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  1. Forgive me if I sound horribly ignorant...But how exactly is putting an emblem on the front of a character any differant than putting one on the back? It seems to me like back emblems wouldn't be nearly as difficult as you say...
  2. I know the feeling, MB...I've been staring at Captain Petrovich's cycloptic mug since the mid-20s...Level 42 and I still don't care what he wants. Ditto for a slew of other contacts whose names I have conveniently forgotten.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Sometimes even the good guys have to do things that are against the law. (Look at daredevil, or batman. They use their vigilante status to cut through red tape.)

    Either the police don't like them and hunt them, or they support them. But if they support them, they can't do it openly by supplying them with weaponry/technology because then they could get fired.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Y'know, now I'm getting a funny idea...

    Why is it heroes never have issues with the police or the media? I'd love it if a J. Jonah Jameson-ish NPC were thrown into Paragon just to tear down your character every once in a while. Heck, my latest hero would fit perectly as the "menace to society" :P

    *Hopeful-but-snowballs-chance-in-hell* Maybe if you go evil, then back to good, say for some double-agent work or the "unlikely teamup", you'll lose the trust of the police? Would spice things up nicely.

    Eh, just thinking aloud...
  4. AkuTenshiiZero

    Costume creator?

    My 2 cents:

    I'd kill to at least be allowed to make custom textures. I don't know how to edit meshes, but gimmie a blank texture to open up in any old image editing program so I can make unique patterns.

    If that's too much to ask, I would sell my liver for the ability to make custom chest emblems.

    Alas, neither of these are likely to be made, lest we end up with 5000 variations of "Phallus Man" roaming the streets. Thus the creative suffer to stifle the ignorant...
  5. I'd be happy if the guy would get outta my active contacts list...I'm never going to talk to him, too much effort for someone who doesn't care about MA.
  6. *Does the Super Happeh Dance*

    Haven't played my MM post-15, but still happier than a pig in **** that this has been fixed.
  7. I'm gonna guess this is not the first time this has come up...

    I'm also gonna /sign the bajeebus outta this thing. Gimme my leather gang-affiliated jacket! The Warriors get it, why can't I?
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Really, if I'm a veteran, then let me respec my veterans reward powers....If I can respec every damn power I have and every single slot why wont you let me get my sands of Mu ? I dont care let me do a TF for it....

    2 cents...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You can pick Sands of Mu when you get your 54 month vet reward, just like the rest of us.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Y'know, as someone who only recently got Sands of Mu...Is there any justifiable reason for taking the axe, or am I just being overly indecisive?

    *Appologizes for minor threadjack*
  9. AkuTenshiiZero


    Yay, another anal RPer!

    ...Wait, that sounded so wrong...


    Anyhoo, I used to type it out. I remember my first character, Zeta Silver, and his crazy-awesome "Henshin!" of Badassery. I wound up ultimately nixing it, though, 'cuz it looked kinda silly having a wall o' text appear every time he transformed...

    But I'm just way overly detailed like that. It was kinda bad considdering one of his character quirks was transforming at the first enemy spawn in every mission. This is what I get for watching too much Kamen Rider...
  10. AkuTenshiiZero


    The firey-ness is cool. I'm just pointing out the fact that this is a nightmare for nitpicky RP addicts like me :P Just making a mountain out of a molehill, though I'm somewhat suprised nobody else shares my annoyance.

    Incidentally, it does look awesome on my Fire/Stone Brute, and on my Stalker (Djinni and fire mesh well, though I wish I could turn it green...). I'm hoping they'll come up with more /cce's spanning differant elements, since we now have Lightning* and Fire.

    *NOTE: I'm a tightwad and don't wanna pay for the magic booster...Yet. I'll crack someday.
  11. Y'know, I don't get it. There's no law saying I can't spray a garden hose at every person I see on the street. It's totally legal and within the rules. Why should people get pissed off at me if I'm staying within the rules? It's their fault for adhereing to their silly "social norms".

    This guy is the dumbest professor I have ever seen. There are things that you just don't do. Legal or not, it's going to piss people off.
  12. My God...

    It's Power's evil twin.
  13. ((Meh, I've never done any in-depth IC stuff with Capt. Stormrider. I've very rarely acctually RPed him, in fact...Just never found a good opportunity. So here's my attempt at writing about him and a few of his shipmates aboard the Twilight Lance. TRIVIA! Stormrider and Dollmaster are my characters, and Twilight Rania is an IRL friend's. We run a two-man VG called Silver Eclipse, and the Lance is our base.))

    Stormrider cursed profusely as he was thrown out of his bunk, hitting the steel flooring with a loud thud. He groaned as he slowly made his way to his feet, feeling arouund in the dark cabin for anything to support himself. After a few moments, the turbulence passed and his eyes adjusted to the dim surroundings. Still muttering obcenities, he stumbled to the comm panel mounted on one wall, opening a channel to the bridge.

    "Oi, Rania! Ya wanna tell me what in the hell yer doin' t' my ship!?"

    The female voice that replied was as unwavering and stern as always. "Our ship, Stormrider. Not yours."

    "Whatever. What's goin' on up there? Chasers? Rikti?"

    "Not that exciting, I'm afraid." Rania replied. "We just lost generator three. I'm diverting power, but we need a patch-up ASAP."

    Stormrider grumbled. Naturally, this meant he had to fix it. The former pirate captain was once renowned and feared throughout half the galaxy, and now he had to play mechanic. Unfortunately, he was the one who had designed most of the Twilight Lance in the first place, and therefore he knew the airship better than anyone else. He retrieved his mask from beside the bunk and held it against his face. The device let out a whir and hiss as it clamped itself on him, concealing his closely-guarded identity. Not that it really mattered...Noone on this planet would recognize him. More specifically, nobody in this millenia.


    It didn't take a genius to know the source of the failure. As Stormrider entered the engine room, he spotted the familiar form of a young girl perched upon the generator in question. He sighed and pointed a finger towards her, taking aim for a moment before firing off a small arc of electricity into the side of her head. The girl let out a shriek and toppled off the generator, hitting the grated floor with a metallic clang. "Gorram robot...Can't trust you with a damned thing."

    The girl was no ordinary child, as was evident by her quick recovery and the patches of metal on her body. "Meanie! I'm just trying to help, Stormie, you don't have to shoot me!"

    "Ah, can it ya ol' geezer. Ya can't fool me." Stormrider ignored the android's pouting as he began examining the faulty generator. When the girl spoke again, her voice made an eerie shift into that of an elderly man. "You'd best learn to play nicely, or I'll send some of my lovely toys to punish you..."

    "And you'd best learn to stop screwin' around with my ship, Dollmaster, or I'll fry yer lil' avatar's circuits." Stormrider shot back, his voice echoing as his entire upper torso was crammed into the generator's cramped workspace. He looked in absolute horror at what the psychotic inventor had done to the machine. "What in the name of mother's love did you do!?"

    "Your design is flawed, I know it is!" Dollmaster shouted in defense, now speaking in an utterly bizzare mixture of the two voices. "I've spent months studying it, and it defies every law of physics! I'm just trying to make sense of this ridiculous contraption!"

    "Only the ones y'all know about." Stormrider forcibly ripped a few parts out of the generator, tossing them over his shoulder. "Yer forgettin' which one o' us is from the future."

    No matter how many times he said it, Stormrider never got used to those words. He would never forget the day he had arrived in the Rogue Isles, crashing in an escape pod and being taken captive by Arachnos. He still found it hard to believe that Earth not only existed, but that he was acctually on it. He still wasn't sure how far back in time he was, in his era history was only accurate up to about 4000 years, and anything before that was just legends and myths. But nearly a year of living here had forced him to accept the fact he had somehow been hurled into anchient times.

    Stormrider finished up the repairs and pulled himself out of the crawlspace. As a finishing touch, he gripped one of the primary cables and began crackling with energy. Raw electricity poured from him into the machine, providing enough power to jump start it. As it hummed to life, he slammed the panel shut and turned to look down on Dollmaster, who met his stare with deceptively innocent eyes.

    "Just wait. One o' these days I'm gonna figure out where you're hidin', old man. See how cocky y'all are when ya see me face-to-face."

    "Psh...The Hero Corps has been trying for years! What makes you think a wash-out pirate could do any better?"

    Resisting the urge to short circuit the obnoxious robotic avatar, Stormrider growled under his breath as he left the engine room.


    "Dollmaster was experimenting again...I see."

    Rania sat calmly at the helm of the Lance as she listened to Stormrider's report. If he didn't know any better, he would have sworn there was a hint of sympathy in her voice. While dealing with their comrade was far less threatening than being discovered by Longbow, at least the latter came with a bit of enjoyment.

    "I don't see why we gotta keep him...her...it aroun' anyways. Brings nothin' but trouble."

    "Because he has an arsenal of combat drones at his beck and call, and designs superweapons for free."

    "Point taken."

    Unlike the Dollmaster, Stormrider had little problem dealing with his partner, "Twilight" Rania. She was, in fact, the closest thing he had to a true friend in the Isles. Their paths had crossed by chance, her an assassin chasing her prey, and he looking to relieve said prey of his riches. After a brief battle of misunderstanding, they formed a partnership that had proven to become a force to be reckoned with. She was the only person to have seen his face and know his real name, and he had been the only person to see her own closely-guarded emotional side. But at the end of the day, it was all business...And oddly enough, that was enough for him.

    "One of our contacts called in." Rania seemed to read his thoughts as she brought up the subject. "We've got a job lined up."

    "Jus' when I wanted t' blow somethin' up. So what's the story?"

    "Search and rescue. Seems a number of women went missing in St. Martial."

    Stormrider raised a hand in rejection. "Not happenin'. II ain't savin' no damsels in distress. No profit t' be had in it."

    Rania paused a moment, a slight smirk coming to her lips. "They're prostitutes."

    Without a second of heisitation, Stormrider replied flaty. "I'm in."
  14. AkuTenshiiZero


    Okay...I need to get this off my chest...

    Why the @&^# does ccEvilLaugh have to have fire!?

    It's the standard of villainy. The bad guy clenches his fist, ***** back his head, and lets out a fit of maniacal laughter as he reveals his True Powah to the hero. Classic! What villain wouldn't want to do that every time they change into their badass costume?

    Apparently anybody who didn't pick Fire powers doesn't!

    I mean, c'mon! Why fire!? Why not somemthing more generic? An eerie glow, a puff of smoke, anything! And if you were a sucker who picked Ice powers, you're really SoL...

    For the record: My Elec/Storm hates you.

    ((Note: I realize it's not as bad as I'm making it out to be. Exaggeration is fun. But honestly, this has just been bugging the hell outta me.))
  15. I'm reminded of a Paper mission that randomly occurs in Sharkhead. "Rob the Chum Bucket", which is a casino owned by Mako. It's always the same building, and it is clearly a casino (If not small and dingy).

    Now, I'd certainly love the opportunity to go...acquire some fine art from the local museum.

    A simple way to avert zone-crossing would be to ensure the missions are only available in that zone. No museum there? No museum missions. Simple.
  16. Frankly, I think IO sets should have been made in 5-Level increments like common IOs in the first place. I really don't get why we need the in-between ones, the differance in power between levels in negligable. I also don't think there should be any cost/salvage differance for any level of Proc IO, why spend so much Inf if there's no differance in result?

    Well, too late now I suppose. Maybe we could hope for equallized Proc costs at most.
  17. That movie would have been better if they had cut out Skids, Mudflap, half the testicle jokes, and Meghan Fox...

    Let's face it: The girl was bored out of her skull. She didn't act, she just jiggled in slow motion. Not gonna win any Oscars for that, I'm afraid. Also, call me odd, but she ain't all that attractive in my opinion.

    Skids and Mudflap were funny for a little while. Stereotypes are good for a cheap laugh...but then it gets old, and ultimately offensive. Especially when they refuse to shut the eff up! I'd rather have seen Sideswipe be more epically awesome, but alas he got totally shafted on screen time.

    Testicle/humping jokes got to the "one too many" point. One or two is funny, too many is just...blech.

    As far as explosions...Who the hell doesn't love explosons!? They're big, firey bundles of awesome. Michael Bay knows this. If you complain about too many explosions...then what the eff are you doing watching a giant robot movie?

    Good or bad movie? Good. Flawed, but I felt I got my $7.50 worth. I will definitely be buying the DVD, annd will no doubt watch it many times.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    AT: Mastermind
    Primary: Mercs/Ninja's
    Secondary: Trick Archery
    Problem: Entangling arrow when fired will sometimes remain in the air spinning if the target is defeated while activating the power. This can be easily replicated if you just activate the power while he has a sliver of health as your pets finish him off. I've also seen this happen to the nem staff, dark powers (such as gloom), and energy primary for blasters (power blast). It usually lasts 5 or so seconds before vanishing, but it should be known that this does not have any direct affects on gameplay.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So far as I can tell, this happens with every "Bullet" skill, meaning any ranged attack with a small projectile which delays damage until the visible impact, as opposed to a "Beam" type which hits instantaniously. I have witnessed this occur with:

    Corruptor, Elec Blast - Ball Lightning
    Dominator, Thory Assault - Impale*
    Mastermind, Robotics - Assault Bot - Swarm Missles
    Mob Skill - Caltrops**
    Mob Skill - Shuriken

    *Additional Note: The thorns left in the enemy have a habit of remaining after the enemy has faded. This is relatively rare, but most notably occurs when the target explodes, such as Objects.

    **Assuming this is a Target AoE instead of a Location AoE, it would make sense. I don't know how Mob skills work. In this case, the Mob was defeated before it's Caltrops landed.
  19. Favorite to beat on: Crey Power Tanks.
    I like to call them "EXP in a Can". They're tough to crack, and can take a long time to kill, but they aren't much of a threat...

    Least Favorite: Mid-High Level Freakshow
    They REFUSE to stay dead!! I have learned to despise that electric crackle. Sure, it doubles my EXP...But god it's irritating when something just won't die!!

    Another Favorite to Beat on: Wailer King
    Like the Freaks, he gets back up once. Unlike the Freaks, he has a massive weakness I can exploit...Sapping. He has one move that uses up half his End, which is my cue to Short Circuit the other half. From that point on he just kinda stares threateningly at me while I chisel away at his health...wait for him to rez...And then get another easy mass of EXP.
  20. Pre I15...I wanted to love the build. But I just couldn't.

    With the I15 changes...My Plant/Thorn has become one of my favorite characters. It's insanely fun, and I'm only level 21. Seeds of Confusion is just plain wrong, especially now that I've gotten the cooldown low enough to throw it once every fight. Skewer is a kill move...And the mix of Melee, Ranged, and Cones means I'm frikin' everywhere in combat (Glad I have Combat Jumping :P).

    Agreed on Thorns looking awesome. I have a habit of hitting an attack without a target just to make them appear.
  21. AkuTenshiiZero

    Changing Origins

    I know this feeling. Rose Prince, my Dom, is a Magic-origin who fused wth a nature spirit, becoming a human/plant hybrid. I also had in my storyline from the start that he studied botany, and experimented on himself frequently. So I've gone back and forth trying to decide if he should have just been Science, or if being altered by the spirit counted as Mutation, and wondering if it made any sense to be Magic because he never acctually uses magic, just his natural abilities...

    Oh well, too late now I suppose.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Even the patch notes don't seem to have a lot of the nice little features of this issue.

    Like I just did a kidnap mission, and the hostage shows up on the map as a small green arrow. Very handy.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Noticed this last night. Words cannot describe how happy I am about this! It's going to be infinitely useful...
  23. Well, I have little basis for comparison having played only my Plant/Thorn, but in my opinion /Thorn became ungodly. Maybe it's aided by Primary/Secondary synergy, but I've just been tearing things apart, as opposed to pre-I15 when I decided to shelf my Dom indefinitely due to the painfully slow damage output.

    But be warned, /Thorn got hit hard with endurance cost...I'm taking Stamina next level to see how it effects my preformance, maybe slotting for reduction if it's still bad. Though while running with Clubber active, it wasn't so bad, so hopefully Stamina will be enough. As it stands, I'm running dry almost every fight (Though I'm also a maniac, your mileage may vary).

    Bottom line: Plant/Thorns is awesome. I never thought I'd say this, but I love my Dominator.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Self-Powered Ectoplasm Containment and Tactical Reaction Exoskeleton


    [/ QUOTE ]

    That one gets my vote.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah, I decided to poke back at this topic to see if any new ideas popped up...

    Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner! Many thanks for giving me something to call Ectofreak's fancy threads, that name is precisely what I was looking for.