A call to the pessimists and doomsayers.
I think some of the ideas, like spamming emails to people like Gaben and Penny Arcade are silly and just overall look completely unprofessional and antithesis to the cause.
While it would be nice if some miracle happened and CoH were saved, I don't believe anything like that will happen.
But I won't stop telling people to quit doing whatever they're doing, not because I think their efforts are useless but because THAT effort would be useless.
The 1st Message Board Warrior. m/
I think some of the ideas, like spamming emails to people like Gaben and Penny Arcade are silly and just overall look completely unprofessional and antithesis to the cause.
While it would be nice if some miracle happened and CoH were saved, I don't believe anything like that will happen. But I won't stop telling people to quit doing whatever they're doing, not because I think their efforts are useless but because THAT effort would be useless. |
Got any better ideas?
And just another thing to think about. If we are not successful, what will you have to complain about then?
There has always seemed to be a vocal element of our community who exist solely to cry "DOOOM!!!" They may be naysayers, but the are CITY naysayers and I ask them to pitch in as much as they are able, if they have not already done so.
Once we have saved our game, then you can go right back to doing what you do. In fact, we'll kind of miss you if you don't. But you'll be able to look around and think "It's all DOOOMED... but not today."
Just a thought.
Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at Fanfiction.net http://www.fanfiction.net/~jwbullfrog until I come up with a better solution.
I like to think of myself as a realist. I don't overhype the success of the game when comparing it to other NCSoft titles and will point that out. I'll point out that in-game advertising had been tried before and advertisers simple don't come knocking because you are offering to host ads.
I understand that getting NCSoft to sell the assists to another company is the goal here. I'm still playing. On other forums I include the #savecoh twitter tag in my sig. I was at the rally Saturday. I've signed the petition. I've voted in the poll. I registered on CNN to recommend the iReport.
What I'm not doing is expecting a miracle or a "Hail Mary" as the clock runs out or Bruce Willis setting off the bomb at a the last second. I hate to see the game go. I hate to see the forum go. But all things end someday and someday seems like it will be sooner than later. I just want to cherish the memories I have and take the time I have left to make a few more before the anti-matter wave hits us. I'm preparing myself for a loss that I don't want to happen but I know must happen eventually.
We aren't in hospice care yet, we may yet go into remission again, our friends and family are praying for us but there isn't much more that the doctors can do. I think it's better to prepare for the worse and hope for the best than just the latter. If that makes me a pessimist or a doomsayer in some people's eyes, so be it.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
The 1st Message Board Warrior. m/
I will say this as it just seems appropriate:
Whether the Save CoX movement succeeds or fails, I am still proud to be/have been a member of this community. I just feel like these circumstances had united us more so than we ever have been before.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!
Once we have saved our game, then you can go right back to doing what you do. In fact, we'll kind of miss you if you don't. But you'll be able to look around and think "It's all DOOOMED... but not today."
Just a thought. |
Garibaldi: "No boom?"
Sinclair: "No boom."
Ivanova: "No boom today. Boom tomorrow. There's always a boom tomorrow.
[Sinclair and Garibaldi look at her oddly]
Ivanova: "What? Look, somebody's got to have some damn perspective around here. Boom, sooner or later...Boom!"
(I'm sorry. I had to.

We make boom at Red River later?
To the OP.
I have sent my emails and petitions as I was urged to do so, but I'm being realistic here.
I don't expect any reprieve for my game.
Because of that I am taking steps to exit the game with my head held high - and that of my characters if I was being honest.
I sincerely hope that the IP is bought over, but I will carry on as if 30th November - or earlier is the end of days for the CoX Universe.
Proud member of FOXBASE ALPHA and coalition associates.
Hero 50's - 25
Villain 50's - 1
Garibaldi: "No boom?"
Sinclair: "No boom." Ivanova: "No boom today. Boom tomorrow. There's always a boom tomorrow. [Sinclair and Garibaldi look at her oddly] Ivanova: "What? Look, somebody's got to have some damn perspective around here. Boom, sooner or later...Boom!" (I'm sorry. I had to. ![]() |

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
Whether the #SaveCoH campaign works or does not... I know that I have done everything I can to help save the first MMO I have ever played and still play.
Not doing anything will not save this game, but there is a chance that doing something/anything will... I will continue to do something/anything I can
If I really think about it I think CoH is doomed.
Not beign sold to another publisher, no code released, and of course will be off 30 of november as we've been told.
But Im amazed, this community is so awesome that at least I think Paragon studios staff would keep a good memory about the game and its community of truly heroes.
If I really think about it I think CoH is doomed.
Not beign sold to another publisher, no code released, and of course will be off 30 of november as we've been told. But Im amazed, this community is so awesome that at least I think Paragon studios staff would keep a good memory about the game and its community of truly heroes. |
Heroes do not give up!
And just another thing to think about. If we are not successful, what will you have to complain about then? |
This is really doom.
Seems to me the issue is really with those who are offering up half-baked reasons for why the game is shutting down, sprinkling in heavy doses of their own personal biases and vitriol along with it.
I don't mind the sentiment of saving the game, but I'd really like to see an honest, realistic effort that might actually work, rather than using the shotgun approach and hoping the target gets hit by trying anything. We have a limited time to do this, so spit-balling every conceivable option isn't really productive.
I also think that doing more than protesting in Atlas is in order. Playing the actual game as much as we can will show people we're serious, more than just logging in and going AFK while an emote plays.
Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.
If I really think about it I think CoH is doomed.
Not beign sold to another publisher, no code released, and of course will be off 30 of november as we've been told. But Im amazed, this community is so awesome that at least I think Paragon studios staff would keep a good memory about the game and its community of truly heroes. |
It's what makes heroes heroic. Think about it: Mike hasn't eaten today. Mike has $10 from working his legal, productive job. Mike buys a pizza. Mike's motive was relatable (hunger) and his means of satisfying the motive were honorable (honest, legal transactions). Mike's struggle to acquire pizza isn't seen as heroic in part because it took no real courage.
Tell me that Mike has a crippling fear of strangers and the pizza place doesn't deliver. Now even going to the pizzaria to pick up his order becomes a heroic endeavor, littered with anxiety and peril. Heroes don't have to save the world. Heroes just need relatable motivations that they seek to meet through morally upright means, despite great adversity.
We are heroes. This is what we do.
Newton: I observed Mercury's perihelion moving 43 arc-seconds per century more than it should. Is this WAI? --Einstein |
I also think that doing more than protesting in Atlas is in order. Playing the actual game as much as we can will show people we're serious, more than just logging in and going AFK while an emote plays.

I'm still going though periods where I have no interst in playing any of my characters but for the most part i've been trying to play the game as much as I can. Hanging out with other folks occasionally is no problem.
Do I think it'll save the game? No. Do I think it could possibly make decent PR that can maybe help a little? Sure. Do I think it helps a lot of folks feel better about things during this unfortunate time? Damn right!
If folks want to gather and feel like the community is still there for them then happily i'll stand along side when I can.
You guys are awesome, I really mean it.
I just dont want to keep my hopes too high, because the bad news affected me in a bad way... I always loved CoH but never thought a closing of the game would make me feel sad like I do. Im really sad and unmotivated! But...
I guess we have to keep fighting some more for Paragon!
Villains aren't taking it lying down, either. To quote Ghost Widow:
"It is unthinkable. But such is the nature of villainy, don't you think? To do the unthinkable, to challenge the impossible, to conquer all before you and make destiny your own."
I don't know whether the game will be saved. But I'm glad to do even my small part to challenge the impossible.
Garibaldi: "No boom?"
Sinclair: "No boom." Ivanova: "No boom today. Boom tomorrow. There's always a boom tomorrow. [Sinclair and Garibaldi look at her oddly] Ivanova: "What? Look, somebody's got to have some damn perspective around here. Boom, sooner or later...Boom!" (I'm sorry. I had to. ![]() |
*laughs to tears*
Oh, thank you, Atlantea! Your timing was perfect.
I, like so many, have been on razor's edge between efforts to keep the game alive and scrambling to save as many memories as possible in case it doesn't. Reading this tonight was exactly what I needed as a pressure-release.
Onward with a smile, a laugh, and forever-bright (even when fatalistic) hope!

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
*giggles* *laughs to tears* Oh, thank you, Atlantea! Your timing was perfect. I, like so many, have been on razor's edge between efforts to keep the game alive and scrambling to save as many memories as possible in case it doesn't. Reading this tonight was exactly what I needed as a pressure-release. Onward with a smile, a laugh, and forever-bright (even when fatalistic) hope! ![]() |
I'm here all week! Don't forget to tip your dev! And try the veal!
All part of the service.

After leaving CoH since the announcement on Aug. 31st that it would be shutting down and going through my mourning phase, I come back to find a huge effort to try and save City of Heroes. But what I also find are several people responding to the effort with nothing but how much many of the ideas to try and save CoH are useless and won't work.
To all of you pessimists and doomsayers... You need to understand the situation here. The CoH community has absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain by doing this. Whether or not these ideas will actually work is irrelevant. No matter what anyone says, these people will continue to fight tooth and nail to the bitter end because they have nothing to lose in doing so.
Me personally? I don't believe these efforts will work. I believe that CoH will eventually fall. But despite this, I'm not going to sit around trying to tell people how useless their efforts are. What does this accomplish? Absolutely nothing. So what if the efforts are useless? I'll still support what everyone is trying to do as much as I can, if only to say that I take pride in supporting CoH even in its final moments.
TL;DR: Got any better ideas?