City of Steam

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by That_Ninja View Post
OP called August 31 "black friday", which is a little lame because it's the name of shopping spree day after Thanksgiving. Brass Friday sounds better due and a lore shout-out as Nemesis first big plot was known as Brass Monday.
Ah - the only black Friday I know of is a stock market crash. Yeah Brass Friday sounds more appropriate from a lore perspective.



I have just watched this video of the game. It's much better than the TB review. The video is recorded in a higher definition. The interviewer is focused and coherent. A great review which shows much more than the other reviews I've seen. Enjoy.



Originally Posted by That_Ninja View Post
OP called August 31 "black friday", which is a little lame because it's the name of shopping spree day after Thanksgiving. Brass Friday sounds better due and a lore shout-out as Nemesis first big plot was known as Brass Monday.
Oddly enough, Nov. 30th falls on a Friday this year...

"But we are like children, thinking our toys will make us happy and the whole world is our nursery. Something must drive us out of that nursery and into the lives of others, and that something is suffering." �C.S. Lewis



Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Nice to see a CoS dev has weighed in too. I'm intrigued. Already bought the Toiler pack to support the effort. I like to see good gaming like this being done and want to support when I can.

My first impression is that CoS is going to be much better (even in the browser) than CoH was at launch, just because of the benefit of a decade of advance in technology. I'm looking forward to the beta in November. Hope to see you there!

"Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes." - Sweet_Sarah



Hhaha, I had a big ol' goofy grin during the entire video! That was a treat.



Colour me interested, at the least. Although I did have a colossal facepalm as soon as I browsed the site and saw the female character designs under Races. Even the Goblins, for crying out loud! And, of course, the 'Not Elves honest!' were the worst for it. Utterly stupid skimpy costume design, that is. Give the males some sensible, but as soon as it's female, wuh-oh! Fanservice ahoy!

I think the Girl Genius, for one, would be braining people with a very large wrench before dressing in anything as shoddy as that. Eesh.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Yeah I agree - I loathe it when the females pictured on game sites are basically boobs with a few shreds of clothes. The majority of the pics of female characters look like their "class" is H00ker. Aside from that I watched the videos and CoS looks like a lot of time and effort has went into it. Unfortunately it doesn't look like a game I would enjoy and I doubt I will be playing it when it does go live.

Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Colour me interested, at the least. Although I did have a colossal facepalm as soon as I browsed the site and saw the female character designs under Races. Even the Goblins, for crying out loud! And, of course, the 'Not Elves honest!' were the worst for it. Utterly stupid skimpy costume design, that is. Give the males some sensible, but as soon as it's female, wuh-oh! Fanservice ahoy!

I think the Girl Genius, for one, would be braining people with a very large wrench before dressing in anything as shoddy as that. Eesh.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



No need to worry Tech and Toast, that aspect of the game has been covered - and so has the female flesh. The pic I think you may be referring to was an early Alpha pic and that dress style is no longer the case. All characters will have a minimum attire of course but it is not now in the usual game teenage kitsch, thankfully. Also there is not a female option in every race (down to lore).

Don't forget - if you are interested in playing this - the Devs are taking everything the current player base says and are acting on it. They are extremely communicative with the players and all forum users. Your input is heard should you have a point to make.



Heads up - City of Steam - one week to go till CB.

Keys are still available. Sign up to the newsletter for the chance to win one.



I was on board till I saw generic fantasy elves and lime green goblins....



Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
I was on board till I saw generic fantasy elves and lime green goblins....
You have won todays' prize for observing 2 of the 9 races



After spending hours crawling through the site, I am really looking forward to this game. If they would accept payment from other than paypal, I would sign up. Every time I use paypal, the amount of spam in the inbox doubles, and or course they have to quit getting hacked.



Originally Posted by ResplendentMs View Post
After spending hours crawling through the site, I am really looking forward to this game. If they would accept payment from other than paypal, I would sign up. Every time I use paypal, the amount of spam in the inbox doubles, and or course they have to quit getting hacked.
Paypal isn't the only option for payment - when entering the pay screen you are given various CC options. Further payment options are due to be implemented in the future also.

I've never received spam in the decade I have been paying with Paypal.



Originally Posted by afocks View Post
You have won todays' prize for observing 2 of the 9 races
Four of the nine races are explicitly just humans of different nationalities, and elves compose two of the other nine, with the other three being goblins, orcs, and hobgoblins (all of which are far more human-looking than those races are usually depicted, especially the females). A pretty standard selection. (The tenth race in development doesn't help with that impression, since it's dwarves)

That said, I'm more put off by the lack of classes and, worse, how the classes are just the usual generic fantasy classes with a very thin steampunk veneer, rather than being actual steampunk.

I expected absent-minded inventors wielding wacky makeshift weapons and/or wearing steam-spewing mechanical armor, not the usual fantasy MMO assortment of medieval-armored Tanks, staff-wielding DPS mages, faith-based Healers, and magic gunners (possibly more DPS, possibly ranged thieves - their main stats are Reflex, Luck, and Speed).

So, combining the bog-standard races with the bog-standard classes, I wouldn't call it steampunk so much as "Tolkeinpunk" or perhaps "WoW-punk". (Except that's not really fair to WoW, which at least has some interesting hybrid classes and more monstrous-looking races)

It's browser-based, so I could probably get it running, but it's not really impressing me or drawing me in at first glance.



Originally Posted by afocks View Post
You have won todays' prize for observing 2 of the 9 races
Oh hey look, Orcs, half orcs, and another elf race.

It's still WoW with some gears glued on in strategic places. par for the course for steampunk these got it right I guess?



That's fine, it's not for everybody.

If you think you may have some constructive feedback to offer then their forums are the place to do it especially as it is in CB right now. It is built by gamers who take on board what current players are saying. Your description is quite uninformed, the setting is industrial based fantasy. What races would you suggest?



Originally Posted by afocks View Post
Paypal isn't the only option for payment - when entering the pay screen you are given various CC options. Further payment options are due to be implemented in the future also.

I've never received spam in the decade I have been paying with Paypal.
Actually, it is the only payment option, in a response from them, they currently only accept payment from paypal. They may increase payment options some time in the future.



Originally Posted by ResplendentMs View Post
Actually, it is the only payment option, in a response from them, they currently only accept payment from paypal. They may increase payment options some time in the future.
It has changed then from the Alpha Packs where I was able to pay by CC or Paypal. Still, if it interests you will get it, if not wait until further options are available.



Originally Posted by afocks View Post
What races would you suggest?



I have just found this official response on the CoS site :-

"PayPal acts as the intermediary payment service, but you should be able to finalise a purchase without having to create an account with them if you use your credit card.

Be sure you use a valid email though, it's needed to confirm and validate the purchase."

source :