2491 -
Really anything will work fine on SO's; after all for the first several years of the game that's all there was and an SO build is just as capable today as it was then.
Also, you can't really single out "this secondary shines with IO's while that secondary doesn't need them" as it really doesn't matter. In a nutshell all secondaries are focused around hitting things and they all need the same things: accuracy, damage, recharge and endurance reduction. Taking the secondary in isolation I really don't see one set having an advantage over another when comparing SO to IO.
Yes any build will become better with intelligent IO selections but you're looking at overall character, not simply the secondary. The primary has far more effect on how the character performs with SO's vs a top IO build; in large part the secondary is irrelevant in the SO/IO debate. -
Quote:I mentioned A Merits, but I guess I assumed that the OP already knew about them and didn't go into detail... possibly an incorrect assumption.About the only things I'd add to CMA's post:
You can use Alignment (A) Merits to purchase the Kin Combats, the LotG 7.5% recharge, or the Miracle +recovery. You can get A-merits a couple of different ways. One, run hero/villain tip missions. The second time you "re-affirm" yourself as a hero/villain you'll get an A-Merit, and every time there after. You can get those every other day on a toon. Do the Signature Story Arc (currently "Who will die") as you can currently get a merit for the first two times you run the arc.
Lastly, don't bother with the Steadfast -kb IO in Temp. Invulnerability. Switch that out to a Steadfast Unique; + 3%def/resist. You're getting enough kb protection out of Unyielding without the -kb IO.
He had the KB IO in TI? Ouch, I missed that, I just noticed the Steadfast icon in Mid's and assumed it was the 3% unique. Yes, Invuln already has all the KB protection it'll ever need in Unyielding; the -KB IO is a total waste. -
Holy necropost Batman!
In answer to your question we'll undoubtedly have a Halloween event this year and it may or may not be the same as in past years. -
Most enemy status procs seem to last 8 seconds; Grav Anchor chance for hold, Devastation chance for hold, Lockdown +2 mag, Contagious Confusion and so forth so I'd assume the same for duration. That would be modified by the relative enemy level thanks to the Purple Patch.
Quote:The Kin Combat IO's are among the most expensive non-purple items in the game. They provide twice the S/L defense bonus that the Smashing Haymaker does, but they do it at about 100x the cost. That's why my soft cap guide specifies the Smashing Haymaker set; it just takes more bonuses to get to your goal. If you've the inf to burn roughly 400 million inf for each set of Kin Combat then go for it. A set of Smashing Haymaker on the other hand should be obtainable for 2 million.He was using Battle Axe so I'm not sure how that effected him.
I looked at the other guide again but with a magnifying glass this time, and I actually understand what is needed so I'm gonna post up this one last build to see if its up to snuff.
I'm able to keep my Focused Accuracy but if I really don't need it I'm sure I can find something else to use.
My only questions are as follows:
If the Kinetic Combats are cheap enough, should I go with them over the Smashing Haymakers? Will it make that much of a difference?
Looking over your build there's things I would change. First you're going to want a 5th slot in your attacks, 4 Smashing Haymakers don't give you enough accuracy. I'd grab a high level Acc/Dam/Rech or Acc/Dam/End from Crushing Impact or Mako's Bite and toss it in the 5th slot.
The Blessing of the Zephyr set isn't worthwhile anymore since they gutted it's defense bonus a few issues back, particularly as it's main focus is ranged defense. An Invuln tanker has typed defense and those BotZ IO's are only providing 0.63% E/N defense. I would use a common jump in Super Jump and, if you can afford it or have A Merits to buy it with, a Luck of the Gambler 7.5% recharge in Combat Jumping. The extra slots there can go to fill out your attacks.
Sweeping Cross could use more slots and the Multi Strike set isn't ideal; it's cheap but it doesn't provide the bonuses you really want. I'd probably go with a frankenslot of 3 Eradication and a couple of Scirocco's Dervish in there getting you ED capped acc & dam along with an E/N defense bonus and a regeneration bonus.
Moving down your list I'd again put a 5th slot in all your single target attacks. Also, you've already reached the soft cap for S/L defense without the Kin Combat in Crushing Uppercut so that set isn't doing anything for you.
I highly recommend dropping Focused Accuracy; it's a massive end hog and it doesn't provide you with enough benefit for it's cost. You can get the same tohit bonus out of a Kismet Accuracy (misslabeled, it's actually +tohit) IO that can go into Combat Jumping, Invincibility, Tough Hide or Weave.)
If you're running into end issues I suggest saving your A Merits for a Miracle +recovery IO to put into Health. Luck of the Gambler or Gift of the Ancients are good sets for endurance also, particularly the GotA as 4 of them gives you bonus endurance and additional recovery.
I personally think Spinning Strike is currently accepting the wrong IO sets; it's a clone of Thunderstrike which uses PBAOE yet it takes Targeted AOE. Be that as it may it's currently taking Targeted AOE and the only one of those sets that's worth a damn is the Posi Blast you've put there.
I would rearrange your powers a little and move Tough/Weave a bit earlier in the build. I'm not familiar with Street Justice yet; my only character with it is only 19. Based on my experience though it's a really fast set so I question if you need all those attacks to build your chain. You'll want the two finisher attacks and you definitely want Rib Cracker (or Nut Cracker). As you level up I'd evaluate if you need all the others. It looks to me that Shin Breaker or Heavy Blow may be skippable... from the numbers you'll want Crushing Uppercut.
I hope that helps, and enjoy your tanker. -
Quote:Supposedly a 1 in a 100 chance, yet I've had it happen while tanking an 8 man spawn of Carnies... that didn't end well.Unless you get the Rikti Monkey mutation...
******* RNG and it's fetish with screwing me over...
I've also, and this is really strange, had it happen twice in a row the first two times I used it on my brand new StJ/Invuln scrapper. And had it hit my new SR/MA tanker once shortly after I rolled him up. -
Well, if you want to tank and hold aggro then there's no question that Inv is the better choice; it's tougher on SO's and marginally tougher with an IO build while it has a great taunt aura vs WP's huge weakness... an almost nonexistent taunt aura.
I have to say that so far I'm really enjoying my StJ/Invuln scrapper and I see no reason why it wouldn't work quite well as a tanker set if you've a mind to pair it up. Still, Inv/SS is a classic pairing for a reason and it does work very well.
I do enjoy the Nutcracker, er, Rib Cracker, attack in StJ. Something about kicking the guy in the jewels and knocking him 5' up in the air just makes you grin. -
Quote:Let me second this, IO sets can, if used intelligently, make a vast difference in a character's ability. That being the case, and with all of the sets other than purples being available by 30, indeed with many good ones topping out at 35 or below why not start getting the benefits while you're still leveling the character?You bet there is.
But I'd like to mention that it's well worth your while to start using sets before level 50. I start fitting things around level 30.
I did a comparison once on slotting an Invuln tanker with level 40 (the cap for that set) Reactive Armor IO's and with level 25. Going from level 40 IO's down to level 25's I lost a whopping 2% resistance... hardly anything to worry about. Another benefit is that the below-max level IO's are frequently a small fraction of the price of the max level ones. In the case of the aforementioned Reactive Armor IO's the price tag for the 25-35 range was literally 10% that of the level 40 ones.
Bottom line, don't worry about slotting level 25 or higher, in most cases you aren't loosing enough to matter. I always start working towards an IO build about the time a character gets to 27; by the time I'm 35 I've usually gotten most of the build in place. -
Quote:I don't know of any KB effects that are greater than MAG 4 but less than MAG 8. That's why people say either stop at MAG 4 or go to MAG 12, there just isn't anything between MAG 4 & 8 so 2 IO's don't do more for you than 1.Good to know. But I have had the issue of 7 points of KB not being enough for more than 6 months so not sure if that counts as "recently" or not.
You may have the freak KB from two effects landing in the same server tic once in a blue moon but since KB has no duration you aren't going to get two KB attacks land simultaneously very often. -
Specifically under control panel, then to the right you'll see "Your Control Panel" and options under that. It will look like this:
Your Control Panel
Your Profile
Edit Your Details
Contacts & Friends
Social Groups
Group Memberships
The option you want is Group Memberships. -
Quote:Which was worth the price of the pack right there...The Mutant Pack had Secondary Mutation as its special power.
Quote:I got it for the first time a couple of days ago, the solution was to simply exit and restart the client... no reboot needed.is anyone else having a problem logging in ? every time i try to log in i get the same message " you must fill out the account and log in fields to log into your account " i have tried wiping all info and retyping, and always the same message . is the log in server down or something ?
update: had to reboot computer, but it finaly let me in ; ) -
Quote:I have used the vet pets to soak an alpha on occasion; IMO that's about the most useful purpose they can serve.I do love the RP potential of summoning a fairy into the middle of a spawn to soak the alpha, then casting vengeance and slaughtering them as payback.
That would be a wonderfuly fun psychotic villain or vigilante.
I might actually have found the idea for the stalker I'm starting up over on exalted, hehe. Not sure, but it's a maybe. -
Quote:I've found that on trials the buffs tend to fall like rain frequently leading to nice blue numbers on your def/res. As a tanker though I really wouldn't count on getting much additional buffage out of Phalanx; when I'm tanking BAF/Lam I'm usually on the opposite side of the AV's from the rest of the league so that any cones don't head the wrong way. On the BAF particularly you'll be shedding aggro once you pick up a 2nd warning so you don't get everyone in melee sequestered.I hadn't considered the extra Def from Phalanx Fighting. Seems like a silly thing to forget, but it does seem like it would make more sense to give myself some wiggle-room (aim for 50~% def) and then rely on PF to carry me the rest of the way. If I didn't have at least a couple in range, I'd be doing it wrong - if I were pulling the AVs on BAF, the guntowers don't care about my DEF anyway.
I'm also over on Virtue. Cheers for your thoughts!
You're quite right about those dang towers though... they're autohit and they shoot pretty fast. I've eaten dirt from them while pulling an AV more than once.
I'd say that you're very likely to most of the time have at least some def buffing from the league in the form of Destiny buffs, Force Fields, Leadership buffs or Shield Generators. If you've gotten your def above the soft cap you'll probably be sitting well above the Incarnate soft cap when you have aggro. -
Quote:I'd agree with that, unfortunately I've teamed with several so-called tankers who have trouble holding aggro even with an Ice tank, let alone with a WP. Of course this goes back to inexperience and poor players.This is 100% correct. If you can control aggro with Willpower, the rest of the primaries are a walk in the park.
Whenever I get a WP tanker on my team I always consider them a scrapper and not an aggro holder until I'm proven wrong. Yes it can be done, and I've seen two WP tankers I'd trust to handle it with no qualms at all. Unfortunately it takes a player who knows how to tank well and who really works at it, something that's very rare. I'm somewhat spoiled by regularly teaming with people who really do know what they're doing so a more typical player stands out.
In the last few weeks though I've seen a considerable number of rookie players coming into the game; something that I haven't seen happen in years. I'm glad to see the new blood come in and quite a few I've teamed with are willing to learn and take advice. I ran across someone last week who just started playing and wanted to learn how to tank correctly. I gave him a few pointers and referred him to the boards and Dech's guide on tanking. -
Unfortunately no... it would make the vet pets actually useful. On the other hand it WOULD be just a mite overpowered.
I've been very happy with the performance of my Fire/EM blaster; the added range from Boost Range (easily perma with only SO's) makes Fire Breath much more effective and lets you use Blaze from nearly twice as far away. I didn't go for a full ranged soft cap, stopping at ~35% Ranged def leaving one small purple to cap when needed.
This combo is great for hanging back behind the melee characters in relative safety without sacrificing your effectiveness. I've a buddy who has a Fire/Mental; he's very effective but he's also forced into melee range quite frequently and tends to get into trouble more often than my Fire/EM does.
One thing to consider though is a Fire/Dark corruptor, the combination of the Dark Miasma debuffs with the damage output of Fire Blast is a real eye opener. Fearsome Stare, Tar Patch, Rain of Fire followed by Fire Breath & Fire Ball is a wonderful thing. I think in a team setting the Fire/Dark corruptor brings more to the team than a blaster thanks to the debuffs. My Fire/Dark has been a lot of fun on the trip to 50. -
On pure SO's (or even with an unlimited budget IO build for that matter) nothing is more survivable than Stone Armor in Granite. Of course you pay for that with loads of penalties so it's hardly ideal if you want to run small team or solo.
Frankly if you're strictly looking at solo then I'd suggest either a scrapper or brute instead of a tank; they have more than enough durability for solo and quite a bit more damage. The tanker's strength in durability and aggro control shine in a team setting but it's lower damage output is a disadvantage in a solo setting.
Getting to your question the Invuln will be more durable on SO's, and with a soft capped IO build it's going to be stronger there as well but the margin is narrower. Invuln is also considerably better at aggro management since it's taunt aura is literally an order of magnitude stronger than WP's. That isn't to say that WP can't tank, it just has to work a lot harder to be almost as good.
WP's advantage comes with it's better endurance tools giving you a second, somewhat stronger, version of Stamina in Quick Recovery. Still, barring considerable IO set investment it's going to lag behind Invuln in durability.
As far as secondaries go Super Strength is quite popular, I haven't played it myself though. Stone Melee is another solid choice with good mitigation and the tanker version of Martial Arts offers a sizeable chunk of defense in it's tier 2.
I've started a Super Reflexes/Martial Arts tanker and I have to say that it's unquestionably the most durable tank I've ever played in the low levels and it looks to be quite competent in the later game as well... for a pure SO build it may be hard to beat. As an example by level 4 I had soft capped my defenses to melee & ranged damage thanks to the +10% boost from Storm Kick. By level 14 I had soft capped all damage positions, something that's nearly unheard of. If you're looking for straight durability on an SO based toon that's a hard combination to beat. It's light on AOE but it has solid single target damage.
All this being said I still suggest a scrapper or brute if you want to solo... the durability advantage a tanker has is overkill solo and you sacrifice damage output to get it. If you want to team then by all means roll a tanker and learn how to manage aggro, teams will love you for it. Solo however you'll move faster as a scrapper or brute. -
If you want to be as tough as possible then you may want to check out the guides in my signature. Incarnate is very much optional although I'm partial to the Rebirth Radial tree for Destiny.
One thing you'll need to keep in mind depending on when you left the game is that things have changed by a massive amount. -
Last night I rolled a StJ/Inv scrap and took him to 12 on the sewer trial. It's a bit too early to have a real feel for the set but it does feel quite competent so far. In a little playing around in Mids I can see some good potential for the combo as a ST powerhouse.
That is, when and if I get him leveled... since issue 21 hit I've started 5 new characters to go along with over 70 pre-existing characters. Altitis? Naw, surely not... -
Take it for what it's worth, but after playing a SR/MA tanker to 26 and just today playing a StJ/Inv scrapper to 12 I'll say that StJ "feels" faster and has quite solid damage.
The flip side is that tanker MA has that sweet +10% defense buff to all in the tier 2 attack and StJ requires a bit of thought with it's combos... but less than Dual Blades since it isn't a case of "attack x followed by y followed by z gives result q" but one of "any builder attack increases the effectiveness of a finisher attack".
StJ has better AOE than MA but neither is going to win any awards for best in class in that area. I realize I was comparing a tanker to a scrapper but even allowing for that StJ "felt" like it had better damage than MA. I haven't made a study of the numbers as of yet to clarify that but my initial impression is that MA has better utility while StJ has better damage.
If you're on the fence why not roll one of each and play them up a bit. That's what I did trying to decide between Dark/Elec and Ice/Elec; I found that the Ice/Elec was more fun and he's currently 45 while the Dark/Elec is stuck at 25. -
Quote:Sigh, what's with kids these days, back when I was growing up Charleston Chew was a treat! It was BIG too! One of my favorite types of candy along with Slow Poke and Black Cow.Thanks for the initial advice; I'll upload my build as it stands when I'm at my main PC and can use the Titan Sentinel program.
I already have the LOTG sets (incl. 5 +recharges); I've also got the miracle proc and 2 HOs for Active Defence. I'm missing any PVP/Purple Sets currently, but I'm happy to work towards them.
As to the suggestion about the Jumping Pool attack - I haven't actually seen it in action although I did read the "Charleston Chew" thread and that put me off. Is it as bad as all that? Charleston Chew *is* terrible, after all!
Cheers for the quick replies - I'll get my current build up tonight hopefully.
In all seriousness I think people who are complaining about Spring Attack are expecting it to be Lightning Rod or Shield Charge. It's a pool power attack so of course it isn't going to be on that level... it's still a nice attack in my somewhat limited experience. A little smaller AOE than Shield Charge and less damage but it's still respectable. Just keep your expectations for it reasonable and you shouldn't be disappointed. -
Quote:This definitely. RTTC is, well, worthless as a taunt aura so your other tools have to do the heavy lifting. Coming from an Ice tank with the best aggro tools in the game to a WP tank with by FAR the worst aggro tools in the game will require a massive adjustment in your playstyle.Taunt, Fault, Tremor, and ST gauntlet for aggro.
I pretty much just ignore the Taunt component of RTTC, because the only way a character is not going to pull aggro off of RTTC is if they're not on the map yet.
Quote:Thankfully, next level you'll be able to pull off the most awesometastic aggro/mitigation combo available with Fault->Tremor, which not only taunts the mobs you hit, but keeps them on their butts for most of the fight. Generally in that order, and with a short pause in between. Keeps the stunned mobs from wandering too much after Fault, and the short pause allows them to start getting up so you can knock them flat again.
Stone Melee is a great set with a ton of soft control in it's knockdown from the hammers, Fault and Tremor along with the MAG 4 hold in Seismic Smash. Fault and Tremor will be your heavy lifting aggro getters and you'll also get lots of use out of Taunt. It isn't like an Ice tank where once you get close to the mobs you have their aggro sewed up without any further effort on your part, with a WP you'll REALLY have to work at it. -
I've run a couple of Shield characters up to 50, one a SD/Fire/Pyre tanker and one BS/Shield/Pyre scrapper so I'm somewhat familiar with the set. Both of them I settled for ~47% defense and called it good as both were leveled pre-incarnate.
For a SD tanker getting the normal soft cap is a cakewalk... you can nearly do it on SO's alone. Add in a Steadfast 3% and you're there; so I focused on other bonuses for my tanker. I'm partial to the Gift of the Ancients set in my shields; 4 of them make for a nice endurance boost and recovery boost. On my scrapper slotting all the defenses that way made a character with 9 toggles who could fight for 10 minutes straight against AV/GM's without dropping the blue below 70%.
With your goals of perma hasten though you may be looking at the Luck of the Gambler for 10% regen & 7.5% recharge... expect it to be pricey unless you can buy those 7.5% global recharge IO's with A-Merits though, they usually run $150-200 million each. You can grab another 5% recharge from each set of 5 Crushing Impact slotted in your ST attacks. One thought that occurs to me though is what are you looking to accomplish with perma-hasten? You should have a nice attack chain already and One with the Shield is unaffected by recharge. Are you looking to maximize Shield Charge?
Thanks to the way the SD set works with Active Defense providing a chunk of Debuff Resistance you can increase that by double stacking your mez protection. You can also increase the DDR in the power by slotting Membrane (def buff/recharge) Hami-O's into it thanks to the loophole in defense slotting boosting defense debuff resistance. My BS/SD scrapper runs with AD double stacked about 50% of the time giving capped (95%) DDR and ~70% DDR when I've only a single stack. The tanker would, with the same slotting, have considerably more while AD is only single stacked.
You'll be hard put to get much additional in the way of resistance beyond Tough from the Fighting Pool; there's just not much resistance available in IO bonuses.
I find it hard to recommend any Destiny other than the Rebirth Radial tree (Regeneration side); at tier 3 you can have a perma 200% regen buff and half the time considerably more.
On your epic choice you'll need to determine which you want more, damage or utility and concept. Energy Torrent is really something of a disappointment, it's a cone so you'll have problems using it effectively when you're tanking and surrounded by mobs. It isn't bad, but the cone is an issue for a tank. Fire Ball is really the best AOE epic attack out there and Fire Blast isn't bad as a ranged single target attack, considerably better than Laser Beam Eyes.
Since you've already invested in Leaping you may want to consider Spring Attack; it's kind of a "Shield Charge Lite" power and will be a decent filler to alternate with SC. It's a bit shorter radius AOE and lower damage but it isn't bad from my brief testing.
You could put together a very solid build for around 300 million; the sky's the limit on the upper end if you feel like spending the money. The HO's are expensive options for minor improvement in DDR yet I tossed them in both of my SD characters since I have a sizeable stash of them from the old time Hami raids.
I suggest you use the Titan Sentinel program to export your current build into Mids and play around with your slotting and power choices then post your build here and we'll help you fine tune it. -
Quote:Thanks to inherent fitness and the new no-prereq travel power builds are a lot more open than they used to be. My soft cap guide is pre-issue 20 but it applies just as well now as it did then on the question of what you need to build a nigh-unkillable tanker.Building a toon to be superman-esque. Went w/ tank. Invul/SS. Trying to make him as tough to kill as possible is my primary goal. Here are some givens:
Has to have flight (Which I can take w/o pre-reqs @lvl 4)
Does NOT have to have energy eye beams
Has Hasten and Super Speed, would like to keep.
Currently have him set to Inv/SS/Arctic with Ion Judgement and Spiritual Alpha Slot (Rech).
Anyone have a build like this?
Oh, and is lvl 50.
The gist of it is that you want to hard cap your S/L resistance at 90% (Tough will get you there along with RPD, Unyielding & Temp. Invulnerability) and you want to push your S/L defenses to the 45% soft cap and your E/N defenses as high as you can, preferably to 45% as well.
There's quite a bit of flexibility but my guide gives you a basic "shopping list" of IO's and powers you'll want; beyond that you'll "season to taste" with additional power selections and slotting choices.
On my Inv/Stone tank, CMA, I've created two builds, one for level 35+ content and one for exemplar below 30. The exemp build maintains nearly a 45% S/L/E/N soft cap down to level 20.
For a more detailed list of what you want and how to slot it check out my guides listed in my signature.