Remove Levels From Set IOs...




Instead, replace them with a star systemÂ…

Star ratings would encompass the entire set and only designate slotting. The drop range of the enhancement would remain the same.

_ (Starless) - slottable by anyone lvl10+
* (Single Star) - sloattable by anyone lvl15+
** (Two Star) - slottable by anyone lvl20+
*** (Three Star) - slottable by anyone lvl25+
**** (Four Star) - slottable by anyone lvl30+
***** (Five Star) - slottable by anyone lvl50

So here is what the melee enhancements would look like:

Bonesnap (Starless)
Pulverizing Fistcuffs (Starless)
Bruising Blow (Single)
Pounding Slugfest (Single)
Smashing Haymaker (Two)
Kinetic Combat (Two)
Focused Smite (Three)
Touch of Death (Three)
Crushing Impact (Four)
Mako's Bite (Four)
Hecatomb (Five)
Gladiator's Strike (Starless)

--As you can see, melee would have the entire range...but other sets have holes...which shows where the devs can add more in later issues.
--Also, Extreme Measures & Sting of the Mantacore are the only IOs that have the 35-50 range...they would be designated as Four Star and are the only two exceptions.



It' interesting idea, but it's far too late to implement something like that. It would completely screw over a lot of peoples' slotting, especially builds that were designed to be exemp-friendly, and it would be needlessly confusing.

It would also kind of not work with the IOs that cap *before* 50...

So...yeah. Interesting idea, but needs a *lot* more polish to be viable for the current game.



Why, exactly? Why introduce additional complications for a working system? Nowhere in this post do you say why this "stars" system would be a good idea or an improvement.

How would this work for exemplaring? How would this work for people that are already using IOs that have levels? This could potentially be a huge nerf depending on how it were handled with respect to exemplaring and set bonuses.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



Why, precisely?

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Because it makes the whole system easier. Some sets can have as many as 240 enhancements in it (a 6 enhancement set that ranges from 10-50). With the Star system, there would just be 6.

It would completely screw over a lot of peoples' slotting, especially builds that were designed to be exemp-friendly,

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no, if it is retro active, then it would happen seamlessly...also, the Star Ratings are based entirely on the sets lowest available again, it's simplifying the whole thing and has no drawbacks




Because it makes the whole system easier. Some sets can have as many as 240 enhancements in it (a 6 enhancement set that ranges from 10-50). With the Star system, there would just be 6.

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Interesting. Currently, let's say that I have 5 out of 6 pieces of a set and want to get that last set bonus. I usually slot the Proc (if there is one) last.
Instead of having to bid for one L21 Proc, one L22 Proc, one L23 Proc, etc. until I either get one (and quickly cancel all my other bids!) or run out of $Inf and Market slots, I could simply bid using one Market slot.



I usually slot the Proc (if there is one) last.
Instead of having to bid for one L21 Proc, one L22 Proc, one L23 Proc, etc. until I either get one (and quickly cancel all my other bids!) or run out of $Inf and Market slots, I could simply bid using one Market slot.

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Exactly...i first thought of this after finding out that level mean nothing to procs...only the minimum level they can be slotted.

also...there would be, potentially, 40 times as many of the enhancement you are looking for...but usually only 15 times as many, point still stands though




It would completely screw over a lot of peoples' slotting, especially builds that were designed to be exemp-friendly,

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no, if it is retro active, then it would happen seamlessly...also, the Star Ratings are based entirely on the sets lowest available again, it's simplifying the whole thing and has no drawbacks

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I'll go with "interesting, if probably late to implement."

That said, there is one thing that's been brought up that you were somewhat incorrect in:


--Also, Extreme Measures & Sting of the Mantacore are the only IOs that have the 35-50 range...they would be designated as Four Star and are the only two exceptions.

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As mentioned...


It would also kind of not work with the IOs that cap *before* 50...

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... which, if we look in just melee damage sets, well:

Melee damage sets: 12
Sets that cap at 50 (including purples) : 4

10-25: 2
15-30: 2
20-35: 2
25-40: 2

PBAOE sets, you're fine, there's only one that caps earlier (Eradication, 10-30.)
Ranged damage is like melee, almost exactly as far as what sets cap when. 4 of them cap at 50.
Targeted AOE damage, all sets cap at 50.
Same with Snipe attacks.

Pet damage:
10-30. 2
15-40. 2
Cap at 50 - 3

You can go through the rest of the sets here. So it would, actually, affect many sets (and likely their market price.)



You can go through the rest of the sets here. So it would, actually, affect many sets (and likely their market price.)

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that is what i looked through in order to do what i did

and those are the only sets that have a their lower level at anything that isn't 10, 15, 20, 25, or 30...(ignoring the 21s)

As mentioned...

It would also kind of not work with the IOs that cap *before* 50...

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... which, if we look in just melee damage sets, well:

Melee damage sets: 12
Sets that cap at 50 (including purples) : 4

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I wouldn't mind it if you expanded upon this...i have no idea what you are getting at.

Are you talking about what levels they drop at? because i already said that won't be affected.

or are you talking about the set bonuses or enhancement numbers? i may be wrong, but i thought these were static and level has no bearing on them



or are you talking about the set bonuses or enhancement numbers? i may be wrong, but i thought these were static and level has no bearing on them

[/ QUOTE ]Set bonuses are not affected by level. But enhancement bonus is *very much* affected by level.

Just like SOs, the higher the level, the more it gives you.



Might as well ask this now...

Pounding Slugfest is 15-30 which means anyone lv15+ can slot it and still benefit from the bonuses, enhancement buffs, and the proc...correct?

a lvl20 character with a full set of lvl20 Pounding Slugfest will have the same benefit as a lvl50 character with the same lvl20 set...right?

if i'm wrong, then i understand why you all have a problem with this.



You're not paying attention to the *upper* levels, is what I'm getting at.

Plus, while the bonuses aren't affected, the enhancement levels certainly *are.* Pick a recipe and look at two different levels - Aegis End/Rech, for instance. Looking at lvl 32, it's 23.2% for each aspect. At 50, it's 26.5%.

When shopping through them at the market, it makes a huge difference in price at times. If you skip the 0/5 levels (20, 25, 30, 35, etc.) you can sometimes save from thousands to millions of INF while changing less than a percent of effectiveness. The "star system" eliminates that - and which level would they be set at? If you have (say) a Miracle IO, they can go from less than an SO's worth as far as enhancement strength to well over (levels 20-40.) What do you set them at so they're not over or underpowered?



Might as well ask this now...

Pounding Slugfest is 15-30 which means anyone lv15+ can slot it and still benefit from the bonuses, enhancement buffs, and the proc...correct?

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The L15 can slot the L15-18 pieces in that set.

a lvl20 character with a full set of lvl20 Pounding Slugfest will have the same benefit as a lvl50 character with the same lvl20 set...right?

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Yes, but a L25 set will give slightly better Acc/Damage/Rech/Endred enhancement than a L20 set.



Yes, that is correct.

however, a level 50 character with a full set of level 30 Pounding Slugfest will get better returns than the character with a full set of Level 20s.

Under your proposed system, they'd have the exact same. And the big question is...where would those numbers fall?

Giving a level 10 numbers for level 30 won't work...nor will giving a level 30 level 15 numbers. would you suggest that would work?



Might as well ask this now...

Pounding Slugfest is 15-30 which means anyone lv15+ can slot it and still benefit from the bonuses, enhancement buffs, and the proc...correct?

a lvl20 character with a full set of lvl20 Pounding Slugfest will have the same benefit as a lvl50 character with the same lvl20 set...right?

if i'm wrong, then i understand why you all have a problem with this.

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With the *same* level 20 set, yes. That's not the issue.

The issue is that the enhanced value is different *throughout* that range. A lvl 15 (bottom of the range) Pounding Slugfest gives (using the Acc/Dam) 12% each to Accuracy and Damage, regardless of who uses it. However, a level 30 of the same enhancement gives 21.8% to each. There's a difference in "strength" by enhancement level.



There's a difference in "strength" by enhancement level.

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ah...gotcha...and i was unaware of this (obviously)

that does complicate things...the only way i can see this working now is if the buffs scaled with your level...which would be nice, but it makes this very improbable

/e sadface



Frankly, I think IO sets should have been made in 5-Level increments like common IOs in the first place. I really don't get why we need the in-between ones, the differance in power between levels in negligable. I also don't think there should be any cost/salvage differance for any level of Proc IO, why spend so much Inf if there's no differance in result?

Well, too late now I suppose. Maybe we could hope for equallized Proc costs at most.

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.