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NOTE: You can only earn the The Lord Recluse Strike Force reward once every *24 hours* This is by design to help prevent farming.
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Per account or per character?
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Which is understandable...But I do beleive making which HO you receive selectable would be a fair tradeoff for this.
..After all Heroes have had Hami on "Farm" status for a year and a half now, let's allow the villians to catch up some.
And congrats on completing the SF! -
How did you know he was held at all if you where still taking damage? I thought the way you tell if he's held is because he stops attacking
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Look for the animation of a hold effect on Hamidon. Tesla Cage is convenient because it's up off the ground, but the stone controller hold is usually visible too.
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You can actually see him during a raid? I'm lucky if I can even see one of my attack animations during the whole final phase. -
You are correct, 8. The basic 0-3 binds use the petcomall and petcompow commands. Changing the pet names will not affect these binds. There are additional instructions beyond the group selections to set up control by name binds using the petcomname command.
Also, as of 5/27, people were still posting to the thread, and I usually try to respond to questions there when I spot them.
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My thanks Sandolphan.
And my inability to post in the thread was a login issue, all fixed. -
Small question about the MM Numeric Keypad bind system (I'm posting here as the original thread can't be posted in anymore). I'm using the basic setup for my bots (1= minions 2=Lt's 3=Boss etc...) but I've left them with their generic names because I assumed if I changed them it would mess the binds up.
However after re-reading the thread it looks like I can re-name my bots and not have any issues with the binds. Does anyone know if this is true? -
I don't trust those Canadians. So polite. So rakishly handsome. So intelligent.
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*Sigh*...It's a curse we must bear I know. -
Happy two years guys, been a great experience and I hope I'm around for at least two more
*looks at reg date* Yay for veteran rewards.
I do agree with Tow very much on the nature of the PPP's. Thematicaly they're just very "Meh"...there's very little synergy between them and the current power sets...unless you play Dark, then you have it in spades.
I know this isn't overly important to a lot of players but it is to me. So what...suddenly my Ice/Ice Dominator gains the ability to Harness the power of darkness or electricity? Yes I can fit it into the background but it bothers me to do so.
Honestly...I really would have just preferred if they just ported over the CoH Epp's as is (change a few for MM's I assume) And then connect them to a patron. -
I don't have a problem concept wise with the pools (both my villians use /Dark...Widow is the easy choice here). But I'm slightly dissapointed with the MM selections, I barely use the attacks I already have. There is no need to add more. Also having to wait until lev 49 for a single target hold is underwhelming, don't really see why it can't be in the first teir of powers (swap it with the ranged cone).
I would have loved to see powers that possibly added toggle armours to my pets or gave them any more abilites in general (seeing my bots use Gloom...now THAT would be cool).
I do however like the corruptor options though.
Just a llittle "Did you know"
Blue shield was not an original trainer, he was added during Beta after many requests for somewhere to train while in Kings Row
Also Kings Row is the only CoH city zone with no stores. -
Put me into the "15 minutes after activation not after crafting camp".
Anyway, most of the mayhem missions will be in Oranbega...
JUST KIDDING! please don't hurt me...
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That made my MM cry....
Also sign me up for the "Longbow are heavily overused" train..as well as CoT. I think in my 35 levels I've had all of one or two arcs against the Tsoo (who do appear alot 30+ in the zones) and a couple dozen with longbow & CoT involved.
I just don't understand why they go to the trouble of creating some of these cool new groups such as the legacy chain & the Goldbrickers and don't bother to use them past level 25 or so.
On a positive note, I do feel Arachnos is probably the most diverse villian group to fight in both games. -
Add Weaver_one to that list as well...though I haven't seen him post since CoV Beta.
How in the hell did this get by the forum cleansing?
Ahhh..well......DOOOOMMMM!!!! -
Alright, so there seems to be a concensus (spelling?) that there's something stinky about the unlockable contacts.
Anyone disagree?
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I didn't mind the requirements to unlock them (except Veluta), but... they really do need a text indicator or Nav Point on the map. It's just a pain to find them. I can only imagine how it is for people who don't even know they exist.
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Agreed, this thread has made me realize just how many of them I've missed....little peeved at that. It also irks me that tha arcs you get from them are more entertaining than the regular ones.
Even a little in-game text from a normal contact stating "have you heard about this person? He might be able to get you some work if you do such & such" would go a long way to helping players. -
Persoanlly I miss Weaver_one and his space station (don't think I've seen a post from him since Beta).
On a side note I really hope some of the CoH folk didn't get promoted over to AA...This is an extremely personal view but that game might be in a little bit of trouble come release.
Disclaimer - The NDA was lifted a little bit ago on it so it's all free reign -
Ah, found it. It was Geko.
As I write this, I am glancing over my shoulder to my white board. On the left in bright blue is a spot reserved for future power sets. Some have been there a long time, and may never happen for technical reasons. Recently erased are Archery, Trick arrow, Sonic Attack, and the CoV power sets like Plant Control and Robotics. At the top of the list are ones you can expect in the near future (names are all pending): Street Fighting, Electrical Melee, Electrical Armor, Shields (melee and defense versions), new Henchmen for CoV Masterminds, and a new techno defense set for CoV Stalkers. There is a fairly good chance you will see many of these in the next Update. Some will be shared in both CoV and CoH, and some will be exclusive to one or the other.
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You forgot the post States made afterwards that it was unlikely to be in the next update but sometime "Soon(tm)".
Willing to bet Geko got yelled at for that one.
This includes powers such as Twilight Grasp and many Kinetic powers (typically, powers that affect one type of target one way, and another target in another way).
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OK, now I'm really intruiged. Which powers?
Is this related to the Transfusion/Transference "I hit but nothing but the graphic happens as you died after I hit you but before my effect resolved" quirk? If so, does this fix it?
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I'm extremely curious as to how this affects Kinetics as well...my only guess is that the Buff from FS or SP will now affect those using Rain of Fire/Blizzard etc... -
Anyone have an updated /Petsay Binds guide? The link up top is dead
Any new accolades added?
Also..while I like the idea out of sheer humour factor the badges for 1 billion damage taken and a billion Hit points healed might be somewhat unattainable.
I really like this set myself. Levelled up to 8 and I've been able to try out the first 5 blasts in the set
. Sound-wise the only power I have any real issue with is "Shout" the 5th power in the set. The reverb on it just seems to last way to long and get's annoying really quickly
The set itself also seems to have the most useful secondary effect of any blast powers (well...that a blaster can take anyways) and I'd like to see it stay as-is. Overall I will agree that it seems really powerful in the lower levels compared with the other sets, but this may even out in the higher levels as the amount of foes with smash resist increases.
Just to jump on the bandwagon - There needs to be a female set of sound FX though.
Great changes...I might actually go in there now
Good guide, especially since I'm considering going all Human form
GC is full of Vahz...that's enough to make me avoid it with any lev 1 hero