NCSoft financials Q3 2012 are out.




Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
While googling up some information I found this interesting article, click image to go through:

Honestly if that guy don't like the game because the way the women are portraied...well let us say that not everyone likes apples



Originally Posted by Xieveral View Post
I think the difference is that sexuality wasn't the driving force in CoH's promotional material, save for Sister Psyche and her tacky nipple pasty tights everything was the typical image of heroes and villains. You knew what the game was about, heroes doing hero things and villains doing villain things.
I agree with you on this.

Blade & Soul, I'm not sure what's going on. There are curvy bunny girls in clothing several sizes too small that carry weapons that weigh more than they do... and some mouse children that throw magic cats at things or something. There's a male there but who the hell cares, am I right? What is the "soul" part of Blade & Soul? I see blades, they don't seem to be much more than an accessory.
I believe that's the whole Eastern focus. Anime/Manga whatever has been doing this type of gross misrepresentation of the female form for what decades?

And CoH does not have lemonboob. Anti-gravity melonboob maybe? Lemon definitely isn't the shape though.
Anti-Gravity MelonBoobs! Thank you. That's a great description and it captures what I was referring to. I wish I'd thought of it.

I've never understood this fascination with cartoon boobs. I want my female characters to look realistic, not like they can be used as a flotation device when an airplane makes a water landing.



Originally Posted by savagedeacon_NA View Post
Honestly if that guy don't like the game because the way the women are portraied...well let us say that not everyone likes apples
You missed the point big time. Sure in the blog (if you read it) he does mention a bit on the sexualization, but it's mostly about proportions. I wont put words on the guy's mouth but basically he is talking about the artist in charge of the design, not about the game in general. Here is a quote from the blog:

Now last time I took on HTK, I got many, many comments along the lines of OMG ITS JUST THE STYLE WTF U DON’T KNOW WHAT UR TALKING ABOUT or U R JUST JEALOUS HTK IS MORE AWSUM THAN U!!!1!eleventy1!! And, yes, I’m aware that HTK is not illustrating using a North American style. However, there’s a huge difference between even vanilla “anime” style and the distorted freak-shows that HTK creates.



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
I'm pretty sure GW2 is going to be able to float for quite a long time on their cash shop. Same way Paragon was doing just fine selling people powersets and costume sets without box sales or a sub.
Ouch, I hope they have their resumes ready.


Before the CoH cash shop, I had a subscription and picked up whatever booster trickled out So $15 a month and $10(?) every three months or so. After the cash shop, they were getting the sub, $15, and between powersets and costume sets another $15 from the store a month.

From my perspective the cash shop was good for the game and bad for my wallet. <insert rationalizations here>

CO I'm approaching differently. No continual sub, just when characters approach 40 for the free slots and then using discounted time cards, limit spending to less than what a month's sub costs and buy only stuff I would have bought as gold (costumes, account wide unlocks). It's probably good for the MMO genre that CoH wasn't an 800lb gorilla, I'm probably in the minority but the ripples could have hurt the non-WoW MMOs.



Honestly take the time to watch the first video I posted to witness the shear number of sliders and options the game has to tweak a character.

Looking at the patch notes they have a freaking thigh and calf length slider. You can adjust the size of the Iris as well as selecting various ones. You can change the length of the fingers. A whole face makeup section, eyes and lips. They have a skin shininess slider (I guess if you want them "oiled up"). However the neatest set up sliders allow you to age the face, wrinkles and skin shrinking.

Of course there's cloth, hair and breast physics.

However with all these options, you can go very, very wrong if you want to.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
You missed the point big time. Sure in the blog (if you read it) he does mention a bit on the sexualization, but it's mostly about proportions. I wont put words on the guy's mouth but basically he is talking about the artist in charge of the design, not about the game in general. Here is a quote from the blog:
From the bottom of that blog:

About wundergeek
In addition to being a cranky feminist blogger, I am an artist, photographer, and somewhat half-***** writer living in the wilds of Canada with a wonderful spouse and two slightly broken cats.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



Huzzah! I got internet back early! In time time ridicule this game. Three strikes are going forward with this game.

1) Fighting game players are already insulted that NcSoft is banking on brand recognition from Soul Blade (The original name of the Soul Calibur series in the EU and US.) That, alone, is pretty underhanded marketing. A member of my gaming group, who is a fighting game fanatic, actually thought it was Namco's MMO. When we educated him otherwise he did a complete 180.

2) The game is highly insulting to female players. In my group there are about ten of us and not one of us will be picking up this game for its depiction of women. Hell, some of the guys in our group described it as, "Oh, look NcSoft made a Hentai MMO. Finally, a dark closet game." When it came to being serious they stated they wouldn't play because they wouldn't want to be caught playing it.

3) NcSoft is "trying" to get away from the M for Mature rating on the game, but it just won't happen. It's a fighting game, it does have bloody splatter, and the "physics" can be adjusted to horrendous proportions. Being able to turn off the blood won't help the cause. The game is destined for an M rating.

Add all three of these factor together with the fact that its a PvP grindfest game unsupported even in its home market and you have a game destined for failure. I think the lack of support in its launch territory alone should make people leery as it stands. This game will sink very, very fast. Want more proof? My group consists of about 32 people who will test play any MMO that comes out. Until I started talking about the game only a handful even knew it was coming out. When most found out it was NcSoft the uniform reaction was not those I listed above, those comments came later. No, my group's reaction was this, "Oh, a new game that will be shut down. No Thanks."



Originally Posted by Rangle M. Down View Post
From the bottom of that blog:
Does not invalidate the entire post.



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
Does not invalidate the entire post.
I think Rangle was trying to point out you're using the wrong pronoun.



Never said it did.

You're references to the blogger used the terms "he" and "guy". Unless I'm missing something, the note at bottom points to the blogger in questions as being a she. That's all I was trying to point out.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



Originally Posted by LadyGrimrose View Post

NcSoft is "trying" to get away from the M for Mature rating on the game, but it just won't happen. It's a fighting game, it does have bloody splatter, and the "physics" can be adjusted to horrendous proportions. Being able to turn off the blood won't help the cause. The game is destined for an M rating.
T for teen makes more sense, as that's the upper age limit their core audience likes their females to be.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Rangle M. Down View Post
Never said it did.

You're references to the blogger used the terms "he" and "guy". Unless I'm missing something, the note at bottom points to the blogger in questions as being a she. That's all I was trying to point out.
Ah ok my bad. I thought you meant to say that the "feminist" bit proved the entire thing was pure bias.



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
Ah ok my bad. I thought you meant to say that the "feminist" bit proved the entire thing was pure bias.
Blogs by nature are biased.

That doesn't make her points about the artistic stylization of the characters and the distorted anatomy any less valid.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



Those aren't breasts by the way. The main plot of that game seems to involve ninja zeppelins stabbing young women from behind

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



I agree, it's going to be M. There was a rumor that the game was going to be censored for the NA market and NCSoft released a PR saying no way as it would upset the artistic vision of it's character concept designer. Let's see where did I see that ... here.

And if you don't want to soil your browser history, this was posted Sept 20th.

This is an exciting time for us as we can now use our official website, Twitter feed, and Facebook page to share information and provide status updates on the development of Blade & Soul® for Western audiences. We will use these platforms as a way to not only distribute official assets and information, but to directly address community concerns. With that in mind, we wanted to take a moment to shed some light on rumors that NCSOFT® West is censoring the content of Blade & Soul.

As you know, Blade & Soul features a rich, beautiful world inspired by the artistic style of Hyung-Tae Kim, an internationally renowned artist we consider ourselves fortunate to be working with. Hyung-Tae Kim brings with him a very recognizable and risqué anime style that, combined with the game's deep storyline and modern martial arts style combat, delivers a game experience like no other.

Due to ESRB guidelines, however, our marketing material must abide by a different set of considerations than the final product. This is why Blade & Soul's rating is listed as "pending." It is NCSOFT West's intention to accurately depict the game in its original, unaltered form, with only minor adjustments for gameplay considerations.

In short: We are not planning to censor or alter the actual in-game content you have come to expect from an artist such as Hyung-Tae Kim and a studio such as Team Bloodlust. Rest assured that we love Blade & Soul as much as you do, and any modifications to the marketing material are not indicative of our plans for the final content.

We appreciate your concern, and we hope that we've helped set your minds at ease. We're very excited about bringing Blade & Soul to Western audiences, and we intend to do our best to deliver the game you want to play.

-- Blade & Soul Team, NCSOFT West

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by LadyGrimrose View Post
Huzzah! I got internet back early! In time time ridicule this game. Three strikes are going forward with this game.

1) Fighting game players are already insulted that NcSoft is banking on brand recognition from Soul Blade (The original name of the Soul Calibur series in the EU and US.) That, alone, is pretty underhanded marketing. A member of my gaming group, who is a fighting game fanatic, actually thought it was Namco's MMO. When we educated him otherwise he did a complete 180.

2) The game is highly insulting to female players. In my group there are about ten of us and not one of us will be picking up this game for its depiction of women. Hell, some of the guys in our group described it as, "Oh, look NcSoft made a Hentai MMO. Finally, a dark closet game." When it came to being serious they stated they wouldn't play because they wouldn't want to be caught playing it.

3) NcSoft is "trying" to get away from the M for Mature rating on the game, but it just won't happen. It's a fighting game, it does have bloody splatter, and the "physics" can be adjusted to horrendous proportions. Being able to turn off the blood won't help the cause. The game is destined for an M rating.

Add all three of these factor together with the fact that its a PvP grindfest game unsupported even in its home market and you have a game destined for failure. I think the lack of support in its launch territory alone should make people leery as it stands. This game will sink very, very fast. Want more proof? My group consists of about 32 people who will test play any MMO that comes out. Until I started talking about the game only a handful even knew it was coming out. When most found out it was NcSoft the uniform reaction was not those I listed above, those comments came later. No, my group's reaction was this, "Oh, a new game that will be shut down. No Thanks."
1) That banking on name recognition only works if people knew Soul Blade = Soul Calibur. I know I didn't. And I find it funny that having the word Soul in the name had people thinking "Oh it must be made by Namco, because it has the word Soul in the name." Eve Online must have been banking on people who played Parasite Eve.

2) If it's insulting to a player due to them using the most scantilizing outfits in promos, they have their own issues. They're also not looking at CoH which used Sister Psyche, Ghost Widow and Desdemona as their advertisement.

Sex sells. Shock effect sells.

Nevermind it doesn't show men off as anything but in improbable physiques. Notice how no one ever says "This game's males are insulting." A lot of the costume options (I know a few new ones aren't seen on here) for viewing...not all show off everything.

Also, obviously you haven't checked out the body sliders in Blade & Soul which allows you to get a less endowed figure than you can in CoH.

Not to mention, male and female players alike, played plenty of scantily clad female avatars dressed in nothing but a bikini outfit. Enough so, that I know I was all "o.O Really? Really?" Enough so that when my own mother was all "Ooooo...let me make a character for your game. Now get it to 50 for me!" I replied "I am /not/ going to run around in game in /that/ "

So basically, if an outfit in B&S looks to revealing for someone, there are other options, just like in CoH...which you know...had plenty of revealing outfits made.

3) Personally, I want to see more "M" rating games, as I'm tired of MMOs catering to underage players in every aspect of the game. Of course, as a parent, I'm tired of parents who don't check out what their kids play and then get vocal about it. I know I check out every game I let my daughter play. I check out every show she watches.

4) NCSoft isn't the only publisher that shut down their MMOs.

Maxtrix Online. Star Wars Galaxies. Shut down MMOs made by those not affiliated to NCSoft.


Now this isn't to say B&S is the game for you (or anyone else). Not all games are for everyone. There's plenty of MMOs I look at the art style used and just sigh to myself. So I understand not wanting to play a game because of it's chosen art style (Black Desert Online, Secret World, LotR, many other MMOs).

Not to mention game mechanics/play may not be for you (and again for anyone else).

I just find a lot of the complaints in the above quoted post to have been said about CoH.

Art style. Game play. Game mechanics. Game controls. PvE. PvP. Ect...ect...all complained about. Even by it's loyal fanbase.

And while not in a revealing outfit, the face of Tabula Rasa was a woman who had the body type people here ***** about often as being "unrealistic", is a game many players here went gah gah over.

Not to mention, CoH might have had a loyal playerbase, it also had a bunch of players who went "F2P! I'll stop paying to play, and not buy anything in the cash shop, as I can live with all it has to offer as F2P! Play the game and never pay a cent!"

Saw it in game, read posts about it here on the forums.

Not to mention a player base that would quit for "THE BRAND NEW GAME!"

And I knew about the game (B&S) coming out years ago, when it was still in concept phase. It was even talked about on the CoH forums untill new forum rules were put into place.

As for the sales, so far it's only been released in Korea. Last I knew it was the #1 played MMO in Korea (I'd have to recheck). It's currently in CBT for China. Can't remember if it's been released in Japan yet (I don't think so, but not 100% sure on this one).

Also, much like TERA, B&S will be "westernized" when released for NA/EU. Thought hey say they're not going to censor it like TERA was.

This isn't to encourage anyone to play the game. May not be a genre one is interrested in. While people keep saying they want a genre other than european style fantasy, it always seems to be the genre that stays popular. :/

But some of the complaints seem silly when one could see the same thing in CoH.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



That's so full of corporate speak... "marketing material"... almost sound like they plan to "censor" only box art, posters and ads.

Also does sound like Hyung-Tae Kim has a bit of a grip on them... he IS a rather famous guy. I remember when I used to work at a hobby shop, we would keep his art books near the adult section for a reson.

Given his fame I would not be shocked if he has contractual clauses about zero censorship.



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
While googling up some information I found this interesting article, click image to go through:

Sister Psyche, Ghost Widow, Desdemona, and even some of the popular poster's avatars are more well endowed than the posted artwork.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
I agree, it's going to be M. There was a rumor that the game was going to be censored for the NA market and NCSoft released a PR saying no way as it would upset the artistic vision of it's character concept designer. Let's see where did I see that ... here.

...In short: We are not planning to censor or alter the actual in-game content you have come to expect from an artist such as Hyung-Tae Kim and a studio such as Team Bloodlust. Rest assured that we love Blade & Soul as much as you do, and any modifications to the marketing material are not indicative of our plans for the final content.
And if you don't want to soil your browser history, this was posted Sept 20th.
Loathing of NCSoft aside, "this will end well". A few posts up I was going to give them some benefit of doubt but when they admit to having to cheat the ESRB, there's a lot less doubt. Especially if there are four sliders just for breasts.

Actually, I'd be more ok (still not buying it or any NCSoft product) with it if they'd just market it as an H game. Cheesing the rating system just makes it even more sleezy.



Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
Loathing of NCSoft aside, "this will end well". A few posts up I was going to give them some benefit of doubt but when they admit to having to cheat the ESRB, there's a lot less doubt. Especially if there are four sliders just for breasts.

Actually, I'd be more ok (still not buying it or any NCSoft product) with it if they'd just market it as an H game. Cheesing the rating system just makes it even more sleezy.
Okay...what does having four sliders for breasts have to do with anything? o.O

CO basically has 4 with "breasts, body mass, chest width, chest depth" all that have an effect on the avatars breasts.

This also allows you to go flat to *facepalm* depending on the player (much like CoH with it's one slider).

And you focus on that, but don't mention all the other body sliders that lets you do so much?

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
upset the artistic vision of it's character concept designer.
Upsetting the perverted fantasies of misogynistic pedophiles isn't really that bad a thing to do.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
Loathing of NCSoft aside, "this will end well". A few posts up I was going to give them some benefit of doubt but when they admit to having to cheat the ESRB, there's a lot less doubt. Especially if there are four sliders just for breasts.

Actually, I'd be more ok (still not buying it or any NCSoft product) with it if they'd just market it as an H game. Cheesing the rating system just makes it even more sleezy.
NCSoft is quite vulnerable on the whole Boobs and Shame front - it's a good angle of attack to hurt them.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
NCSoft is quite vulnerable on the whole Boobs and Shame front - it's a good angle of attack to hurt them.
Coming from someone who's avatar made use of the boob slider.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Sister Psyche, Ghost Widow, Desdemona, and even some of the popular poster's avatars are more well endowed than the posted artwork.
I didnt post that shot based on endowement, only to show the ridiculous default proportions.

As far as endowement, though, got to see other shots in other angles.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Okay...what does having four sliders for breasts have to do with anything? o.O

CO basically has 4 with "breasts, body mass, chest width, chest depth" all that have an effect on the avatars breasts.

This also allows you to go flat to *facepalm* depending on the player (much like CoH with it's one slider).

And you focus on that, but don't mention all the other body sliders that lets you do so much?
I haven't watched the videos Father Xmas linked yet but,

Actually it looks like they have three or four sliders devoted to breasts. Size, spacing horizontally, location vertically and angle pointing apart (?!). Someone spent way too much time creating this.
Breast facing? alignment? aiming? whatever the appropriate term that's a bit much.

Three of those sliders you listed in CO affect things besides breasts. Body mass affects the whole body, the chest sliders work on the whole trunk, just not the breasts.

*edit: I wonder if males have sliders to pick which way their bits of anatomy are hanging in B&S. If you can adjust that for the female dangly bits it'd be misandrist to not provide males with the same option.