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  1. I should be on, most likely will bring Badaxe
  2. Badaxe


    Too bad about your PC, hopefully it won't be too long before you get a new one, and good luck on your house hunting.
  3. Badaxe


    Still need those last two badges.

    I don't think I have anything planned that weekend so should be able to attend as Titan Lord (Kat/Reg Scrapper).
  4. If they do I hope it's for a full 24 hours, not just a "happy hour" period. Would hate to miss out due to been at work.

    Like Lightbender mentioned, it could be used as a good (cheap) marketing technique.
  5. Happy Birthday Belle!

    Sorry I missed it.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
    I'm pretty darned sure that any cross-server system would use an opt-in crowd gathering system of the LFG tab, which means the devs get much fuller use from that system and allow for a much more direct means of recruitment. Example: it's 2 in the afternoon, Player #1 wants to form a BAF. only 10 50's are on, and half don't want a trial. Rather than telling the half that do want to to transfer to the next server for a larger group to coalesce, they all hit the LFG, and every player from every server who wants in gets dropped into the trial, stopping at the limit.
    Yes, I know that brings up the issue of a blind invitation system, 'unblanced' teams, and all that stuff that people don't like about the LFG engine. But it does solve any pick up teaming complaints by taking an immediate account of all logged in and willing players at once, as soon as they join such a queue.
    This is what I thought the suggestion was also, working with open league trails only.

    Also under this method the name issue is not a problem, all they have to do is stop any two characters with the same name joining the same league. As the trails themselves are fully instance there is no chance they will meet someone else with the same name from a different server. The chance that two characters of the exact same name would be in the queue for the same trail at the exact same time would (I think) be extremely low anyway, at worst one of them will have to wait a couple of mins for the next open league to fill up.

    To further avoid issues they may also have to restrict tells to those within the same instance as well (for obvious reasons).

    But who really knows what the delevopers have in mind...
  7. Badaxe

    Event Fail

    My only issue with this event is that you only get the badge if Nemesis spawns, however to get him to spawn it seems you need two or three groups in the same zone. Makes it hard for low pop servers, especially for those that only play off-peak times. They then compound the problem by having the event in multiple zones at the same time (spreading people between the zones).

    As during my normal playing time I'm luckily to see more than half a dozen people on, I actually stay home this morning for a few hours to play. But even then when the event started only six players (that I could see) got involved so no Nemesis and no badge.

    I do get to play during prime time most weekends, so for me personally it should not be a issue (as long as everyone isn't sick of the event by this weekend). However, there are many people that don't have that option. One of the players I grouped with this morning was very annoyed about the whole thing as he never gets to play during prime time.
  8. A couple of good suggestions that I wish I thought of

    Originally Posted by Kractis_Sky View Post
    I really want Sig Hero/Villian weapon tradable recipes to be added to Booster Packs. Infernals Axe and Battle Maidens Halbert, BABs Gloves etc (or their auras/costumes/effects for those who dont really use thingies for their toons) would make for great costumes and trading, IMO.

    Originally Posted by McNum View Post
    I couldn't think of much I wanted on the Paragon Market that isn't already there, except for one thing: A permanent unlock of the Costume Recipe costumes. Wouldn't it be nice to make a character with rocket boots from level 1?.
    The only thing I could up with for an addition to the market was an account wide Vault (eg: a single vault that all characters have access to).

    For the Super Packs I suggested a very rare chance of a random purple recipe, anything really except more consumables!

    Player Housing sounds good, but they would have to have a customised external look to distinction them from solo bases.

    Favourite iTrial, I said BAF, sure it may be farmed a lot these days but there is a good reason for that. In my opinion it’s still the best designed trail they’ve done.
  9. When I play my tanker on a LAM, more often then not as soon as the last phases starts people will just start handing me grenades without anyone saying anything. Or if there is a better more well known tank on the league they just hand them to him/her.

    I think another reason for some leaders saying hand them all to one player, may be more to stop all the questions like "who do I hand nades to?" etc.

    I also didn't know you couldn't waste grenades anymore, you learn something new every day...
  10. I should be there either as Badaxe (still looking for those final two VRs) or Deadly Love (now +2 may be +3 by the weekend if I get lucky doing the Solo path).
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
    It might also screw up running the arcs back to back at 50. All of the arcs share a reward table cooldown.

    Normal first run:
    Heather Townshend (uses first run bonus, doesn't start cooldown)
    Mu'Vorkan (uses first run bonus, doesn't start cooldown)
    Praetor Duncan (uses first run bonus, doesn't start cooldown)

    However if you're already done them sub-50:
    Heater Townshend (full table, starts cooldown timer)
    Mu'Vorkan (oops! component choice is on cooldown because you got the table less than 20 hours ago)
    Praetor Duncan (now both component and merit are on cooldown...)

    I haven't actually had a chance to verify that yet, but current evidence suggests that's what would happen. You'd have to wait a day between each arc to be able to qualify for the component each time.
    Yes, that fits in with what happen to me. The only different been that I also didn't get a full table option with Heather (because I done the last arc within 20 hours prior to hitting 50).

    EDIT: I just realised, she should had got a roll on the Component table with Heather (because it wasn't an option with her not been 50 before with the previous runs). Not sure why not in this case, maybe it was just a once off bug as it didn't happen to Codewalker. Anyway, not a issue worth worrying about now.
  12. For reference; I ran a level 49 with one of my 50+3 characters doing all the arcs (over a couple of days). By the end the she was level 50. After doing the unlock we then did the 1st arc (using her character), both of us where locked out of the rewards due to (I assume) been under a week since last reward from Heather.

    Offcourse it could had also been because it was less than 20 hours since the reward from the last arc (I can't remember), but been a different arc I didn't think that mattered. I didn't expect to get a chance of rolling, but did expect her to. Not a major issue either way.
  13. I'll try to be there. Most likely on as Badaxe, except if doing a badge run for either Keyes or DD (in which case it will be Titan Lord).
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
    I doubt it. When you talk to him in-game, he just gives you a list of the arcs you haven't done yet.

    I suspect that he just holds a "1" or "0" for each, and when all 6 are set to "1" he gives you the merits the next time you talk to him. Then at the appropriate time next week, he resets them all to "0".
    Thanks Roderick, That's too bad, I just hate having to remember to check things like this - just because you are old and forgetful like me doesn’t mean you should miss out on getting awards for things you have completed
  15. One thing I notice with your build that I can't belive I never seen or thought of before (maybe I'm just too old and blind); using Grant Invisibility and Invisibility for LkGmblr-Rchg+ mules.

    May have to take a look at the many toons I have with just End IOs in these powers.
  16. Quote:
    Incarnate Progression
    Dark Astoria
    The Daily Repeatable mission reward has been increased to 10 threads from 2 threads.
    Players can now earn two Empyrean merits a week by completing all Dark Astoria arcs every week. They can speak with Taskmaster Gabriel, who is outside of the Dark Astoria hospital, in order to claim these merits.
    Taskmaster Gabriel will inform players on how long they have until they can earn their next Empyrean merit, along with which arcs they still need to complete for their next reward.
    Adjusted the maximum merit reward in Dark Astoria's Repeatable Missions to 2 Reward Merits. This is attainable once per 20 hours. After that, each Repeatable mission will only offer one Merit.
    Does Taskmaster Gabriel keep track of how many Empyreans merits you are due? For example; if you repeat all the arcs each week for four weeks in a row without seeing him or claiming any, can you then claim all eight Empyrean merits from him in one go?
  17. I just had the thought "I really should stop playing for a while and do some work"...


    Maybe someone is trying to tell me something..
  18. Good that you noticed that you didn't have Synchronized before we all left

    I should be on this weekend and more then happy to help out.
  19. RevolverMike, although not the same problem I do get something that may be related since I22. When I swap characters and the Character Select screen first loads I sometimes get a two inch script down the right hand side the screen. It goes away after a few seconds.

    It’s not a really issue at all, I suspect it has something to do with my SLI set-up. I only mentioned it as it the same colour as what was in your screenshot.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VKhaun View Post
    So you're asserting that you know for a fact that they could fix every account if they wanted to, and that they have chosen not to?
    er well YES, offcourse they could fix every single account if they wanted to. For whatever reason, lack of resources, funding or whatever, they have chosen not to.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VKhaun View Post
    What principle of what issue?
    They had a problem, they fixed it, but some accounts have an error.
    If you think you have such an account, file a support ticket.

    You have assumed they have some magic wand that can identify and fix all of those accounts and are choosing not to use it. That's the only issue in this thread.
    I'm not sure why I'm bothering to reply, but, obviously yes they (NCSoft) do have a magic wand that can identify and fix all the accounts, all they have to do is run some queries against the tables in their billing system. If they couldn't, they also couldn't fix individual accounts like they have been. After they identify all the accounts there may be some manual adjustments required to fix each one, but that's just part of running a business.

    PS: I'm not sure if you realise, but I don't care if everything is received on the same day or not. As long as it's once a month I would be happy (for some reason that phase made me think of something else ).
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    Uhmm Just send a petition if your rewards are not rewarding correctly. I get my transfer token and points religiously on time, but the past few months have had to petition for my reward token. It takes approximately 1 petition and 1 email replying to their like 2 minutes of my life - and voila they fix it within the hour.

    The system is not perfect or WAI for some, but seriously it takes less than 2 minutes on your part to file a petition and reply to an email.
    True, but that doesn't help with the principal of the issue..
  23. Thanks for running these Ellscry.

    They were all fun, even if we didn't get all the badges for Keyes, maybe next time

    Titan Lord
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    So, here's some napkin calculations: in buying enough packs to get 6 catalysts, odds are very good that you'll get all 3 of of the Elemental Order pieces on the VR table. So, we can basically use the no-costume chance to calculate the number of VR cards necessary, then add 3 to that to account for the costume pieces. With a 14% chance for a Catalyst per card, and needing 6 Catalysts, you'd need 6/.14 = ~43 VR cards. 46, with the costume pieces. But not every pack contains a VR card - about 80% do, IIRC. So 46/.8 = ~58 packs will get you an average of 6 catalysts.
    Offcourse it all random, I opened 48 packs and only got the 1 catalyst.
  25. Actually my main problem is this...

    Originally Posted by Ghost Falcon

    I followed up with our billing folks, and it appears that there was a bug with our back-end system. Essentially, those bugs have been fixed, but all affected accounts from those bugs have not been fixed.
    It's standard business 101; if you identify any issue associated with a billing system you must go back and identify and fix all affected accounts. You DO NOT rely on your customers to identify the problem and complain before doing anything.