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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
    Bah. Hasten is overrated.
    Only if you're building so Eclipse is not up 24/7....

  2. Yes.

    And Yes.

    Why? Because it's not a bug.

    And considering the nature of this thread--the fact that people who HAVE opted to take that "status protection/other form/main powers turnoff toggle/whatever else you'd like to call it," and are STILL complaining about activation times for it--the final answer is also a resounding...


    Suck it up and deal with it.

    Any more questions?

  3. What? The Kheldians WITH mezz-protection are complaining about the mezz-protection they GOT?!?!?

    And you all get on to us human-only guys for complaining about not having it at all?

    LoLz at the irony.

    To this thread, I respond with the same answer I've been given time and time again:

    "Suck it up and deal with it."

    Have a great day.

  4. As always, very informative.

    I'm a huge fan of "dual builds" myself, especially with my Khelds. In fact, I'm hoping that Devs will allow for a 3rd (and possibly 4th) build in the future. I've respec'd some of my guys so much both on live and test that I'd love the ability to have some of the builds I've put together for specific situations/TFs/AV fights, without destroying my "main" builds.

    Anyway, again, great guide.

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steel_Shaman View Post
    I've been noticing some odd things with the new difficulty settings too.
    I've been running my Warshade on -1x3 (no bosses, no AVs) for the last few days. Last night when fighting some Council I had a Lt. turn into a Warwolf when defeated. Not unusual right? Except for one small problem: he turned into a Warwolf boss. And I was solo, set to "no bosses when solo".

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Actually, the "Does prefer fighting bosses when alone" option is what keeps bosses, ANY bosses, from scaling down into lieutenants when solo. I could up the team size (and even +3 produced groups of TWO bosses), but they will still scale down to lieutenants if I don't prefer fighting them, so to speak. At least that's how I'm led to believe the option works.
    That's how it's supposed to work... However, something's up with the guys who change into bosses in a mission, as stated by Steel_Shaman. While he stated this happened to him on council, I had it happen to me on Malta (the two robots turning into a zeus titan boss, even though I was set to "no bosses while solo").

    For the "screenshots or it didn't happen" crowd, here's the video proof.

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CyberDragon View Post
    So far my WS build isn't finished but with hasten running i'm able to get 3 up and running at once,4 if I get help from something like SB or AM.

    On a side note how did you get the "stat" window to pop up like that. The one where it lists the res/rech bonuses you have.
    On your power tray, there is a button named "powers." Click that. You will see a list of all your current powers. At the top of that window, you'll see a little button called "Combat Attributes." Click that. That will show you a complete list of every current attribute your toon has in real-time. You can right-click on any of these attributes and choose to display them at all times (up to 10 at once).

    Originally Posted by Negate View Post
    Hoe do you keep your fluffies alive? Some times even when I taunt my fluffies take more aggro than me!
    My key is to stay ahead of my fluffy aggro. My fluffies have really long range, so having super speed and getting in a group to hit Eclipse/Sunless Mire before my fluffies have a chance to fire their first shot does a LOT to gain most of the aggro. Also, when I'm on my "presence pool" WS, I watch the "outer fringe" aggro very closely, and if I see one or two guys run off to attack one of my fluffies, I will immediately target them and hit Provoke. That usually gets them to immediately turn around and start running back to me.

    When I'm on VestigeOne, everyone dies quicker than the amount of time it takes most enemies (over my aggro limit) to run over to my fluffies and kill them.

    Yeah. He's that fast. :P

  7. I took a screenshot of "Worst Warshade Ever" teaming up with some of my coalition mates recently (using the "fear" build I posted about in another thread), and managed to catch a shot of 4 pets up at once...

    Fun times....

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lord_Regulus View Post
    Man, remind me next time to get someone who knows more about the numbers of powers before I write a guide. I just went by on observations of the build itself ingame. I've been getting some very negative private messages from people who complained that I didn't use numbers.
    LoL, tell me about it.

    Believe me, I know EXACTLY what you mean. Even though I actually DO know numbers, I prefer to address "common sense" than the "numbers game." Not everyone likes to "play by the numbers," so to speak...

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steel_Shaman View Post
    Just a quick update. My Warshade is 35 now, and I'm still enjoying him.
    I've learned as I level him that when I approach a spawn, one of two things is going to happen: all the mobs will be dead in 10 seconds or less. . .or I will be. Which makes every fight rather interesting.
    That's what I loooooooove about WSs so much... There so many "variables" going into every fight, that you really have to be "quick on your feet" thinking-wise to see how you can overcome every situation... It truly is very fun to play.

    Oh, and [Eclipse] will change EVERYTHING... When you get good at pulling it off without dying first (haha), you'll feel like you're in "Light Form"... It's AWESOME!

  10. AlienOne

    What server?

    I rarely solo... Only times I ever "truly" solo is when I'm doing my "min/max" sessions with toons to see how much they can handle by themselves without teaming up. I'd much rather be part of a group effort.

    PuG'ing is awesome! More often than not (just so I don't get frustrated by someone who doesn't know what they're doing), I'll put the team together myself and lead it, but if I've teamed with someone before who's done a decent job, I won't have a prob following orders either. Actually, PuG'ing is mostly what I do--I'll do coalition teams when I can, but since a lot of my coalition mates have begun to have vastly different schedules than mine.... PuG's is where it's at. There's juuuuust enough "n00bicity" to add just the right amount of chaos for an exciting mission...

    That's what I was talking about before, though... If I happen to work during the day, and want to put together a "night-shift" PuG, it's virtually impossible on any of the low-population servers. Not on Freedom, however... There are people playing on there (enought to do any Task Force--yes, even a Shadow Shard one) literally 24 hours a day.

    I once had no problems putting together a Faathim the Kind TF at 4am. There was another time I put together a Dr. Quaterfield at midnight (we got done at 5am--and everyone stayed).

    What other servers can you do that on?

  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Novella View Post
    That's an awesome signature bar, I want one of those. Did you make that yourself?

    No, it's a combination of a few things... First, you can get the signature bar itself by getting your character on City Info Tracker from the Titan Network.

    Secondly (after getting the signature image bar from CIT), in order to fit as many characters into one small space by animating them, I had to go to another site, located here, to get the animated look you see now.

    The "catch" for the second site is... It creates an animated .gif of all the userbar signatures you specify. Therefore, your character's badges shown will not "auto update" as they do normally--i.e., if you chose to just post one or two main characters straight from the CIT sig bar link given by the Titan Network. For example, my user-created signature is already "old", as at least 6 or 7 of the listed characters have many, many more badges on them than what's currently shown.

    However, my main intent wasn't to "show how many badges my characters have"... It was to show a good portion of the variety of characters that I've created thus far.

    Hopefully, it worked...

  12. AlienOne

    What server?

    Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
    You know, for me, transferring even one character and paying a fee on it seems like a lot of money since I know that technically, the action itself is nothing more than an automatic data-transfer really. Even $1.99 would be a lot for me in this case.

    Just so you get a perspective on my MMO spending habits, I recently paid about $700 (CA) for two Liftetime subscriptions to a new MMO and a new graphics card and power supply for one of the PC's to be able to run said new MMO.

    Buying more server-slots and AE-slots I see as a reasonable concept, but paying for a character-transfer... uhh... no, that would be too much money even if it just cost a cup-of-coffe's worth. That's how I see it at least.
    Does depend on your perspective, I guess.... For me, if I don't have people I can team with at all hours of the day (and I mean ALL HOURS of the day), then it's not worth it for me... I like to do the TFs, and since 95% of the TFs in the game require you to team up....

    ...Not transferring my characters over most likely would have been the end of my CoX career. I don't twiddle my thumbs exeptionally well, as I've already pointed out before with my playstyle... (haha)

  13. AlienOne

    What server?

    Well, of course, way back then I didn't have all 44 of them... I actually didn't develop "altitis" until about a year and a half to two years ago....Up until then, I just had 3 or 4 "mains" that I liked to play on.

    So, it didn't really cost me a lot.

    Now? I'd have to take out a loan or! That's why when people say "come to (insert server name here)!" I just laugh really hard.

  14. AlienOne

    What server?

    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    All my [active] characters are currently on Virtue.

    Well, now, that explains a lot.
    What exactly is that supposed to mean?

    I started out on Justice way back in the day, but when population dropped, I moved all my toons to the server with the higher population. I'm a "TF" kind of guy, and when population drops prevent one from regularly doing TFs if and when the "itch" comes.... Well, I go to where the "action" is. That happens to be Freedom.

    I guess if that automatically makes me an "idiot," so be it.

    I still have fun.

  15. AlienOne

    What server?

    All fourty-four of my toons (including my four Kheldians) are on Freedom.

  16. Pic or it didn't happen.

    j/k! Gratz on that! Awesome stuff!

    If I had one, I would....

    ....not do that. I need about 80 of them myself... :P

  17. I think it's safe to say that outside of Warshades, Warshades would be my fav AT to play in the game.


  18. AlienOne

    Fear me!!!

    Originally Posted by brophog02 View Post
    Anything with a 6 slotted Whirlwind gets my stamp of approval!
    LoL, yeah... That was part of the test (because I was trying to get my recharge as high as possible for perma-Eclipse without using a purple set), and I found that I actually used it during my live test, because there was an instance where I had all but 2 of the guys down, Eclipse had dropped, there were no more dead bodies for Stygian Circle, and they were closing in on melee range...

    Hit Whirlwind, and I lived to see another day!

    IMO, that's just as good as an "emergency phase" power, except that you can still attack while it's on...

    Using "Provoke" in combination with "Whirlwind" is actually pretty effective as well, because Provoke forces them to start running to melee range, and Whirlwind knocks them on their butt as soon as they get there.

    Provoke, by the way, was also quite useful for keeping those 8-man mobs off my pets.

  19. AlienOne

    Fear me!!!

    Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
    From my extensive experimentation and use of fear stacking with only the Presence Pool on my Kheldians, I've come to the following conclusions:
    1. Fear is a soft-control because it only stops enemies from attacking you as long as you don't attack them and the Fear hasn't broken off.
    1. Fearing a Boss with Invoke Panic + Intimidate can be very satisfying indeed, and can buy you enough time to decimate the enemies supporting the Boss, or lessens the number of attacks the Boss can retaliate with!

    2. For my TriFormPB, the Presence Pool can be an invaluable tool, but for my TriFormShadeâ„¢ it's overkill.

    3. Both Invoke Panic and Intimidate do not require a lot of slots to be effective as long as you do not have to rely on them as your only means to mitigate damage.
    Best thing about the Presence Pool, everyone can take it.

    A lot of people completely ignore the Presence Pool when it comes to figuring out how to mitigate mezzes, but I've found my PB can fear a mezzing Q/V Boss faster than it can mezz me.

    I wouldn't say it's a tool that completely neutralizes mezzers in combat, but it's a tool that helps quite a bit and keeps things still challenging but a bit easier to handle.
    Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
    Thanks, you've inspired me to make a build for VestigeOne using Invoke Panic extensively (coupled with Inky Aspect) as an "experimental" playstyle vs. high-mez enemies.


    Finished, and implemented on "Worst Warshade Ever"

    (to good effect, by the way)

    Thought y'all might find it interesting...

    First time I've really played around much with the "fear" powers as part of my playstyle... And it's not bad at all!

    FYI, I tested this on live, and was able to successfully take down +3x8 mobs without bosses solo. Further testing upcoming.

  20. I'd like to get a couple more toons to 50, and I'd REALLY like to get the last million or so prestige (I'm earning it all myself) to upgrade to the largest base plot....

  21. I'm not angry at you or anybody else... I just feel the need to defend myself when it seems I'm being mis-quoted or mis-read, as it seemed in this situation. No harm done.

  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
    and all characters with ice powers had the same colors.
    Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
    And I'd like to point out that the original color for Electricity was NOT blue.
    Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
    And I'd like to point out that my quote that you're referring to does not have me saying anywhere that electricity is blue.
    Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
    Well, I was actually SUPPORTING your argument, but if you're going to blindly attack an attempt to inject a little levity into the thread, then maybe I won't any more.

    No, can't see how that first quote from you was actually supporting my statement. Sounds like you were just trying to start an argument about power colors.

    Actually, what it really looks like is that you're having trouble distinguishing between what is an attack and what is personal defense.

  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
    And I'd like to point out that the original color for Electricity was NOT blue.
    And I'd like to point out that my quote that you're referring to does not have me saying anywhere that electricity is blue. I said "ice" was blue, and then I followed that statement with "all characters with electric powers had the same color," (not referring to any specific color) and then said that "all characters with empathy had the same colors" (not referring to any specific color).

    Are you people seriously LOOKING for some reason to point out that "OMGALIENISALIAR!!!!!111111111"?

    I don't usually post anything unless I have the facts, have researched it, or at the very least possess a strong opinion on the subject.

    I'd say that disagreeing on specific color shades is just a bit over the top. Having a choice on color shades is what we're discussing here--not what color shades "used to be."

    On top of that, the granite armor issue is something I actually already addressed in this very thread.

    Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
    That actually could be the reasoning why Khelds do NOT have power customization available to them. Once they figure out a way to customize granite armor (because that power completely replaces your other costume--rather than it being an overlay--like dwarf and nova forms do), then we may be on the road to seeing Khelds with power customization.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hallowed View Post
    All that having been said, most of it correctly (though clearly not entirely objectively), I will never, ever buy an ATI card again.


    I've had two (out of 2) of them spontaneously melt on me, in different cases, with good airflow, and one took my mobo with it. Never, ever, had those problems with an NVidea card.

    A good friend's laptops kept overheating when he had ATI cards in them... one of which, again, melted and took out the mobo. As soon as he got a laptop (from the same manufacturer) with an NVidea card, those problems went away.

    YMMV, but I've been burned (literally) once too often to trust ATI (and I was originally a big fan).
    Same here. I guess we're the *only* two "exceptions" to that rule...hah.
