Soloing Posi




I hadn't planned on doing a solo Positron TF - especially on a Kheld. I filled for a friend who wanted to solo the tf and later found out he had abandoned it. I decided to try a mission and see what my pb was like.

My friend had bailed after trying mission two (?)(with the COT) so started there and nearly quit after going to the hospital a few times. I used my base's empowerment tables, and built up resistances and changed my tactics. I could have raided insp storage but didn't want to 'waste' any large ones on a possible lost cause. I completed the mission and went on to complete the tf in a few hours (99.59.59 hours because the clock counted the offline days too ).

I didn't die every mission but it was painful - i hate Vahz spit!

Some notes:

What helped?

Higher level - level 40 - so many slots for inspirations.
- Atlas medallion.
- stealth proc in sprint.
- knowledge of empowerment stations and enough inf/salvage to use them.
- good selection in the insp storage although I only used presents/large insp in the last mission.

What hurt?

-I'm used to playing tri-form - switching on the fly. Not having dwarfform took some getting used to.
-My only heal was Essence Boost. I hadn't slotted it up a lot and use the other heals more. There wasn't enough recharge.
The tf cap bug (I think). I was level 14 throughout but my foes ranged from 13-16 on "0-1-nobosses-noAV" and I still got lots of bosses.

So it was fun over all and I did it and may do it again. Have you soloed Posi with a Kheld?



Cool! Thanks for the post.... I've often thought of trying to do this myself on my Warshade, but haven't yet gotten around to it.

Also, using base empowerment tables was extremely smart... They may make only a "small" difference, but it STILL makes a difference to invest the infl/salvage to get some of them on you for an hour.

I forgot who mentioned it before or who I got the idea from, but having the Stealth proc in Sprint is INVALUABLE when exemping down for that TF... Good to hear it helped you out!

As a side note, your difficulty settings are not currently affecting Task Force mob spawn levels... This is *supposedly* being fixed "soon," but that was posted by a red name quite some time ago, so who knows... Regardless, as of right now, everyone has to deal with the same difficulty settings on every task force they do, like it or not.

I have a friend who actually solos the Posi every single night, but the catch is that he's a dual-blade/regen scrapper who is completely purpled/PvP IO'd out. Oh, and it only takes him an hour to do the whole thing by himself.

I'd really like to try it... Again, thanks for the post! Good stuff...


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



I've been using a Nova form PB specifically built for solo Positron ever since merits came out. PB's are excellent choices for soloing this TF, due to a number of reasons. Energy damage is not resisted by any of the enemies (and CoT ghosts are actually weak to energy dmg), the ability to hover out of melee range, unsupressed flight in combat, inherent endurance recovery while in Nova & Dwarf form & the ability to slot for good ranged defense. On top of all that, with the new exemplaring rules, a PB now has access to Dwarf form's heal for this TF. All in all, a very powerful combo. One of the best out there for this, in my opinion.



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
I forgot who mentioned it before or who I got the idea from, but having the Stealth proc in Sprint is INVALUABLE when exemping down for that TF...
Agreed 100%. Full stealth is absolutely critical for this, at least if you want to get it done at a decent pace.

I have a friend who actually solos the Posi every single night, but the catch is that he's a dual-blade/regen scrapper who is completely purpled/PvP IO'd out. Oh, and it only takes him an hour to do the whole thing by himself.
I'm pretty skeptical of an hour on this. There are so many missions in different zones and so much time spent just traveling & zoning, that I can't see anyone doing it in an hour, unless they got phenomenally lucky with mission placement. I run it often with a friend who also has a Posi specced build, and even splitting up to clear missions faster and using every shortcut we can, our average is closer to 75-90 minutes.



Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
Agreed 100%. Full stealth is absolutely critical for this, at least if you want to get it done at a decent pace.

I'm pretty skeptical of an hour on this. There are so many missions in different zones and so much time spent just traveling & zoning, that I can't see anyone doing it in an hour, unless they got phenomenally lucky with mission placement. I run it often with a friend who also has a Posi specced build, and even splitting up to clear missions faster and using every shortcut we can, our average is closer to 75-90 minutes.
Solo posi by uber scrappers and blasters can be done in an hour. A decent team with a couple of purpled out toons can do it in an hour as well. One of the big slowdowns is the CoT rescue mission. With 2 hostages to lead out and a boss, it can get quite difficult with so many mages running about. Note that you should complete the boss before rescuing any hostages. Each hostage rescued spawns an ambush which can be quite annoying. The fastest way to run that particular mission is to speed through (Superspeed with stealth proc =invis) and note the location of both hostages while getting to the boss, defeat the boss mob, then go back and get both hostages at once and lead them out. Any other way tends to waste time.



Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
I'm pretty skeptical of an hour on this. There are so many missions in different zones and so much time spent just traveling & zoning, that I can't see anyone doing it in an hour, unless they got phenomenally lucky with mission placement. I run it often with a friend who also has a Posi specced build, and even splitting up to clear missions faster and using every shortcut we can, our average is closer to 75-90 minutes.
I've seen him do it. He doesn't die once (regen ftw), and every "main" power he uses has a purple set or a PvP IO set in it, and therefore exemps down with him (and is phenomenally powerful).

Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
One of the big slowdowns is the CoT rescue mission. With 2 hostages to lead out and a boss, it can get quite difficult with so many mages running about. Note that you should complete the boss before rescuing any hostages. Each hostage rescued spawns an ambush which can be quite annoying. The fastest way to run that particular mission is to speed through (Superspeed with stealth proc =invis) and note the location of both hostages while getting to the boss, defeat the boss mob, then go back and get both hostages at once and lead them out. Any other way tends to waste time.
I consider that to be the worst mish in the TF as well. In fact, I hate that mission more than any other in all of CoH.

However, I find it (especially on fuller teams) to be more beneficial to fight your way to the hostages/boss, so you will have a clear path on the way back. Not "kill-all", just "clear a path."

Otherwise, you run into problems with the hostages running into CoT on your way back and stopping to say "I'm captured again!"

And you have to take down that mob anyway.

That said, this thread inspired me to finally go ahead and try it myself...

Special thanks to "Spike Mah Drink" and "Intestinal Fortitude" for allowing me to solo this thing.

Bits of trivia for 'ya:

A. I could have finished this at least an hour sooner than I did
B. I had 3 deaths up until the last 2 missions
C. The "Rescue FEMA workers" mish took me 45 min by itself (working at a casual, safe pace, fighting my way to boss/hostages)
D. I took a 15-min break to get more salvage and re-apply base buffs about halfway through
E. It took 15 min to find boss in the cave CoT mish, because caves and I don't get along very well
F. I didn't use any temp powers (other than base buffs), but used inspirations LIBERALLY
G. I used Nova/Dwarf forms almost exclusively during the first half of the TF, and then used Nova/Human forms almost exclusively during the second half of the TF (frustration with lolDwarf was setting in by that stage)
H. I used my "Eye of the Magus" and "Geas of the Kind Ones" accolades only once during the TF, and that one time didn't help, because I still died. (haha)

Overall, it was pretty fun... But, I gotta say that although, yes, Khelds are maybe the best to exemp down with for a Posi, it's not really until a Manticore TF that you can REALLY see a Kheld shine.

The difference in performance for Khelds between the Posi level exemption and the Manti level exemption is absolutely amazing.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
Agreed 100%. Full stealth is absolutely critical for this, at least if you want to get it done at a decent pace.

I'm pretty skeptical of an hour on this. There are so many missions in different zones and so much time spent just traveling & zoning, that I can't see anyone doing it in an hour, unless they got phenomenally lucky with mission placement. I run it often with a friend who also has a Posi specced build, and even splitting up to clear missions faster and using every shortcut we can, our average is closer to 75-90 minutes.
I disagree with full stealth being a requirement on a Posi. I general just run past the mobs to the boss rooms without any stealth on a Speed run. Except for the final clock (Boss/guards) mission the mobs dont chase you.

I actually ran this in 1:25:10 last night using that method, which included having to run the 1st mission twice due to the TF bug. An hour is feasible if the doors work right and if you have a fast travel power (I Tend to take fly and 2-3 lengths of skyway back to back can add a few mins very fast)

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Interesting comments. Thanks for replying everyone.



I think I might try this on the weekend. Do I assume most people simply kill as little as possible? I don't normally leave anything alive when I play so it will take some getting used to ghosting for me.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
I think I might try this on the weekend. Do I assume most people simply kill as little as possible? I don't normally leave anything alive when I play so it will take some getting used to ghosting for me.
Yep. Most missions are simply stealth to boss, defeat boss & click glowie to complete. There are 5 defeat all missions, 4 of which are right at the end. There is also the Rollister mission which requires you to defeat Rollister and escort two hostages out. For the most part you'll spend more time running from one mission to the next than actually in the missions themselves.



Yes, I soloed him a couple times with a PB. I tried with a WS but too many CoT ghosties made it painful so I never finished with him.

My key helps came from base buffs, inspirations and taking Superspeed (yay 60 months vet reward!)

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



One other factor that came to me as I was thinking about this is load times.

With 11 door missions and the fedexes, you are going to be looking at a minimum of 30, and maybe even upto 35 or 40 zonings (22 into and out of missions, 2 to AP, 1 to KR, 1 to PP and 2 to Steel).

Shaving even 30 seconds off a load time, makes a huge difference in this speeding.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
Yes, I soloed him a couple times with a PB. I tried with a WS but too many CoT ghosties made it painful so I never finished with him.

My key helps came from base buffs, inspirations and taking Superspeed (yay 60 months vet reward!)
I have Superspeed as well, but don't yet have the 60 month vet reward.

Anyone can have a 2nd travel power at the Posi level, as long as they pick it the moment it becomes available...

You can, of course, use your primary travel power, but....For Peacebringers, it's pretty slow... And for Warshades, it consumes an AMAZING amount of endurance at that level.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Actually with the new exemp rules, you keep your level 16, 18 and 20 powers.

Its much easier to fit things in.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Well, this thread got me in the mood to challenge myself a lot more, so I figured I'd go ahead and post a screenie of my latest challenge: to solo the Manticore TF....

Many thanks to Fluffy Duchess, 1HottScreamer, Lady Firedragon, and Aries Knight for cheering me on during this challenge (and leeching merits too)

Hopkins was a bit of trouble...I wound up having to make a trip to Ouro to stock on inspirations before I could take him down on the 2nd try....

Definitely fun to do though...

Anyone else tried playing their Khelds on extreme challenges? I wanna hear about it!


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



One trick I always use for Posi (I usually do it once for each character for the merits and TF commander); in the FEMA mish I stealth to the hostages (SS + Stealth or then using my illusion controller on second account) then defeat the spawn around them. After that, I just pop four lucks in order to achieve soft capped Defense and just run through the whole mission with the hostage following me.

I can easily do the mission in 10-15 minutes like this.

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post
One trick I always use for Posi (I usually do it once for each character for the merits and TF commander); in the FEMA mish I stealth to the hostages (SS + Stealth or then using my illusion controller on second account) then defeat the spawn around them. After that, I just pop four lucks in order to achieve soft capped Defense and just run through the whole mission with the hostage following me.

I can easily do the mission in 10-15 minutes like this.
I run to the end, deal with the boss and the rest of the room he's in. Free the first hostage I come to on the way back, swallow purples, lead him to second hostage, free second hostage, swallow more purples if necessary and lead the two out.

I usually duo, I have a perma lvl 17 fire/nrg blaster with a full set of lvl 20 SOs. I have SS and a stealth IO, plus a low level -KB IO in my lvl 16 power (the toon dates from before you kept powers above 15, but given the exemping penalties on enhancement bonuses I couldn't see how to improve it).

I've done posis in 1:10-1:15 with 2/3/4/5 on the team.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



I usually do Posi with me on two accounts (the character that needs the badge + illu/therm with TP) and my friend who I'm usually pacted with. We can easily do this TF in 1h30-2h with not too good builds. We only have DOs usually and the characters are around level 15.

I have to admit, though, that having a character with the thermal shields, superior invis, confuse and recall friend helps loads!

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein