Requesting Help: Steampunk Idea




This is going to seem like a very Odd player question, I'm sure.

I'm highly interested in putting together a Steampunk based MMORPG. Over the past several months I've been working on various systems, settings, and design strategies to create the basic system.

However I have -no- coding experience whatsoever. I also have no artistic ability and no money to speak of either. But I do have one heck of a great idea that has been well received here on the forums (Search for my post history in the Comic Culture forum)

I'm looking for help of any kind from anyone I can get. Whether you have talent as an artist, knowledge of coding databases and engines, or a large amount of money you think this project warrants.

This could be a big breakthrough chance for us as a community to stand up and thrust into the world our own creation. Of making a game that you can show to others as something you had a hand in.

If you know anyone who would be interested in helping with this -please- tell them. We're also looking for someone with HTML experience and a willingness to help or completely handle the webpage design and maintenance.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Even if you have no ability or interest in helping!




While I'm sure this violates the forum rules in one way or another, I'm intrigued.

I've got 5 years of coding experience. It's mostly Java and C++ but I know some Flash too. I'd be happy to get involved in your project. Just send me a PM.



Actually, Niviene suggested I post this here and on the Screenshots and Fanart section as well.

PM incoming!




The only thing close to what you mentioned that I have stumbled across recently is Neo-Steam... and you're right, the world is missing a creatively anachronistic/mad science MMORPG... hell, it's missing that in terms of single player RPGs as well.

I've got C and C+, RPG, and COBOl programming experience, as well as VB, and I started taking a free course in before I graduated college... none of these really taught me coding structures that I would find very efficient for an MMO. I can visualize some of the ways to create effective modules and procedures to call, but just thinking about it makes me want to believe that anything less than a multi-hundred thousand dollar server would be severely crippled by the amount of code and processor requirements I'd be capable of delivering on a daily basis.

I only took tech school training for programming, and I'm wishing I had more solid video game design experience and college education, because I'm certain there's stuff out there far better than what I used to build cheap GUI Apps for faux companies and case studies, and web sites.

I would love to get in on the ground floor of something like this, but I also think in a few years when I've saved enough into my long term retirement fund, that I can go back to college, I'm kind of lazy and will probably just go for library sciences, but there's the option to go to a place like Pentech in canada, which specializes in Nintendo based programming, using their proprietary, and non proprietary software design techniques.

On the other hand, if you get an actual coder with experience, my greatest skills are in debugging and analyzing. I was the go-to debugger in my classes in college, and I still carry the mindset of finding out where why and how something isn't working as expected, no matter the language, if there's an example somewhere of how code is supposed to work, I'll be able to find all the examples where it shouldn't be working as intended.


Hmm, Timeshadow is a similarly experienced (or perhaps moreso) coder, coincidence.



Honestly? Any assistance I can get is welcome assistance. Even if you wind up just debugging code and, eventually (HOPEFULLY!) playtesting the system, you'll -still- be helping. =-3

Also, if we wind up using a pre-made engine (quite likely I imagine) then your coding ability might be enough to modify that engine... No?




Honestly? Any assistance I can get is welcome assistance. Even if you wind up just debugging code and, eventually (HOPEFULLY!) playtesting the system, you'll -still- be helping. =-3

Also, if we wind up using a pre-made engine (quite likely I imagine) then your coding ability might be enough to modify that engine... No?


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That would probably be fairly cost effective. Coding your own physics engine from the ground up would add a lot more overhead and time.

Doc Mech-Nec (Exalted): 50 Bots/FF MM
Crey Radiation Tank (Exalted): 50 Rad/Rad Corr
Servers: Exalted, Triumph, Champion
Alts: 32
Steam Profile



Considering that my current budget is $0.00 Cost Effectiveness is -extremely- important! Even if I find someone or some company willing to help out with Financial backing I'll definitely have an eye towards Cost Effectiveness...




I don't know what I could do in terms of helping with development (any coding experience I have is several years old by now), but I do know a fair amount of HTML, and I'm willing to repeatedly play stuff until it breaks - and I know enough coding to cause an error and then find it in code. Toss me a PM and I'll see what I can do! I've always been a fan of steampunk. I'm drawing up plans for a Fake Nemesis costume to make over the summer...

...I forgot what experience means.



Again: Any help people are willing to offer is fantastic.

Bear in mind I'll also need Beta testers at SOME point. *wink wink*




I have never really thought about development of games or anything of the like, but I know my way around Web development languages, not the least of which include, PHP, a few databasing languages, PERL, Java, and a few miscellaneous others.

I also have some 3d modeling experience. It is limited, but at least I have it. I also have a few close friends who majored in Game-Art, who are much better than me.

I work full time, but if you wanted another coder, I could get involved. Sounds like fun.



Any Help is good to have. I can't stress that enough! =-3

Web Design skill is AWESOME to have, since we're planing on having a website at some point. And 3d modeling is total Win! =-3

Would you do me a big favor and PM Spacenut? I've asked him to start on a very basic page layout... If you two oculd set up Forums on the site that would be sheer awesome. =-3




A quick search on google for open source, freeware, or free, game engine, will lead you to a number of premade engines, I actually own one adventure engine, that licenses itself for commercial use for either 10,000 dollars, or a %age of sales of the product, but it's intended for single player first person shooters, I didn't like it much.



Most of them are Free To Play Steamwork Veneers over another generic fantasy MMO complete with the adorable short race with fur.

I'm referring to creating a true to Genre Steampunk MO.

Not NeoSteam's magical cuteness, or Deadlands Weird West Only feel. But a full game with Gaslight Romance, Dashing Adventurers, and Dirty Sheriffs on the borderlands.




I’m interested I have a lot of design work experience; Photoshop, 3Ds Max, pretty much anything design ordinated. I also have a lot of writing and scripting experience as well. I would love to hear more. Throw me a PM! The trouble I find with asking the public at large is getting people to be motivated to follow through with a project. No offense public at large!



I'm sure they won't take offense! And I'll get you a PM immediately, Ash!




Hi, I've read through a number of your threads. Seems like an intriguing idea, post-Victorian steampunk is my second favorite genere. I might be interested in getting involved.

I saw the odd reception in the art forum. I know as someone whose spent thirty years learning game development related skills I've been a member of a few too many fan projects that have bellied up. The main reason has been they've lacked a producer. Someone to keep all the pieces together and manage timelines and keep folks motivated.

From the activity I've seen you pursue here, you may be a natural producer. Have to have:[*]Motivation[*]Passion[*]Organization[*]Perseverence

Obviously knowledge in the field is good, but at heart they are very personal talents. Don't need a degree, don't need to learn software development, 3D modelling, sound effects, etc. Just have to make it happen.

If you get your website up and a forum running, PM me and I'll check it out. About the only skills I don't have are music and system development (meaning 3D engine development and networking.) By day I manage a team of software engineers.

As you are researching and learning your way through, I'd suggest taking a look at Multiverse this answers the most costly aspects of developing an MMORPG, interesting business model.

Mission Architect has refired my interest in game development. Gotta strike while the iron's hot.



I'd love to be involved, but the bad news is that I'm similarly broke and my only "marketable" skills are drawing, painting, and an affinity for numbers. I was in the process of getting into graphic design and programming, before moving to animation, but said lack of money put that on hold.

With that said, I wish you luck.

Main Hero : Annilixxion -- Lv50 Blaster
Main Villain : Menkaura -- Lv41 Mastermind
"You will bend to my will, with or without your precious sanity." --Dragon Mage



Hi, I've read through a number of your threads. Seems like an intriguing idea, post-Victorian steampunk is my second favorite genere. I might be interested in getting involved.

I saw the odd reception in the art forum. I know as someone whose spent thirty years learning game development related skills I've been a member of a few too many fan projects that have bellied up. The main reason has been they've lacked a producer. Someone to keep all the pieces together and manage timelines and keep folks motivated.

From the activity I've seen you pursue here, you may be a natural producer. Have to have:[*]Motivation[*]Passion[*]Organization[*]Perseverence

Obviously knowledge in the field is good, but at heart they are very personal talents. Don't need a degree, don't need to learn software development, 3D modelling, sound effects, etc. Just have to make it happen.

If you get your website up and a forum running, PM me and I'll check it out. About the only skills I don't have are music and system development (meaning 3D engine development and networking.) By day I manage a team of software engineers.

As you are researching and learning your way through, I'd suggest taking a look at Multiverse this answers the most costly aspects of developing an MMORPG, interesting business model.

Mission Architect has refired my interest in game development. Gotta strike while the iron's hot.

[/ QUOTE ]

This was possibly the most inspiring post I've recieved on the subject.

Between this post and Bill's post in the Fan Art forum I've got a whole new angle I plan to take on this.

I've got a major appointment tomorrow morning with a potential client which -could- net me a pile of money. that I would immediately turn around and put towards bills.. >.> And then this concept.

Thanks, Corsaire! =-3




I can do some concept art and apply it on paper. I write a ton, and am absolutely intrigued.. But I lack anything of value to you. A bummer for me.

[RP Virtue]Psi: Bwaha. Getting the final hit with [Kick] is awesome. It's just like "*Kick Crotch* *crumple over*"



Concept art on paper can be scanned and uploaded to a computer format, Vanguard. Your skills would be of great use yo us. =-3

I'll send you a PM with some information and a short request?




Hah. My ability to remain hidden even when out in the open amazes me to this day.

Ah well.

Main Hero : Annilixxion -- Lv50 Blaster
Main Villain : Menkaura -- Lv41 Mastermind
"You will bend to my will, with or without your precious sanity." --Dragon Mage



Grk! I'm sorry, Laxx! >_<

I have no excuse for missing your post whatsoever. =-(

I would -glad- to have you on hand as a concept artist, if you'd be willing?




Grk! I'm sorry, Laxx! >_<

I have no excuse for missing your post whatsoever. =-(

I would -glad- to have you on hand as a concept artist, if you'd be willing?


[/ QUOTE ]

Don't feel bad. I often point out my ability to hide in plain sight. I sneak up on people all day at work without even trying to, and I've had people ask where I was when I was in clear sight of them. I just move silently naturally, so I manage to be invisible even when I'm not hiding. I'm also notorious for making fun of myself at every moment it becomes available, but enough of my life story...

I'd love to help out, but I will say that my current artistic expertise lies in the realm of reproducing what I see with photo-realistic quality, meaning I can copy and scale things to near-perfect replicas. Creating stuff "from my head" takes me longer because finding a place to start sucks, but if I've got an idea to work off from of something you'd like to see, I can usually manage to conjure something basic and refine it from there.

I also prefer to work in pencil, if that's acceptable.

Oh, and keep in mind that I use "expertise" loosely, heh. I don't produce art commercially or try to sell anything I've made, and I have no actual professional experience in any art-related field. I'm only 23, after all, and I fully understand if you'd prefer someone a bit more ...traveled.

Main Hero : Annilixxion -- Lv50 Blaster
Main Villain : Menkaura -- Lv41 Mastermind
"You will bend to my will, with or without your precious sanity." --Dragon Mage



Making fun of yourself is a great quality to have, in moderation. A Person who can see humor in himself and account for his own flaws is a wise man. Someone who attempts to remove those flaws...

As for your artistic ability!

WE're actually hoping to set the game in San Francisco circa the late 1800s (1870-1890, not sure yet) Could I impress upon you to re-draw an old map, for me?

This is the map we're hoping to use... Would you be able to reproduce it in pencil (minus the colored areas) and scan it? I haven't been able to locate the unmodified original online, so having a new copy of it would be -extremely- helpful! =-3

Your expertise or presumed lack thereof aside, I might have som actual photographs that I'd ask you to duplicate and alter. For example taking an old Victorian era building and turning back the clock to envision what it looked like before the paint started peeling, or bricks became cracked and broken. Would you be interested in that sort of thing?
