Valentine tip: To Positron From U'kon Gr'ai




I did a ;spittake great inside joke for us oldies Here's the text for those who aren't lucky enough to stumble upon it.

Intended Recipient: Positron.
Introduction of self: U'Kon Gr'ai.
Subject: Earthlings too weak.
Consideration: Earth's surrender.
Reason: You cannot survive.
Request: Worthy adversaries.
Purpose: Improvement of battle skills.
Conclusion: You are grey to my threat scanner.



I got one from Synapse, to Synapse.

Hey, if no one loves you, take matters into your own hands, right?

"I do what I want." -- Raine Heartfall
Hellgirl. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.




Originally Posted by Perfidus View Post
I got one from Synapse, to Synapse.

Hey, if no one loves you, take matters into your own hands, right?

I felt this needed a O.O response LOL



Originally Posted by Dinah View Post
I did a ;spittake great inside joke for us oldies Here's the text for those who aren't lucky enough to stumble upon it.

Intended Recipient: Positron.
Introduction of self: U'Kon Gr'ai.
Subject: Earthlings too weak.
Consideration: Earth's surrender.
Reason: You cannot survive.
Request: Worthy adversaries.
Purpose: Improvement of battle skills.
Conclusion: You are grey to my threat scanner.
I used that to do an impromptu MS raid... On Triumph... Netting close to 700 Vanguard Merits for me.

Originally Posted by Perfidus View Post
I got one from Synapse, to Synapse.

Hey, if no one loves you, take matters into your own hands, right?
There is also one from Professor Echo that can be "redirected" to Dr. Aeon.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Perfidus View Post
I got one from Synapse, to Synapse.

Hey, if no one loves you, take matters into your own hands, right?
the above tip and the one from Percy Winkley to Trash Can was the most weird of all....

defiant only

my public list :



Originally Posted by preachmoore View Post
the above tip and the one from Percy Winkley to Trash Can was the most weird of all....
I got from yourself to Mother. With the alternative being to deliver it to Mother. Like a good Praetorian (which I'm not), I took it Mother.

Then I went to lie down for a while.



I still like the "girl's night" one from Sally to Lusca.

The idea of those two getting together to gripe about all of us hero-types and doing the monster version of pigging out on a pint of Häagen-Dazs made me grin.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



I liked the one I just got from Dark Watcher to Desdemona:

Desdemona takes the scroll and opens it, reading the message carefully, her brow bunching into a knot and then her eyes hunting the shadows around the room for the Dark Watcher. In-ter-est-ing... Now, it takes a lot to unnerve me, Darkness That Burns, but someone named The Dark Watcher telling me that he's been watching me for years is totally creepy... a little endearing... but mostly creepy. Thanks for delivering this to me. At the very least, from now on I'll be getting dressed in a well lit windowless closet, at least, until my demon prince and I have a little chat with Mr. Dark Watcher about just what Vanguard wants with little ol' me.
I also liked that she was having a party with the Cabal. "Don't worry girls, I sent my demonlings to go get us some drinks, they should be back soon."

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



... got a valentine from an AI to Mark IV in Founders. This was his reply.

Identity: Sovereign-Fist. Confirmed. How might we interact with one another today?

You hand Mark IV the data tablet and he reviews the message and data in turn, he then returns the tablet to you before responding.

Data: Received and saved to databanks.
Reaction: Salutations and appreciation for delivery of data.
Objective: Await physical construction of compatible partner to begin suggested procreation process.
Remark: I dislike waiting for such an important and momentous occasion.
Achievement Unlocked: Anxiety achieved!
Achievement Unlocked: Frustration achieved!
Achievement Unlocked: Longing achieved!
Emotional Status: Level Up! Emotional Level has increased from 2 to 3.