Bronze Knight

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  1. Its true Mercs are the worst of the MM sets. But its still an MM. For about 2 years my Merc/Traps was my primary farmer on 0/X8 papers in Gradvill. He is slotted with IO's but not for defense or any thing like that. I was able to farm COT, COS, Council, and Rikti with no problems. However groups like Malta and Arachanos (at 50) gave me problems but that's mostly due to the mez. I'm afrade I don't rember mutch about his leveling experience he was one of my first toon's I ever made. I can tell you that much like bots the set really blooms after you get the Commando/L32 upgrade. Feel free to take Serum the first time tho, just so that you can realize just how bad that power is, and join us in trying to get it changed.
  2. Darn it every time i see this thread I misread it as...

    "Careful out there midwives"

    And, well its getting kinda disturbing.
  3. L50 Power blast/thermal here

    I consider thermal to be a far better buffing set than a debuffing set. For starters you have 7 buff powers and only 2 debuff powers. That said there two damn good debuffs. Heat exhaustion has -regen and is great for AV you just have to slot +acc in it. Melt armor is great for melting through large spawns with it's -res I would recommend slotting it for recharge then acc.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BlissfulChaos View Post
    i have a couple of dp/traps builds saved and i cant pick which one i like more..

    one softcaps me to s/l/e/n/range

    the other only softcaps s/l but i have permahasten(w/o purple sets)
    Can you post these builds I would like to look at them

    Also, any one see a way to put two more slots into hasten with out losing my soft cap in the build below? The only way I see is to take slots out of health and stamina. However if I do that to have hasten up more often I'll be useing more end...

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  5. Bronze Knight

    An Idea for AR

    I would rather see a option for some powers in AR, that are mutually exclusive. Much like the SOA powers are with the Crab/Bane trees.

    For example I would like to take Heavy burst over buckshot.
  6. What if you used the mission teleporter in Pocket D after being invited to the team?
  7. I have the same issue. It's all based on your IP address. From what I understand the NC soft store looks at the Zip code on your CC or bank account and compares that with your IP to see if there from the same location.

    There is a long LONG list of why that is the most idiotic system they could possibly ever use.

    When I made a rant thread about this a month or two ago I was told that they were "working on it".

    I'm sure they will fix it "Soon tm."
  8. Keep in mind the /Trick Arrow set is misnamed, its supposed to be named /Trap Sticks.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Signpost View Post
    It's just to encourage bunny hopping
    Ya something like that
  10. Hmmmmm What about Mr. Bocor and the Radio?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan View Post
    I've been thinking a lot about the coming Incarnate Lore Slot.


    I'd be fine if their powers all did the same damage type if need be for balance. But I'd love to be able to choose whether it looked like my sidekick was wielding fire or ice or conventional weapons. I'd love to be able to choose the body type and size of my sidekick, taking full advantage of our extensive costume creator to dress him/her/it in a fitting manner that complements my character's look and concept. (Giant companion protector robot, girl-wonder, pouncing cat boy, a shadow of the main character, etc.)

    I would want this above everything else.
  12. Bronze Knight

    Petless Crab?

    Originally Posted by plainguy View Post
    I don't think so. I have my crab positional defense capped with no pets. I picked up the endurance Alpha and I have absolutely no issues. One of my few builds that does not use Traps and is pretty darn good.

    Also remember you do have 2 builds to play with

    This. I have a positional defense capped Crab with 40% resists and no pets. I do just fine solo on +1/X8 verses most mobs.
  13. I would suggest the Freedom server. I may be biased tho.

    How is good old Guild Wars doing these days anyway?
  14. Now that you mention it, I don't think I've ever seen it scourge either.

    Although I use it as an opening attack because that's when you can make the most out of the +def.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Making MM personal attacks not suck rotting eggs, or at least suck stupid ammounts of endurance.
    Bots Repair not healing before a pet dies.
    Serum. Just Serum.

    Oh, and pet customisation.

    And take a look at things like minions, and lut pets dieing in 5 seks in things like Tin Mage, Apex, MS raid whenever something looks at them wrong.

    Also the AI, so many things need to be fixed with the AI.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blood_Beret View Post
    Looks like MM love.


    When is the last time the Dev's looked at MM's outside of totally broken powers?

    O that's right they never have. No I'm not bitter.
  17. Bronze Knight

    Bots/Traps input

    Originally Posted by Klaatu View Post
    I've leveled Bots/FF to 50 and found I needed the Medicine Pool to keep my bots healed. How are you managing to keep your bots healed with just Repair?

    As a bots/FF you should be able to bring all the bots defense to melee, ranged, AOE to 45% at that point they won't be taking much damage to begin with.
  18. I'm not seeing an interview, all I see is a big advertisement for COH...
  19. Ah well I tried. I guess were all just doomed to play with our CoX.
  20. Seeker drones are good. The -tohit and stun they do is underwhelming but they also do -Damage. I would slot them for recharge and use them to take the alpha on big groups.

    I do have a DP/Traps build but unless you want to farm on 0/x8 I wouldn't use it. Its soft caped to Melee Ranged, and AOE but it makes sacrifices to accomplish that.

    No matter what you do I would put the +2 mag prock into PGT and a -Res prock into Acid Mortar.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  21. Sadly Hero side prolby has more people. However I would send some to both sides you may find you like red side better (and for good reasons).

    I can't help you on SG's I don't join them.

    Yes its common, yes it still considered rude. I would add "PST" to you team search box. It won't stop them but it may help some what. You can also flag yourself as not looking for a team, I think that this will stop invites sent from the team search box but not slash commands. Speaking of slash commands you can use /hidden I think to avoid ALL team invites and tells.

    If you have any other questions don't forget the wiki.

    Welcome to Freedom! Have fun, and come to the dark side! We have doughnuts!
  22. COF

    Or The City of Franchise.

    It looks better in text than COX and you can say it around your family!

    Yes? No? Way to late to change terminology?
  23. I have a lot of prolblems with our current launcher. Conecting 247... sound familiar to any one?

    I'm willing to give this NC soft launcher a try before condemning it.
  24. I would love to have a laser rifle power set. I bet the reason we cant have them is because the dev's know that we want to be able to color the laser beam and they can't do that.... yet.

    I would also like to have dual laser pistols, and single laser pistol. O and BFG Energy cannon and and and....