Paragon Rewards: I Just Don't Get It
You have to fill up each tier before moving onto the next one. You can earn additional Rewards tokens by buying Points, but it'll end up being a little costly to get up to tier 9.
Sorry, re-reading your post, i don't think i included nearly enough information. You can't directly purchase Tokens. You earn them for months subscribed and for a few other things, like purchasing Rewards points. I think you get one for ever 1200 points spent (?) but it's been a while so i might be wrong.
If you have tokens remaining, you can choose what you want to unlock in the tier you're currently in. The places you can put a token will be highlighted inside the circle with a green rim. Again, you cannot unlock anything from higher tiers before filling up the one you're currently in. Them's the breaks, unfortunately.
You have to completely fill a tier before starting the next tier. (Note, however, that you don't have to buy any of the tier 9 repeatables before going to tier 9 VIP. They're both tier 9, they're just on separate lines because one is only available if you're VIP.) So you have to finish tier 8 before you can start on the Fire & Ice costumes. It takes a total of 34 reward tokens to finish tier 8, so you'd need 18 more, plus the tokens to actually get the costumes.
So if you want just the three Fire & Ice packs, you'd need 21 tokens. If you were to get all of that by purchasing points, you'd need to buy 21*1200 = 25200 points. If you've never purchased points before, you get an extra token the first time, so you'd instead need to buy 20*1200 = 24000 points.
Yep you have to basically buy all options except for the ones with circular arrows around them before you can buy the Tier 9 VIP Costumes (the ones with the circular arrows around them are repeatable rewards that give you consumables from the market).
More info:
Okay, I think I get it. So, I need to completely fill each tier, correct?
Can I skip regular "Tier 9" and just get "VIP Tier 9"? I'm a VIP player.
All in all, then, it looks like I need 25 points. Where can I get more?
Wrath smash good.
Okay, thanks. It looks like all of my questions were answered . I had started responding to the first post when the other two answers came.
What is the cheapest way to get more points? I want to be sure to get fire/ice before it expires (also, when does it expire?).
Wrath smash good.
The $100 point bundle gets you the most points per dollar, and thus also the most tokens. ~24k points is still going to be almost $300, though.
Fire & Ice is going away whenever Issue 24 reaches live, which is probably 2-3 months away at this point. So you could have 2-3 more tokens from your VIP subscription by then, and have to purchase less points.
Getting to tier 9 will get you 550 points per month, instead of 400, so there's that to figure in too. But I did a rough calculation and also came up with $300 worth of points. Or so... can't guarantee that's exact.
So... I think that's cheapest, but it's certainly not cheap. If you really love the game and plan to stay a while, it might be worth it. 24,000 points probably set you up for life.
But...I only need 6 more points. That can't be $300 can it?
Wrath smash good.
You don't need 6 points, you need 24. You can't get anything in tier 9 VIP until you finish tiers 1 through 8.
I have 31 points. 15 spent, and another 16 unspent.
Wrath smash good.
Ohhhhhh, I thought you were saying you had 16 total, of which 15 were spent. But you're saying you have 15 spent, and 16 unspent. I misunderstood.
Then yeah, never mind, you just need 6 tokens, which means you need to buy 7200 points. 6000, if you've never purchased points before, thanks to the one extra token for your first purchase. Either way, under $100. A couple tokens less, if you wait for your monthly VIP tokens.

Ah, phew! I was worried there for a minute .
Thank you for all your help.
Wrath smash good.
You need 37 tokens in total to get all fire and ice options (3 for them) so you need an aditional 6 tokens which means you require to buy 1200x6 points 7200 points. I suggest 100$ option though since it gives 9600 points in total and it will leave you a few extra tokens to spent on other things.
You need 37 tokens in total to get all fire and ice options (3 for them) so you need an aditional 6 tokens which means you require to buy 1200x6 points 7200 points. I suggest 100$ option though since it gives 9600 points in total and it will leave you a few extra tokens to spent on other things.
Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
Also, I24 apparently has a new Tier 9 VIP costume set, so huzzah for extra tokens.
PARAGON POINTS are spent on the Paragon Market.
REWARD TOKENS are spent on Paragon Rewards.
If we use the correct terminology, there isn't a layer of confusion between you and the people trying to help you.
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Someone mentioned upthread that you need to fill each tier before you can progress to the next; this is important to note.
If you only have 15 tokens spent, it doesn't matter how many unspent tokens you have, wou will NOT be able to buy the Fire & Ice set. You MUST manually go up the tree and fill Tiers 1 through 8 before you can pick anything from either of the Tier 9 levels.
I've got 16 paragon rewards points, and I've automatically spent 15 from being a veteran. So, I'm up to level 6.
I want to get the new costumes, especially the fire/ice costumes. There are all these little circles, with arrows, but not every circle has a little arrow going to it (or are they triangles?).
What do I do here? I can't find any information anywhere. How many do I need to purchase of each tier? Can I skip tiers? I just don't get it at all.
Wrath smash good.