808 -
Galaxy is going to taste better because it's now 100% meteor.
Quote:I think it is a valid question, that is answered somewhat validly IN THE POST. What do you think they mean by "aggressive gameplay"? :PWell, I think it's a valid question. I did testing on the Beta and found that my rewards were throttled while solo fighting mobs at +4/x8.
I'm perfectly fine with this, assuming it doesn't turn out to be, "Hey! You're cheating! We're going to ban you now!" when you use AE in this fashion still. I do not know if it will throttle when you have 2 or more people on the map, though. Presumably (hopefully!) it will. -
Ok, every time I try to run the Beta now, I get in some kind of infinite loop where all it does is download cider, mount, eject, etc.
repair does not work. Throwing away preferences does not work.
Is there a workaround for that? -
All I'm getting is a prompt that says my username and/or password was incorrect.
And if you had scrolled down just a little more, you would have noticed someone else already may have said that exact same thing. :P
Quote:Well, see it complicates things if you don't take all the toggles, for one thing. :PI'm kind of worried at how absolutely easy this will be to soft-cap, too... though it'll be pretty damn funny to watch SR Tankers get one-shotted by an AV the way my SR Scrapper and Stalker always seem to.
KIDDING! I know you have the AoE one now. hehe -
Well, what about the badges? Are those going to be in the echo zone?
Quote:Did you notice there are a lot of bright light sources?OMG! Whatever they're looking at, it scared Back Alley Brawler white! Whatever they're looking at, it scared Sister Psyche so much the light-green panels of her costume fell out!
Love the idea of comic-book style loading screens, but I think the coloring on these is way off so far. -
Silly devs, using words that people have to read in order to be understood. Maybe they should try hieroglyphs.
Keep paying your 15 a month, and get lots of bonus stuff. Don't and you get less, but still more than if you quit. I'll keep paying.
That is the very least tedious badge for me, in fact I often start red side because demonic is so easy to get, are you doing the hordelings in the North and east parts of Cap au Diable? It's much faster that way.
Quote:To your first point, I never said it did, but I don't think the chance is as slim as you think, based on my experience.Doesn't help people across the U.S. who would need to make plans in advance to travel (in my case the East Coast) there--for the very very slim chance you MIGHT get a returned ticket.
This announcement should have been released much, much earlier--like when they were FIRST planning on going--and possibly when there might have been some tickets still available.
And they go every year. It's safe to assume they will until they say otherwise, IMO. -
Quote:There are always returns you can buy on the days of.Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't SD ComiCon been sold out for months now? I'm glad you guys will be there again, but at this point you're only informing those that managed to get their hands on a pass before they were gone. I just checked the site and all 4 Day and single day passes are sold out.
So, I guess Keyes goes mad and wants a meltdown? And our goal is to stop the meltdown and shut down the reactor? If that is true, why can't the Praetorians just turn it right back on as soon as we leave? lol
Well, since it is in honor of your birthday, I'll log into the forums and say happy birthday.