out of curiosity...graphics problem




Since the update I keep getting random green or yellow/orange flashes on my screen in various shapes. It could be anything from a large box blocking out a corner to a oval-ish design dead center blocking my toon. For the most part they last a second or two but somethings longer.

Just curious if anyone else was having this problem that way I can know its on paragons side and wont have to worry about it as I'm sure it'll get fixed soon enough.

Some notes, I usually play on the "performance" setting since my old monitor got busted and have been using an old one that was laying around. Even put the settings down to minimum today to see if it got rid of the random flash shapes but it didnt. Thought maybe it was from lag when i first signed in earlier and was in DA but right now its 2:45 am here so guess that ideas out.

Edit: All these views and not a single person can say "not experiencing this at all". Ok so after playing a bit more I discovered the length the graphics anomaly stays has to do with my movement cause on one character when i was just standing around it stayed. Again, before I22 i never had this problem.



I've only managed to spend 8 hours at home since I22 launched and I was sleeping for most of those.

I'll be updating on four computers of varying age and build tonight, and trying them out. If anything turns up I'll post it.

In Paragon City since June 2005.



Could you give us a bit more info about your system?

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Just finished updating and testing all my computers and I'm afraid it's a "not experiencing this at all" from me. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

The only graphical glitch I have seen is a strange, colorful picture of a dance floor where the Pocket D teleport beacon used to be.

In Paragon City since June 2005.



Originally Posted by RevolverMike View Post
Edit: All these views and not a single person can say "not experiencing this at all". Ok so after playing a bit more I discovered the length the graphics anomaly stays has to do with my movement cause on one character when i was just standing around it stayed. Again, before I22 i never had this problem.
I'm going to join with Feefa and go with the "not experiencing this at all" sentiment. It looks like a graphical artefact and so is probably related to your GPU or its drivers but until we see the details Hyperstrike asked for (the picture on his post is a link) there's not much more anyone can say.

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Running on a mac so figure i wont be able to use hyperstrikes tools but heres some info. Let me know if theres anything else you'd need and I'll try my best to get it.

Model Name: Mac Pro
Model Identifier: MacPro1,1
Processor Name: Dual-Core Intel Xeon
Processor Speed: 3 GHz
Number Of Processors: 2
Total Number Of Cores: 4
L2 Cache (per processor): 4 MB
Memory: 4 GB

Chipset Model: NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT
Type: Display
Bus: PCIe
Slot: Slot-4
PCIe Lane Width: x8
VRAM (Total): 256 MB
Vendor: NVIDIA (0x10de)
Device ID: 0x0393
Revision ID: 0x00a1
ROM Revision: 3008
Display Connector:
Status: No Display Connected
Resolution: 1280 x 960 @ 75 Hz
Depth: 32-Bit Color
Core Image: Hardware Accelerated
Main Display: Yes
Mirror: Off
Online: Yes
Quartz Extreme: Supported
Rotation: Supported



Originally Posted by RevolverMike View Post
Display Connector:
Status: No Display Connected
Resolution: 1280 x 960 @ 75 Hz
Depth: 32-Bit Color
Core Image: Hardware Accelerated
Main Display: Yes
Mirror: Off
Online: Yes
Quartz Extreme: Supported
Rotation: Supported
I'm not sure what This is about, but That tells me you're either using an external display or set to the wrong frequency (from my understanding LCD screens are default to 60Hz). You may wanna turn off Hardware Acceleration. Either way it's a graphical issue since you're able to take a screenshot. Have you tried updating the drivers for the card?



Thanks WanderingAries, I am on an external display and I actually looked up some new drivers earlier but it would not let me install since I'm running leopard OS. I guess I'll have to upgrade when I find some extra cash up to snow leopard and than lion. With mountain lion coming in summer.

Appreciate all the feedback. Apparently the issue is on my end. Which is kinda frustrating cause as I said before I22 I never experienced this. Before I logged last night on the last character i was playing the anomaly's would even fill mostly the entire screen. Not sure how long I'll be able to deal with that if it keeps up.

If one thing this experience has taught me its I didnt realize my graphics cards were...so inefficient. I ordered this comp long before I ever thought about online gaming and this is the only game I play. Still expect to get another good year or two out of this machine before I think about getting a new one or upgrading all its parts.



RevolverMike, although not the same problem I do get something that may be related since I22. When I swap characters and the Character Select screen first loads I sometimes get a two inch script down the right hand side the screen. It goes away after a few seconds.

ItÂ’s not a really issue at all, I suspect it has something to do with my SLI set-up. I only mentioned it as it the same colour as what was in your screenshot.



Thanks Badaxe, hopefully this is partly on paragons side than and can be fixed without me having to replace anything on my end.



ok, so this problem is still around and it made running a trial today almost impossible. Shapes and colors filled pretty much my whole screen and left me blind every other second about.

Going to switch over to Windows bootcamp mode eventually and see if I have the problem there as well.