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  1. Well, Unknown Windows is, of course, due to the fact that he's running Windows 7, and HJT obviously not updated to recognize an OS that's still in open beta.

    "The One"
  2. I think that would be awesome. You mentioned you were in PI? Why would you be concerned about lowbies there? Atlas Park, maybe... But, PI? C'mon.... I LOVE soloing them things him human form on both my PB and my WS....

    "The One"
  3. Could be any number of things... I run CoX on Windows Vista and 7 as well, and I've seen the CPU jump around sporatically... Seems to happen more on Vista than it does on 7, although 7 isn't immune to it. Possible that the OSs aren't managing the CPU correctly, or it could be something happening in-game as well... When it starts jumping around sporatically, are you around a lot of other people? Lots of effects going on at once? Were you on your enhancement screen for a while and then came out of it? Possible it is the internet connection as zombie_man suggested. Might even been the CPU itself faltering. Try lowering your Anistropic Filtering by 4X or 8X, or turning it off completely. I know, last resort... But, worth a try.

  4. I heard someone solo'd an iTF with a mastermind. Don't know if it can be done here, but it's worth the discussion.

    "The One"
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    nova offers... what, exactly?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The most damage.

    [/ QUOTE ]Not distributed in a significant enough way to give a damn.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    In the situations where you're fighting a single target for long time periods, Nova trumps human form. Once the Essences drop and you've got only one mob to Mire off of, even though the Human form is still fun, cool looking, and relatively viable at that point... Nova is more efficient.

    This, among some other situations that I might be able to list if I wasn't sneaking on here at work, sure makes ME give a damn... but people are different. Totally fair opinion you've got there.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And don't forget my favorite tactic tri-form warshade gives you.

    Step one: Transform into a black dwarf
    Step two: teleport into the middle of a large group
    Step three: black dwarf mire
    Step four: transform back to human
    Step five: mire
    Step six: Jump back out of spawn while transforming to nova
    Step seven: DESTROY!
    Step eight: stygian circle to recover your lost stamina/health now that the majority or all of the enemy group is dead.

    This takes just a few short seconds. And when you pull it off 8 man teams have to pick their jaws up off the floor.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And at least 3 or 4 of those seconds are spent going through a form-changing animation. I hate that.

    That's why I prefer to play a human-only form. My order of business goes like this:

    Step one: Teleport into the middle of a large group
    Step two: Hit Eclipse
    Step three: Hit Sunless Mire
    Step four: Hit Gravity Well on the easiest kill in the mob
    Step five: Use dead body for Unchain Essence (mass stun)
    Step six: Hit Dark Detonation
    Step seven: Go through rest of attack powers, working another mire/unchain essence in if necessary
    Step eight: Stygian Circle to recover your lost stamina/health at any point during the fight. (Rinse and repeat as necessary--move to next group, dragging stragglers with you, if it's almost time for you to pull off your next Eclipse, and don't forget to pull up a pet or two in the mix for greater damage in upcoming mobs)

    This way, I have no downtime whatsoever from form-changing. I like it that way.

    "The One"
  6. I think that's a great suggesion, because even if Tankers know when HC is a bad idea (on teams), it still seems to be a "bad idea" to use it in most situations solo as well, because as the OP suggested, all it does is cause the melee toon to have to chase everyone down as soon as he uses it.

    "The One"
  7. AlienOne


    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Yeah, you'd think those things would have lousy depth perception.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually, if a creature only has a single eye, assuming that they've also got commensurately higher control of the portions of the eye, it's actually possible to get excellent depth perception by quickly altering the distance between the lenses of the eye (re: changing focus).

    If anything, an eye that large would actually be more accurate because a larger portion of its brain is focused on interpreting visual stimuli and because more visual information is received because of a significantly larger retina (assuming that the density of cones and rods is similar to that of humans) and larger pupil.

    A probable analogy would be that humans see in normal definition. The Rularuu Overseers see in incredibly hi-def. They've simply got better cameras.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That was incredibly entertaining to read. And thought-provoking. :P

    "The One"
  8. Yeah, exactly.... The WSs knockback powers don't even seem to compare to the PBs knockback powers, when regarding to "distance flown." Not sure if this is even provable by numbers, but in my experience, this has almost always been the case. Then again, I'm always teaming with my WS and soloing with my PB--so, there's a high possibility that I might just always happen to have a 'troller on the team with me when I'm on my WS.

    "The One"
  9. I'd have to say I'd personally go with the 2nd place shirt. Extremely well designed.

    "The One"
  10. I actually prefer WS for teaming more than I do my PB... I can solo better with my PB, so I choose to team with my WS, do to the massive carnage a WS is capable of when facing large amount of enemies.

    "The One"
  11. Yeah, I have it on at all times on my WS, and I've never had a problem with health at all....

    "The One"
  12. [ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Awesome... Looks like Jack E. is still patrolling the boards.

    "The One"
  13. AlienOne

    Can PB PvP well?

    [ QUOTE ]
    Listen to Soilent and you won't go wrong.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah, but..... Everyone knows that SoilentGreen is...


    .....made out of people! *gasp*

    "The One"
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    Well, speaking as an RPer, farmers are not the only ones with multiple accounts. I have three. Also, I am an MMO veteran, not just a CoH veteran. Why is all this important, I'll get to that.

    Every MMO I have ever played has a Eula and within that is always a clause dedicated to what should happen to a player if they use an exploit repeatedly instead of reporting it and letting it be. When developers get wind of these exploits they use data mining to look at the experience/monetary curve compared to what it looks like through the players that abuse the exploit. They then caution the player base that they will implement a "fix" or, as most players call it, a "nerf."

    Also stated, or restated in most cases, is the policy to make adjustments to characters/accounts that continue to utilize said exploit since it is now found to be an exploit. The most recent example is not in CoH but WoW where people were abusing an error in programming where they could use two builds at the same time. Players went up in arms stating the "developers put it in the game therefore...yada yada yada." But that team did explain it was an exploit and acted quickly to remedy the situation.

    My point is, exploits "are" exploits and "every" MMO development team act upon issues that allow players to gain experience and monetary compensation beyond the normal rate.

    Do I think the badges should be removed? No. I agree they should be made easier to obtain. Will I give up my three accounts? No. I enjoy this game and the future that has been presented to me.

    The solution to MA not being used as a farming tool is to simply go back to how you were doing it before, but do not be surprised if the developers change certain missions to include a timer once they discover that is the one being used. And if you think, for one minute, certain "up coming" hero MMO's won't do the same you are mistaken.

    As my final point, I am an RPer. I play to progress my characters and their stories. I do not post on the forums often because I see a lot of hate whenever changes are made. Sometimes these posts are by RMTers, Trollers, even members of another development team trying to fan the flames. It happens and I'd rather not take part in the silly flame wars because I know half of the posts are not genuinely thought out, but merely put in place by people desperately wanting attention by crying "doom."

    However, when I saw this post that slams RPers, the player base that is the least vocal on these forums (aside from the RP section and possibly Virtue) I finally decided to use my voice. I am a roleplayer (and a writer) and (like the books I write) enjoy watching my characters grow. Exploits are like turning to the last page of my books to see the ending. Yes, you know where everything is going, but what about the journey that you missed?

    I have less than a dozen 50s (both red and blue) and I moved them there through normal casual gameplay over the last five years. When things get boring, same mission over and over climbing to 50, I use the character's story to liven things up. Whether its in my head or being the only one in the group RPing, I still manage to find a way to make the game interesting. After all, creating new characters, and new stories to go with them, is one of the main draws of this game.

    -Gets off her soapbox-

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Great post, but when I saw this comment:

    [ QUOTE ]
    the player base that is the least vocal on these forums (aside from the RP section and possibly Virtue) I finally decided to use my voice.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I literally laughed my butt off.

    Thanks a lot. Now I have no butt.

    "The One"
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Learn to play.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is quite simply one of the most incompetent and bull-headed remarks I've ever read.

    Learn to not only recognize that the OP obviously knows how to play the game, but also learn to think before you post.

    That is all.

    "The One"
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I just found out I have to work from 18th-21st of june. I remember the last, and only, 2x xp weekend i was a part of being (i think) 21st-24th of january.

    Will 2x xp weekend be in June or July, and if in June, will it be around the date I have to work.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The devs decided to do away with double xp weekend. They are also going to remove patrol xp and xp smoothing. This of course is in response to the vocal minority complaining that other people are leveling faster than they want them too.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    "The One"
  17. Dangit.... The title got me to click on it and read what you posted! Damn you!

    Wait, that was the intention, wasn't it?

    Well, then.... I guess it worked.

    I would just like to say I started the FIRST one today... So all others are just imitating.... :P (j/k, of course)

    "The One"
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Well after finally getting to make a VEAT, I would add Mez protection to the list. After all, there is nothing special (i.e. changing forms) a VEAT has to do. They get mez protection. Switching to Dwarf is cool, but I have a human only PB. Nope... After seeing my Spider in action, I will have to say mez protection is a must to balance the AT with it's villain counterpart...


    [/ QUOTE ]

    WHOLEHEARTEDLY agreed. I love my human-only forms WAY more than my tri-forms, and I would have to say this is (for me) a higher priority than ANY other change they could possibly make for Khelds...

    [ QUOTE ]
    New item to add to the list in the wake of Flight's buffs in I14.

    Kheldian flights (Energy Flight and Combat Flight) are now slower than pool powers Fly and Hover.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Although I would consider this change not as important as Mez protection, I'd have to agree with this one too... Doesn't seem fair that a PB's fly and hover is slower than the power pool versions.

    "The One"
  19. I'm an expert in all things media. You name it, I've done it. Voice acting, TV/Radio news production, writing, Theater acting/directing, professional audio and video editing, short film writing/producing/directing, Video Dept. Production Supervisor for a Television Commercial/Marketing agency, etc., etc.

    If you get this baby off the ground and financed, I can do your marketing, advertisements, any sound editing, voice recording, whatever you need.

    "The One"
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    Dual Builds are very effective, so much so that on a Kheldian you can have one build be Human-only, while another build would be a TriFormer. No other AT in the game benefits from dual builds as much as Kheldians do, in my opinion.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think he meant "dual form", but what you say is certainly truth. That's how I have all 3 of my Khelds set up--Build 1: Human form only and Build 2: Tri-Form carnage.

    [ QUOTE ]
    I have friends who swear by humanform PBs, but I think they lend themselves better to solo play, as team play emphasises AoEs and most of their AoEs scatter spawns. If you expect to solo a lot, though, they make fairly good "scrappers".

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Agreed. Human-form only PBs tend to only *slightly* improve things when on a team (though still useful), but solo... They're great. I've done a lot of soloing on my all-human form through all the Ouro arcs, and had a great time.

    Human-form-only on a WS, on the other hand.... w00t! Team with mine sometime on an 8-person team... Because seeing is believing.

    "The One"
  21. AlienOne

    Can PB PvP well?

    I've had good success with my all-human form PB in every PvP zone I bring him in... Specifically against stalkers. Had a stalker try to kill me for 20 straight minutes in Warburg once (Without success). Was quite entertaining. Had another *epic* fight against a stalker in RV on top of a building... That was really fun... I barely won that one, and the stalker must have had the same "epic" fight feel that I did, because when I got the kill, he said "Wow! Great fight!"

    I haven't had a lot of good experiences in PvP, but that one was a good one. Not because I won--because there was good sportsmanship after the fight. Was certainly a rare villain breed I fought against, and I'd fight him again any day of the week, win or lose.

    "The One"
  22. I could... I could....

    ....I could burn this whole building down.... *mumble, mumble*

    "The One"
  23. That would be really nice, Neogubercules.... Here's hoping that at least SOME of those happen, if not not all....

    .... And, that's one hella funny avatar. Makes me laugh every time!

    "The One"
  24. Ahhhh, I didn't know there was a rollback... Anyone out there that can claim that they read whatever that announcement was before it got magically deleted? :P

    "The One"