5701 -
Regular sub only. I was only VIP for 2 months over the last year because of decisions our current developers made. There's no way I'm going to hand some new batch of devs a huge chunk of money in the hopes that I won't end up in disagreement with them as well.
Folks should pick their friends and business partners with more care. I won't touch anything published by ncsoft. Fark 'em.
Address6801 N. Capital of Texas Hwy, Bldg 1 Austin, TX 78731
Phone(512) 225-6359
https://support.cityofheroes.com/app...etail/a_id/214 -
I'll do trials. New BZB isn't T4ed yet. Beyond that, nah, I'll be soloin DA arcs because I love the constant soul crushing disappointment that comes from common and astral drops.... once a day.
Tested this last night to find it only half correct. The spawns you hit on the ground are at x8. The Ravager spawns at Mot's Maw spawn according to your diff setting as do the spawns inside of Mot. At x1 for me it was a single ravager with 1 lt and 1 minion.
I was told there would be no hats.
Didn't expect to have anyone on ignore again... I don't even have GG there anymore... -
After the idiocy they pulled with the end of the third one, I honestly don't care. Bioware is as dead to me as NCSoft. I might pick up ME4 IF I don't have to have origin installed to play it and IF it's sold on steam and only after the price drops to $20.
That was me. This was Bella. Stupid pancreatic cancer...
PPCG, trust me on this: you aren't capable of blowing my mind.
FX, that's what I figured. Thanks for the verification. -
I never did find an actual screenshot of BZB's first costume, so I rebuilt it from memory.
Here's the original Bill:
And here he is when cranked to 11:
Mine is also tied to Malta sappers and is a two part story.
Part 1: CoH was the first MMO I ever experienced. Even just starting out I soloed a lot with BZB so when I finally found myself on a full team I had no knowledge of tanks herding and everyone else standing by until told to attack. Needless to say, it wasn't much of a surprise to be told, "wow, dude, you really suck at this game" since I kept diving in with the tank and faceplanting.
Which brings us to part 2: I get a tell from someone a month or three later asking if I could come help out a team of 7 on a Malta mission as they had already had several team wipes. I joined up, entered the mission, watch my perma-lude kick off, flipped out and proceeded to kill every sapper in every spawn with the team holding back until they were all down.
It was very cool to see in chat, "damn, he's good at this."