Lord Regulus's Guide to Ninja/Trick Arrow




For the Mastermind who wants to push the envelope

So, you’re making a new mastermind and feel like taking an easy route with a generic build from a helpful tutorial? Well you are fresh out of luck there buddy. Ninjas are ADHD and Trick Arrows are tough to master. Putting both together opens a hellish gate of torment for newer masterminds. Granted this is a very hard combination to use, I must say it is an extremely fun and versatile build when you get used to it. Keep in mind that everything I say in this guide is based on my own opinion and with trick arrows it really wires down to how you want to use them in combination with your ninjas and other arrows in the set. Before we get to the powers themselves let’s look at your selection’s pros and cons.


1) Jack of all Trades: Trick arrows themselves are nothing to laugh at. They have a bit of everything ranging from good controls to great de-buffs. The set starts off pretty slow but the higher levels yield better results. Stay with it and you’ll see.

2) Tactics Galore: There are so many strategies and options you have with these sets. Combining arrows with ninja attacks come in very hand. One example is Ice Arrow and Oni Char. Instantly holds any boss.

3) Trick Arrows are Accurate: The bow already has an inherit accuracy bonus for a drawn weapon and most arrows themselves auto-hit. Only three commonly used arrows require an accuracy check in PvE (Entangle Arrow, Ice Arrow, Acid Arrow). EMP Arrow has an accuracy check too, but it’s not as commonly used. With good accuracy, the build’s enhancements are pretty flexible

4) Over-all fun build: Once you learn it, other builds seem boring. You are constantly giving commands, de-buffing enemies, and (I’m not gonna lie) Oil arrow is a great prop for shows.

5) Low Endurance Cost: Hallelujah! Thank you devs for lowering the end cost of arrows. If you are still worried about endurance, I put one end reduction on each power and am fine without stamina.


1) Micro-management: Ninjas are the squishiest minions around. What little defense they have is easily bypassed and quite frankly, the Ninja’s AI is retarded to most players. Personally, I’ve played the set long enough though to actually use the AI to my advantage.

2) Very slow start: You are in for the long-haul when you start out. Genin aren’t exactly the best fighters at level one. They have a weak kick and even weaker shuriken attack. And with trick arrows, the only good thing you can do before Level 10 is slow the enemy with a glue arrow. Without SO’s, the de-buffs aren’t going to have a major effect due to the Mastermind’s inherit abilities I think the mastermind’s secondary is about 40% worse than a defenders. Don’t quote me on that, I really don’t know the number but nevertheless, our arrows don’t hit as hard as the defenders do.

3) No Defense: Ok, technically your de-buffs are your defense, but your defensive power is not set in stone though. You have to get your arrows off before the enemy hits you or you might be in trouble.

4) Body Guard is Hard: I seriously think there is an error with Ninja BG. Played with a fellow ninja mastermind not too long ago and his BG wasn’t functioning even with all of his minions right next to him in defensive. Don’t try to rely on body guard because it is best for you to stay in the rear while your ninjas fight in melee.

5) Slow Recharge and Slow Cast: Without Hasten, these arrows take a while to recharge. When you fire an arrow, most of the time you are going to be rooted for a long time. If you don’t like being rooted, this isn’t the power for you.

If you are willing to accept the downsides of these powers by all means continue reading. Check other guides if you want numbers and percentages, to me, numbers can be overcome with enough strategy. The smallest difference is what turns the tide of a battle.

First off, your primary powers, let’s review those ninjas. I’m not going to bother mentioning the arrow shots you can get, I don’t think they are worth it. You are the de-buffer, your pets do the damage. So let’s take a look at those pets shall we?

[Minion information quoted Red Zero’s MASTERMIND NOTES v.3.0 (Issue 7)]

1st Tier Pet : Call Genin (Available at level 1)
Auto Res(Confuse, Taunt), +SPD, +DEF (Mel/Rng/AoE,7)
Initial Abilities: Super Leap, Thunder Kick, Shiruken
Training: Snap Shot, Storm Kick
Kuji-In Zen: Aimed Shot, Crane Kick

Genin: Ok so the Genin in general suck when they start out. They have One little kick and an annoying throwing star, whoop-di-frikin-doo. My suggestion for slotting at first is pure damage and accuracy. One good thing about the Genin’s powers is the fact that their primary attacks have accuracy bonuses. Martial Arts and Archery both have accuracy boosts. They don’t have anything else. Later on when they got crane kick, I noticed (like my Ma/SR) they REALLY liked crane kick. My final slotting on them was:
My Slots: 3 Dmg 2 Acc and 1 Knockback

Upgrade Henchmen: Training (Available at level 6)

I don’t care what you do, just get this power. All upgrading powers are staples to every Mastermind. Why wouldn’t you get it? It basically levels up your minions so they perform better. Get it! This shouldn’t even have to be said it is so obvious. Get it now!
My Slots: 1 Recharge

2nd Tier: Call Jounin (Available at level 12)
Auto Res(Confuse, Taunt), +SPD, +DEF (Mel/Rng/AoE,14)
Initial Abilities: Super Leap, Sting of the Wasp, Gambler's Cut, Caltrops
Training: Soaring Dragon, Poison Dart (-Regen), Placate
Kuji-In Zen: Golden Dragonfly, Blinding Powder, Hide

Jounin: I love these guys. When used correctly, they are the best 2nd tier pets. Usually, the mastermind has Training by this level and can upgrade their pet to have placate and soaring dragon (which every ninja blade stalker wishes they had at level 12). The Jounin’s caltrops are extremely useful and it is a good thing they use them effectively. Masterminds are plagued though by their minions poison darts. It is a waste of a critical hit if they use it when hidden but not many realize that is has a nice –regen tagged on it. When you use Kuji-In Zen the Jounin almost becomes a full fledged stalker. He uses hide every time it is up (It is a click I assume for these pets), throws blinding powder which I believe is one of the greatest powers they have, and they get the Golden Dragonfly which always makes me happy to see them use when hidden. Overall the Jounin shine in glory when used effectively. Just make sure you make them go in melee range with goto commands so they don’t spam their darts (though sometimes I like that).Slot him first with attack and accuracy but also try out defense de-buff for his sword attacks or slap slow on it so the caltrops cause your enemy even more pain.
My Slots: 3 Dmg 2 Acc 1 Def De-Buff or Slow

PBAoE Placate: Smoke Flash (Available at level 16)

Ok, cast this on a minion and it vanishes and placates everyone around him. Unlike the stalker, the hide stays even after attacking. Your ninja, whichever one you choose, will perform critical hits for a few attacks which is nice. In the end, taking this is your call on this power. It is a glorious power if used correctly but cost a lot of endurance to use. If you slot this power it is good but I didn’t find a reason to slot it much. Two recharges can make it perma with hasten and two or three endurance reductions can make it cost hardly any endurance but its entirely up you and your strategy if you pick up this power. Personally, I don’t use it enough to have it heavily slotted yet I use it enough to sacrifice a second slot for recharge so it’s up when I use it.
My Slots: 2 Recharge

3rd Tier: Oni (Available at level 26)
Auto Res (Smashing, Lethal, Fire, Confuse, Taunt), +SPD, +DEF (Mel/Rng/AoE, 14)
Initial Abilities: Super Leap, Fire Sword Slash, Fire Blast
Training: Fire Sword Hack, Ring of Fire, Fire Breath
Kuji-In Zen: Char, Rain of Fire

Oni: Ugh! This thing is NASTY looking! Once you get over the Oni’s face you can see his true strength. When you first get the Oni and train him (You’ve got to have training by now right? RIGHT?) you’d think he is a blaster with his fire attacks. I’d classify him to be more of the dominator myself because of his awesome controls. He has so-so damage, but good lord when you get Kuji-In Zen, you will find new appreciation him. Oni freakin spams control powers. It’s his favorite ones! Once I moved pass the generic damage and accuracy slotting after getting Kuji-In Zen and replaced some of the damage with hold duration, I found his calling. With his hold duration extended, get this, he can PERMA-HOLD bosses. Seriously! If you let him solo a boss he will 75% of the time keep it held. Just use your ice arrow with his char power and you instantly hold most any boss if they both hit. I find myself aiding his initial hold with ice arrow and then I let him continue to hold and reenact a hamidon hold phase on the boss of my choosing. He can even keep squishies in PvP down if they don’t have break-frees. Slot for damage and accuracy until you get Kuji-In Zen then beware his final slotting!
My Slots: 1-2 Dmg 2 Acc 2-3 Hold

Upgrade Henchmen: Kuji-In Zen (Available at level 32)

Get it. Don’t ask, don’t care, just get it. It functions just like Training and allows your minions to perform superbly. Get it at level 32 or be the laughing stock of the Mastermind world.
My Slots: 1 Recharge

Note: Hamidon Origins are your friends. All pets utilize Hamidon Origins because they carry to all their powers. For example, Dmg/Mez or Acc/Mez give the Oni attack and accuracy for all his powers as well as benefiting both Char and Ring of Fire at the same time. Try De-buff/End or De-buff/Acc on the Jounin.

Now, for the Trick Arrow powers, they all have their uses. With ninjas, every little edge helps. People complain about some of the arrow’s overall power but trust me, getting all of them is a good idea. I have all the powers listed in order so I’ll just sort them by level
Trick Arrows:

Lvl 1: Entangling Arrow (Immobilize, -Speed, -Recharge, -Fly, -Jump)

A basic immobilize, nothing special here really. Use in conjunction with glue arrow on flyers because glue arrow isn’t a –Fly)
My Slots:

Lvl 2: Flash Arrow (Targetted PBAoE -Perception, To-Hit De-buff)

It isn’t the greatest power in the world but it does have its uses. It has a small To-Hit De-Buff which does help with Ninja defenses (every little bit helps). It is also good to prevent accidental aggro. One of my strategies is to launch this arrow to aid in pulls. It doesn’t aggro, it auto-hits, and if used with blinding powder, it can be very effective. This power is auto-hit in PvE but requires an accuracy check in PvP.
My Slots: 3 To-Hit De-Buff 1 Accuracy

Lvl 4: Glue Arrow (Targetted PBAoE -Recharge, -Jump)

In my opinion, the greatest AoE slow in the game. It doesn’t do anything but slow but this slow is unique. The initial explosion of the arrow gets glue on the target and whoever steps in the patch but the slow itself lasts for a given amount of time rather than wearing off outside of the patch. Use it with Entangling Arrow to bring down flyers that were caught in the glue.
My Slots: 3 Slow 1 Recharge

Lvl 10: Ice Arrow (Foe Hold, -Speed, -Recharge)

I love this arrow. It can’t break through acrobatics but it can pretty much hold everything else that isn’t a boss with one shot. It is accurate and it is so great for the ninjas not to worry if the next attack will hit them. Stack with Oni Char and you’ve got a boss held.
My Slots: 3 Hold 2 Acc 1 End Redux

Lvl 16: Poison Gas Arrow (Targetted PBAoE -Damage, Sleep, Choke)

This power is great for its de-buff for masterminds. It always hits for de-buffing and the sleep is good, but from my experiences with this arrow for the mastermind, it doesn’t put people to sleep too often or too long without enhancements. I have it 3 slotted with sleep just incase it does put them to sleep, but with all the damage flying about, don’t expect them to be sleeping too long.
My Slots: 3 Sleep 1 End Redux

Lvl 20: Acid Arrow (Targetted PBAoE -Resistance, -Defense, Minor DoT)

This is probably one of the best arrows in the set. It can bring most defenses and resistances to their knees. This is one of those “Must-have” powers. It explodes and covers foes in acid causing minor damage and just eats away at their means of survival.
My Slots: 3 Def De-Buff 2 Accuracy

Lvl 28: Disruption Arrow (Target AoE –Resistance)

It’s a nice, little resistance de-buff. This is what the Longbow Nullifiers use to turn Granite Armor into Wet Tissue Paper. Add an Acid arrow to it and you’ve severly weakened most tanks. The recharge is long but I have hasten so it isn’t that big of a problem.
My Slots: 1 Recharge

Lvl 35: Oil Slick Arrow (-Speed, -Def, Knockdown, DoT, -Defense)

This is the double-edged sword arrow. This arrow acts like an Ice Slick on crack. Use the Oni as a match and burn baby burn! It is basically a giant de-buffing, slowing burn patch. Burn your foes to the ground with the oil if you can but be warned, all pets in the area freak out when it is set on fire. Most of the time pets won’t respond and will not move or will run around frantically. This is the double-edged sword part. On one hand, you light it for extreme damage but on the other hand if you light it you need to make sure the enemies die or else a bug will occur. I call this bug “Oil Aura”. Basically, anything caught in a burning Oil patch will permanently have an invisible fear barrier equal to the circumference of the enemy. That means that your pets will think the enemy is a giant walking burn patch and keep their distance. This leads to accidental aggro easily. Use With Care. You do not want to use this arrow too often even though it is great. I use hasten to cover its downtime but it’s generally up when I want it up with my current slotting.
My Slots: 3 Damage

Lvl 38: EMP Arrow (Targetted AoE Hold -Recovery, -Regen, -Endurance, Special Dmg Vs. Robots, -Recovery on self)

This is powerful. EMP arrow is a massive hold with drastic results tied to it. You decide on this power’s slotting, do you want to hold them or drain their endurance more? Either way is a viable strategy, I choose to drain their endurance. It drains a massive amount and renders the victim helpless and unable to recover endurance for a time. The only drawback is the loss of recovery from launching the arrow. All in all it’s a great Tier 9 attack. (Use this on those high and might robot masterminds to show them a thing or two about bots.) I put some extra accuracy just incase so it doesn’t miss.
My Slots: 3 End Mod. 3 Acc

Note: Try slotting your powers to fit your style. I go for controls with de-buffs. Try matching your playing style with the arrows and see which combinations you like. I liked all of the arrows, each has its use. If you need to drop a power to get a power pool then I would suggest dropping one or two these based on their type. Remember; only drop a trick arrow if you want another power more. I’d sacrifice my patron powers before I dropped my trick arrows.

Droppable Control Oriented: If you want to be more of a de-buffer, drop one of these.
Ice Arrow (Use Glue arrow to keep your foes from getting too far)
Poison Gas Arrow (The sleep is usually is usually interrupted by a pet’s attack)
EMP Arrow (This is more or less mainly a hold. If you aren’t controlling, drop it)

Droppable De-Buffs: If you want to control more, I suggest dropping one of these.
Flash Arrow (The de-buff isn’t that potent. I mostly use it for aggro control)
Disruption Arrow (It is just a –Resistance de-buff.)

Power Pools:
Power Pools, you love em and you need em to get around. I suggest these power pool powers for your build.

Hasten – Those trick arrows take their sweet time to reload. I recommend hasten with all my heart. Take it!

Medicine – Aid other and Aid self is crucial for this build. Ninjas are squishy and so are you. Keep yourself alive using these

Leaping – I recommend taking Combat Jumping, Super Jump, and Acrobatics. These powers are always good for squishies and provide good defenses against immobilize, hold, and knockback. Watch your endurance if you leave CJ on.

Patron Powers:
I have only had Ghost Widow as a patron so I can’t compare patrons. I do suggest though with whatever patron you get if you get one to get the Defense/Resistance Toggle and the Hold. Patron holds are nice and if stacked with Ice arrow can lock down a boss.

Pet Commands
Keep your ninjas on a leash! People complain about the Ninja’s AI all the time. They don’t do this right or they keep doing that. When it comes right down to it, no pet is perfect and will do what you want them to without work. This is why I suggest a macro tray for pet commands and heals. On Katakana, my Ninja/TA, I have three commonly used trays. My first is my trick arrows and super jump, my second tray is a macro tray filled with commands and has heals, and my third tray is pet summoning and some of my other commonly used powers. To learn how to make some good pet command macros/binds, check out this guide
Lorrd Regulus's Pet Command Mastery 101

Now that all the power information is out of the way, time to develop your strategy. Trick arrows require practice to be good with. Analytical minds should have fun with this part. It is important to take in factors of the combat situation you are about to engage in:

1) Am I Soloing or Teaming? – Lets face it, if you are a Mastermind it is generally easier to solo than get on teams. Soloing is easy, you can keep the enemies controlled easily. If you are on a team keep an eye on your pets. In big fights it is easy to lose track of them and you don’t want one accidentally aggro-ing another mob. How many are there to kill? Would this arrow be the best one to use in this situation?

2) What is Enemy Group I’m fighting? – You’re worst nightmare with Ninjas is anything with high accuracy that will eat through their defenses. They don’t have many resistances so they are squishy. The anti-ninja villain group is longbow. They just rip them apart because their DoT guns keep you from healing them and the bullets lower defense. Their burn patches mess all pets up but ninjas are faster than other pets and run farther.

3) What are my surroundings? – Pay attention to the world around you. Can you pull the Mob around a corner for maximum AoE de-buff potential? Or maybe it would be better if you kept them separated so you can lessen their numbers slowly until they are gone? Another problem is will minions pass over the terrain like I would or take an obscure route that potentially aggros a mob or two?

Before I attack, I decide who I am going to de-buff first and what pet will attack which enemy. I separate my minions into teams and after deciding what is the best course of action I launch a flash arrow and begin the assault. One example is taking down Arachnoid groups in Warburg to get scientists. Assume that you are alone, you have my build, your minions are fully upgraded, and you are facing down six arachnoids (2 lieutenants and 4 minions). I’d first attack first launching a flash arrow to de-buff their accuracy and then see if I can kill a lieutenant without the group noticing. If that didn’t work, I’d first send my Oni to hold one of the lieutenants and send a Jounin to fight the other lieutenant while my second Jounin and my Genin keep the minions busy. I’d then use a glue arrow to slow the mob down, Ice arrow the lieutenant that my Jounin is soloing, then proceed to continuously de-buff the mob starting with Poison arrow for the chance to sleep, disruption arrow, and acid arrow. By this time the Jounin have probably used their caltrops and most of the mob is either held or slowed and de-buffed. Keep the ninjas healed and you should win and have your scientist. Another way you could do it is to send the Jounin and Genin in the middle of the mob as bait, launch an oil arrow, and light it so that the enemies light up. Keep launching de-buffs and hope that your minions don’t go AWOL. It’s risky but if you do it correctly, the enemies will burn to asunder.

Here is an example build that suits me just fine. Sorry I don’t have Hero/Villain Builder and I am too lazy to get it. It’s Odd how I can write this entire guide but still be too lazy to get Hero Builder. Ok well here it is.

1: Call Genin 3 Dmg 2 Acc 1 Knockback
1: Entagle Arrow, 2 Immob 1 Acc
2: Flash Arrow, 3 To-Hit De-Buff 1 Acc
4: Glue Arrow, 3 Slow 1 Recharge
6: Training, 1 End Redux
8: Hasten, 3 Recharge
10: Combat Jumping, 1 Jump
12: Call Jounin, 3 Dmg 2 Acc 1 Def De-Buff
14: Super Jump, 1 Jump
16: Aid Other, 3 Heal 3 Recharge
18: Aid Self, 3 Heal 3 Recharge
20: Ice Arrow, 3 Hold 2 Acc 1 end redux
22: Poison Gas Arrow, 3 Sleep Duration 1 End Redux
24: Acid Arrow, 3 Def De-Buff 2 Acc 1 End Redux
26: Oni, 2 Hold, 2 Dmg, 2 Acc
28: Disruption Arrow, 1 Recharge
30: Acrobatics, 3 End Redux
32: Kuji-In Zen, 1 End Redux
35: Oil Slick Arrow, 3 Damage
38: EMP Arrow, 3 End Mod 3 Acc
41: Dark Embrace, 3 Dmg Resistance
44: Soul Tentacles, 2 Acc 1 End Redux
47: Soul Storm: 3 Hold 2 Acc 1 End Redux
49: Smoke Flash: 2 Recharge

As you can see I put End Redux everywhere. I wanted to have acrobatics take hardly any end at all so I put more slots than usual on it.

Ninja/Trick Arrow is a very adaptable and fun build. It is also one of the hardest and I do recommend learning pet commands very well. Ninjas require your attention and direction. If you want an easy build, this isn’t the build for you. But, if you are like me and enjoy a good challenge and interesting battles, than this is the build you should try.



3) Trick Arrows are Accurate: The bow already has an inherit accuracy bonus for a drawn weapon and most arrows themselves auto-hit. Only three commonly used arrows require an accuracy check in PvE (Entangle Arrow, Ice Arrow, Acid Arrow). EMP Arrow has an accuracy check too, but it’s not as commonly used. With good accuracy, the build’s enhancements are pretty flexible

[/ QUOTE ]

That's not true. Entangling Arrow has a 1.2 Acc, and all other arrows have standard 1.0 Acc. Otherwise, I agree with your assessment of Trick Arrow (I use it with my Thugs, I tried a Nin/TA before but eh, I don't like Ninja's I think. I might try it again sometime though dunno).

Damage Proc Mini-FAQ

Just noticed Damage Proc Mini-FAQ wasn't working with new forums, it's been updated.



3) Trick Arrows are Accurate: The bow already has an inherit accuracy bonus for a drawn weapon and most arrows themselves auto-hit. Only three commonly used arrows require an accuracy check in PvE (Entangle Arrow, Ice Arrow, Acid Arrow). EMP Arrow has an accuracy check too, but it’s not as commonly used. With good accuracy, the build’s enhancements are pretty flexible

[/ QUOTE ]

That's not true. Entangling Arrow has a 1.2 Acc, and all other arrows have standard 1.0 Acc. Otherwise, I agree with your assessment of Trick Arrow (I use it with my Thugs, I tried a Nin/TA before but eh, I don't like Ninja's I think. I might try it again sometime though dunno).

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmm, I heard it had an inherit accuracy bonus. Oh well I guess ignore that then.



Its Archery that gets the inherent accuracy bonus ^_^
Trick Arrow doesn't unfortunately. Except for Entangling that is (Which is the same as all Controller Entangles). Just one of those confusions that happened when Archery and Trick Arrow got introduced.

Damage Proc Mini-FAQ

Just noticed Damage Proc Mini-FAQ wasn't working with new forums, it's been updated.




Leaping – I recommend taking Combat Jumping, Super Jump, and Acrobatics. These powers are always good for squishies and provide good defenses against immobilize, hold, and knockback. Watch your endurance if you leave CJ on.

[/ QUOTE ]
(emphasis added)

Why? CJ is notoriously cheap. You'd have to run five toggles that cost what CJ does in order to equal the drain of Sprint. It's 1/5 as expensive as Dark Embrace and only 11.5% the cost of Acrobatics.

Did you mean Acrobatics? Now that is a somewhat pricey toggle, costing the same as any two Tanker toggle shields, and any two Brute toggle shields (except Dark Armor, whose shields are inexplicably less expensive than other Brute secondaries).




good job making this guide i am thinking of making a ninja/trick arrow mastermind after reading this.



(emphasis added)

Why? CJ is notoriously cheap. You'd have to run five toggles that cost what CJ does in order to equal the drain of Sprint. It's 1/5 as expensive as Dark Embrace and only 11.5% the cost of Acrobatics.

Did you mean Acrobatics? Now that is a somewhat pricey toggle, costing the same as any two Tanker toggle shields, and any two Brute toggle shields (except Dark Armor, whose shields are inexplicably less expensive than other Brute secondaries).


[/ QUOTE ]

In this build, you don't have Stamina, I 3 slotted Acrobatics for end reduction so I can keep it on. When I turn CJ on my end goes down a lot faster *at least to me* So thats why I said to watch the end.



The Genin Snap Shot and Aimed Shot are the only powers they get with an accuracy bonus (1.05). Though the Jounin's Ninja Blade has 1.05 accuracy as well.

You mention Flash Arrow "in conjunction with Blinding Powder", but Blinding Powder for Jounin only debuffs by 1%, weak compared to FA's 3.75%.

Glue Arrow is already capped at 90%, using 3 slots on slow would only come in handy facing +5s or the Triangles.



Man, remind me next time to get someone who knows more about the numbers of powers before I write a guide. I just went by on observations of the build itself ingame. I've been getting some very negative private messages from people who complained that I didn't use numbers.

Again, this is just from in-game battle observations, I do like criticism and comments about the actual build and some clarification on the numbers and those other numerical things I didn't have in this build, but don't send me stuff about how you think the guide is absolute bull because it doesn't have numerical values in it, or that it is totally worthless without them (Which would be true for those of you with calculators I guess). Its just a my opinionated guide people! Sheesh!



HOLY MOTHER OF GOD. this class is slow as all get up. I think you should realy emphasize slotting your ninjas. Gosh pack those +dmg enhancements ASAP, because you are suggesting no regular arrow shots to boost my own dmg. As it stands my main purpose from 1-10 is flash arrow over and over.

Since i'm doing almost nothing, yes there isn't an endurance problem, but gosh it's boring as hell. I can't wait for the macro management phase, to give me something to do. and without dark, my guys die constantly. I just sit and watch them die, and summon another one my poor babies.

What I want to know is what should my archtype be, natural / science etc? I went with science, which sleeps the guy occasionally, which helps in interrupting them, so when my guy whiffs a few times.



OP, your guide is great. You mentioned you arent getting into the math.

21 Inc/Kin
Baby Zombie/TA



Can you help me out with a Ninja/Ta for PvP purposes? I'm using this guide as a basis, alongside my own personal play experiences with MMs. I've only had a Bots/Dark, Bots/FF.. Not sure if you PvP extensively with Nin/Ta.. but I would like to hear your opinions and slotting (disregarding PvE)



Lord Zulu:
Well choose the origin with the nifty Tazer Dart and you can light your own Oil slick without the oni. As far as early on is concerned. If you wanna invest in some of the Arrow Shots to help out the dmg, go ahead. I'd suggest respecing out of em later.

Ok well I guess I'll go down the power choices one by one for ya. Before I start, remember this: Each trick arrow has their use in different situations. Just because a power isn't good against everyone but you should get it anyways for whoever you run into. Heres my opinion for PvP and disregarding PvE.

If you go pure PvP, see if you can fit Stamina in. Stamina always helps incase your end is being drained from something. Trick Arrows are generally endurance friendly. You're on your own for squeezing it in though. You also need Hasten so you can keep the arrows flying. I'd suggest to get it early enough to use it in Bloody Bay.

1) Entangle Arrow: Get this power for squishies and those with fly. Remember that Glue Arrow doesn't have -fly. I suggest putting some slots into this one to keep the effects of -fly longer and be more accurate. I'd put five in it. Maybe get an IO set in there for some added bonuses.

2) Flash Arrow: I'd skip it in PvP. I only have it for the stealth in PvE.

3) Glue Arrow: I recently tried slotting this power with three recharges rather than three slows. The effects of it are already powerful and this power is stackable.

4) Ice Arrow: This arrow is great. It isn't the most powerful hold but it works against most squishies if they don't have acrobatics. If it doesn't work alone stack it with either your patron hold if you have it or the Oni's char. I six slotted this one with three hold durations, two accuracies, and one endurance redux. I'm going to try to get an IO set for it.

5) Posion Gas Arrow: The attack is already a pretty good debuff to attack. Its small but noticable. Why I got it though was for the sleep. The mez in this arrow is a 50/50 chance of putting your foe to sleep, and since this arrow is auto-hit, it is great for detoggling squishies with no sleep resistance. Bubblers beware! I put three slots for sleep in it incase I need to keep a squishy out for a few seconds longer to deal with a more threatening foe.

6) Acid Arrow: Its a de-buff and should be used as such. I six slotted it with 3 Defense Debuff, 2 Accuracy, and 1 Endurance Redux.

7) Disruption Arrow: Auto-Hit -Resistance auras are good against tanks. I have mine slotted with one recharge because there is not much else you can do with this arrow. I've never tried stacking it before but if you have the slots available, consider slotting it with 3 recharges incase the battle moves out of your disruption field.

8) Oil Slick Arrow: In PvP, you don't need to worry about the dreaded Oil Aura that much. Your pets will still attack in melee and not run from the burning enemies usually. I have had some occurances when the oil aura did affect them but I think it was because of a Mu that ran through the battlefield... anyways! Getting back on the subject, get this power six slotted with damage and recharge. Whats worse than a debuffing, knockback enducing, burn patch on crack? A "___" on crack that comes up fast. This is Godly against fellow masterminds when you use this against ranged pet MMs. Successfully light it and they are screwed three ways to sunday if you combine it with...

9) EMP Arrow: This is a great power to use wisely. Against your fellow Mastermind, this mass hold is great and will subdue your foe's pets. Besides the nice hold against armies, you can use this as a last ditch effort to turn the tide of a battle. If your foe isn't paying attention to their endurance, use this power to disable their end recovery and sap some of their end while you're at it. Slotting is up to you.
Optimum Slotting (IMO): 3 Acc/Mez HOs and 3 End Mod IOs
My Current Slotting: 4 Essence of Curare* and 2 End Mod IOs
Single Origin Slotting: 3 Acc and either 3 End Mod or 3 Hold.

*I can't remember which Curares I used off the top of my head.

Hope this helped you two.



When I look at a guide, which is rare, I just want to know more details about powers, and like with MM’s, what they get when they upgrade and whatnot. I don’t care about numbers. I thought it was a very informing guide for someone like me.

I actually already made a Ninja/TA MM before even looking at this guide. On hero side, I had a TA/Arrow defender, and I really enjoyed the set. I think it pairs very well with melee. So many look at the set and go “no heals, screw that” but so few really know the power in TA. You debuff –everything- acc, dam, res, def, recharge, you keep them slowed, and off their feet! I mean come on, you can’t get better then that! But sadly, I must agree that the set can be very slow sometimes. Personally I love teaming with my MM, she works really well in a team. But as someone who knows the amazing potential in TA, I don’t mind waiting a bit longer. But in truth, I wouldn’t care what my secondary is, I –love- my ninjas!

If you must heal, take medicine, its not a horrid pool power, or be like me, just fill your tray with greens and purples. you don’t need any other inpirs with you, other then a wakie or two. Most TA powers don’t even require more then 2-3 slots, and most of them don’t even need acc. That leaves you free to slot out your pets, and other powers as much as you want. (Hasten with 6 recharges is nice) Don’t knock it before you really give it a chance.




How did I miss this thread?
Even more importantly ... how did I miss telling people, one more time, about the peculiar yet oh-so-helpful interaction between Flash Arrow and Teleport Foe?

Teleport Foe has a Taunt AoE (when it doesn't Miss) that is 20 feet in radius around the target. But ... that Taunt AoE radius is "beholden" to Line of Sight rules ... meaning ... that if an ally of the target "can't see" the abduction by TP Foe (such as intervening terrain, like a corner, or a perception debuff, such as Flash Arrow or Smoke Grenade, et al.) then the allied mobs of the target are not alerted to your presence and do not aggro.

The perception reduction on Flash Arrow is -90%. Calculating that reduction in the same way that other "reductions" are calculated by the game (see Recharge Reduction and Endurance Reduction), we get the following:

20 / (1 + 0.9) = 10.5 feet

Now realize that PvE mobs in the game have reduced perception in their rear arc by default ... further debuffing their perception ... and you can start to see why it becomes relatively easy to single pull targets that have been hit with a Flash Arrow. Even when they're almost within melee range of one another.

Why is this useful?
Because it's "Offensive Stealth" rather than "Defensive Stealth" ... if you can get your brain around the concept.

Being able to Single Pull (via Flash + TP Foe) ... without drawing aggro ... maintains the element of surprise in ways that no amount of Stealth/Grant Invisiblity could ever provide (if only because those abilities supress upon attacking).

And what happens when you bring the abductee to where you are?

Feed them to the Ninjas.

When you pull single targets via TP Foe, your Ninjas outnumber the target upon arrival ... and you can abduct your target to a place where there are no allies, no reinforcements, within shouting distance, to come save them. And because you haven't drawn aggro (usually), you'll be able to Wash, Rinse, Repeat ... until there are none left.

Flash Arrow ... TP Foe ... dogpile on da wabbit ... wash, rinse, repeat. Usually it will take your Ninjas only a few seconds to dispatch a Minion, a couple more seconds to take out a(n even con) Lieutenant, so you may actually want to put a recharge reduction (or two) in TP Foe if you don't like waiting for the recharge.

This tactic is stupidly safe once you develop a "feel" for it (being able to judge distances so as to successfully avoid aggro) and can be reliably performed from level 8 onwards.


It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Hey - cool topic. Thanks for posting it Lord Regulus. Food for thought. I just started a MM/Ninja/TA yesterday...the last day of double xp...I never really got into the mm until this one. Very cool. So - food for thought, thanks.
Also - Redlynne's comments about teleport foe/flash arrow? Daaaaaamn, that's brutal. Thanks Redlynne and Lord Regulus!

As of 10.13.09
Lvl 24mm = Snapshot and the Eye
Lvl 24 tank = The Warrior of Ashes



Wow ... thread necro ...

But yeah, Abduction Tactics are extremely successful in solo play ... but a bit slow for use in teams that like to just mow through everything in their path. Flipside though is that if you're on a PuG that can't handle massive over-aggro, and if they can slow down enough to let you "do your thing" then you can whittle down herds of mobs that are simply too big for the team to handle into something they can both bite off AND chew properly.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



I liked the guide. It may not have numbers like some peoples guides but it had another quality many of those peoples guides lacked. I like to think that you don't need to know the numbers to pull things off (simply get the gist and make it through the game) but they do help. I do Thugs/TA and Ninja/TA MMs so had to come to read this and it was a pleasure to read really.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by Lord_Regulus View Post
Man, remind me next time to get someone who knows more about the numbers of powers before I write a guide. I just went by on observations of the build itself ingame. I've been getting some very negative private messages from people who complained that I didn't use numbers.
LoL, tell me about it.

Believe me, I know EXACTLY what you mean. Even though I actually DO know numbers, I prefer to address "common sense" than the "numbers game." Not everyone likes to "play by the numbers," so to speak...


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Thank you for the guide, very, very informative.

I am relatively new to CoX and since I19 has released yesterday, I now have Swift/Hurdle/Health/Stamina free.

With that in mind, I was looking at taking the following power pools in this order:

Aid Other
Aid Self
Super Speed

Alternately, I considered dropping hasten and super speed and replacing them with teleport foe and teleport team.