Good secondary to go with Mind?




Hiya folks,

I want to make Controller mainly for soloing and maybe some grouping at higher levels, I want Mind as my primary but can't decide on a secondary?

What would be best for soloing?




For me Kinetics works the best with Mind.
Mind puts your enemy to sleep and kin saps their power without waking them up.
At higher levels when you have FS, Terrify and Mass Confusion that combination worked great for me.

Global: @Fire Beam



Thanks, i'm going to give it a try.



Just so you know . . . Mind is a good primary to solo early on. It has four great single target controls, three of which do damage. The early attack chain of Dominate-Mezmirize (slotted for damage)-Levitate does good single target damage in low levels. You finally get some somewhat weak AoE damage from Terrify. After that, you get good AoE controls, but Mind is weak on upper level damage.

I have taken a Mind/FF and a Mind/Storm into the 40's, mostly solo. Just when other controllers are getting a big bump up in damage from their pet at 32, Mind gets an increase in AoE control from Mass Confusion. The confused foes do some damage, but I find that it does not make up for the pet.

Mind is a very powerful primary, and it really doesn't need all that much from the secondary. Mind/kin should be a good combo -- my buddy has one at 50 that I teamed with most the way. But in those upper levels, you'll want to team more than solo.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



Mind/Radiation is good if you've never really messed with Controllers before. (Anything /Radiation is good, but usually for different reasons.)

In Mind's case it helps pull back up your long recharge powers faster. Radiation benefits because you can sleep enemies discretely, set up all your debuffs, and start the fight at your leisure. Also, having a second way to Hold enemies means getting Containment is easier if you decide to solo.

I also have a Mind/Cold that I like quite a bit (my favorite character overall). He CAN solo.. but he's not the best. The downside of that combo is the Sleet power waking enemies up. I get around this at high levels by taking Power Boost, and nailing enemies with a combo of Power Boost + Mass Confuse + Total Domination + Sleet + Terrify. Going that gonzo really wasn't possible until I spent a lot of money on IOs, though due to the huge recharge on a few powers. (I have Mass Confuse down to around 60 seconds).

Mind/Trick Arrow is rarely seen but really quite a powerful combo. A few powers that would be redundant on other primaries (single target hold, AoE slow) are useful for this combo.

The only combo I'd swear you away from is Mind/Sonic, unless you really know what you're getting into.



My Mind/Storm was one of my first characters. She's a fantastic soloist (Steamy Mist + aggroless controls = comedy) and works quite well in groups, but it took a while to get the hang of switching between the playstyles required for each. With that out of the way she's one of my most versatile characters and does well in dang near any team arrangement.



Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
Just so you know . . . Mind is a good primary to solo early on. It has four great single target controls, three of which do damage. The early attack chain of Dominate-Mezmirize (slotted for damage)-Levitate does good single target damage in low levels. You finally get some somewhat weak AoE damage from Terrify. After that, you get good AoE controls, but Mind is weak on upper level damage.

I have taken a Mind/FF and a Mind/Storm into the 40's, mostly solo. Just when other controllers are getting a big bump up in damage from their pet at 32, Mind gets an increase in AoE control from Mass Confusion. The confused foes do some damage, but I find that it does not make up for the pet.

Mind is a very powerful primary, and it really doesn't need all that much from the secondary. Mind/kin should be a good combo -- my buddy has one at 50 that I teamed with most the way. But in those upper levels, you'll want to team more than solo.
Not sure I really agree with you LocalMan. I agree that Mind is great at soloing right from level 2, but I disagree that it doesn't get good AoE damage.

Where other sets get a Pet, Mind gets Terrify at 26 which is borderline overpowered. It does the same damage per target as Dominate and has a huge cone. It really is a massive AoE damage attack (if slotted) as well as a fear, and of course its damage is doubled with containment. Once you couple it with an APP AoE attack, you will see that Mind has 2 great AoE powers. The only negative with Terrify is its 45s recharge, but with decent recharge bonuses you can get it to a very respectable number.

So I would say Mind's damage just isn't that clear cut. People see the lack of pet as a huge thing, but really my experience with Controller pets is that they are unreliable and not as effective as people imagine them to be. In teams I would argue Mind does more damage with its 2 AoE's then most other control sets, where pets are largely sidelined. I know I routinely solo on x8 difficulty because it seems a waste to fight small spawns. Granted Mind/ is not as powerful as Fire for AoE damage, but its no where near as weak as people think.

Of course one thing I will concede is that Mind does lack reliable ways of setting up containment, which is the main drawbacks of the set.

As for the original question, my main is a Mind/Storm and it works very well. However it is not the easiest combo to play and while it has a lot of synergy, you need to be quite knowledgable about your powers to get the most out of it. This is because unlike some combos, you can't just throw out everything at your disposal all the time, you have to pick and choose what you use carefully, especially when solo. Mass Hypnosis + Freezing Rain is not the ideal combo for instance.

However some synergy Mind/Storm has is Steamy Mist + Aggroless powers, it lets you get much closer without being detected and also lets you be the "psychic stealther" as you can easily slip past enemies with a well targeted confuse or sleep. Thunderclap is a good source of containment damage on minions as well. Freezing Rain + Terrfiy make a great soft control combination. Lightning Storm and Tornado (where applicable due to lack of -knockback) are good pets for when you need more firepower, which if you like pets can make up for the lack of pet from Mind/. Now if only you could shove enemies around with Hurricane without waking them up, unfortunately you can't. :-)



Mind actually does have a good source of containment, but its hard to leverage. That would be Telekinesis. IMO Telekinesis is a better power on Dominators, but its kind of interesting. Mainly because it's a freaking auto-hit Hold. It's kind of a testament to how much Repel generally sucks that this power isn't more popular.



Originally Posted by Peacemoon View Post
However some synergy Mind/Storm has is Steamy Mist + Aggroless powers, it lets you get much closer without being detected and also lets you be the "psychic stealther" as you can easily slip past enemies with a well targeted confuse or sleep. Thunderclap is a good source of containment damage on minions as well. Freezing Rain + Terrfiy make a great soft control combination. Lightning Storm and Tornado (where applicable due to lack of -knockback) are good pets for when you need more firepower, which if you like pets can make up for the lack of pet from Mind/. Now if only you could shove enemies around with Hurricane without waking them up, unfortunately you can't. :-)
While a lot of people forget this, Tornado is also an excellent chaos-control power; the KB and stun it flings around make it very hard for enemies to get anything done. Granted, it's not like Mind really needs another panic button, but it's handy against enemies who resist Mind's main arsenal of tricks or when teammates seem dead-set on a team wipe.

That said the main thing I use it for on my mind/storm is frigging Malta Auto Turrets. Nothing in Mind works well on them and I hate leaving them alive to follow me around and try to break my stealth, but since they have KB immunity Tornado and LS can bust them up pretty well.



You are right Ben and actually I have used Tornado myself for exactly that reason, bloody Malta turrets! Generally though Tornado is the wild card I usually keep up my sleeve. It does have some good uses though. I waited till 49 to take it, and 2 slotted it with Soulbound Allegience, DMG + DMG/Recharge. Some nice numbers for just 2 slots.



Originally Posted by Peacemoon View Post
You are right Ben and actually I have used Tornado myself for exactly that reason, bloody Malta turrets! Generally though Tornado is the wild card I usually keep up my sleeve. It does have some good uses though. I waited till 49 to take it, and 2 slotted it with Soulbound Allegience, DMG + DMG/Recharge. Some nice numbers for just 2 slots.
"Wild card" is a pretty good way of putting it - it's hard to give a solid list of times you would use it, because it seems like it's more a wide variety of fringe or rare situations. Eventually (for me at least) there just sort of developed a sense of when it was time for the Tornado.

It's definitely not something you'll use all the time, but it's a very nice tool in the box. That's why I get annoyed when people treat it purely as a damage power when talking about Storm.



Mind/Kin IS quite good. Plenty of solo buffs, team buffs and enemy debuffs. If you want an in-depth look at this power combo, I have a guide:

I'll concede that Mind/Kin isn't -perfect-, but then again everything has a downside =)


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by Verren View Post
Hiya folks,

I want to make Controller mainly for soloing and maybe some grouping at higher levels, I want Mind as my primary but can't decide on a secondary?

What would be best for soloing?

I think Rad would go great with Mind. You will gain a heal, self buff, and debuffs, I think it would be a well rounded solo controller.

Proton Sentry Peacebringer:lvl 50+++ - Human Build / Triform Build
Quasar Sentry Warshade:lvl 50+- Human Build / Triform Build
Red Katipo Arachnos Soldier:lvl 50+++ - Crab Build / Bane Build
Black Katipo Arachnos Widowlvl 50+++ - Fortunata Build / Night Widow Build



My Mind/Kin was my first 50. I found it to be an amazing combo. Kinetics gives you Syphon Speed, which is great for speeding up your recharge as well as being a poor man's Super Speed. Speed Boost and Fulcrum Shift will make you very popular amongst your teammates. You can sustain longer fights with the endurance refill from Transference and the fantastic heal (slot heavy for accuracy--missing when it's life or death sucks). These two powers will require you to play in up close, so this also gives Mind/Kin a different feel since most trollers tend to stay back from the fray.

xfire: zanthyna
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No matter how many levels I gain, the Lag Monster is always red to me.



/rad and /ta would be good. /kin is solid as well. My Mind/kin is in the 30s and he soloed all, but one mission for the Striga zone arcs. I've probably pulled out more stuff from who knows where playing that build than any other.