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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    And it used to take 2 months to hit 50 now people do it in 2 hours. Point is they will probably reduce the requirements to create lower end incarnate powers.
    I agree that this is bound to happen someday. Once they do that, I'll have no objection to higher base small-team content. As it hasn't happened yet, though, I can't agree that 54s in solo missions is currently a good idea.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    Disagree by the time Battalion come out the solo path will have been around a year. That is a very reasonable timeframe to be +3.
    You expect each new character that hits 50 to spend a year in DA before moving on?

    You're measuring it wrong. Look at it in terms of amount of gameplay needed to reach the goal (50+3) versus amount of content available (7 arcs, most of them pretty short).
  3. Ice Control and Electric Blast top my "Thumbs down" list.

    Ice Control very happily eats my entire blue bar just to inconvenience the enemy somewhat.
    Electric Blast is largely a victim of the nature of Endurance Drain.

    PBs and WSs aren't the worst in my eyes, but they are VERY late bloomers compared to most sets. The Voids spawning from the very beginning don't help. Once you're into your 20s, you have tools to handle them. At level 6 you really don't.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    I should clarify, this would be in the normal missions, solo content like in DA.
    Nope. Story-wise, you can always make a good argument for just about any new content being bigger, badder and therefore higher level, but gameplay-wise, it's the wrong move. The lower challenge cap for level shifted characters is a problem that needs to be resolved, but not at the expense of those who don't already have them.

    If this came with I24, your average newly Incarnated solo/small-team player is going to finish the existing content (DA/Vertrano) then run off to the next story and find themselves as a 50+0 (+1 if lucky) facing 54s with no way to turn down the difficulty any further. Whee, fun?

    Give us another three or four DA length stories at the existing difficulty level to give characters on this track a reasonable chance to get to 50+3 (without weeks of time-gated mindless repetition) and we can start talking base 54s. Base 51s or 52s might be reasonable, but 54s? Definitely not. The solo/small-team grind is far too long to be looking that far ahead yet.
  5. I went Soul on my Dark/Dark.

    Two things to consider with Soul Mastery that I haven't seen mentioned.

    The second hold for immediate boss lockdown. Soul Storm does have a long cast time, though.

    The pet, which is going to benefit from your Farsight and Chrono Shift. You shouldn't have much trouble getting her to near-perma and she churns out a good amount of psi damage.

    Either way you go, you'll be in good shape. Enjoy!
  6. There are actually plenty of players who don't use the IO system. I've given an SO build a shot. Here's what I did:

    I left most of your powers as is, but I did remove Hover in favor of Siphon Speed. You don't have to take Hover to get to Fly anymore and Repel does fine keeping the bad guys at bay when you want them there. Siphon Speed is just too useful to bypass.

    I also removed Kick. You have plenty of attacks already and with Hasten and Siphon Speed, you should always have a better attack ready and waiting.

    I skipped Speed Boost since you said that you're almost always solo. If you started teaming more, I'd go get this, but you won't miss it playing alone.

    I added in damage in quite a few places. Even with Fulcrum Shift, you should notice the difference in how fast enemies go down.

    If you're counting on Transference to empty out your opponent, then leave it as is. If you're just worried about topping yourself off, change out some of those End Mods for Recharge.

    I went with the Power Mastery pool. It gives you a Build Up power, good resistance in Temp Invuln to stack with your Tough, and an emergency protection in Force of Nature.

    Kin/Rad is a good strong pairing, so you've got a lot of room to maneuver and still end up with a great character.

    Hope this is helpful. Those who are more experienced in SO builds or Kins may jump in with better advice, but this should be a decent starting point.

    Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.958

    Click this DataLink to open the build!

    Radiate: Level 50 Science Defender
    Primary Power Set: Kinetics
    Secondary Power Set: Radiation Blast
    Power Pool: Flight
    Power Pool: Fighting
    Power Pool: Speed
    Ancillary Pool: Power Mastery

    Hero Profile:
    Level 1: Transfusion -- Acc(A), Heal(21), Heal(21), RechRdx(50)
    Level 1: Neutrino Bolt -- Acc(A), Dmg(3), Dmg(3), Dmg(7), EndRdx(23)
    Level 2: Siphon Power -- Acc(A), Acc(5), EndRdx(50)
    Level 4: X-Ray Beam -- Acc(A), Dmg(5), Dmg(7), Dmg(9), EndRdx(23)
    Level 6: Siphon Speed -- Acc(A), RechRdx(29), RechRdx(39)
    Level 8: Irradiate -- Acc(A), Dmg(9), Dmg(11), Dmg(11), EndRdx(25)
    Level 10: Repel -- EndRdx(A), EndRdx(13)
    Level 12: Electron Haze -- Acc(A), Dmg(13), RechRdx(15), EndRdx(15), Dmg(25), Dmg(45)
    Level 14: Fly -- Flight(A)
    Level 16: Proton Volley -- Acc(A), Acc(17), Dmg(17), Dmg(19), Dmg(19), RechRdx(46)
    Level 18: Boxing -- Dmg(A)
    Level 20: Aim -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(42)
    Level 22: Tough -- ResDam(A), ResDam(43), EndRdx(43)
    Level 24: Weave -- DefBuff(A), DefBuff(46), EndRdx(46)
    Level 26: Transference -- Acc(A), Acc(27), EndMod(27), EndMod(29), EndMod(50)
    Level 28: Cosmic Burst -- Acc(A), RechRdx(31), Dmg(31), Dmg(31), Dmg(33), EndRdx(40)
    Level 30: Hasten -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(33), RechRdx(33)
    Level 32: Fulcrum Shift -- Acc(A), Acc(34), RechRdx(34), RechRdx(34), RechRdx(36)
    Level 35: Neutron Bomb -- Acc(A), Dmg(36), Dmg(36), Dmg(37), EndRdx(37), RechRdx(37)
    Level 38: Atomic Blast -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(39), RechRdx(39), Dmg(40), Dmg(40), Dmg(42)
    Level 41: Power Build Up -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(42), EndRdx(43)
    Level 44: Temp Invulnerability -- ResDam(A), ResDam(45), EndRdx(45)
    Level 47: Force of Nature -- ResDam(A), ResDam(48), RechRdx(48), RechRdx(48)
    Level 49: Conserve Power -- RechRdx(A)
    Level 1: Brawl -- Acc(A)
    Level 1: Prestige Power Dash -- Empty(A)
    Level 1: Prestige Power Slide -- Empty(A)
    Level 1: Prestige Power Quick -- Empty(A)
    Level 1: Prestige Power Rush -- Empty(A)
    Level 1: Prestige Power Surge -- Empty(A)
    Level 1: Sprint -- Run(A)
    Level 1: Vigilance
    Level 2: Rest -- RechRdx(A)
    Level 4: Ninja Run
    Level 2: Swift -- Run(A)
    Level 2: Health -- Heal(A)
    Level 2: Hurdle -- Jump(A)
    Level 2: Stamina -- EndMod(A)
  7. Quick questions that will help get you some more helpful answers:

    Are you sticking with SOs only or looking to upgrade to IOs?
    -If you're going for IOs, what sort of budget?
    Do you have a preference in terms of Epic pool?
    Any powers you absolutely do/do not want?
    What is your usual playstyle? Big teams? Solo?
  8. Yoru-Hime

    Another D3 build

    My thoughts:

    Pet Gaze is nice, but it's not the best hold in the world. No damage, no secondary effect. It's wonderful if your Epic gives you a second hold for instant Boss stopping (Psi and Soul both have them), but on its own, it's an okay but not great power.

    You have a LOT of slots in Tar Patch that aren't doing much. It's got a base -90% run speed so more slow doesn't do much. Its auto-hit, so accuracy is irrelevant and it has no damage to boost. The end cost also isn't that bad. The one thing that really matters is recharge and you don't have much of it. 1 or 2 recharge IOs is all I've ever given it.

    If you're having Endurance problems, slipping in a Miracle in Health should make a big difference.

    I'd think about a Blessing of the Zephyr -KB in Fly before a second Winter's Gift.

    You don't have much enhancement in your Darkest Night. I'd try to fit some extra slots here. This is your biggest debuff and an endurance hog besides. It's probably contributing to your endurance issues in long fights.

    I would slot Tentacles for damage (5xPositron's Blast) long before I'd slot it for Immobilize. The Immobilize duration is plenty sufficient as is.

    If you're all in on Life Drain, try to slip some damage in there as well.

    You also have a lot of slots in Dark Consumption.

    Have you considered the Defender ATIO set? There's a nice recharge bonus at the end.

    Soul Transfer - You could replace this with something like Combat Jumping and get another mule for a LOTG+7.5. Are you really needing a self-rez this often? If you have Return to Battle, it may be good enough.

    No Hasten? You've put a lot of effort into getting extra recharge to pass it by.

    Also consider upcoming changes:

    With crashless Nukes on the near horizon, you may want to reconsider Blackstar. I know I am.

    If the snipe changes come out as is, then you're one Kismet away from insta-Moonbeam.


    Alpha: If you do pick up a hold or two, consider Intuition. Otherwise, assuming you can get your Endurance issues under control, look at either Spiritual or Damage. The Damage Radial tree has a +End Mod in it as well.

    Destiny: I like having both Barrier and Clarion available, depending on circumstances.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    I am going to be very clear about something, and it's going to make some of you angry. I hope that you will all take it in a reasonable and rational manner.

    We are not going to ask permission each and every time we want to run a promotion. We are going to do things that some people don't like. You are invited to voice your displeasure, in a rational and constructive manner, should this occur. We will do what we can to make a promotion appealing to as many people as we possibly can. At the end of the day though, we will disappoint someone. Years of running contests and promotions have shown me that this will happen, no matter what you do.
    Fair enough, but I'll respond in kind. I greatly appreciate seeing the changes and that you're taking what we're saying to heart, but if we're being frank with each other...

    There is nothing in this thread that you should not have expected from the beginning. You've seen it before with costume change powers that most of us really don't have any use for and you had to know that by tagging a costume option as exclusive you were going to be hitting a much bigger nerve.

    We get your side of things. You need to promote social media. That's part of your job. Right or wrong, the number of followers is one measure of your performance. These contests work at increasing them, so you're going to use them. But they also generate ill-will because no one likes to lose. It's the same for giveaways at cons. Not everyone can afford to fly to California and they certainly won't do so for a costume code. They're disqualified by means of finances and geography. They know it and they don't like it. Not to say that you shouldn't use them, but there is a PR cost.

    That said, up until now your efforts managing the ill-will that these contests generate have been pretty flimsy. You shrug it off as inevitable, take your gains and move on. If there's enough vocal anger, we get half-hearted promises that exclusive items will emerge from the Promotions Department's vault "someday". Sometimes they're kept. Sometimes not. Unfortunately for you, as a group, players are really good at remembering the "not"s.

    You're partially right. This ill-will can't be completely eliminated, but it can be controlled and minimized. The change to the Twitter contest is a big step in the right direction. Limited "exclusive" time periods that we as players learn to trust will be another huge move forward.

    This is the sort of thing that needs to be dealt with prospectively, rather than as a reactive response to our complaints. If an item comes under your control as a giveaway prize, there should be a clear plan on how long it's going to stay that way going in. You don't necessarily have to tell the players (though it might not hurt early on to defuse threads like this) but you need to know and plan accordingly. If we start seeing that this summer's new giveaway shiny regularly becomes this fall or winter's Paragon Market feature, we'll stop stressing and either enjoy or ignore the meta-game you've put in front of us, instead of worrying about who's going to be a have vs have-not when the item vanishes.

    For contests where you can't have thousands of winners, you do have alternatives that make winners happy without leaving losers out in the cold and furious. (Yes I know, some people will rage over anything). Imagine this:

    "Win it before you can buy it! Beat the crowds! Get early access to the _______ Power Set!" Winners get it free and X days early. They get to brag about being the first level 50 ______ on their server, but there's nothing there that others can never have or have to wait too long to get their hands on.

    Thanks for listening, Z. Your willingness to get down in the trenches and engage with us even when we're good and mad is remarkable and a great benefit to the community you support.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
    We've modified the way Tweet Code Thursdays are going to work.

    For item codes, we'll announce when the codes will be going out, and we'll give people a specific amount of time to re-tweet our post. If you re-tweet our post, we'll respond directly to you with a code to use. No scramble. No luck involved. No twitchy fingers required. Simply re-tweet our post in the timeframe given and we'll direct message you with a code.

    In short, if you want an item code, do the following:
    • Follow us on Twitter
    • Re-tweet our tweet when prompted to do so
    • Receive a code
    Thanks for taking our feedback to heart. The others still make some strong and (IMO) valid arguments about exclusive items, but this is a huge improvement over the way it was set up before.
  11. Z, it's not that you're using or promoting Twitter, it's that you're using it in a way that is going to be a frustrating, fruitless, time-wasting experience for 99%+ of those who actually try to take part. If you can change that, then by all means, tweet away. Otherwise, you need to realize that you're buying those follow numbers at the cost of frustration and annoyance from most everyone involved.

    The facepalm emote giveaway worked great. You follow/like, you get it. No time sink, no lightning reflexes needed, no huge crowd left empty handed.

    Here's a quick idea that somewhat follows the Facebook lines:

    1) You follow the twitter account
    2) You send a message to the account under some set of conditions (using a specific word from a tweet or within a certain timeframe)
    3) You get a reply back with a code that you can use to unlock <insert shiny here>
  12. Or maybe it means that the outbreak of unwanted digital puppies caused by Beast Mastery's release will finally be brought under control.

    Or maybe it's a team of assassins being sent after the most vocal complainers on the forums to "fix" them once and for all.

    Or maybe it's exactly what it sounds like until we see evidence otherwise. Fear-mongering FTL.

    Synapse has already said that Drain Psyche is safe as part of the Blaster Secondary discussion last month, by the way.
  13. Wow. So many respecs... I've always dodged the crashing nukes on my defenders. Now to figure out how to make room for Blackstar, not to mention any other pool powers that are going to become worth it.

    Too bad for the poor Kheldians. It wouldn't be a proper QoL update if they weren't left out in the cold in some way, though. (See: Customization, Powerset)
  14. My thoughts:

    1% health/sec is nice, I guess, but given that damage for squishies tends to come in bursts, is it really going to help? Regen and alpha strikes don't mix well. My gut instinct is that this is going to be a much better buff on paper than it is in the field.

    The sniper change makes my defenders all warm and fuzzy inside. They usually have Tactics, so they just need a Kismet to be set. Seems like a hassle for Blasters to use unless they're /dev. If I have to hit BU or Aim first, is it really any faster or just a little stronger? Perhaps have the requirement scale based on AT, like the value of Tactics does? Well slotted Tactics + Kismet should do it for anyone. /dev blasters get there even easier.

    The idea of some sort of hard-coded lockout to prevent perma-mez sounds interesting.

    I don't get the idea that blasters shouldn't be the premiere damage dealers. Why not? Corruptors and Defenders have buffs/debuffs. Dominators have mez. Scrappers/Brutes have personal mitigation. Blasters have... Witty one-liners? Let's face it, without some substantial cottage rule violations, they're a one-trick pony and going to stay that way. They do damage. Shouldn't they be very good at it to make up for the fact that there's nothing else they do well?

    I tend to think that every crashing T9 needs to be revamped. Blasters in particular since Judgment makes them look so silly. It is lower priority since nukes aren't a regularly used power, but it should still be done.
  15. Opinions and recommendations

    iXP rates - Very slow, but tolerable. 50s need an iXP boost. 51s feel like decent progress, and they sure aren't twice as hard as 50s.
    Recommendation: If you can handle +1, run with it, even if that's all. iXP per kill doubles from 50 to 51.

    Thread rates - Also very slow. It takes 20 threads to make anything and even more to make anything you're not going to have in plenty. 4 threads in a kill-all arc just doesn't mean much. Recommendation: Never build a common. You'll see why later. Try to avoid burning threads to unlock slots, if you can hold out.

    Components - Hideous reward table. Commons coming out our ears that we can't upgrade. Getting to T3 is technically doable, but expect to have to burn Emps or upgrade Uncommons. Getting to T4 is just a factor of dumb luck. Recommendation: Anger management courses will help alleviate the stress from that 10th common in a row.

    Incarnate Merits - Utter failure. Between the sparse availability and the random nature, trying to get enough of these to use is going to be an exercise in futility. No idea why the devs have been so miserly, particularly with Astrals. Recommendation: If you want merits in any meaningful quantity, go run Trials. If you do run DA for Merits, save your Empyreans for Rares.

    General Feel - The arcs as story are GREAT. Fantastic, epic feeling. Love them. DA as a form of progress? It's very poorly designed. You get that first run through to get you started, so everything seems ok at first, but after that it's a long tedious slog. In the end, DA is not a battle against the forces of evil, it's a battle against the time gates and the RNG. You're strictly rationed in how many rewards you get and what you get is usually just a lotto ticket. It makes for a tedious, frustrating grind to get anywhere in the Incarnate System.

    In the end, the structure is far more worried about making sure you're nowhere near the rewards for what you're not doing (iTrials) than rewarding you for what you ARE doing.
  16. Isn't it awesome? These last couple of months I've had to stop playing my Stalker on live because I kept trying to fight like I22 was already here.
  17. I suppose my question is whether the presence of the character really makes any difference in the grand scheme of things.

    Hero 1: Sure. Not that I think the Lost were all going to go on a superspeeding rampage, but without us, Synapse is probably toast.
    Hero 2: Ehhh... We got the Skull back, No big deal.
    Hero 3: No. It's clear that Wade already has Blitz well under control, so the odds of him allowing Marshall Crackpot to shoot off his missiles if we're not there is pretty low. Blitz was also clearly expendable, so capturing him is no achievement either.
    Hero 4: Nope. Seemed to at first, though the end of arc scene makes it clear that everything is still going according to plan. We're a nuisance, nothing more.
    Hero 5: Definitely not. We're part of the audience from start to finish.
    Hero 6: Actually, we succeeded in making things WORSE. Without us, does Manticore ever discover the ritual/trap? If Psyche dies peacefully at home, surrounded by friends and family, Wade gets nothing out of it. With our help, he has a new powerset to play with. Yay!

    I've never had the feeling that the enemy has had to change his plans or even been seriously inconvenienced by the presence of my character. My contacts keep telling me Wade is scared of me. I can't imagine why. Though he hasn't succeeded in beating me down, I've only grown more and more ineffective as we've progressed. No matter how many traps he lays, there's never the slightest bit of caution or concern that maybe he's still a step ahead as I charge headlong into the next one and let the collateral damage pile up as it may.
  18. I have three villains that I really have anything invested in and one who spent long enough redside to matter.

    The first is my Traps/DP defender. She's a mercenary, pure and simple. No morals, no anger, no grand goals besides a nice healthy bank account. She takes pride in being the best, but generally doesn't let herself get led around by it. Ego cuts into the profit margin too much.

    Second is my MM. She's megalomania incarnate. The world is hers. You're trespassing. Grovel sufficiently and she might forgive you.

    Third is my Ice/Pain Corrupter. She's a thrall of the second, so technically she falls under Higher Power, though there is just a sneaking hint of Revenge in there as well. She obeys because she must. If she could kill her mistress, she'd do it in a heartbeat.

    My Stalker used be my fourth, driven by fear and the desire for revenge as she fled her captors, but eventually, the better angels of her nature took over and she slid over to blue-side.
  19. Ice control/sonic. I felt more like an inconvenience to the enemy, rather than a real source of control and I was always sucking down blues to do it.
  20. Also, keep in mind that this "one level shift in a week" statement that keeps getting trotted out is VERY luck dependent, as is the entire system. If you run the whole story line for the first time, along with a few extra Heathers and the RNG likes you, you could hit Alpha T3 in a single day. (6 first time component rolls, plus 1 repeat component roll + 1 Emp + threads = 9 components)*

    If it DOESN'T, though. Well, at a 1/8 chance for rare or better per roll, the odds of not getting a rare after sevenTEEN rolls are a little better than 1 in 10, assuming all players have equal luck. No guaranteed Emps to soften the blow either.

    "One level shift in a week" makes for a good sound bite, but it's incredibly deceptive. It did happen for the one solid data point that is being collected (thank you Coulomb), but it is far from a sure thing. Assuming the devs make no changes, we can and will have some players running this content to its fullest and still without a level shift after three weeks of grinding.

    *Seriously, DON'T do this. My advice is not to worry about Alpha in DA at all. Barring a major sea change, if you're avoiding trials you're already going to be repeating this content until your eyes bleed. Get your Alpha via non-DA means, just for a little variety.
  21. OK, it wasn't just me scratching my head over this one.

    I've played through the hero arc, and my in-character thought walking away from that first mission briefing was "OK, she's seriously coming apart at the seams here. I'll play along with this until we can get a team together to try to talk her down. There's no way this ritual is going to work, anyway. This could get really messy in the long term. If we can't get her to see sense, we're going to need an interim leader for Longbow. Her judgment is just plain shot..."

    It just makes no sense. Even if she was cracked enough to start messing with the barrier between life and death (always a bad idea, no matter how pure your motives) I can think of two people off-hand whose resurrection should have been a lot higher on her list, but she doesn't even consider this and wants to restore a known assassin and villain instead? Huhn?

    If Ms Liberty had led us to discover a plan being enacted by Arachnos, then when suddenly confronted with what the villain was actually plotting, she is unsure that stopping it was the right thing to do and maybe even has us help her finish the job, that would have been at least a little believable. Initiating such a scheme, though, regardless of what kind of advice she's getting? It makes my head hurt.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by preachmoore View Post
    the above tip and the one from Percy Winkley to Trash Can was the most weird of all....
    I got from yourself to Mother. With the alternative being to deliver it to Mother. Like a good Praetorian (which I'm not), I took it Mother.

    Then I went to lie down for a while.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Honestly, if that means buying only recipes nobody wants (and still produces a decent build), I will. If that means buying with Merits, I will. Whatever that means, I want a way to work with Inventions to where they don't feel like something I have to stop having fun to do, but rather something I can accomplish WHILE I'm having fun. I suspect sidestepping the more expensive ones is the first step. It may be shooting myself in the foot right out the gate, but I'll worry about that some other time.
    I don't quite play the way you do, but I do like most of my characters to be self-sufficient monetarily. I don't really like shipping 100 million inf over to a character in order to build them out. If they're worth playing, they'll earn it themselves. What I'll often do when the build I want calls for pricey recipes is grab the next best thing to start with, say Doctored Wounds instead of Numina's C., and keep in mind a long term goal of upgrading, eventually. When the RNG gods favor me, or I have the money or merits saved up, I'll make the switch. I don't go out of my way to grind for them, but as the rewards of normal play accumulate, I upgrade.

    It helps if you have an SG base to store things, but it's not absolutely essential either.
  24. Fascinating thread. I'm really enjoying reading it through and I hope it's helping the OP get started.

    A few points that I'm not sure were addressed elsewhere:

    Yes, you can see the enhancements that a set provides in Mids, via the "Enhance" tab. The dip in going from a 50 to a 40 set is a lot smaller than you'd expect. It's worth keeping an eye on this tab. Some of the sets with great bonuses are a little slanted in their enhancements, giving more damage than you really need or not much endurance reduction.

    Your "no supply" problem is a lot more common at levels below 50. Once you hit 50, the supply goes way up because a lot more people are playing at level 50 at a given time than at 36 or 41 or whatever. Anyone taking reward rolls at 50 will be getting max level recipes too, helping to keep supply strong at 50. When trying to determine supply, watch how frequently an item is sold, not just how many are available. If they're selling fast, then even if there are none at the moment, it's a good bet that one will come along pretty soon.

    Color alone isn't enough to determine rarity, particularly for "rares". Stupefy is rare, but it is also dirt cheap. Not that it's a bad set, but not that many people need disorients compared to melee damage, so supply outpaces demand. You'll spend a lot more on the crafting costs than you will the actual recipes. Mako's Bite is also rare, but the prices for the recipes are generally pretty reasonable these days. Numina's Convalescence is also rare, and it has some hideously expensive recipes in it. It's a little hard to know what's going to cost what going in. You'll get a feel for it over time.

    Getting recipes:

    I get most of mine either through the Market, however, I also use drops and Merits to supplement this. For instance, Miracle +Recovery is very useful, but it's also VERY expensive. If I have a couple of Alignment Merits or a bunch of Reward Merits laying around, I pick one up that way instead of trying to scrape together 110 million Inf.

    However, I also try to maximize my merits. If there's a recipe I want that is just kinda expensive (say 10 million or so), but would cost that same 2 Alignment Merits from Botler, I might buy a Miracle instead, sell it, then buy what I needed from the market and use the difference for salvage or other recipes.

    Best of luck to you!
  25. Is it my imagination or is Manticore conspicuously absent from the image?

    I see Blue Steel off to one side and someone who might be the Dark Watcher in the upper left (or a generic hero with a similar look).

    As much as my main character didn't care much for Statesman, I am a bit tempted to have her to shed the cape for a while in tribute.