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  1. Since this is a PVE event and not PVP and no permanent results to the base occur, it could be fun. Just have a base option for SG/VG that don't want to participate to not be attacked. Have it happen only on certain days and times or just have it be an event started by the SG/VG leaders. Also have a minimum number of members currently online to trigger it. I think it would be neat to have bases be more than homemade eye candy. Those that don't want to be in it, wouldn't.
  2. Death From Below lowers (or raises) levels to LV 3. Powers over LV 8 aren't available. It's not a bug.
  3. Beltor

    Kill the genie.

    Don't know if it would help, but you can give MM pets inspirations by dragging them to the pet. They use them immediately so time is a factor.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zybron1 View Post
    I don't want to throw a wrench into your idea, but I don't think Protector Bots have any melee attack. At least, City of Data doesn't list one (Protector Bot) and I've read elsewhere that they don't have one. Now, maybe there is a 'baked in' brawl sort of ability in them, anyway, that is suppressed, perhaps? Or something similar. Still, though, without any melee attack at all, Prot Bots still run into melee.

    I've seen them do it without any other pet running into melee, too, so they aren't chasing another pet there to heal or bubble. I don't think they have a 'brawl' sort of ability to un-queue. Otherwise, what you suggest may work, I don't know.

    What would work, since I didn't realize all NPCs used the same AI, is writing an actual AI for pets. Not only that, but if they actually had a 'real' AI, you could allow for customizations, like setting certain pets to only range or only melee, etc. Of course, I haven't seen the code, so I don't know what kind of complications there could be to actually implementing that. But, I'd pay for another subscription to have it. Or whatever point cost in the Paragon Market they decide something like this would be worth.
    From what was said earlier, brawl may be a default used when no other action can be done. It may not be listed.
    It may be that "move closer" may be the default though.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
    My settings tool actually says, in a tool-tip, "leaving this setting application controlled is best"(essentially) for most settings. This is on Nvidia.

    I think it is also the default. I am surprised if AMD/ATI settings tools don't say that and/or default to "application controlled".
    It does. I had temporarily turned that off to try to improve the graphics on another game that didn't have anti-aliasing or it didn't work, and forgot to change it back later.
  6. I just checked my bots MM. My protector bots don't bubble while on passive. They were fully upgraded. They started bubbling when i took them off passive and stopped again when put back on passive. Shame, i was hoping they'd changed that
  7. I use an ATI radeon 5670 and athough COH hasn't given me any trouble, i've had similar problems with some other game like Skyrim. I found my problem was the antialiasing mode (Not the AA setting). Setting it to Multi-sample AA fixed it for me. Also COH seems to get glitchy if the card and the game both have antialiasing on. The option "Use application settings" seems to work best for me. Don't know if that helps.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
    3) Pets will still buff and heal in a passive or defensive state when not attacking. The stances really only affect whether they are allowed to attack or not, and thus chase or not.
    Unless it was changed (and i hope it was), pets on passive didn't heal or buff or do anything.

    As brawl is a default, removing the queue for brawl alone does sound like a good idea since right now other powers aren't being checked for readiness while brawl is queued and trying to be executed. They would still close if no powers are charged but it would still be a massive improvement. A jerky stop/go closing movement might be a problem, but that would probably be easy to fix.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zybron1 View Post
    I think this describes the crux of the issue. There are both melee-based pets and ranged-based pets. But, rather than try to come up with an AI for both cases, they decided to try to cram both behaviors into the same AI. (At least, that appears to be the case, since any modification of the MM pet AI affects all MM pets regardless of power set.)

    I think the real solution may be to develop separate AI logic based on power sets. Or even develop a unique AI for each MM set.

    It's probably more development than they're willing to invest in fixing MM pet AI, though.
    This is why i thought about making "stay" more absolute. The players could handle the problem themselves with all pets and everything else that uses the same AI wouldn't be affected. It wouldn't take as much coding either. Just more player effort.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
    Actually, that's the beauty of my idea. healing and buffs are ranged, usually.

    My idea only stops the "queue melee power then run into melee to activate".
    Ranged powers, at least when they all have the same range, activate immediately because they don't sit queued while they try to get into range. You can't cancel a power that is activating(except a few interruptable ones).

    The only possible problem is if an enemy is running away, which would only be a problem because of the way I think pet attacking works.

    I'm thinking that pets, once they are set to attack a target, queue a power and then either activate it or move into range if out of range.
    I don't think they move into range first, like players can/do, and then activate the power.

    It would probably be better to attach the function to brawl so that they still try to brawl, but they un-queue/cancel it as soon as another power is recharged(which would require less work likely).
    That seems best. It would keep them from just queueing brawl and chasing a target down forever(if the target was fast enough to remain out of range forever).
    Their was a game for the first playstation called "Carnage Heart" where you design and build robots, then use them on a battlefield against enemy robots. You didn't control them manually, instead you used a flowchart like system to design an AI for them to use. If a queue wasn't used, the AI would be ok if two different actions had differing ranges. But if both had the same range, only one would be used. The last action on the list would be done because the AI wouldn't wait on earlier actions to be done. In the case of MM pets, if healing or buffing is also ranged, favoritism would got to the last action. Either healing, buffing, or ranged attack. Not a problem with buffing as without favoritism, it would just be done when the other actions weren't (not in battle). But in a battle, the pets would either attack and never heal, or heal and never attack. Not having queue on melee attacks and having them first on the action list and then starting over if melee is done (enemy is in melee range), but still having queue on other actions may work. The only problem then would be melee pets, like thugs Bruiser. They wouldn't close to melee unless all ranged attacks were charging. Now i got flowcharts on the brain
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
    That would probably be good, but I'm betting that would only work when the mastermind issues the command to "stay".
    I was trying for a solution that is "always on" to affect the pets while they are doing anything, in combat of course.
    I thought that as well. The pet AI seems to be the same for all the MM sets, so any solution would have to work on all MM sets. Your idea might work when the pets attack but may cause support pets to not use their healing and/or buffs. They'd change their mind too much. My idea would work if the player knows more about pet control but as you pointed out, it need's the "stay" command. It may not be as hands free as would be needed in an intense situation like battle, especially when teaming. Perhaps if pets set on guardian wouldn't go farther than a set distance from the MM so that ranged pets wouldn't run into melee unless the MM does too. Isn't guarding the MM the point of bodyguard mode?
  12. It may have been broken by changes for the four-legged models. If so, rolling back could break all the new things that use them and delay or end the work on Beast Mastery.
  13. An idea i had was to make the pet command "stay" more absolute. If a pet is set on stay, it won't move but still uses any attacks that can reach the enemy as well as abilities on allies like healing or buffs. Commands can be given to individual pets with petcom_name "it's name" so you could put the suicidal Arsonist for example somewhere near the battle so it can lob firebombs in and it would brawl only if the enemy is on it in melee. This would work with other pet types as well and wouldn't mess them up.
  14. I've played several MMO's over the years and mostly solo'd on all of them just because sometimes i wanted to sightsee and read the stories and just relax. Once the game gets to the point where your forced to team, i quit playing it. Which means i didn't have much teaming experiences and the few i had were forced and not fun. Coh is the only game i stayed on for more than a month. Almost 3 years so far. The reason i've stayed with it is because teaming is optional and not required. Oddly enough, i team quite a lot on this game and have for quite a bit of the time i've been subbed. Since teaming is optional, when i do team, it's because i want to and it's usually more fun than being forced to. I can play at a relaxed pace by soloing or i can pick up the pace by teaming. You choose to have fun, you can't be forced to have fun.
  15. I made a DS/DM Mastermind with a melee theme using air superiority and the second whip attack (the short range one). Damage for myself isn't that good but it's not horrible. Survival is ok until the ember demon dies, taking the resistance buff with him. A melee defender might be ok when teaming but would solo poorly, with a possible exception in BS or Katana if you can live long enough to hit twice with parry/divine avalanche. With the defender adjustments to defence buffs, after the second parry, you'd be nearly untouchable in melee. Possibly unfairly so.
  16. I've always lived by the saying "If you can't lose, what fun is winning?"
    However, sometimes i just want to play without the pressure of avoiding failure. Sometimes i'd like a challenge, sometimes i'd like to relax. Having both options is what makes a good game to me. I do think we need more 'win or lose' missions with rewards for winning a tough challenge. As long as there are also some other missions just for having fun without pressure.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    But Ninjitsu doesn't have an assassin theme. It has a ninja theme (hence the name). Batman, for example, fits Ninjitsu almost perfectly, other than the set's vaguely Oriental flavor (edit: which still isn't entirely inappropriate for him, anyway), and I don't think most would call him an assassin. ATs are so loosely defined in terms of theme that arguing it doesn't "fit" scrappers is rather absurd, anyway.

    The whole AT politics thing is always a bit silly. Scrappers getting Ninjitsu doesn't take it away from Stalkers. It only gives players a new way to play Ninjitsu, and (depending on other proliferations that might hypothetically happen before the hypothetical Ninjitsu port) allows certain different power set combinations.
    If the issue is actually "Stalkers are crap and I want to play Ninjitsu without the burdens of this horrible AT", or coming from the other side "Stalkers are crap and you're trying to give away the one nice thing we have", that's a bit of a different issue, and should be addressed more directly.
    Contrary to some anime series and movies, Ninja were actually assasin's. Their training was different but their purpose was the same. Their covert style was one of the things that made them different from the upfront Samurai. Batman used covert methods when facing superior numbers and/or a physically superior villain. The main difference is that he will not kill no matter what and has even been known to try and save a killer who may have endangered themselves. Thus the title "Dark Knight". Batman would be an example of a hero Stalker, not a Scrapper.

    Looking back i should've used the term 'Covert' instead of 'Assasin'. Some heroes may be covert but aren't assasins, and not all Stalkers are Villains now.
  18. I agree with keeping Ninjitsu as Stalker only. The assasin theme of the set doesn't fit for scrappers.
    Tanks are made for being the protectors of others by using themselves to block attacks because they can take it better than those they defend.
    Brutes are for just wading into the largest battle they can find and using divine organization afterwards (let God sort em out).
    Stalkers are for using stealth and surgical strikes to take down the enemy. A task they will hopefully be able to do better after I22.
    Scrappers are for using fighting skills to defeat opponents. Like a real world prizefighter or UFC fighter.
    I do not think Ninjitsu fits for Scrappers but it could be changed into something more combat related. Like it's counter part, Bushido. Just change the parts that wouldn't fit the theme. Hide, caltrops, smoke bomb, and blinding powder. I'm sure some "way of the warrior" abilities could be made to replace those.
  19. When i first started playing around the end of 2008, I tried running stalkers. After 2 failed tries, I hated them. I tried once more months later and started having the same results. I got angry and started to play dirty with hit and run tactics. That's when it started getting fun. It seems you don't run a stalker like a scrapper. Since then i've perfected my stalker technique and stalker has went from most hated to one of my favorites. Because of that, I don't say 'never again' to anything.
  20. 1: No real names. I won't give mine, I won't ask for yours.
    2: Competitions are for winning, Games are for having fun, and this is a game. 'Playing to win' is an oxymoron, unless it's fun

    Other than that, I just do what everybody else is doing.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
    That's a great theory, but it doesn't work like that.

    Most rez powers either stop the enemies from attacking you (Massive knockback or stun in fire and dark rezzes, respectively), or apply a short-term "Untouchable" effect. Neither Revive nor Resurgence do either of these. I'm uncertain if this is a bug or intended function. Furthermore, the buff Resurgence applies DOESN'T apply until the animation finishes. And you can't activate any powers while the animations are playing either.

    This means that you rez, and whatever killed you smacks you back down before you're even allowed to try to MoG or anything else like that.
    I have a NS/Regen stalker (Ninja Sword is the stalker version of Katana) and i picked up the pool power of Phase Shift (3rd tier stealth pool). I have self rezzed in the middle of a large mob and used Phase Shift right after the rez. If i hit it fast enough, it activates before i stand up. If i take too long by even a fraction of a second, it won't activate until the animation finishes. There's a moment after the rez when you can use other stuff, but you gotta be quick.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    The reason in a nutshell: the Phoenix Force is on it's way to Earth. The Avengers think it is coming to destroy Earth, and the X-men are hoping it signals the rebirth of the mutant race.
    Flip a coin
  23. There was a "Wolverine vs Spiderman" single comic released a year or 2 before the real world Berlin Wall came down. Wolverine won because he was in beserk mode and Spiderman won't kill. Spidey did give a good account of himself, but Wolvie just wouldn't stop and Spiderman doesn't fight to the death.

    As for Avengers vs X-men, it depends on why they're fighting . Either side has the power, ability, and skill to win. The reason for winning could be the main factor. Basically who want's it more
  24. It was better than Allen Gregory, but that's not saying much.
  25. The best non hasten set i can think of is a claws/wp scrapper. Hasten wouldn't be useless but not that needed either.