invalid message given when logging in ?
I got it last night, I think my problem was a firewall permission problem due to the version changing due to the new patch. I had to exit and restart and then ZoneAlarm, the firewall I use, popped up the "let this connect" message and when I allowed it I got to the EULA.
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I got it for the first time a couple of days ago, the solution was to simply exit and restart the client... no reboot needed.
is anyone else having a problem logging in ? every time i try to log in i get the same message " you must fill out the account and log in fields to log into your account " i have tried wiping all info and retyping, and always the same message . is the log in server down or something ?
thanx darkmd update: had to reboot computer, but it finaly let me in ; ) |
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.
Same. This showed up after the Tuesday maintenance. I just restarted COH eventually, and it went away. If this problem re-appears for anyone, I'd recommend that you head over to the developer forum, file a bug report, and PM Zwill about it. One time is no big deal imo and not worth fussing or bug-reporting over.
I got that the other day after I had left the app sitting at the login screen for an hour. I shut it down and restarted and that fixed it.
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The Mentor Project
It showed up before that for me. I got it once on the weekend a few weeks back and once a few days ago.
Same. This showed up after the Tuesday maintenance. I just restarted COH eventually, and it went away. If this problem re-appears for anyone, I'd recommend that you head over to the developer forum, file a bug report, and PM Zwill about it. One time is no big deal imo and not worth fussing or bug-reporting over.
From it happening the first time, I knew that I only needed to exit the game completely (the launcher is set to close as soon as the game launches) and then restart the game.
If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.
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is anyone else having a problem logging in ? every time i try to log in i get the same message " you must fill out the account and log in fields to log into your account " i have tried wiping all info and retyping, and always the same message . is the log in server down or something ?
update: had to reboot computer, but it finaly let me in ; )
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