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  1. AlienOne

    Soloing Posi

    Yeah, that's how I was able to have the Dwarf form at that level as well--picking it as soon as it was available...

  2. AlienOne

    Soloing Posi

    Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
    Yes, I soloed him a couple times with a PB. I tried with a WS but too many CoT ghosties made it painful so I never finished with him.

    My key helps came from base buffs, inspirations and taking Superspeed (yay 60 months vet reward!)
    I have Superspeed as well, but don't yet have the 60 month vet reward.

    Anyone can have a 2nd travel power at the Posi level, as long as they pick it the moment it becomes available...

    You can, of course, use your primary travel power, but....For Peacebringers, it's pretty slow... And for Warshades, it consumes an AMAZING amount of endurance at that level.

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    Well, with all the recharge that warshades pack into their builds, it is much less than 25 minutes. With my recharge, the calculation comes out to under ten minutes, but that's not counting the brief span of +100% recharge while the power is active.

    And I do know accolade powers (well, at the very least, Geas) are (is) affected by recharge.
    Hmmm... Never really paid that much attention to it or tested it myself. I was just quoting from the info posted in the information section of the power itself. I was not aware that accolade powers could be affected by your global recharge... Good to know!

    Now that I think about it, it did seem to come up fairly quickly after using it during my "traditional" soloing of all the mobs in front of Romulus on the iTF the past few times I did it...

    I've got a 170% global recharge on my 'shade, with a "chance for 100% +recharge" popping off for a few seconds literally every 10 or 15 seconds (or sooner) once I've built momentum... It's enough to put Hasten at perma, actually.

  4. I believe it's every 25 minutes... Not really something you can depend on.

    I find that I only use Geas in extreme situations such as 2 or 3 mobs packed on me at once or something similar. Usually, in those situations, I'll also pop Eye of the Magus in conjunction with it to not only counteract the -Def from Geas, but also to (obviously) help with survival in aforementioned extreme situation.

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    I see I'm not alone on this at all.

    Bill Z Bubba exists on every server. He's level 50 on Pinnacle and level 1 everywhere else as nothing but a name grab. If I could do it on the servers across the pond, I would.
    I've thought seriously about doing this with my main two toons, as I've already encountered a few people on Freedom who have made some sort of imitation of my main two characters' names. (lol)

  6. That's what I do when I'm on my tri-form build... I always pack about 3 or 4 blues before a mission specifically so I can completely recover 2 seconds after a Quasar...

  7. Could be true... So, my "main badge" character, AlienOne (who would be staying "true" regardless of badge involvement), would only benefit from something like that.

  8. This is the list of channels I use frequently on Freedom:

    Freedom (1,550 users)

    Freedom Events (just under 1,400 users)

    RadioFreedom (almost full)

    Radio Freedom (266 users)

    Freedom Badge (Full)

    Freedom Badges (Full)

    Freedom TF (1,450 users) -- Watch for my daily "message of the day"s about PIE!

    Freedom TFs (Full)

    RF2009 (1,350 users) -- Watch for informative messages on Freedom Events from Tammy!


    FREEDOM PIE (a channel I set up to discuss pie and related ingredients. I'm the only member, but it'll take off....eventually!)

  9. AlienOne

    Would You Buy...

    Would have to expand and fix (or at least widen options) for base editing before I would buy a pack.

    But, yes... As long as the pack contained a good amount of stuff (and maybe a portion of prestige to offset the cost of implementing all those cool new shineys)?

    Yeah, I'd buy it.

  10. Good to hear you're ok, L.

  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Westley View Post
    Where do you think the influence comes from when a citizen you just saved walks up to you and bows? Out of thin air? They carry the **** around with them for just such an occasion. If some stoners wanted a jetpack, they could just pool all their money together like if they were going to order a pizza.

    Please, do you see ANY guards stopping people from just walking into those portals? None of the door are even locked!
    I'm sure you're joking here, but I'll humor you...

    The *common* definition of "influence" is:

    "the power or capacity of causing an effect in indirect or intangible ways." (dictionary definition)

    In this game, I think it's a little ridiculous to think that some lady off the street has "enough money" to pay you for saving her behind. In fact, it's not even really "heroic" to accept such a reward (even if this were the case). If you are being a "true hero," then you wouldn't be saving the damsel in distress for the money.

    I think this is the issue the developers came across when developing a superhero game in the beginning. Thus, they named the *currency* "Influence."

    So, by saving someone, or defeating an Arch-Villain that's possibly causing citizens harm, you're not "earning money," you're "gaining influence." You're gaining "the power or capacity to cause an effect."

    An NPC who sells jetpacks is affected by your "superhero influence" to want to give you a jetpack.

    On the "flip side," an NPC is affected by a villain's "Infamy." He may give a jetpack to a villain because he's afraid of what that villain may do to him if he does not.

    Therefore, I say that yes, that "influence" appears out of "thin air," because it is an *intangible thing*. That lady you just saved (presumably) will go tell her friends that you just saved her life, and they'll tell their friends, who will tell theirs, and so an and so forth....Which allows you to "gain influence" in Paragon City.

    The more "good deeds" you do, the more "influence" you have in the city.

    The more "evil deeds" you do, the more "infamy" (or evil reputation) you gain.

    If the developers didn't mean it like this, they just would have called it "gold." Or "money." Or "cash." Or "currency."


  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
    Does the object do most of the work or are you? I think guns do most of the work. Is it something you had to train to use or did just picking it up allow you to use it? Well, guns aren't that hard to use...

    You ever used a library of different guns extensively?

    A lot of people say "just point and shoot, it can't be that hard"

    Can it?

    I submit that although the mechanic "point and shoot" may be *simple*, using the gun itself requires training and practice to be any good at it. It's definitely NOT "that easy."

    So, yes, using a gun requires training--especially if you're talking about "hero level" of expertise with a weapon.

  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
    The applicable verb that goes with gaming cured me of taking things too seriously long ago. You play games. Play. Not grind. Not obsess over. Not take seriously. Not work at. You play games. If they ever stop being fun, then you should take a break because you're doing it wrong. Play = fun. Play =/= serious.

    Life got so much better after I really learned this.
    Tru 'dat!

  14. AlienOne



    Looks like they're all back to "unknown" status, so it appears we may have them all back online now...

    Still no patch notes anywhere to be found though...

  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TRTerror View Post
    Not really a bug. But it was fun. There so many mobs at screen that sometimes when it looked like i was only hitting one mob i was hitting target cap.My graphics card at the time couldnt show all mobs.
    I really, really, really, really, really, really, really wish we could still accomplish that in AE (or if you still can, if someone could show me how)... I had SOOOO much fun testing out my Warshade to see if it could survive against various foes on a "neverending, constant incoming enemy/damage" scale...

    I don't even care if there are ZERO rewards for setting up a mission like this. I just like the challenge. OMG that was so fun when I was doing that!!!

    The only time I can even get close to something like this is if someone allows me to run ahead and take the entire Cimeroran mob in front of Romulus by myself while they stay at the bridge in the beginning of the map and take stuff down... Or if someone stays with me at the end of the LGTF, and allows me to finish out the final room on the last map (for some reason, if everyone quits the TF after it's completed, it auto-kicks me from the map, so I have to have someone stay on the team after the TF is completed)...

  16. AlienOne


    No, this isn't a complaint thread. I'm well aware of the fact that they may sometimes need to go over their "allotted time" for server maintenance...

    I'm just wondering... "Curious minds" and all...

    Servers were all at an unknown status about 15 min ago, and then at 6am (usually the time when maintenance is complete), all servers went back down...

    Wonder if there's problems with the patch?


    Could this be the release of the "official" Winter Event?


    I wonder...


    Again, purely speculation on my part, and not a complaint. They can take as long as they need to, as long as it makes the servers stable for extended gameplay.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
    Mr. Tealeaf has informed me that bubblers who set to black and red are very annoying and should be beaten with a shovel. So, perhaps that might be one to avoid.
    Awww, that's too bad.... I've had a bubbler put black bubbles on my characters before, and due to the "dark nature/look" of many of my toons, it actually looked really good and matched the uniform...

  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Organica View Post
    6. Using dual accounts and one of my 50's, I slaughtered 100 Overseers on Sunday so that my BS/SD scrapper could have the rularuu sword and shield. I've done this a few times for other characters of mine, before they were able to do it for themselves.
    That's actually a great idea... I need to do that myself with a few of my low-level scrappers... Those Rularu weapons are just friggin' great!

  19. My 2nd account is currently inactive, due to lack of funds/job, but I started a 2nd account (and have about a year and a half's worth of vet time on it now) a while back for a (then) girlfriend of mine, so I could introduce her to the game and we could play together.

    After we broke up, I started using that second account to PL my main account alts up, and also to build my own "SG Base empire." The SG I had been a part of for over a year still was not allowing me ANY use of enhancement tables, salvage racks, etc., etc., so I figured it was about time to start my own SG base and get those priveledges, along with experimentation of SG base building. My 2nd account helped out a lot with earning prestige for my new base.

    I've also used it quite extensively for transferring influence between toons, promoting my alts to higher SG rank status, and expanding my ever-growing list of alts (up to 44 now on last count).

    Soon as I get a bit more cash flow, that 2nd account is gettin' re-activated!

  20. Sorry I missed last friday... I've been participating in some of Tammy's all fire/rad STFs lately (I think I got her addiced to it), and completely forgot about our regular Friday meetings...

    I'll be on for this Fri!

  21. After seeing just a few of the things they're including with Going Rogue, I don't doubt they're fully capable of using their brains to come up with something else for a future vet reward. They have in the past, and they will again.

    If they TRULY don't have any new ideas (as you're suggesting), they'll most likely pull from ideas the playerbase has in the "Ideas and Suggestions" section of the forums, or they'll post a poll on "which of these would you like for your next vet power?"

    As of yet, they have not (to my knowledge), so I'd assume they've got something planned. This isn't a "brand new system." It's been on the their planning table for quite some time--and given the fact that they were working on Going Rogue over a year before they announced details on it, I think it's safe to say they may just have the next 4 quarters of vet rewards already planned out.

    I may be wrong, but... I think that's a better attitude to have than...



    While we're on the subject of suggestions, why not offer vets a 3rd build for all their characters? Surely someone who's been around for 6 or 7 years is going to have a TON of toons (I know I do), quite a few of them setted out, and already using the 2nd build for various things (PvP, Exemping down for a specific few TFs, Teaming/Solo build), and might like to try a 3rd build on their toon for "experimental builds," without ruining their already setted-out 1st and 2nd builds...

    Sure, there will be people out there that cry "doom!" and say "I don't even use my 2nd build!" But, think of it this way. It's improving "QoL" for a vet (in case they ever DO want to do that), and it's not "gamebreaking" for the rest of the playerbase.

    I'm sure there are a ton of ideas the rest of the playerbase can come up with as well. The "idea tree" hasn't been exausted because you can't think of anything....
  22. I'm actually suprised at how much I wholeheartedly disagree with you guys.

    I absolutely love the vet reward system, and it gives me something to look forward to every 3 months. Every single vet reward has had something I thought was neat and could use at least once. Every. Single. One.

    I think moving it to making people wait a full year to get their next vet reward is one of the worst ideas I think I've ever heard a fellow vet suggest, and frankly, I'm quite suprised at how flippant some of y'all are about it.

    If you don't like the vet reward, don't use it. Simple as that. You can ignore it, just like the market system.

    Just don't take away my quarterly vet reward because you're tired of it.

    Don't like the boxing outfit? Cool. I know at least 5 people for each one of you who has at least one character that uses at least one item from it (not even including me). Don't want to use those extra inventory slots? That's cool too. Just fill your salvage/recipes up to where they normally would have filled up to before, and refuse to put any more in. Simple as that. I'll take mine though. Don't use your respecs? I've respec'd some of my characters' builds over 12 times. Think I get some use out of those vet rewards? Frick yeah.

    Point being?

    Ignore it if you want to. It's not like they're forcing them on you. You have to claim them for goodness' sake, so you don't even have to see a vet power listed in your power list if you don't want to!

    Not wanting to put a trenchcoat on one of your toons is as simple as scrolling past that option! Ever think of that one?

    Sorry for the soapbox rant, but c'mon, guys! This is FREE STUFF they're givin' us here... You'd rather pay for a respec than get one for free as a vet reward?

    It's sometimes mind-boggling the stuff I see complained about on here... New booster pack? "OMG, it costs money! I pay money to play this game, I should get this for free!" FREE vet reward? "OMG, this vet reward sucks! They should just stop it all together!"


  23. Thanks for the post. I'm really interested in this stuff, ever since I was able to get in and play Resident Evil 5 in 3D at this year's San Diego Comic-Con (using Nvidia's 3D setup)... AMAZING immersive experience.

    I'll definitely be staying tuned to see what happens next.

  24. AlienOne

    Soloing Posi

    Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
    I'm pretty skeptical of an hour on this. There are so many missions in different zones and so much time spent just traveling & zoning, that I can't see anyone doing it in an hour, unless they got phenomenally lucky with mission placement. I run it often with a friend who also has a Posi specced build, and even splitting up to clear missions faster and using every shortcut we can, our average is closer to 75-90 minutes.
    I've seen him do it. He doesn't die once (regen ftw), and every "main" power he uses has a purple set or a PvP IO set in it, and therefore exemps down with him (and is phenomenally powerful).

    Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
    One of the big slowdowns is the CoT rescue mission. With 2 hostages to lead out and a boss, it can get quite difficult with so many mages running about. Note that you should complete the boss before rescuing any hostages. Each hostage rescued spawns an ambush which can be quite annoying. The fastest way to run that particular mission is to speed through (Superspeed with stealth proc =invis) and note the location of both hostages while getting to the boss, defeat the boss mob, then go back and get both hostages at once and lead them out. Any other way tends to waste time.
    I consider that to be the worst mish in the TF as well. In fact, I hate that mission more than any other in all of CoH.

    However, I find it (especially on fuller teams) to be more beneficial to fight your way to the hostages/boss, so you will have a clear path on the way back. Not "kill-all", just "clear a path."

    Otherwise, you run into problems with the hostages running into CoT on your way back and stopping to say "I'm captured again!"

    And you have to take down that mob anyway.

    That said, this thread inspired me to finally go ahead and try it myself...

    Special thanks to "Spike Mah Drink" and "Intestinal Fortitude" for allowing me to solo this thing.

    Bits of trivia for 'ya:

    A. I could have finished this at least an hour sooner than I did
    B. I had 3 deaths up until the last 2 missions
    C. The "Rescue FEMA workers" mish took me 45 min by itself (working at a casual, safe pace, fighting my way to boss/hostages)
    D. I took a 15-min break to get more salvage and re-apply base buffs about halfway through
    E. It took 15 min to find boss in the cave CoT mish, because caves and I don't get along very well
    F. I didn't use any temp powers (other than base buffs), but used inspirations LIBERALLY
    G. I used Nova/Dwarf forms almost exclusively during the first half of the TF, and then used Nova/Human forms almost exclusively during the second half of the TF (frustration with lolDwarf was setting in by that stage)
    H. I used my "Eye of the Magus" and "Geas of the Kind Ones" accolades only once during the TF, and that one time didn't help, because I still died. (haha)

    Overall, it was pretty fun... But, I gotta say that although, yes, Khelds are maybe the best to exemp down with for a Posi, it's not really until a Manticore TF that you can REALLY see a Kheld shine.

    The difference in performance for Khelds between the Posi level exemption and the Manti level exemption is absolutely amazing.

  25. AlienOne

    Soloing Posi

    Cool! Thanks for the post.... I've often thought of trying to do this myself on my Warshade, but haven't yet gotten around to it.

    Also, using base empowerment tables was extremely smart... They may make only a "small" difference, but it STILL makes a difference to invest the infl/salvage to get some of them on you for an hour.

    I forgot who mentioned it before or who I got the idea from, but having the Stealth proc in Sprint is INVALUABLE when exemping down for that TF... Good to hear it helped you out!

    As a side note, your difficulty settings are not currently affecting Task Force mob spawn levels... This is *supposedly* being fixed "soon," but that was posted by a red name quite some time ago, so who knows... Regardless, as of right now, everyone has to deal with the same difficulty settings on every task force they do, like it or not.

    I have a friend who actually solos the Posi every single night, but the catch is that he's a dual-blade/regen scrapper who is completely purpled/PvP IO'd out. Oh, and it only takes him an hour to do the whole thing by himself.

    I'd really like to try it... Again, thanks for the post! Good stuff...
