this thread is still going. I have already abandoned the project for now, and made another toon. However, a lot of things said here just irk me... It is like you guys are taking it personally and are all panicking and stuff.

Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
Yes it is. A 'rule of thumb' is by definition simple and not universally true. You also shouldn't bother asking a question if you don't really want to hear the answers.
There is something interesting about the demographic of players who go to forums. Mostly they are made up of people who complain about things, and because of this a lot of negativity rides in the air any time anything of this nature shows up.

I didn't make this thread to see whether or not the idea drew ire, but how much ire it will draw. There are always those people who are going around looking for something to ruin their day (and boy did they show up), so by ignoring them and gauging the response of the rest of the people here, I can get a rough estimate of how the general playerbase will react to the concept.

"Rule of thumb" falls into the same category as "common sense" here in which it is little more than subjective on the manner. At least it isn't as derogatory and useless as "common sense" though.

Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
Ya, if you got a fish headed guy you call Akbar you are toast. I had a couple days e-mailing back and forth with GMs over my character "Zerg". In the end I was approved, and the GM said specifically it was because I was not (and there is no way to!) make him look like the Zerg race. But if You name a character Adm Akbar and make him a fish? Like CoH needs a Lucasfilm lawsuit. NOT! In fact, I am kindly asking you to delete that. Please.
The description fit the name only. His actual would've looked like a navy captain, to give the impression that he is actually an admiral. BTW, what is it that I am supposed to delete? The thread is about considering making the character, so how do I delete something that doesn't exist?

Originally Posted by Ardrea View Post
If this is true, why put "Allahu" in it? And why spell it "Akbar" instead of using the Star Wars spelling of "Ackbar"? And to be honest, quite a few Star Wars characters' names and characterizations have been considered offensive -- I wouldn't use them as a role model. Name him Admiral Salmon Head, or Admiral Itzat Rahp, instead.
Did not see wut I did there... The whole reason for the extended name is because it was multiple puns compressed into one name. It is an MM (and thus comes with a commanding rank) that uses self-destruct power for comical purposes (which is why Allahu Akbar is there; it is a famous phrase in the west because a suicide bomber said it), and Admiral Ackbar from star wars has Ackbar in the name and has a navy rank. It will be a villain, so it sets traps for heroes (thus, the catchphrase where he states that it's a trap), and his appearance would look like someone rolled a terrorist and the YMCA together into one.

Ackbar with a C is one letter too long. Otherwise, I would've rolled with it.

For all complaints about the equation: That isn't about whether or not the toon would get reported. It is why the whole "rule of thumb" thing isn't helpful. One of its caveats, if you will.

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I'm sorry but

do you honestly not see where equating a terrorist with a person of Middle Eastern descent and/or vice versa is offensive and honestly a pretty terrible thing to do

I realize I'm sinking this thread just by asking but seriously


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Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
For all complaints about the equation: That isn't about whether or not the toon would get reported. It is why the whole "rule of thumb" thing isn't helpful. One of its caveats, if you will.
Rule of thumb has nothing to do with it. That type of name is forbidden by the company.

(iv)You may not select an Account ID, NCsoft Message Board ID, a Character ID and/or Team designation, or provide any communication or information on any Message Board, that NCsoft, in its sole and absolute discretion, deems to be vulgar, threatening, racist, sexist or otherwise offensive, including but not limited to references related to any religion or deity;



Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
I didn't make this thread to see whether or not the idea drew ire, but how much ire it will draw.
That might be considered a violation of forum rules.




Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
This, and...
Originally Posted by Ideon View Post
Feel free to make what you want, but if you get generic'd over something blatently offensive (even if you can't see it), don't come crying on the forums about it.

Just emphasizing. As has been said tons before: If you have to ask...

Well, more correctly, it might be said thusly for the game:

If you even THINK you might possibly have to consider maybe asking... it might be something to not do.

/But I just love that pic, Dark. Well played.

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