City of Steam

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Baler View Post
It aint Disney - save it for Star Wars ;p



I would have thought a steampunk setting wouldn't be the place to have "races" at all, just variants of humans.

The problem I have with it is that I can easily see the "fantasy", but I don't see the "industrial".



Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
I would have thought a steampunk setting wouldn't be the place to have "races" at all, just variants of humans.

The problem I have with it is that I can easily see the "fantasy", but I don't see the "industrial".
It's not a steampunk setting though, it's an Industrial Age Fantasy with the emphasis on fantasy races and classes using Industrial tech. If you can't see the you're not looking or just being obtuse.



Originally Posted by Baler View Post
It's not a steampunk setting though, it's an Industrial Age Fantasy with the emphasis on fantasy races and classes using Industrial tech. If you can't see the you're not looking or just being obtuse.
With a name like City of STEAM, are you really blaming people for misinterpreting it? It's not City of "Industrial Age Fantasy"

*pushes up my glasses by the taped up bridge*

I still find it funny that nobody in support of this game can't take simplest criticism without turning hostile.



Ooh, nothing wrong with a bit of hostility. It may be defence of the game confused with hostility. This thread is just a heads up, if you wish to know about CoS just go to the site and read the info there. If anybody is feeling got at or um-bridged just calm down and play nice. If it isn't your cup of tea that's fine, move on.



Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
With a name like City of STEAM, are you really blaming people for misinterpreting it? It's not City of "Industrial Age Fantasy"

*pushes up my glasses by the taped up bridge*

I still find it funny that nobody in support of this game can't take simplest criticism without turning hostile.
I'm not blaming anyone for anything. Yes, it's called City of Steam but if one takes more than a cursory look at the game's information they'd quickly be disabused of the notion that it's a "Steampunk" game. Or they'd be disappointed that it's not a "Steampunk" game.

And who are you calling hostile four-eyes?



Originally Posted by Baler View Post
I'm not blaming anyone for anything. Yes, it's called City of Steam but if one takes more than a cursory look at the game's information they'd quickly be disabused of the notion that it's a "Steampunk" game. Or they'd be disappointed that it's not a "Steampunk" game.

And who are you calling hostile four-eyes?

"Browser-based steampunk"
"Is That an Elf in My Steampunk?"
" the steampunk MMO heads into its final alpha test weekend."
"Mechanist Games' steampunk MMO is nearing its closed beta phase..."
"The browser based, slightly Diablo esque Steampunk MMO..."

So when all the preview sites are calling it steampunk, I continue to be disappointed that the game is just the same old generic fantasy races and classes with "steampunk elements" rather than a full-on steampunk game.

The devs sound enthusiastic, and the game has potential, but it's being advertised as something it's not. And I want to play what it's advertised as, not what it actually is.



Originally Posted by InOnePiece View Post
Thanks for posting that... I'm hopeful about this game...

You're welcome.

Still some left so if you want get in there while they are available.



played some of CoS tonite and i was blown away by how awesome it looked.
this is the 1st browser game i have ever played and it was very sweet looking and i enjoyed it very much. i definitely gonna stick around for this game.
also it is very different from what i usually play.
i think the devs have done an awesome job on the game. got my toon to lvl 5 so far.
i would recommend giving this game a shot.

@Eternal Twilight
Friends don't let friends buy an NCSoft controlled project.
Save Paragon one more time!,4877.0.html

Petition to end shutting down CoH:



I tried it out for a couple of hours.

I'm of two minds. On the one hand, I think their devs have achieved a remarkable feat with limited resources. It's reasonably fun, but it's hard to know exactly what you're doing beyond a graphical whack-a-mole.

Skills, traits, equipment, etc... all seem to have a considerable amount of detail and very little explanation. Graphics are very nice, right up until the point you take an action. The animations are very crude and jerky, and many things end up looking like 2d sprites (example - destroying a box). Obviously, they don't have a AAA budget to have a big staff of animators, or design and documentation people.

Also, the limitations of browser delivery have come up a few times.

All in, I think it could do with a lot of polishing, but it's not bad for the price point.



On one hand, a Diablo-esque MMO with limited character customization, limited classes, and your standard races from Tolkein's Big Book of Demi-humans.

On the other hand, holy schneikes those graphics are gorgeous. And its steampunk. With goblins. And my high el- er- 'riven' was stylin' with a pistol and a pipe like he's Sherlock F. Holmes. They nailed the aesthetics.

As a F2P diversion? I think this game has potential. Let me play with the skyships and I'm in like Flint.

Blood Widow Ricki * Tide Shifter * T-34 * Opposite Reaction * Shaolin Midnight * ChernobylCheerleader



It's interesting. I wish I had a budget that allowed me to contribute some cash to them. For some reason it only runs on Firefox for me. On IE it doesn't work at all.



Gameplays pretty good

the steampunk parts really shine and are probably the best part of it, but whenever the steampunk gets a little thin and the tolkien fantasy shows through it kinda loses something.

the shop system is bollocks though, with 99% of its random inventory being lvl 30+ gear. it wouldnt be so bad if every shop wasn't the same, meaning that until you hit ~30 the only time you'll be visiting shops is to sell stuff off (or buy mods)

also, mods showing up on weapons? nice. I hope they implement that with armor too.

I think my biggest disappoint is that it falls under the same tired fantasy mmo cliche of

armor that looks like 3 inch think knight armor with a face grill on males

turns into a metal bikini on females.

or a tank top at best.

Even my level 20 armored up tank shows her stomach.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
It's interesting. I wish I had a budget that allowed me to contribute some cash to them. For some reason it only runs on Firefox for me. On IE it doesn't work at all.
It doesn't work on 64-bit - I ended up running it in Chrome.



Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
Gameplays pretty good

the steampunk parts really shine and are probably the best part of it, but whenever the steampunk gets a little thin and the tolkien fantasy shows through it kinda loses something.

the shop system is bollocks though, with 99% of its random inventory being lvl 30+ gear. it wouldnt be so bad if every shop wasn't the same, meaning that until you hit ~30 the only time you'll be visiting shops is to sell stuff off (or buy mods)

also, mods showing up on weapons? nice. I hope they implement that with armor too.

I think my biggest disappoint is that it falls under the same tired fantasy mmo cliche of

armor that looks like 3 inch think knight armor with a face grill on males

turns into a metal bikini on females.

or a tank top at best.

Even my level 20 armored up tank shows her stomach.
Different strokes. Anytime my wife made toons in CoH she tended to make them fairly sexy.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
Different strokes. Anytime my wife made toons in CoH she tended to make them fairly sexy.
Yeah, but she had a choice to make a sexy costume. Just like she had the choice to dress her character up in a Hilary Clinton pantsuit, or a full on suit of armor.

In City of Steam (and all the other lazy fantasy mmos)

if you're a man, you get a suit of armor

if you're a woman, you get the slutty halloween costume version of a suit of armor

I'm level 22, and this is the heavy armor in the game for my level range.



It gets better



So basically you would like to have a copy of male armor with two bumps in the front to be happy, or else you would roll a male character.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
So basically you would like to have a copy of male armor with two bumps in the front to be happy, or else you would roll a male character.
Even from the illustrations, you can see that there's more differences between male and female characters in that game than "two bumps" - height, build, stance, etc.

What they're clearly asking for is a character with female height, build, stance, and so forth, but with all their skin covered, the same way men have all their skin covered.



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
So basically you would like to have a copy of male armor with two bumps in the front to be happy, or else you would roll a male character.
I'd just like a female character without the *** WINDOW



Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
This is supposed to be vaguely Victorian era, right? Or did you slip into an Edgar Rice Burroughs novel when you weren't looking?

Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
It gets better
That is better, but still not quite as Victorian as I had hoped.

Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
So basically you would like to have a copy of male armor with two bumps in the front to be happy, or else you would roll a male character.

Blood Widow Ricki * Tide Shifter * T-34 * Opposite Reaction * Shaolin Midnight * ChernobylCheerleader



Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
This is supposed to be vaguely Victorian era, right? Or did you slip into an Edgar Rice Burroughs novel when you weren't looking?
It's Victorian Steampunk except when it's convenient for it not to be.

Take for instance the Drow...errrr.."Draugh". Lore-wise, they have absolutely nothing in common save for grey skin and pointy ears. But they still dress like Drow because damn we need someone in a chainmail bikini for the art book.