's a secret
How many different names do you go by? Just what exactly are you hiding from?
I had to look this up the other day because it keeps getting tossed around and I had never heard of it before. It seemed too story-driven for my tastes as it didn't seem like something you can jump in to whenever you got some free time and just do something? *shrug*
There are a couple of other things that kind of put me off this game in particular, but those are more for my situation/play time/play style.
I've already forgotten about most of you

First time I heard a four letter word uttered in a game I was horrified (console game) it just seemed so out of place.
Don't mess with Texas!
It looks interesting, but I seem to short on time to do anything lately. how soloable is it?
Horatus - lvl 50 Fire/Elec Blaster
PM me your info and i'll let you know the next time I get together with my friends to brew.
Horatus - lvl 50 Fire/Elec Blaster
How many different names do you go by? Just what exactly are you hiding from?
![]() I had to look this up the other day because it keeps getting tossed around and I had never heard of it before. It seemed too story-driven for my tastes as it didn't seem like something you can jump in to whenever you got some free time and just do something? *shrug* There are a couple of other things that kind of put me off this game in particular, but those are more for my situation/play time/play style. |
It is possible to jump in for a bit as missions are typically multi-part and most (non-group) Play is open world instead of instanced. There are some solo-instances as part of missions but those are (from what I've seen) mostly puzzles instead of anything you might need teammates for. However, I wouldn't say it's really designed to be played in short bits. The flow of missions is such that it's easy to lose track of time.
First time I heard a four letter word uttered in a game I was horrified (console game) it just seemed so out of place.
I am actually kinda interested so I may look into it. if and when I ever finish my machine.
Horatus - lvl 50 Fire/Elec Blaster
I was really excited for this game as it was in development, but now that it's out, based on the reviews and Funcom's track record I'm concerned about the game's long term future.
Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."

I was really excited for this game as it was in development, but now that it's out, based on the reviews and Funcom's track record I'm concerned about the game's long term future.
Hmmm...this changes everything

I've already forgotten about most of you

It looks interesting, but I seem to short on time to do anything lately. how soloable is it?
Most of the "decks" (read as: character templates) seem to be built with both team- and solo-play in mind. But even those are optional. You can pretty much build any style character you like without worrying about things like "if I concentrate on controls, will I need someone else for dps." Will things kick your butt... sure will, but it's equal opportunity butt-kicking.
All in all, I'm enjoying playing TSW. It'll never replace CoH for me, but I think that was a one-of-a-kind instance. If you like global conspiracies and survival horror stuff, definitely give TSW a try. I'm Just-Jack over on Leviathan.
... Hit it ...

I am enjoying it. Helps to be a Jeopardy champion; there's not only puzzles but trivia in the game. Heraclea on Arcadia server.
It looks to me as if fully built characters will be very versatile and there may not be a "level cap" in that sense. This takes the sting out of only having 3 characters with very limited customization; no size sliders, for instance.
I trust Funcom. Anarchy Online is still around despite a horrible launch and rough first season, and it's eleven years old now. Age of Conan is the other MMO I play a lot currently (Heraclea and others on Set) and it has matured into a very rich niche game with plenty of content and interesting entry tier raids.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison
hew2 on daemon. Hope to run into some people!
Also on CoH-Refugees channel there.
Hew in drag baby
I was thinking of trying the free trial... but someone has taken my name already! Really? I thought BoneBaby was rather unique... sigh...
I may or may not try it now.
I was thinking of trying the free trial... but someone has taken my name already! Really? I thought BoneBaby was rather unique... sigh...
I may or may not try it now. BB |
Just everyone else will think you're perverted.

I've already forgotten about most of you

OMG.... I had no idea, just put BoneBaby in google....sigh.
After the first hit, which is a scrap book retailer, I'm aparently a not to well known rap star...
So... wait... you aren't that rapper? All my illusions are shattered!
Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."

Nice grill Dawg.
Don't mess with Texas!
I tried it, or should I say, I tried to try it. After the 15Gb download & setup, everytime I tried to start it, my system would reboot. I updated my video drivers to the latest Nvidia drivers, no change. I re-installed the latest DX from microsoft, no change. I finally switched the options to DX9, and my system didn't reboot... it just froze. I was able to alt-tab out, and kill it. I tried re-installing it, and having it validate etc... It's just not liking my machine for whatever reason. At this point I gave up, and deleted it.
Will try it again once I get a new video card installed, suspect my old GTX260 just aint up to the task... :P
A Secret World that is.
Playing CoH lately just depresses me, I just can't get motivated to work on characters that are most likely going to disappear before long. So I've been having a go at The Secret World and enjoying the hell out of it. If by some miracle CoH survives I'll be thrilled and back in, but I expect I'll maintain a sub to TSW anyway.
If anyone else wants to check it out there's a three day trial available on the main site:
From a CoH perspective, here are some things I'd like to point out:
1. The game is rated M and for good reason. In addition to the obvious nastiness associated with it's monsters the game has a fair bit of sexually suggestive content as well as rough language. I've met several NPCs that swear like one-eyed carpenters, and it's all in full sound. So this isn't a game to play with the kids.
2. The game is VERY story driven. NPCs are fully done with voice actors and there are lots of cutscenes. The voicing and cutscenes are both very well done, but if you want to be able to advance by grinding this isn't the game for you.
3. Largely as a result of point 2, the game is NOT alt-friendly. However, any single character can eventually acquire all the skills and abilities in the game. So you can have a solo build, a pvp build, a tank build, a heal build, and a pure dps build all on one character.
4. The worst things I've found with it so far is character creation. After years of CoH, TSW's character creation process seems absolutely anemic. There is no body scaling, so all PC's of either gender are the same size. Facial feature selection is okay, but hairstyles are pretty limited (an issue discussed on the forums is a lack of 'black' hairstyles such as afros.)
Clothing choices are limited at the start as well, but more outfits can be purchased either through in-game vendors or the cash shop. Visible clothing also has no effect on character performance.
5. Uh, I'll think of some more things later probably.
If you decide to give the game a try you can contact me as Gray-Area. I'm with The Dragon faction on the Cerberus dimension. Note: dimension is not the same thing as server. There is actually a single server and grouping across dimensions is fully supported. Home dimension is only a restriction on some pvp areas.