NCSoft Crushes the Hopes of CoH Fans....New Massively Article




Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
I agree.

Then again, I don't believe in pursuing anything else either. It's over - I don't want to hear about emulation/reverse engineering efforts either, because we all know how that will go.
I do, if there's an Emulator out there, I will play it in a heart beat.

My Lego Models lemur lad: God you can't be that stupid... I'm on at the same time as you for once, and not 20 minutes into it you give me something worth petitioning?
Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.



I won't, and most people will have never heard of it. There'd be no game updates, nothing to look forward to. You can only kill Frostfire so many times.



This is really doom.



Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
Right-o. I think it's easier to believe that Lord British is just ******* crazy.
Sure, but ad hominem's aside, NCSoft lost their appeal against Garriott's lawsuit, so it looks like the ******* crazy guy's story has more credibility in a courtroom than NCSoft's. But go ahead and believe whatever you find easier.



Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
Sure, but ad hominem's aside, NCSoft lost their appeal against Garriott's lawsuit, so it looks like the ******* crazy guy's story has more credibility in a courtroom than NCSoft's. But go ahead and believe whatever you find easier.
Note: The case was over him being fired/leaving voluntarily.

That I do not dispute.

What I am disputing is that Tabula Rasa was being closed down to get rid of him.

Whilst I was at the Omega Sektor event in the UK, I spoke with Kerensky, who was the German CM for the game. To put it bluntly, even in *EASTER* of 2008, it was on shaky ground, and that to basically keep the game alive, every single subscriber would have to recruit 10 full time players to the game.

THAT number of players (and revenue) would have kept the game alive.


Of course, the whole management rearrangement of NC Interactive was interesting, and removing RG from his position (as well as his brother) was the aim it looks like.

side note: And when the rearrangement came in, a year later a whole load of Europeans were fired. Guess what. It was *Americans* who made the call.

*slow clap*



Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
Don't waste your time. Remember: reading that kind of stuff gains you nothing, responding to it gains you even less. Faceless names on the internet that are trying to give someone's opinion a 180, failing to realize that the satisfaction they will gain from doing so will last less time than it took for them to type their post/response. And that goes for both sides. *shrug*
Well, I did seem to survive a round of debate with someone who constantly dismissed any notions of trust or appreciation, and all without condescending insults or looking dumb.

I usually don't dive deep into these fights, but this guy really is some kind of unfeeling robot.

I had to say something, I did - and I feel like I managed to open up the clam for a few moments without getting my fingers bitten off.

It is exhausting, though.




Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
I won't, and most people will have never heard of it. There'd be no game updates, nothing to look forward to. You can only kill Frostfire so many times.
That's why Architect Entertainment was invented.



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
Note: The case was over him being fired/leaving voluntarily.

That I do not dispute.

What I am disputing is that Tabula Rasa was being closed down to get rid of him.
Originally Posted by TrueGentleman
This isn't just about CoH—as has been discussed many times here, Auto Assault, Dungeon Runners, and Tabula Rasa are also notches in NCSoft's belt, to say nothing of their fraudulent dealings with Richard Garriott.
Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen
Auto Assault wasn't profitable, and whether they forged that crazy mf'ers letter of resignation remains unproven.

...I think you're the only one disputing that, Gangrel. The rest of 'em were talking about something else.

Truth, Honor, Perspective, Courage, Intelligence, Compassion, Justice - the dictatorship's Seven Deadly Sins.



I can't, for the life of me, relate to hanging around and replying to just about every single comment to make assumptions of my own to the contrary and/or to repeatedly give my take on it against every other commenter.
To think on how grandiose such a person's view of themselves must be is a bit stunning.

My feelings are basically... Oh. Thanks for clearing all of this up, oh wise one.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
That's why Architect Entertainment was invented.
Damn straight.

It's a shame that this wonderful feature got cast into the place it has been in most players' minds. I'm not placing the entire blame on either player nor Developers. There's a bit of both. It's a shame that they didn't tweak it up to be more than what it is and fix up so many of the problems with it, but it's also a shame that most players don't seem to realize that it is quite fantastic, even with the problems.
Although, I do understand people's fun being blocked by repeatedly encountered problems with it.
Still... it's certainly a viable source of fun for many and would have been more so if development were ceased entirely.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
That's why Architect Entertainment was invented.
God, you people crack me up. Nearly all AE arcs are pure and utter crap, and that's excluding the ones that are just farms.



This is really doom.



Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
God, you people crack me up. Nearly all AE arcs are pure and utter crap, and that's excluding the ones that are just farms.
Well, you know, you can make your own!
Also, it's Zod.

I wish you cracked me up more than you do though. I shall rain my inflated opinion down upon you further with nasty derision... oh, no, wait... that's your shtick.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
I agree.
Then again, I don't believe in pursuing anything else either. It's over
Here's why I don't subscribe to your line of thinking: it's never over.

Right now you have GW2 players and prospective Wildstar players reading about the CoH closure and thinking "yeah, but this won't happen to me. My game is safe."

Just as you had CoH players saying the same when Tabula Rasa and Auto Assault were killed.

You can't save CoH but you can try to stop the cycle.

You want to be a hero? Don't be the d-bag that got hazed in university and now in his senior year has the chance to take a stand against it but says: "It's not my problem now. Besides, I had to take it so now I'm going to unload that anger into some new kid."




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Here's why I don't subscribe to your line of thinking: it's never over.

Right now you have GW2 players and prospective Wildstar players reading about the CoH closure and thinking "yeah, but this won't happen to me. My game is safe."

Just as you had CoH players saying the same when Tabula Rasa and Auto Assault were killed.

You can't save CoH but you can try to stop the cycle.

You want to be a hero? Don't be the d-bag that got hazed in university and now in his senior year has the chance to take a stand against it but says: "It's not my problem now. Besides, I had to take it so now I'm going to unload that anger into some new kid."
I just don't agree with asking Massively (or other news outlets) to ignore reporting on them
Instead, I think we can ask these, and all, news outlets to report about the negative aspects of NCSoft. We should deliver and provide any and all aspects we can find and flood everyone with it.
Just a cursory glance seems to b yielding some rather not-so-good stuff about the company. If they want to tear down this wonderful community and pastime, maybe we fight back in kind, as best as we can do.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
Your proposal sucks, JB. Just like the last proposal you made, and the proposal before that. No means no.
honestly id rather listen to jb spout off then least hes got something interesting to say.



what the poster above me said...



Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
God, you people crack me up. Nearly all AE arcs are pure and utter crap, and that's excluding the ones that are just farms.
I thought about writing something showing just how much stupidity you managed to cram into those two sentences, but I'm pretty sure you'd just completely ignore it. So I'll just drop this here, instead.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
I thought about writing something showing just how much stupidity you managed to cram into those two sentences, but I'm pretty sure you'd just completely ignore it. So I'll just drop this here, instead.
AE is of no value to the game as it stands, and will be of the same value to any future emulation.

AE was an idealistic concept, that just failed to deliver.

Proud member of FOXBASE ALPHA and coalition associates.

Hero 50's - 25

Villain 50's - 1



Originally Posted by Cobra_Man View Post
AE is of no value to the game as it stands, and will be of the same value to any future emulation.

AE was an idealistic concept, that just failed to deliver.
...If they gave us the ability to have non-ED/GDN/Target\Aggro Caps I'd play a fire farm for 1/100th the normal reward.

Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



First off, can we keep this civil, please? Making personal attacks is gaining us nothing. Agree, disagree, whatever, but if you lower yourself to bicker back and forth, you're not only NOT making your point, you're feeding into what NCSoft seems to be trying to do - discourage us, and make us think this is pointless and futile.

Second, think about WHY NCSoft would have made a second announcement about the game closing. Why would they bother, since it's what they've already said?

The point is that WE are making MMO news by our refusal to passively accept the closing of the game, and want alternatives. WE have made enough noise that THEY TOOK NOTICE. And now, it's about damage control.

So, instead of the media reporting about OUR efforts, now they're reporting THEIR message. They made the newest noise.

Now what SHOULD be in the headlines? THEIR message, or OUR message?

To those who are negative and hateful, I'll say what we say on Virtue: take it to --- (the behemoth), 'cause we don't do that here.

To those who are giving up, okay, I get that. Do what you gotta do to keep yourself in a good space, and God bless.

To those who are still fighting the good fight... PLEASE! Ignore the trolls! If you don't feed 'em, they won't stick around!



Originally Posted by _eeek_ View Post
First off, can we keep this civil, please? Making personal attacks is gaining us nothing. Agree, disagree, whatever, but if you lower yourself to bicker back and forth, you're not only NOT making your point, you're feeding into what NCSoft seems to be trying to do - discourage us, and make us think this is pointless and futile.

Second, think about WHY NCSoft would have made a second announcement about the game closing. Why would they bother, since it's what they've already said?

The point is that WE are making MMO news by our refusal to passively accept the closing of the game, and want alternatives. WE have made enough noise that THEY TOOK NOTICE. And now, it's about damage control.

So, instead of the media reporting about OUR efforts, now they're reporting THEIR message. They made the newest noise.

Now what SHOULD be in the headlines? THEIR message, or OUR message?

To those who are negative and hateful, I'll say what we say on Virtue: take it to --- (the behemoth), 'cause we don't do that here.

To those who are giving up, okay, I get that. Do what you gotta do to keep yourself in a good space, and God bless.

To those who are still fighting the good fight... PLEASE! Ignore the trolls! If you don't feed 'em, they won't stick around!
Thanks, eeek! I'm with you!



Originally Posted by Cobra_Man View Post
AE is of no value to the game as it stands, and will be of the same value to any future emulation.

AE was an idealistic concept, that just failed to deliver.
You must be ten types of absolutely retarded to think a tool that can let players create their own custom content is of no value in a game with no developers around to create the content for them.



Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
Quite so, and this includes covering the MMO industry in general.

This means that if they cover NCSoft and its games, they're not doing their job if they overlook the company's past behavior, which wasn't exactly that of a paragon of corporate rectitude. Anyone who now reports on Blade & Soul or Wild Star ought to note that they're coming from a publisher notorious for abruptly terminating promising games. Since MMOs require a medium- to long-term investment from their players, that's a pretty damning reputation.
I think GreyScribe is right on this one. It wouldnt be a good look. For one, no one here cared about their reputation all of these years when the game was live and before Aug 31st. Now that they kill this game all of a sudden, their past behavior is a problem? Then think that a publisher, who's job is to report the gaming world, should stop publishing games from this company now? They probably already knew and reported on NCSoft past activities. If the reputation is an issue now, it should of been an issue then. Most people here seemed to looked beyond that reputation and gladly gave them years of time and money but now that the game is closing, aka basically living up to their reputation, it's a problem. If their reputation didnt matter then, what reason does it matter now?

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
I thought about writing something showing just how much stupidity you managed to cram into those two sentences, but I'm pretty sure you'd just completely ignore it. So I'll just drop this here, instead.

Some AE arcs were very good well written and interesting but seemed like a person had to dig through a lot of crappy ones that was created for farming, someone fooling around, or someone that may have lacked the story telling ability to get to the good ones.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Robo_Knight View Post
I do, if there's an Emulator out there, I will play it in a heart beat.

And I do make my own arcs in AE. I would like more map options, or a map editor (one can dream, right?), but it is an option.