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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fixer View Post
    In addition to brutes/scrappers, I've found MMs always tear through the early levels for me.
    Depending on the OP's playstyle MM's may not be the way to go. For me personally MM's bore me to death. Sadly I haven't leveled one past 34 and the one I have at 34 is because I forced myself to play it that far.

    I'd vote for a brute/scrapper, claws or elec primary and either elec or willpower secondary or perhaps a fire/time corr.
  2. It depends really. I'm partial to Elec/ but that aside I think all three will go well with /time. I plan on making a grav/time when I get a chance but my Elec/Time is a blast. I could see going Mind/ and picking up an APP AoE/Cone to make up for lack of pets but I like having pets.
  3. I can mostly agree that it starts at 30. I feel more comfortable playing when I get to 22 but I feel like everything clicks especially after 32.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nihilii_ View Post
    Fire/Time. Softcapped defenses, Hotfeet + that Time aura synergy, good damage (for the love of all that is holy do not skip Ring of Fire, and slot it as an attack).
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
    I'm not going to hang out with people in this game who buy inf. You go ahead and make that as complicated as you want.

    It's pretty simple for me.

    Edit: To be clear, that was disappointment and discomfort I felt, not rage. Disappointment in my friend for willfully breaking the game's terms of service, and discomfort while being there in the middle of a conversation where everyone present seemed fine with it.
    It's pretty bad that you'd just stop talking to that person because of it. Wouldn't an actual friend try to talk to the person and try to show them the light? If that try didn't work then wouldn't you still be there trying to help said person?
  6. I LOVE bonfire. I love to use it with fire cages and hotfeet to melt everything. Back before domination changes I used this combo frequently and melted EB's very quickly on my Fire/Elec.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by babyscid View Post
    This is my Frankenslotted build. Did I do it ok? I know most people (probably all people) come to the boards with fancy set ups but would anyone mind checking this out. I wanted to make it cheapish. Also I can make changes for a little more expensive things if needed.

    I think I acheived what I wanted which was to be better than SO's and also carry me to 50 and past 50 while I gather mor cash.

    Also are the power choices ok? Did I leave out ones that I shouldn't have or have ones I should toss?

    I really wanted afterburner thats why it is there. Also at level 31 which I am at now, I really dont find myself using my jolting chain or paralyzing blast....but maybe that would change in higher levels, I don't know.
    I'm not to sure on the slotting since I'm at work but like I mentioned earler getting PB for farsight seems like a win win for any /time build. Also as you get higher in levels you will find yourself using jolting chain less and less. You could keep paralyzing blast just in case but I'd rather put recharge into static field and distortion field and just have them up alot. That way you could basically use them every spawn and even catch ambushes in those patches. Leveling my Elec/Time has been alot safer and even more enjoyable than my Elec/Cold.
  8. Boomie

    Best confuser

    Mind/ is a good primary. For secondaries I'd go, in no particular order, Cold/Rad/Time/Kin. I'm not sure about /time and pvp but /cold and /rad are still good there. You could always get an APP AoE/Cone and possibly spring attack for more damage.
  9. I'm glad the first thing I do when I make a new toon is set up my chat channels and take help out of the global chat. I rarely look at the help chat tab anymore...
  10. A power boosted farsight(2 enzymes and a lotg+) with non pb'd weave(same slotting), maneuvers(same slotting), hover/cj(lotg+) and a steadfast +def proc will give you 43% def to all. That uses very little slots and gives a good return seeing as you can use all those excess slots to work in any other bonuses you could want and not have to pick up a patron shield. Also farsight does not stack from the same caster.
  11. Ok, here's a bit of news for you guys. I've been leveling a elec/time when I can to see if it'll be just as good as my elec/cold. I've got a build planned out that is just crazy and uses basically the same IO's but I don't think I'll be able to solo hami in the LGTF though since I plan on using primal mastery. As far as the build goes it'll be softcapped to all and have 228% +rech and have plenty of recovery. As soon as I can get him to 50 I'll give an update after I IO him. I think I'm just going to transfer him over to test and IO him that way since I REALLY don't feel like taking the time to play the market and earn all that inf again...

    Anywho if anyone is interested I can post my planned build after work.
  12. It depends on what you want to get out the build. The build I have planned out for my elec/time is going to be softcapped to all and have an insane amount of recharge.
  13. The gremlins will also aid in end draining. I took hasten and burnout on mine so everything will be up quicker. I loved being on a posi 1&2 and then a synapse this weekend. I jumped ahead of the team to the next spawn and had them slowed, slept and being end drained by the time everyone jumped in barring some vaz that just wouldn't go to sleep. I used a total of 3 inspis and died once during those two tf's.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Goliathan View Post
    Well, I've gotten my toon to LvL 26 and he's still doing little dps but he's a machine for control. I'm wondering about how to up the End Drain capabilities and dps. At what level do we get the Gremlins? Is that LvL 28? 32?
    I agree, Elec/Time is a control monster and mine is at 24 now. For end drain, slot up conductive aura with one acc and 2-3 end mod, slot static field with one acc, 2-3 rech and 1-2 end mod. As far as dps goes, there isn't to much you can do until 32 when you get gremlins. You can use air superiority to help ST dmg and make sure to slot up acc and rech in the confuse as that will help down groups faster.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    burnout is cool, but its massive rech time isnt helpful to most toons and the massive end penalty sours the power for me instantly
    I think it's a wonderful power for sets with long recharging powers. I LOVE it on my /regen scrapper, my /elec brute and even my Ice/Em blaster. Also while using powers like CP, burnout uses alot less endurance. You can bring the recharge down alot. On the scrapper and the brute I treat it like an extra panic button and on the blaster I treat it like a multi-spawn killing button.

    Also Neo, that is a terrible analogy....
  16. To down the yellow mitos I used seismic smash, boxing and brawl, true story. Also use earth's embrace before you engage hami since the mitos debuff regen and healing so you'll have extra hp to rely on. I had to duck behind the rocks until the debuff wore off basically after each mito.
  17. Boomie

    Time Overpowered

    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    - Electric/Time controller. Honestly, I have no concept for this. The idea popped into my head, and it just seemed so weird it had a certain charm to it.
    I'd roll this. I did and it's nice so far. I plan to attempt AV/GM soloing on it after I get mine to 50 to see if it'll do better than my elec/cold.
  18. Oh that reminds me, I was on a team wednesday morning trying to get some levels on my lowbie Elec/Time(lvl16) and I really wish I could have enabled chat logs. The leader was trying to micromanage the team and got mad at me for jumping in first saying that I was a support AT and wasn't supposed to dive in first. Well I'm so used to jumping in headfirst with my Elec/Cold and having no problems I forget that the lowbie isn't as good as him but I still managed anyway. Times debuffs and static field helped keep me alive but he still insisted that I be support and leave him to the attacking. When I mentioned my Elec/Cold that could take down almost anything solo he promptly dropped the subject.
  19. A few reasons made me take Earth over Mace. First thing was my fight with Lusca. That damn thing repeatedly killed my tarantula and aggrivated me to no end and also it is on a very long recharge timer. Secondly was no heal. I mean sure I was soft capped to extra positions thanks to scorpion shield but without a heal of sorts I burned up extra greens. Earth's Embrace is a nice heal and gives +hp so it's a win win and it makes my tray of greens go farther so I have little downtime. Thirdly is Seismic Smash. Sure Poisonous Ray gives extra -res but SS is up every 7seconds and is affected by containment so it hits pretty damn hard. Also I wouldn't have been able to solo the LGTF without it when it came to the weakened hamidon mish.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    Are you sure? Because the +end from Electric Fence/Tesla Cage & the +rec from Conductive Aura aren't present on an Ice/x.
    Ok a few things. First off disregard what I said about having to find extra defense. I don't know why I thought Arctic Fog would go away so you could go clarion for mez protection if you wanted to. Second heat loss will give you what you need without needing conductive aura. Conductive Aura is used offensively TBH so I can drain things faster since things without end can't hurt you.

    Heat Loss is an amazing power that is just crazy if you can perma it. All that +end +rec from it will fix your endurance problems. If you don't already know heat loss is a power that does alot of things when you activate it. First it summons two pseudo pets, one that is at the player and the other is at the enemy. The one at the player is auto hit and it grants you +end +recovery. The one at the target has a to-hit check and if it hits it summons more pseudo pets for each target up to 10 around it. Those pets also have a to-hit check and if they hit all of them grant +end +recovery. The original target will also get end drained, -rech, and -res. To put it into an in-game example here are some screen shots of it in action...
    One target and outside of the targets HL
    One target and inside of the targets HL
    For shiggles 5 targets and inside of the targets HL

    Here is a retooled build with Ice/. The only difference with running AA is .81eps so that shouldn't hurt you and also you have 2 free slots to play with...

    Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.942

    Click this DataLink to open the build!

    Level 50 Natural Controller
    Primary Power Set: Ice Control
    Secondary Power Set: Cold Domination
    Power Pool: Speed
    Power Pool: Flight
    Power Pool: Fighting
    Power Pool: Leadership
    Ancillary Pool: Stone Mastery

    Hero Profile:
    Level 1: Chilblain -- Apoc-Dmg/Rchg(A), Apoc-Dmg/EndRdx(9), Apoc-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(11), Apoc-Dam%(11), Apoc-Acc/Rchg(13)
    Level 1: Infrigidate -- Achilles-ResDeb%(A), TmpRdns-Acc/EndRdx(21)
    Level 2: Block of Ice -- UbrkCons-Hold/Rchg(A), UbrkCons-Acc/Hold/Rchg(3), UbrkCons-Acc/Rchg(3), UbrkCons-EndRdx/Hold(5), UbrkCons-Dam%(5), Apoc-Dmg(7)
    Level 4: Ice Shield -- LkGmblr-Rchg+(A)
    Level 6: Hasten -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(7)
    Level 8: Hover -- HO:Enzym(A), LkGmblr-Rchg+(9)
    Level 10: Glacial Shield -- LkGmblr-Rchg+(A)
    Level 12: Fly -- Zephyr-ResKB(A), Zephyr-Travel/EndRdx(13)
    Level 14: Boxing -- Stpfy-Acc/Rchg(A), Stpfy-KB%(15), Stpfy-EndRdx/Stun(46), Stpfy-Acc/EndRdx(48), Stpfy-Stun/Rng(50), Stpfy-Acc/Stun/Rchg(50)
    Level 16: Arctic Air -- CoPers-Conf(A), CoPers-Conf/Rchg(17), CoPers-Acc/Conf/Rchg(27), CoPers-Acc/Rchg(27), CoPers-Conf/EndRdx(29), CoPers-Conf%(29)
    Level 18: Maneuvers -- HO:Enzym(A), HO:Enzym(19), LkGmblr-Rchg+(19)
    Level 20: Arctic Fog -- HO:Enzym(A), HO:Enzym(21)
    Level 22: Tactics -- GSFC-ToHit(A), GSFC-ToHit/Rchg(23), GSFC-ToHit/Rchg/EndRdx(23), GSFC-Rchg/EndRdx(25), GSFC-ToHit/EndRdx(37), GSFC-Build%(37)
    Level 24: Tough -- S'fstPrt-ResDam/Def+(A), GA-3defTpProc(25), S'fstPrt-ResKB(46)
    Level 26: Flash Freeze -- FtnHyp-Sleep(A), FtnHyp-Sleep/Rchg(31), FtnHyp-Acc/Sleep/Rchg(40), FtnHyp-Acc/Rchg(40), FtnHyp-Sleep/EndRdx(50)
    Level 28: Benumb -- Acc-I(A), RechRdx-I(34), RechRdx-I(37)
    Level 30: Weave -- HO:Enzym(A), HO:Enzym(31), LkGmblr-Rchg+(31)
    Level 32: Jack Frost -- ExRmnt-Acc/Rchg(A), ExRmnt-Acc/Dmg(33), ExRmnt-Dmg/EndRdx(33), ExRmnt-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(33), ExRmnt-EndRdx/Dmg/Rchg(34), ExRmnt-+Res(Pets)(34)
    Level 35: Sleet -- Achilles-ResDeb%(A), LdyGrey-Rchg/EndRdx(36), UndDef-Rchg/EndRdx(36), RechRdx-I(36)
    Level 38: Heat Loss -- P'Shift-EndMod/Rchg(A), P'Shift-EndMod/Acc/Rchg(39), P'Shift-Acc/Rchg(39), Efficacy-EndMod/Rchg(39), Efficacy-Acc/Rchg(40)
    Level 41: Hurl Boulder -- Thundr-Acc/Dmg(A), Thundr-Dmg/EndRdx(42), Thundr-Dmg/Rchg(42), Thundr-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(42), Thundr-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(43), Thundr-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(43)
    Level 44: Seismic Smash -- Hectmb-Dmg/Rchg(A), Hectmb-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(45), Hectmb-Acc/Rchg(45), Hectmb-Dmg/EndRdx(45), Hectmb-Dam%(46)
    Level 47: Earth's Embrace -- Numna-Heal/Rchg(A), Numna-Heal/EndRdx/Rchg(48), Numna-Regen/Rcvry+(48)
    Level 49: Rock Armor -- HO:Enzym(A)
    Level 0: Freedom Phalanx Reserve
    Level 0: Portal Jockey
    Level 0: Task Force Commander
    Level 0: The Atlas Medallion
    Level 50: Spiritual Core Paragon
    Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A)
    Level 1: Containment
    Level 1: Sprint -- ULeap-Stlth(A)
    Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A)
    Level 4: Ninja Run
    Level 2: Swift -- Run-I(A)
    Level 2: Health -- Mrcl-Rcvry+(A)
    Level 2: Hurdle -- Jump-I(A)
    Level 2: Stamina -- P'Shift-EndMod(A), P'Shift-End%(43)

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  21. Well I ended up deleting my grav/time and making a elec/time. I think I'll remake the grav/time sometime or another. I'm going to make a build similar to my elec/cold and see which does better versus big game.
  22. Also just a heads up guys, I updated the OP so it includes more GM's I've downed. I have a video or two that I need to upload to youtube so you guys can watch them of me solo'ing LR and some other AV's. I am wondering if I could solo the STF. I may be able to pull it off if I can keep LR on me while I hover out of his range and the gremlins and perhaps if I used my incarnate pets could down the towers.
  23. Pretty much. Trust me in saying that you'll NEVER have to worry about endurance. As long as you have perma heatloss and you are close and lucky enough to pick up the second application from the debuff portion you will have plenty to spare. You probably won't have to worry about using AA against AV's since it won't do any good. BTW has the bug been fixed with the confuse proc in AA making jack attack the owner?
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post

    How would an ice/cold do with a similar build?
    Hmm that's a tough one. It'd be hard to keep the same level of recharge for perma benumb and heatloss while maintaining the same amount of defense. You'd have to find a way to get an extra 5% defense to S/L/R but other than that it'd work out just as well. You could possibly go barrier instead of clarion to make up for it and just carry around some breakfrees to fill in the mez protection gap.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    But you WILL see a lot of TK Blast. Since you can't throw a rock in a populated PvP zone without hitting 6 Psi/EM blasters.
    TK Blast on a blaster can't get up that high of a mag kb solo but yeah a group would be able to do it. OTOH if you ran into said group you should be on a team anyway and your teammates can help prevent said Psi/ spike.