Blue Rabbit

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CatSan View Post
    Seems a bit unfair again on us European players. Victory as always had a strong Euro presence since the game first started and it will mean having to stay up past midnight here in the UK,later in other countries to take part. You've done events before where you have had the event happen twice, one of those times being more European friendly and the other at the times you have announced.
    Just be nice to be able to take part at a time which is a bit more sensible for us.
    Come to Defiant or Union and then go back to Victory?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    I prefer the term "HandEgg".

    Henceforth, on the rare occasions I mention that sport, it shall always be referred to as Handegg. You are a gentleman and a scholar Zwi!
  3. As a bunny of the earth I would like to welcome our cousins, the bunnies of the sea, with open arms.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    Actually, I came to this thread hoping is was slash fic.
    Are you invoking rule 34 on this? Because I'm sure somewhere out there, there is some.
  5. Welcome back. Thanks for the laughs. Missed your posts.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    48 to a server isn't enough?

    Not really, no. Also, the only limit to how many you could get per server should only be your wallet. Some players will never want to play on another server but the one they rolled their first toon on.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
    There's no need to have two Brokers/Detectives in each zone anymore. There wasn't really in the first place, but they wanted to avoid crowding. But really, there should now be just one Detective in each zone, and it should be outside the police building.
  8. I'm leaning more towards "they are always watching you..."
    Also, a Robin without green shorts isn't a Robin (IMO, YMMV).
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Arda_ View Post
    I guess I will have to live in First Ward until I am lvl 30, then I can move to Night Ward... problem is, what to do after finishing Night Ward at lvl 35? Wait in the hope they release new Praetorian content that bridges the gap to lvl 50? Someone knows if I can still go to Primal Earth and join teams for missions? Or do some kind of missions in Primal Earth without being Heroe-Villain/stop being Praetorian, maybe Vanguard ones? Probably I will get stuck and finally go Primal...

    I am wondering if anyone has done something similar before and what have been their experiences.

    That's what I've been doing with both of my Praetorians: they haven't set foot outside of Praetoria and each time a new P-zone comes out I run the content and level them up to the zone's max level.

    As soon as you set foot outside of Praetoria, that's it: you are no longer welcomed, remembered or a Praetorian for that matter.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
    Sounds good...but what do we call it?
    Destroyed after we're done with it?
  11. Please don't... if you do I'm sure I'm going to lose my name (Blue Rabbit) as someone else will snag it. I just know it... also, I don't have trouble remembering it because Firefox does it for me.
  12. My water blast/nature affinity plant pixie will be named Dew Me because moistness is the essence of wetness.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by pslanimal View Post
    bunny!!! ^______________^
  14. Blue Rabbit


    It's a defensive mechanism. If the dog minded his business he wouldn't get sprayed. If he's smart he won't get sprayed twice.

    And as any search on the web will tell you to get rid of it you need something that disolves the oil and then something to clean it out (vinegar or peroxide, mixed with baking soda and your favorite liquid soap will do).
  15. Blue Rabbit


    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    For an unholy union of a rat, a weasel, and a ghast, they are about as cute as I would expect them to be.
    LMAO! A Ghast, really? I thought those were D&D only.
  16. Blue Rabbit


    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    You're a rabbit.
    Which doesn't diminish their cuteness.

    Also, wombats.
  17. Blue Rabbit


    Stop hating on the skunks. They deserve to be here as much as you do.
    Also, opossums are cute.
  18. Blue Rabbit

    New ATs

    Ah, yes the new [redacted] AT. I [redacted] a lot and while [redacted] Beta Server.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
    That would be pretty cool, huh?
    No, it really wouldn't. We already have a badge system, don't need an outside one.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
    funny enough, this is averted by the factions that use the long skirts like (formerly) the CoT and Tsoo. how? The same way legs don't stick out everywhere with pants: by making the legs in the long skirt not modeled.
    Yes... although for any power that uses the legs as part of its animation that solution wouldn't work.
  21. Indeed, the leg clipping issues are ridiculous. Just look at any character running in a pencil skirt. Legs poke out everywhere.
  22. Maybe it's performance anxiety?
  23. Ironic or appropriate. Take your pick.
  24. *huggles Riff hard*

    Here's a bushel of carrots, you might need them.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by rowley_NA View Post
    Hello all,

    I'm a vet of 6 1/2 years. There were no interruptions in my subscription during that time, yet in-game display shows only 5 year badge.

    Is this a known bug?

    Thanks in advance
    Ayup, waiting on my 7th year badge (or maybe 8th? I forget) here.