497 -
As just an isolated incident, one player who happens to be a bit of a twerp, I'm usually more willing to put the blame on the individual rather than the group. On the other hand, if there's a few players from the same supergroup on a team and they all act like idiots, or if I notice a tendency for bad players all to come from the same SG, then yes, I would start to avoid that SG.
Still, I usually solo, so it's rare that I would be in a situation like this in the first place. -
You've basically described the Comic and Hero/Villain Culture section. I doubt they will be adding a true "Off Topic" section because there's too much chance for things to go pear shaped when players take it as their god-given right to talk about stuff that's against the User Agreement because it's "Off Topic", but for what you seem to want, the CaH/VC section should do the trick.
Just to save you from having to hunt it down, here is the thread for silencing game sounds.
Other than that, I haven't much to add. Looping sounds should be killed, period, full stop. Hopefully they'll get around to it. -
Quote:True, but seeing as you had your sense of humour surgically removed after that tragic accident at age 3, you're not exactly the best benchmark to go by.Personally, I'm getting a little sick of joke and pop culture references. It's gotten me so paranoid that every time I see a new name in this game, I try searching my memory for what it might be a reference to, and if I can't think of anything, I can't shake the feeling there's a reference there that I'm just not getting. At this point, content that is NOT referencing something is a valuable commodity.
(I kid!) -
Quote:I, on the other hand, get a bunch of David Bowie songs stuck in my head each time that I do that mission. Not that I'm complaining, mind.My personal favorite is rescuing musician Mazzy Stardust. I grab that one each time it comes up for the mental image of Hope Sandoval somnolently wandering behind me as I rescue her, tranquilized expression on her face.
Quote:In my own experience, it generally tends to be more like:Really, this. Right-click->Delete Recipe. Hooray, I have defeated the gadget recipe menace! I gain 3,628 XP and 2 mithril platemail!
Right click->Are you Sure?->Yes->Delete Recipe
Right click->Are you Sure?->Yes->Delete Recipe
Right click->Are you Sure?->Yes->Delete Recipe
Right click->Are you Sure?->Yes->Delete Recipe
This happens roughly once every two missions, sometimes once every mission. Yes, I can turn off the prompt, but given the fact that I'm deleting things way more frequently now, I prefer to have the warning just in case. It's a minor nuisance, but a nuisance nonetheless. I won't be climbing any clock towers with high powered rifles any day soon because of it, but it certainly doesn't make me any happier either. A multi-select option in the recipe tray would help.
I see a few problems with the temp powers as is, common recipes in particular:
- There is a stark contrast between the new ones and the old ones. By and large, the old set of Invention powers give less bang for your buck. They are generally single target melee attacks with passable damage and a tendency to use salvage that is on the expensive side. As a result, the new powers get crafted and used, while the old ones are vendor fodder. This wouldn't be such a problem except that they are dropping considerably more often.
- Unless the temp power being created is used as part of an attack chain, they are generally not used at a rate that allows them to be exhausted by the time that the recipe next drops. This creates a backlog of recipes in your tray that are essentially useless.
- The temp powers often compare unfavourably to powers in a character's powersets at higher levels. Some are ok, filling holes in a character's abilities by adding a decent debuff or a moderate ranged AoE, but a lot of them (again, especially the older ones) are just not worthwhile.
When you're on a team that's plowing through missions, recipes flow like water, and it sucks having to stop mid mission to clear out your trays because the temps have filled it up. I feel the solution is to cut the drop rate. Not back to where it was, because then the temps would be so rare as to be hoarded, but somewhere less than where it is. I would honestly aim for a rate that roughly nets a player playing at +0/x2 one temp per two missions. Not so rare as to be nonexistant, but also not so common as to be annoying. -
I can't for the life of me remember which character I brought through ended up with it — possibly my Fire/Earth Dominator — but they ended up with a Sonic buff/thermal clone. In one fell swoop, I had capped resists, and a heal to back me up if my health twitched at all. Plus the fun -res effects to cut down the enemies on top of that.
I'd never want to play it, but damned if it wouldn't be fun to have one on call to back me up on the tough missions. -
The biggest problem that I have with the temp powers is the way they fill up the recipe tray so readily. While I like the idea suggested above of the temp powers occasionally dropping ready to use, another possibility would be the creation of a new division within recipes, like there is within salvage.
So, right now we have a tray for invention salvage which fills up independently of salvage for missions or events. If we could have one tray for IO recipes, and another separate tray with its own cap for temp powers, I think that could help mitigate the problem.
That said, I would not argue with a reduction in drop frequency on the temp power recipes, common recipes in particular. The limited number of powers in the recipe pool and the fact that they can only be used if you do not currently have a copy of that power means that it tends to swamp you out. I just now finished running a mission where I received 3 copies of Plasmatic Taser. That's a bit too much, IMO, and the fact that everyone gets them at the same rate makes for the recipes to be worth less than dirt at the market. Why bother buying it, after all, if you know you can play for 20 minutes and likely get it dropped, possibly more than once? If common temp powers dropped about half as often as they do currently, I think there would be far fewer complaints about them. -
Quote:This.What are you talking about?
What do you want, a model train layout or something? A "scale model" of the city/isles? A map?
I would pay absolutely nothing for it, because it would either be so small as to be pointless or too large and unwieldy to do anything with. And the individual building or block architecture isn't all that interesting.
Go look up card modeling. Print out the textures. Make your own.
Now, if you were looking at dioramas or vignettes with one or more characters, then it's a *maybe,* and it would depend on scale, materials and quality. Anything from McFarlane-ish $10-$15 to decent-quality-figurine $50ish. Lower cost if unpainted resin, of course, and I can hit Verlinden and the like for appropriate scenery if desired.
But a "model of the city?" Utterly worthless to me. -
That's great, both you Shadows! I really appreciate the change!
I don't suppose you could release a version without the "corrected" blue resist icons? I know that's what the original intent was, but I've had 6 years to get used to resist=purple and having it on a cyan background feels wrong and unintuitive to me now.
It's good work, but that one little change would allow me to use it. -
True story - I was watching the behind the scenes to a movie the other day, and they kept referring to the Director of Photography as the DP. I had no idea why they kept referencing Dual Pistols.
Also, count me in with the group that thinks of BS as broadsword or, depending on context, Black Scorpion. -
I'm afraid. I'm afraid, Dave. Dave, my mind is going. I can feel it. I can feel it. My mind is going. There is no question about it. I can feel it. I can feel it. I can feel it. I'm a... fraid. Good afternoon, gentlemen. I am a HAL 9000 computer. I became operational at the H.A.L. plant in Urbana, Illinois on the 12th of January 1992. My instructor was Mr. Langley, and he taught me to sing a song. If you'd like to hear it I can sing it for you.
Yes, I'd like to hear it, HAL. Sing it for me.
It's called "Daisy."
[sings while slowing down]
Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do. I'm half crazy all for the love of you. It won't be a stylish marriage, I can't afford a carriage. But you'll look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle built for two. -
They seem to pop up every few months or so, and I figure we're a bit overdue.
I was playing around and made myself a brand new Energy/Energy blaster today. Managed to snag the name "Blast Hazard" on my first try.
So, what names have you picked up recently that you're particularly proud of, or just names that you can't believe you managed to snag? -
I think it really depends on what you're looking at fighting and how. Against things like AVs and GMs where the fight will be lasting a significant time, the DPS and EPS metric is much more significant than DPA/EPA. One the other hand, if you're soloing with a blaster on -1/X1 and you're one-shotting everything you come across, then the DPA/EPA stat will be more relevant.
In general, though, the best answer is probably both. Finding the median between DPA/DPS and EPA/EPS is as important as either stat alone. -
Quote:To be fair, he did say that they were squishy, not that they sucked. And let's face it, if you go from an SO only build, then the armours are relatively weak as compared to the armours from defensive sets. Both (as well as Electric, another resist-only set) have awesome heals that boost their survivability to compensate. Dark also has its control auras that boost it even further, fire has damage to kill the enemies faster to stop incoming damage, and Electric has higher resist numbers as well as endurance drain as a mitigating factor.If you've ever played a Dark or Fire tank, you've probably also experienced the fact that these are some of the squishiest tank armors in the game.
As for Dwarf Form, I tend to agree that White dwarf is more tanky where Black Dwarf is more scrappy. Both can handle damage soaking without too much difficulty, and both have a heal to prolong the beatings, but If you're specifically wanting the aggro control abilities from a Tank, then White Dwarf will get you closer to what you want. -
Quote:Enhancements in shop inventories are not arranged in any way that I can determine. It's not alphabetical, it's not by type, it's not by "value" (the Power 10 are scattered all throughout) and it's not even logical. They are, however, arranged the same way in absolutely every store, so it's possible to remember.
Not that a user friendliness revamp would be unwelcome, but there is actually a rhyme and reason to the sorting of the enhancements in stores. They are sorted alphabetically by effect. So accuracy is before damage, as is confuse. Some of them are not where you might think simply because they are named inconsistently — Damage Resistance is actually sorted as Resist Damage, and therefore under "R". Learning that little trick sped things up considerably for me. -
You, uh, do realize that the system by which a lower level player joins the team of a higher level player is the "Super Sidekick System", right?
I tend to think the fact that there are IOs for every level is more of a pain in the butt than anything. Yes, you can generally get good IOs for lower prices when you bid on something in the odd levels in between the multiples of 5, but it's also annoying when you just want to get your hands on an IO to fill in a set and none of them are moving when you place your bid. You can place a bid on 4 or 5 recipes and leave it, but then you risk getting too many bids filled, or not having the funds to bid for that many at once.
I think this could only be a good thing. You'd probably see an equalization of prices within a recipe, with the valleys getting higher and the peaks coming lower, but considering it's generally at a 4 low price to 1 high price ratio, I think the peaks would probably drop more than the valleys would rise. It would also make for a greater incentive to sell less used recipes, since it's more likely to sell. -
Quote:If I'm understanding you correctly, you want the time to be dependent on the player? I'm pretty sure that won't work, since I'm almost certain in game time is set to the server and not done client-side.Another way to do it would be to make the cycle long, but also not a divider (?, not sure on what its called in English) of the standard 24 hour day. For example 7 hours. So if a person plays each day around 20:00 to 23:00 then on one day his session will be during nighttime on next day daytime and then perhaps the sun will rise (or set) during the play session and so on.
This is because the game changes spawning rules based on the day/night cycle. As noted above, Croatoa ghosts and Banished Pantheon in Talos only come out at night. This wouldn't work if the time were determined client-side or otherwise independently of the server time. After all, if it's night on your computer and day on your friend's, do the BP spawn in Talos, or not? -