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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
    The problem is that my double is using Time's Juncture, an offensive toggle, and it does not turn off when they are held, unlike the player version. It does not even suppress as it still affects my character.

    This toggle is much too powerful to have that advantage, otherwise players should have the same advantage of it not turning off when mezzed.
    Not entirely sure why you're voluntarily walking into a PBAoE when you presumably have the target mezzed, but Reppu's point, while overly snarky, is accurate enough. If you don't want to be affected, don't get that close.

    FYI, the villain mission from Leonard after Dean MacArthur with the 8 clone army will likely be much harder, borderline impossible, due to this.
    The "Army of Me" badge isn't intended to be soloable. This isn't to say that it CAN'T be; I've done so with a grav/nrg dom and a ss/wp brute, probably some others. My (many) masterminds? Not so much. All that being said, nothing about that mission or the badge requires solo completion. The obvious solution is to get a team. A less obvious solution is to get a few more levels under your belt between taking and attempting to complete it.

    Adapt and overcome.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    So to review. Within four hours of Paragon Studios announcing they are giving stuff away for free, we have:

    1. At least one person claiming giving stuff away is a "cheesy gimmick."

    2. An assertion that twenty-four hours is a poor definition of a day.

    3. The inevitable reference to addiction and gambling that occurs when the dev team does something related to addiction and gambling, such as displacing air or absorbing gravitons.

    4. A red name unable to tell time.

    5. At least one accusation of desperation.

    6. Some confusion over how many times "once" is.

    7. A slap in the face.

    8. Some discussion about what specific thing "almost anything" probably actually refers to.

    As Primal Earth makes Praetorian Earth look like a bunch of kindergarten rejects, so does Actual Earth make Primal Earth look like a bunch of senior citizens feeding the pigeons in the park.
    Would you mind if I just worship the ground you walk on? I'll be as unobtrusive as possible.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
    Oh I see, start giving away freebies when I'm going to have my jaw surgery tomorrow (won't be able to login tom/Friday)!

    This is a slap in the face! And with my (upcoming) jaw surgery it really hurts!

    Oh, I mean...this sounds possibly cool
    Silly of me. Don't know how I could have missed the "generic slap in the face" comment. Thanks for backing me up, there!

    Oh, and *drink*
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    (*Please note that there is technically no profit since the item is free.)
    Heh, I read this part and realized that you folks understand intertrolls better than I thought. Obviously still won't keep some of them from complaining, but at least you have this to point at, now.

    *Looks over the responses thus far*

    Comment about this being an evil marketing plot (gimmick) - check.
    Comment about this somehow mysteriously dissing the EU players - check.

    Okay, we're still missing someone grousing about "play to win" and/or how this will wreck the in-game economy. Do we have any volunteers? We need to at least get the basics dealt with, before we can move on.
  5. I know this. What am I supposed to do here? Agree with the apparent majority, declare that it sucks and change it? *shrugs* A pity I'm so contrary.

    As I previously stated, I have a lot of AoE on the character. The Cog confuse goes off a lot. I've kept secondary mobs well-confused while spamming Seeds on my primary targets. I don't rely on it to make mobs attack each other, though that happens despite the short duration. It works just fine as additional mitigation, which is all I really use Seeds for, anyway. Certainly works better in that regard than, say, Spectral, which I use on another character. All that does cc-wise is immobilize.

    I'm hardly advocating that everyone chage to Cognitive on the spot. I only use it on one character. Other people have speculated here that a very AoE heavy toon might get decent mileage out of it. I'm simply verifying that they can.

    Edit: as a side note, no, Spectral is not purple-anything. It's gold and black. Very boring, like all the Interface effects, imo.
  6. Would like to see ALL the war maces ported to Bane Spider Soldier and Mace Mastery sets. Some might need to be resized slightly to be practical.

    Not really sure why I bothered to come back here, since I have my doubts that this gets perused by anyone who could actually implement the requests here. At least most of mine don't involve entirely new art.
  7. Bloodspeaker

    Whip Powerset

    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    Ah, this topic again, is it that time of the month already?
    You could just ignore it and move on. Unless your entire life is so dull that you have to hawk the forums, looking for previously discussed topics you don't like rearing their ugly heads again.

    And no, folks, this hypohetical powerset does NOT have any special synergy with the Dom AT, beyond some people's desire to costume in strappy leather and "spank" people. Nothing wrong with that lifestyle I suppose, but it doesn't require representation in CoH solely on the grounds of there being a "Dominator" AT in the game.
  8. *shrugs* Ice powers and dedicated fire extinguishers WOULD probably be better for putting out fires than simple water. Not so much a big spike of ice, but fires are extinguished by lowering the temperature, displacing oxygen or both. Water is simply not as good as extreme cold for the first, and not as good as something like halon at the second.
  9. I get pretty phenomenal amounts of enemy chaos from it, but my plant/thorn/fire dom is extremely AoE heavy, and backed up by Seeds. Still, it's easy enough to see the different confuses; one's purple and the other's yellow. But yes, I see it fire a lot, and with reinforcement via multiple AoE attacks, it works quite well. Is especially amusing seeing stacked thorntrops and RoF cause absolute chaos.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Maribelle View Post
    From just the official announcement I had no idea this was an actual event until tonight.

    I had assumed it was a teaser for the next issue or something.
    Was cool having you along as we stomped Nemeses in PI and Steel tonight.
  11. Was great fun meeting both of you, and of course many others who were there. Some I remembered from either/both HeroCons, others I'd presumably met before, but had forgotten meeting in the intervening 2+ years.
  12. Bloodspeaker


    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    From what the devs told us we don't have control over the color of our forum names.
    Didn't catch that update. Do remember having to come in and manually change the name display color, presumably prior to that.

    Edit: also assuming that I trust their update to have automatically fixed that for everyone. I do not.
  13. Bloodspeaker


    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    White name = free player. It's best to assume that white name = access to nothing, until told otherwise.
    Also, white name = a VIP that hasn't updated their forum name display preference. Assume nothing.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ravenwing View Post
    Alright, I'm playing a DS/Time MM and I'm feeling like a doofus. I'm trying to set up either a bind or a macro that will shut my tier 2 demons up and I can't seem to get it to work. Any help would be appreciated.
    Actually, any repeating emote with no associated sound effect will work, for example /petsayall <em dance>. Personally, I like getting the ghoulflex emote from the Neutropolis zone event (from the "beating up the PPD" side) for this. Makes them stand around looking menacing... QUIETLY...
  15. Quit trying to stifle my amusement with reason, Rangle. Meanie.
  16. I have watched this thread become as entertaining as the debate over which would win in a battle between a Star Destroyer and the starship Enterprise... in my universe where "entertaining" and "stupid" are often synonymous.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    cuz it's a comic book! =)
    The only rationale required.
  18. The front portal torches have always been incorrectly aligned to the portal (bug). The back left portal's torches are the only ones in a straight line (correct choice).
  19. A couple of things were mentioned at the Player Summit, though I forget which specific panel (I went to all of them).

    1) As a general rule, they have in the past tried to add new maps and powersets to the AE on the issue following the one for which they were released. In other words, a powerset released for i23 would arrive in the AE for i24.

    2) They are aware that they are behind in this regard, and are dedicating what resources they can to getting a bit more caught up. Their development schedule is currently very heavy, so they can't make specific promises, but they're doing what they can, when they can.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
    The devs are in fact most certainly AWARE of this if you take my in game tickets alone...They know..TRUST ME THEY KNOW.
    Yes, they know. Stuff in ALL CAPS goes straight to them.

    Now the only question becomes what do they do about it? The simple answer so far has been nothing and just ignore it until we can get all of these revenue builders like LIGERS onto the market first. Pathetic.
    All this time, and I didn't realize you were on the coding/debugging staff at Paragon. Since that is the only way you'd know they're doing nothing. And that they have the development people not working on the bug too, since they obviously must be the same group. Obviously.

    Later this year we "might" see this acknowledged and addressed in a professional manner. All we get right now is the standard pound sanding silence they give us when things get uncomfortable for them to deal with in a more direct manner. Typically pathetic.
    Yes, because they obviously must inform us, their paying customers, of every action they take, every bug on their to do list, the organization and priorities on said list and the exact date and time that every bug will, without deviation, be dealt with.

    Does that about cover it for you, chief?
  21. Ah, cool. Thanks for the clarification. Unfortunately, not having used that particular slash command, I can't confidently experiment with it to hazard a decent guess what's up with it at the moment.
  22. Hmmm, the only command of that kind that I use is /macro "name" function, for example /macro "dnc4" e dance4, which creates a button in my power tray named dnc that will cause the character to start dance emote #4. It can be dragged normally to any tray slot.

    Does the one you've described do something different?
  23. I've had Nemesis Staff "parked" on Justice ever since Staff Fighting was "leaked" months ago. Re-rolled him as soon as I realized the set was live, at about 1am PDT Tuesday morning.
  24. Honestly, hard to say. You're not impersonating a specific person, at Paragon Studios or anywhere else, any more than you would be if you used the name "Temporary Staff". It's a fun pun because it suggests some work-a-day schmoe at an office, but it certainly doesn't imply any specific venue. I can really only see some shuffling busybody having a problem with it.

    Unfortunately, they're usually the ones running things.

    Edit: Oh, and as a semantic point, before some chittering know-it-all inevitably comes along and points this out in the snarkiest manner possible... you don't actually "own" the name. I'm not sure what the correct term would be, but NCSoft essentially "owns" everything that happens on the game servers.

  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sigium View Post
    Most people generally equated Brute = Tank, Stalker = Scrapper, Corruptor = Blaster/Defender, Dominator = Controller and Mastermind = ???
    Actually, for me it's always been Mastermind = PROFIT!!! Think you may have gotten confused, there.

    Levity aside, as an avid red-sider, I've always wanted... more. Never mind the fictional moral choices involved; I have just wanted more *enviroment* to play in. New redside zones, new SFs, even access to the Shadow Shard would all "fit the bill" as far as I'm concerned. I can agree that the redside zones could do with a bit of clean-up, but they should still feel "grimy", I think. King's Row and Boomtown come to mind; worn and battered, but not necessarily drab. And for me, Grandville is the most annoying, by far. Dark metal floors, walls and walkways, dreary sky at all times. Bleah.