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  1. I treat Jolting Chain as an immediate time-buyer: it will always be up because its recharge is so low, and it buys a few extra seconds to get a better solution into place or finish sapping some jerks' endurance.

    It's a bit like the soft-control element of Lift or Levitate with the damage taken out and replaced by AOE utility.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Timeshadow View Post
    I think that's the point. Obviously what power you have that sort of proc slotted in has no mathematical effect on when or how often it triggers.

    Rather, slotting it in click powers provides a better chance for the proc to activate when you need it as opposed to just randomly every 10 seconds. The value of that is directly tied to the Recharge of the power and how often you click it. That's why it's beneficial to slot Chance for Build Up procs (And Chance for Hold, etc.) in frequently used attacks. You click the power often so there are more rolls to see if the proc activates. Since Aim is a power you use often but not too often the value of the proc goes from, "Perfect! That's just what I needed!" down to, "Hey, that's pretty cool".

    But regardless, no one's misunderstanding that slotting the proc in a toggle has no real effect on how often it goes off. It does, however, effect the number of times the game rolls to see if the proc will activate by limiting it to once every ten seconds as opposed to once every time you click a power. So, in a manner of speaking, it increases efficiency.

    My Opinion On the Matter: Slot the proc in Snap Shot and call it a day.

    But your chance of it happening when you need it is exactly the same whether it's in Aim or Targeting Drone. The difference is that in Targeting Drone it will also be going off during all the other times you're attacking and Aim hasn't recharged yet.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
    By the by. The Gaussians set belongs in AIM for an Arch/Dev not in Targeting Drone. If it is in Aim the +damage proc is much more likely to fire off before you unload your most powerful attacks rather than while you are standing in Wentworths, traveling to the mission location, between spawns while you are setting up, or just as you are firing that last snap shot to finish off the last mob in the spawn.

    ARGH this misconception. Okay, look, here's the thing. If Gaussian's Chance For Build Up fires off in WWs it has no effect on the odds of it then firing off later when you're in a fight. It is no more "wasted" than your Build Up proc in Aim is when you're standing around in Wentworth's not using it.

    The only thing that affects the odds of a given attack being affected by your Build Up proc is whether or not you have triggered the proc-holding power immediately before the attack. The odds of an attack being affected by the proc in Aim right after you hit Aim are the same as that attack being affected by the proc if it were in a toggle you had running at the time. The only difference is that with the toggle, that's every attack instead of just the ones you hit Aim on.

    If you have the choice between putting Chance For Build Up in a toggle or Aim, it is always better to put it in the toggle. Putting it in Aim does not increase the chances that it will go off "when you need it". All it does is decrease the chances that it will go off at other times (including attacks later in the same fight) to 0%.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
    How do you fight an Arachnos EB in praetoria?
    The later arcs in Praetoria have you finding out about Primal Earth in order to set up your character going there. Certain Primal Earth enemies show up in these arcs.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Peacemoon View Post
    Well Storm/Leviathan would thematically go quite well together. So just Illusion to figure out. Personally I would probably try to find a concept where you can play it as actual illusions and not try to make it into "Snow Men" but, the choice is yours at the end of the day. :-)

    First thing that comes to mind for me.
  6. Ben_Arizona

    Static Field

    Yeah, it's pretty rare to see elec sapping keep enemies at a point where they can't do anything but it's pretty common to see it keep enemies at a point where they're only using their brawl, handgun, or whatever equivalent they've got instead of the really hurty powers.
  7. For a kickboxer I would 100% suggest Martial Arts over Kinetic Melee. Martial Arts animations are a kick-focused "hard" form while Kinetic Melee is full of hands-focused "soft" form movements.
  8. Ben_Arizona

    Static Field

    Originally Posted by ketch View Post
    As the level 12 control, perhaps it doesn't provide the hard control of Flash Fire or Stalagmites, but it's certainly on par with Ice Slick, and easily beats out Telekinesis, Spirit Tree, and Dimension Shift. It has strategic value for cutting off ambushes out of LoS and provides an ally buff along side an enemy debuff.
    Also worth noting is that its recharge is ludicrously fast at 40s base. It's an AoE control that's up every fight on dual-origin enhancements. That makes it ridiculously good control for the early levels, while in the later levels it's a solid supplementary trick.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Big_Soto View Post
    I guess one of the reasons I was not getting buffs was because I was doing better than they expected and handling my own. I think the tankers we getting upset since the mobs were stunned and immobilized before they could jump in and they had nothing to tauntÂ…lol.
    Decent heroside players are used to this with controllers anyway. What seems more likely to me is that whoever was handing out offensive buffs was used to making controllers low priority since they're not really a damage-output focused AT. (I assume you're talking about offensive buffs, since defensive buffs tend to be trivial to keep on the entire team.)

    People will get used to the differences with the new ATs. Decent players will, anyway, and bad players will be as bad as they ever were with the old ATs.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Peacemoon View Post
    You are right Ben and actually I have used Tornado myself for exactly that reason, bloody Malta turrets! Generally though Tornado is the wild card I usually keep up my sleeve. It does have some good uses though. I waited till 49 to take it, and 2 slotted it with Soulbound Allegience, DMG + DMG/Recharge. Some nice numbers for just 2 slots.
    "Wild card" is a pretty good way of putting it - it's hard to give a solid list of times you would use it, because it seems like it's more a wide variety of fringe or rare situations. Eventually (for me at least) there just sort of developed a sense of when it was time for the Tornado.

    It's definitely not something you'll use all the time, but it's a very nice tool in the box. That's why I get annoyed when people treat it purely as a damage power when talking about Storm.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Peacemoon View Post
    However some synergy Mind/Storm has is Steamy Mist + Aggroless powers, it lets you get much closer without being detected and also lets you be the "psychic stealther" as you can easily slip past enemies with a well targeted confuse or sleep. Thunderclap is a good source of containment damage on minions as well. Freezing Rain + Terrfiy make a great soft control combination. Lightning Storm and Tornado (where applicable due to lack of -knockback) are good pets for when you need more firepower, which if you like pets can make up for the lack of pet from Mind/. Now if only you could shove enemies around with Hurricane without waking them up, unfortunately you can't. :-)
    While a lot of people forget this, Tornado is also an excellent chaos-control power; the KB and stun it flings around make it very hard for enemies to get anything done. Granted, it's not like Mind really needs another panic button, but it's handy against enemies who resist Mind's main arsenal of tricks or when teammates seem dead-set on a team wipe.

    That said the main thing I use it for on my mind/storm is frigging Malta Auto Turrets. Nothing in Mind works well on them and I hate leaving them alive to follow me around and try to break my stealth, but since they have KB immunity Tornado and LS can bust them up pretty well.
  12. My Mind/Storm was one of my first characters. She's a fantastic soloist (Steamy Mist + aggroless controls = comedy) and works quite well in groups, but it took a while to get the hang of switching between the playstyles required for each. With that out of the way she's one of my most versatile characters and does well in dang near any team arrangement.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Quixotik View Post
    Well with no real damage Jolting Chain becomes a No-Power/power slot holder for Electric Control. The set has no real need for a one shot knockdown and most Dominator secondaries have better knockdowns. I'll be dropping it ASAP.
    I disagree that it's useless in the context of the set. The thing is that Jolting Chain is more or less unique in terms of its role in a control set; none of the other sets have an immediate short-term AoE active-mitigation power (there are a few such powers in single-target form with Lift and Levitate). The saving grace of Jolting Chain is that for an AoE soft control it recharges incredibly fast, enough to work into an attack chain and keep your enemies constantly on their backsides in addition to whatever else you might be doing. It also has obvious application against mez-resistant enemies, of course.

    It's relatively skippable, but I wouldn't call it terrible or useless. Personally I prefer it over the immobs on a dom, but that's a matter of taste.
  14. Of course, what's really tricky is justifying Detonator. On non-robots at least.

    I'm really tempted to try to rig macros where activating Detonator causes the triggered henchman to yell "I got 'em, boys! Make me proud!" before he explodes, followed by falling to my knees and crying out NOOOO.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Goshnova View Post
    Um... Tankers with Force Fields?
    Longbow Ballista, then?

    (FF/Energy Blast/Energy Melee, and the description specifically calls them out as tankers. Yeah I dunno the NPCs get to cheat.)
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madadh View Post
    Most other powersets, the player gets some leeway to evaluate situations as the arise in light of the team, their power choices and slotting, and to make the best choices, but kins don't usually get that leeway.
    I think that's a little oversimplifying. I have no problem with a kin who has other things to do at a given moment than dose up his teammates - a kin has a lot of things to do, and may be too busy Fulcrum Shifting, Transfering, Siphoning things, or just blasting to top you up right now. That is "evaluating situations as they arise in light of the team and making the best choices".

    However, I am baffled by a kin who simply chooses not to Speed Boost, even when there's nothing better for him to do. Other than the fringe case of someone who just can't handle their character moving fast, there is no situation where the "best choice for the team" is for people to not have Speed Boosts refreshed as the opportunity arises. Can you imagine an emp who declares that he has evaluated the team's layout to figure out who to Fort first and decided that the team's optimal situation is for him to not Fortitude anybody at all?

    Edit: Oh, right, I forgot, we do have threads about that guy. People who are incredibly smug about not taking Speed Boost start them so they can complain about healz0rz.

    Unlike an emp's Fort, there isn't even the question of "who do I keep it up on?" Throw the Speed Boosts when you're running from one spawn to another. Don't worry about chasing people down when their SBs run out. Every character does better with SB on them than without, thanks to the hefty recharge boost if nothing else. The only reason I can think of to skip it is if you absolutely, genuinely never team - that, or a misplaced sense of pride in not making your team as good as they could be.

    Footnote: I play a kin; she was one of my first characters and my first blueside 50. I try to maintain full team Speed Boost at all times but realize other people have different priorities about what comes first - I just don't understand people whose opinion is that Speed Boost comes never, or after telling people to grovel for it.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Iannis View Post
    it's a very heavy arrow?

    my demon/ta didn't get to EMP arrow level on test, what with them never level bumping demons. Isn't it just damage against robots but otherwise a Hold (to stack with Ice Arrow, I suppose) with a nova crash? That'd seem like super awful suck arrow to me considering the only robots at 40+ are probably Malta mecha. Oh, and Praetorian/Psychic clockworks. Do Tarantulas count as robots, or freaky malformed Widows stuffed inside armor? I never thought about it.
    The robot damage isn't the main point of EMP arrow. The draw of EMP arrow is the hold: mag 3 with longer duration and larger radius than, Mind Control's Total Domination, Illusion's Flash, Ice's Glacier, and probably the other AoE controller-primary holds I can't be bothered to look up right now. The crash is also relatively mild: you lose end recovery, but it doesn't actually tank your end like a nuke does.

    It's a superior AoE hold; the -regen and damage to robots is just gravy.
  18. The COT are still hanging around the Zig. We gathered up a posse and were able to clear out some of them, but there are still level 54 archmages just kind of hanging out in the ditch and chilling. I strongly recommend that people be very careful around the Zig if they don't have full stealth.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
    IIRC, it was judged to be worth the time/work investment because Brawl is a power every character has, so the number of characters/players positively affected by the change is huge.
    Right, and I think that's fair. My point isn't "he did it for Brawl, so he should do it for every power!" My point is that the animations for kicking without putting away your weapon have already been made and are already in the game as a result of this. Although Kick does have a longer cast time than Brawl, so that may be an issue.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dirges View Post
    I don't think BaBs will ever make punch and kick not put away weapons. Generally only powers from the weapons set, or a related set don't call redraw. Brawl and the inherent origin attacks are exceptions since they are just, originally, attack fillers for the early levels.

    Also since punch and kick are pool powers I would expect all other primary/secondary sets to be changed first. Though I would love to see them work around the TA/AR redraw.
    In terms of "which does the most to eliminate redraw" other primary/secondaries make more sense to rework. But in terms of "which one has the work already been mostly done for", eliminating redraw from Kick is the one that makes sense.

    It also might actually prompt people to take Kick instead of Boxing occasionally.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madam_Enigma View Post
    Not always though. Many times the 'named' villain in CoH who's out to destroy the world is a named Boss enemy. For Spiderman for example, I would probably classify Vulture, Rhino, Scorpion, and maybe a few others as Boss class. Doc Oc would be an AV for sure, and Electro might be an EB or AV.
    I would actually classify all those characters as elite bosses or AVs. Named bosses who are not EBs tend to appear in a single mission or arc. Recurring characters are all elite boss or higher.
  22. The thing is that the street-level characters you mention are still fighting characters who are EBs or AVs by City of Heroes standards. The Kingpin's nearest equivalent in COH is Tub Ci (AV), Guido Verandi (EB) or Emil Marcone (EB). The Rhino, depending on which appearances you go by, would line up reasonably to Atta (EB) or Wretch (AV).

    As a general rule, villains who would merit cover position on a comic book are Elite Bosses or Archvillains, regardless of their "absolute" power level (street-level vs. world-shakers).
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
    Babs wouldn't have had to make "An animation", he would have had to make something like 40 animations. Per weapon type. Flying, huge, female, etc etc etc.

    When you're adding a new weapon, you're doing those 40 animations once (for the new weapon). Which is still a big deal. When you're redoing all the old weapons you're doing it EVERY time. Which may be a big deal or not, I dunno...
    Which is a pretty hefty undertaking, except that he already made "kick without sheathing your weapon" animations for the existing weapons to use with Brawl.

    (I don't have characters with every weapon, so there may be some that don't have kick animations already, but I know that at the least quite a few of them do.)
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
    There are several people out there running DP(or AR)/TA/Mace corruptors already.

    If anything, it's not enough redraw.
    Clearly you need to craft a Revolver, Gabriel's Hammer, and a St. Louis Slammer to work into your attack chain.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    Though I will agree with this. (And events. Really. As "new" as it is, does anyone see people tackling the banners still?) I remember regularly seeing multiple teams dealing with Lusca. Now, nobody's interested. At least people will turn out to help a Synapse team with Babbage.
    I don't know about other servers, but on Champion (in my experience, at least) teams form fairly regularly to take down GMs when they spawn just because they're a relatively small investment of time and effort for two merits. Mostly it's Babbage, Paladin and the Croatoa monsters because they're easy to get to and spawn pretty frequently, but Adamastor, Jurassik, and Kraken teams aren't all that rare either. Lusca does have the "too much effort for too little reward" problem, though.