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Quote:I tried what you suggested, UberGuy, and still received the same error message. I was sure to put your line above in quotation marks too. The "cityofheroes.exe" file is where it should be for beta, so I'm not sure what is preventing me from editing this shortcut.There are two program paths there - one invalid. It should probably look like this.
C:\Program Files (x86)\CohBeta\cityofheroes.exe -demoplay
Assuming that your "cityofheroes.exe" file for beta can be found at the above location.
Looks like I won't be able to save my base after all. -
Quote:Okay, tried this about forty times with no luck. The trouble occurs at step 7 as every time I try to edit the short cut I get a message that reads:For those with limited experience with demorecord and/or are not technically inclined, here's the step by step process of how to do this:
1. Log into LIVE and enter your base with any character. (This will also work on Beta and Test, but I'm assuming most people's bases are on Live, and important to note you can record on any server and still playback with the beta client, which is necessary for the free flight feature).
2. You might want to consider moving to a neutral room other than the one with the entrance portal, unless you like watching yourself zone into the base (actually, I haven't tested this completely yet; this is a bit of a guess as to what's going on, but its harmless in any case).
3. Type the command /demorecord filename where "filename" is the name of the file you want to set for this recording.
4. You can run this for any length of time you want; it works even if the recording is only a second or two. When you have a few seconds, stop the recording by typing the command /demostop
5. The recording will by default show up in the client_demos subdirectory under where ever your City of Heroes game client is installed. For example, on my Windows 7 64 bit system, my City of Heroes client is installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\City of Heroes and by default demorecord files end up in C:\Program Files (x86)\City of Heroes\client_demos
6. Go to the directory where your beta client is installed. On my system its in C:\Program Files (x86)\CohBeta. Find cityofheroes.exe. Make a shortcut. I rename mine "cityofheroes - Demoplay" but that's entirely up to you.
7. Edit the shortcut. It should look about like this:
In the target blank highlighted, you should see something like "C:\Program Files (x86)\CohBeta\cityofheroes.exe". Change that by adding to the end: "C:\Program Files (x86)\CohBeta -demoplay full_path_to_demorecord"
** Note that the additional stuff is *INSIDE* the quotes. **
For example, something like: "C:\Program Files (x86)\CohBeta -demoplay C:\Program Files (x86)\City of Heroes\client_demos\mybase.cohdemo"
CAUTION: whatever filename you gave in step 3, the game will append ".cohdemo" to the end as the file extension. You have to put that in the shortcut above or it will not work.
8. Run the shortcut.
9. Press F2 once. This will free the camera. You can now move using the wasd keys (plus x and space for up/down) and the mouse. The mouse is not inverted. Pressing F2 again will move the camera back to its normal position (where it was during the demorecord). Note that the demorecord will loop constantly: this may have an effect on the appearance of the demorecord if there are effects happening in the base (they might flicker, for example, as the recording loops).
10. When you want to exit, either hit ESCAPE or just close the client window.
- if you get disoriented or lost, F2 puts you back to where you started.
- the camera doesn't obey bounding areas: it can pass through walls, floors, ceilings, and objects
- walls, floors, and ceilings tend to have one-way textures. Meaning, you can see them from the inside, but they are invisible if you are on the outside.
- if you are one of those people that plays with the mouse Y-axis inverted, the demorecord free-flight camera doesn't honor that setting. It will take some time to get used to the mouse moving the wrong way vertically.
How it can fail:
1. Playback looks weird, I don't see my character or the base, just some weird dark sky.
Most likely the path to the demorecord file is wrong, and the client is playing back nothing with the default sky.
2. The controls don't work.
Possibility #1: you are using the live or test client. Only the I24 BETA client will work.
Possibility #2: you forgot to press F2, or you hit it twice.
Possibility #3: you are using keys other than WASD X or Space. QEZC don't seem to do anything, and I don't know if demorecord honors keyremapping although I don't think it does. For movement, WASDX, Space, and Mouse.
The name 'C:\Program Files (x86)\CohBeta\cityofheroes.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\CohBeta -demoplay' specified in the Target box is not valid. Make sure the path names are correct.
I'm trying to make it so I can just drag and drop the democords into the shortcut, as suggested below. Heck, I can't even get it to work just by making a direct path to the democord file as I always get the above error.
What am I doing wrong? -
Can anyone comfirm if Vidiotmaps & Badge-Hunter.com are down or blocked from access? A few days ago my Norton Anti-virus blocked their site stating that was considered a "mass-injection website." But I can find no information on the Internet to confirm this.
That was simply brilliant. BRILLIANT.
When I want to remember this great game weeks, months, or years from now, I will watch your video. -
This video made me cry. Seriously.
Your videos were something I've always looked forward too, as they added so much to the game experience. Thank you. -
Thanks for posting this stuff. Was great to see, but also very sad. Still, I'm glad I got to see this new zone in some form.
I'm sorry, but I disagree with you Tony. I have a mountain of respect for you and the Herculean efforts you are taking to save our beloved game, and I sincerely hope it is saved, but NCsoft is now the enemy for their atrocious actions towards the CoH player community and Development team of Paragon Studios. As a result, if they decide not to sell the game to another developer so that it can continue, they will have lost my future business (and from the hundreds of posts I've been reading around the Internet) and that of a large segment of the MMO player community. They will not ever get another dime from us, and the word will spread that they are an MMO killer. I sincerely hope that one day in the near future they go out of business for their horrendous treament of their former customer base.
That is their PR dept trying to get the CoH player community to stop making waves over the shutdown of the game. Don't buy into it. They want us to be quiet because we are drawing attention to their poor business decision to close down a game that has a strong player base and is making money. Keep fighting. It's not over yet.
Fantastic job on the video!!! I've reposted it on many of the sites I frequent to help in our battle to save CoH.
Quote:This. NCSoft will never earn another dime from me for their distastful treatment of CoH and its Devs.Still not interested. Don't care how good it is. Don't care if Arenanet are the nicest folks this side of our Dev team.
NCSoft does NOT get my money!
If Arenanet breaks away from NCSoft and goes it on their own, I'll gladly support them. Until then? No. Not budging. Can't trust NCSoft. -
The Justice Force held its final meeting last night. It was great to see everyone again. While many of the JF plan to be around until the end, we thought it best to hold our last meeting sooner rather than later. Here are a couple of screenshots of our last gathering.
What happens if the RWZ is full? Is anyone planning on taking screenshots in RWZ2?
Great speech by Tony V. This game is not going down without a fight!
I'll be there as well as many of my SG mates in the Justice Force.
Quote:I'd suggest running more events like these if, and when, it is possible. I've been playing CoH for eight years now, and I have to say that the invasion on the Champion server last night was one of the best Dev run invasions I have ever experienced. It went on for nearly 90 minutes, the challenge was real, and it felt like the heroes were having to give it their all to protect Peregrine Island. It was unpredicable when and where the Devs would send in the invasion troops, and the inclusion of a certain giant monster made it just that much more epic. At one point when Captain Mako fled he was wily enough to lead us all directly into an ambush that was hiding nearby on the docks, ensuring his escape.Thanks for the feedback.
I'm most certainly open to suggestions for how we can improve this experience. Keep in mind the following criteria:- We are supporting this almost entirely with only the Community Team (with some Customer Service assistance). These are all manual spawns controlled by us. Meaning we spawn, run to spawn more as you all mow through them, provide witty banter, switch zones, rinse repeat, try to keep up with the players.
- We have to use nothing but preexisting assets. Because of where development is right now, we can't interrupt their schedule to add new assets to the game for this.
- We have to hit each server during their respective primetimes.
Well played, Mako. Well played. -
Light Blast
Light Manipulation
Earth Blast
Wind Blast
Thrown Weapons
Water Manipulation
Powered Armor (Primary and Secondary Sets)
Magnetism Control
Magnetism Blast
Radiation Manipulation
Radiation Melee
Shape Shift
Laser Beams
Also more alternate animations for powers to allow blasts to come from the chest, head, eyes, two hands, etc.
Duplicate Mastery (create duplicates of yourself) -
Was there any mention of adding more Character Slots for purchase for each server?