Neo Nocturna

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Moderated_IRL View Post
    I think some of the ideas, like spamming emails to people like Gaben and Penny Arcade are silly and just overall look completely unprofessional and antithesis to the cause.

    While it would be nice if some miracle happened and CoH were saved, I don't believe anything like that will happen.

    But I won't stop telling people to quit doing whatever they're doing, not because I think their efforts are useless but because THAT effort would be useless.
    You missed the point of my post...It's right there at the bottom, very easy to read.

    Got any better ideas?
  2. After leaving CoH since the announcement on Aug. 31st that it would be shutting down and going through my mourning phase, I come back to find a huge effort to try and save City of Heroes. But what I also find are several people responding to the effort with nothing but how much many of the ideas to try and save CoH are useless and won't work.

    To all of you pessimists and doomsayers... You need to understand the situation here. The CoH community has absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain by doing this. Whether or not these ideas will actually work is irrelevant. No matter what anyone says, these people will continue to fight tooth and nail to the bitter end because they have nothing to lose in doing so.

    Me personally? I don't believe these efforts will work. I believe that CoH will eventually fall. But despite this, I'm not going to sit around trying to tell people how useless their efforts are. What does this accomplish? Absolutely nothing. So what if the efforts are useless? I'll still support what everyone is trying to do as much as I can, if only to say that I take pride in supporting CoH even in its final moments.

    TL;DR: Got any better ideas?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Synapse View Post
    In issue 24 ranged blast tier 9s will be crash-less. This was actually announced in one of our coffee talks. Err, at least I hope it was and I am not having a "moment".

    /em looks around for Black Pebble

    Blast sets got some love with short ranged blasts being bumped to 80 feet, snipes can be "insta-cast" if you have adequate +to hit, and ranged blast Tier 9 "nukes" no longer have a crash and have dramatically reduced recharge times.

    Fantastic! Thank you very much for the reply.
  4. First off, I'd like to take the time to thank the Devs for finally adding Power Pool customization. It is literally the one thing I wanted to see the most out of CoH for a long time now. A friend of mine will appreciate that greatly as well, as he almost outright refuses to play any characters with Hasten now because of his hatred for the default effect. (It clashes with most of his costumes and powers.)

    I have two questions about i24!
    With the new Blaster buffs, is there any chance at seeing crashless nukes at any point? After seeing Geyser from Water Blast having no crash, I was really hoping that many other blaster sets would get the same treatment, even if it meant those powers needed to be nerfed.

    With the new Tier 9 VIP costume set, what will happen to the Fire & Ice costume set? Will it be removed? Is there any available information about when the Celestial set (and/or Fire & Ice if it gets removed) will be returning?
  5. Neo Nocturna

    Detail 1 revamp.

    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    For what's it's worth both your suggestion (specifically about the Detail 1 group) and the tail/belt group have/were both actively suggested for years. So far they've only split up the tail/belt group.

    Usually the main reason the Devs give for not wanting to do this kind of thing is that they are worried too many items will clip each other. The only good news on this front is that they seem to be slowly realizing that many players would rather have the option to combine these types of options regardless of the risk of clipping because as it turns out many combinations they seemed worried about actually work despite their fears.
    Yeah, I'd much rather have the risk of clipping since if costume pieces actually did clip, few people would choose to use those costume pieces together. And even if they did, hey, at least they'd be happy with it. Even DCUO let you wear capes with certain back options like wings, even if they clipped horribly.
  6. Neo Nocturna

    Detail 1 revamp.

    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    For many years all the tail and belt options used to be lumped together. This obviously meant you couldn't have a tail and a belt at the same time. They finally got around to fixing that like a year or two ago (can't quite remember exactly when it happened). Anyway the point is that if they were willing to split tails and belts into separate groups then maybe they'll do the same for the Detail 1 group sometime. *shrugs*
    That's reassuring to hear, though maybe they just think that nobody thinks it's a problem. I'd like to spread the word somehow.
  7. Neo Nocturna

    Detail 1 revamp.

    One thing I'd like to see with the costume creator is a seperation of certain costume pieces within a category. The biggest example I can provide for this is Detail 1. Detail 1 has many glasses/eye details within it, but also classified as Detail 1 is head pieces as well. For example, the new Gunslinger ribbon released with the Gunslinger costume pack is a Detail 1, but I can't use it with a pair of glasses (for example, Round) simply because they're both classified as Detail 1. Would they clip with each other? Not at all. They wouldn't so much as touch each other, and yet I can't equip those costume pieces together because the costume creator won't let me. Another example would be the Scanner and Receivers costume pieces. Those pieces would look great together for an android/tech look, and they wouldn't clip, but they can't be equipped together simply because they're both Detail 1's. And this problem isn't limited only to Detail 1. Specifically, the costume pieces Bow Tie and Spiked Collar really don't belong in the Shoulders category, especially when you have pieces in Detail 2 like Victorian Steampunk 01/02.

    Anyways, that's my suggestion. I can't think of anymore examples, and I hope there are others out there that wish the same. If I'm missing something about those costume pieces mentioned that would cause problems, please feel free to point them out so I know better.
  8. I've had this problem ever since i21 was released, same with my friends. I've learned to live with it, but it still bothers me, as I used to have different UI colors for all my characters, but now I use the boring, default colors. I doubt this bug is very high on their priority list to fix, so I wonder if it'll ever be fixed...