6270 -
Also with the improvements to the Psionic Resistance IOs you can easily build up a nice chunk of psionic resistance (up to 5 Impervium Armors for 6% each and one Aegis for 5%).
Ah, that was unclear from your OP, it sounded like you had a a total of 16 of which only 1 was unspent
. In that case you'll need 3 more tokens to unlock Tier 9 VIP plus however many tokens you want to spend there. The absolute cheapest would be the $50 package + a $15 package which gives four points but if you want more than one set of costume parts you may want to just get the $100 package which will give you 8 more tokens.
First off you have an approximately 79% chance to get a single Very Rare card in each pack (and you will never get more than one). Secondly the VRs are weighted differently and based on Arcanaville's testing it looks like about 15% of Very Rare cards are Catalysts.
So overall you have about 11.85% chance of getting a Catalyst in a given pack. -
Yep you have to basically buy all options except for the ones with circular arrows around them before you can buy the Tier 9 VIP Costumes (the ones with the circular arrows around them are repeatable rewards that give you consumables from the market).
More info:
http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Paragon_Rewards -
Quote:I think you mean level 4. Level 35 is when Epic pools unlockThe idea is it unlocks at 35 with Boxing and Kick, and is a valid prerequisite to tough, weave, and cross punch (you'd still need another power for weave and cross punch, of course).
On the subject of Tempered Focus itself I like it. With the Resistance changes Mez Resistance is not viable to build for on a squishy so having a pool power to supplement it is nice. My only suggestion would be to drop the Sleep Resistance to 10% since with Inherent Fitness we already have 40% Sleep Resistance from Health.
EDIT: I haven't tested it on Beta but I seem to recall Synapse or Hawk saying that the pre-requisite rules for pool were changing so that the fourth power only requires one pre-requisite. If so then you could take Tempered Focus + Weave without taking Tough. This isn't critical but worth keeping in mind. -
Part of the problem with Boxing and Kick is that so many melee sets are either built around a gimmick or use a weapon. This means that for most sets making Boxing or Kick a part of your attack chain ends up hurting you since you either have redraw or are wasting the opportunity to make full use of your set's ability.
Yeah, pretty much. The amount of Defense that IOs can build up on a squishy character is borderline game breaking. There's a reason that Incarnate foes have more To Hit and that so many newer NPC groups love defense debuffs.
After assigning your powers and slots you get moved to new screen that lets you place enhancements. All of your enhancements are shown in a list and you can move them to your powers your enhancements tray(s) or leave them out. Any that get left out are sold for the store price.
Quote:As someone who plays mostly squishy characters I'm definitely not getting as much benefit form this as melee characters. I do have a Cold/Ice/Soul Defender that I'm toying with building for Resistance but he already has pretty sizeable resistance boosts from combining Arctic Fog and Dark Embrace so it makes some sense. Honestly though even there I'm not sure it's worth it for him compared to just soft capping Ranged defense.So has anyone who does NOT run a char that already has strengths to build on (something not a scrapper, tank, brute, or stalker (or SoA...)) commented on this?
I could see it being worth doing with sets like Time and Traps where softcapping is pretty easy but they're basically in the same boat as melee characters.
That being said Arcanaville made some good points about stacking Resistance on a Blaster with an Absorb sustain in one thread so maybe for them it's worth doing.
Quote:Bring one argument to the table, better bring the other too. Are the bonuses to res in line with the bonuses to def? Answer that question first.
Additionally the availability of Resistance buffs in IOs is different from Defense bonuses which is really going to impact it. A good example is the purple sets, with this change there are several purple sets that offer 6% F/C/T/P Resistance and 10% Recharge. I can't think of any defense based set that is offering a combo like that and several characters could easily stack 5 of these sets without impacting their overall build much (Dominators and Fortunata Widows being prime examples). There are a number of other sets that offer two or even three resistance bonuses which is much rarer for Defense bonuses. -
It has always worked that way in the past so I think it's safe to assume that it will work that way this weekend as well.
Ah that makes sense. It's still a bit weird that they get the text and visuals corresponding to their true alignment though.
On the other hand it's also providing the means for Invuln to virtually eliminate it's Psionic Vulnerability (Psionic Defense is still going to be low but you can easily get Psionic Resistance up to 40% using just the special IOs not to mention at least 12% from Purples possibly more depending on your build).
That's even weirder, maybe they changed it without telling us? I was definitely able to join it on a Rogue and the team definitely contained Heroes.
So I always kind of assumed that DFB was side specific but now I'm not so sure. I was in the process of moving a villain heroside and was in Paragon City as a Rogue. I decided to hop on a DFB to get some XP and a few tips as a simpler alternative to street sweeping and something weird happened.
I joined a pre-formed team of heroes and entered the mission with them but I got the Villain version of the mission text, saw Arbiters instead of Freedom Corp Trainers, and got Villain Tip drops.
So I guess DFB is actually implemented as a co-op mission with phasing which I did not know. Has anyone tested entering it from a neutral zone with a mixed team? -
You know in hospitals they have machines that can stimulate blood flow in your legs that they use on patients who are going to be lying down for a while, you could get one of those
((also not real advice, it's better to walk around a bit)) -
Well if you have a low AoE blast set (such as Beam Rifle) then it can be useful as AoE damage but for the most part it isn't that useful. The primary use of it is really to front-load damage by setting a bunch and luring enemies into them but that's not actually that useful of a tactic.
I'm not sure that there is a general "how to make an awesome Defender" rule, every Defender combo plays a bit differently.
On your general combo Time Manipulation is an awesome set while DP is a bit "meh". On the plus side do have reasonably decent synergy (since HoB is PBAoE and so is Time's Juncture) and Dual Pistols is getting buffed in I24 so it's not an awful combo. -
Quote:Well Force of Thunder would be a bad idea if you were doing the Abandoned Sewer Trial and were near to any enemies. Bowling Rikti off the catwalks is fun until they all come back.When would you be unable to use Frigid Protection, Force of Thunder, or Cauterizing Aura?
Cauterizing Aura would be risky in the TPN trial, make sure to stay away from cameras.
You probably want to turn Frigid Protection off during the glowies phase of Lambda. The extra regen isn't worth the aggro you'll attract. -
I haven't really seen this happening at least on Virtue. I have seen people with Incandesence but they were using it sensibly in situations where a league-wide TP is useful (such as Rikti MS Raid, it's great if people are ignoring the requests to move up to the center).
Well I don't know about you but personally I never meta game I didn't like.
The fundamental questions with Absorb are how large the shield is and how frequently you can reapply it (either with a click or a constantly reapplying toggle).
What this means is that the damage you can effectively mitigate with an Absorb power is not measured in straight DPS but is more a matter of how frequently the attacks come relative to the shield refreshing.
For example lets say I have a 100 point absorb shield that refreshes every 3 seconds. Now lets say I have two choices for enemies, I can have a foe that attacks for 300 points of damage every 6 seconds or a foe that attacks for 150 points of damage every 3 seconds. In both cases they are dealing 50 DPS but in terms of actual hit point less the second foe will deal about half the damage.
The first foe will deal 300 points of damage of which 100 will be stopped by my shield since it has time to refresh in between his attacks so he's effectively dealing 200 points of damage every 6 seconds. The second foe on the other hand will only deal 50 damage every 3 seconds since my shield will refresh in between his attacks so although he attacks more frequently he still faces a fresh shield.
So as you can see Absorb works best when faced with a larger number of smaller attacks rather than a small number of larger attacks. Resistance helps this by making all attacks smaller.
That's the basics although Arcana could probably explain it better.
Interesting. So back-engineering the values posted here we know that the base value for the set bonuses is 1.5% Damage resistance and 2.5% Status Resistance. That's actually a little bit stronger than I was expecting (I was guessing 1.25% for the damage).
The new globals are interesting. Impervium Armor in particular is going to be a godsend for a lot of Melee characters and obviously Unbreakable Guard is a strong choice for a lot of characters. -
It's 1 point of protection but you can stack it up to three times so you get three points at max stack. This isn't great but it enough to avoid one mez form most enemies.