NCSoft reviewed by
Not sure we need to be ragging on NCSoft any more than we currently are. Yes, they are obviously to blame since it was the company's decision to close down the game. But this sort of negativity doesn't really help, it just makes us feel better about disliking them, and let's us know that we are not alone in our negativity. Such things have their place, but as many have stated over and over:
We need NCSoft right now. They hold the key to a vast majority of the better solutions. Like it or not, we need them to see a community dedicated to the game and its survival, not a community dedicated to hating on them and bad-mouthing the company.
@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.

I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.

Glassdoor is just a bitchfest, just like forums and "user reviews."
Using it to prove a point just shows that you don't understand your sources.
Glassdoor is just a bitchfest, just like forums and "user reviews."
Using it to prove a point just shows that you don't understand your sources. |

Well it is kind of interesting to read those reviews. The selected quotes from the OP don't tell the whole story.
It's kind of hard to believe that people who love a company, its management and their jobs would say bad things. But it should automatically be discounted the minute they do because they're all wrong, period?
If NCSoft wants people to say good things about them then they should think long and hard about how they handle their teams, their customers and the public in general, because as of right now, their history both with games in the past and the ones they still run now are pretty terrible.
I linked to this because it's quite telling. And I still don't buy that everything everyone says at Glassdoor is just an unsubstantiated bashing session for no reason. Not every comment is bad, especially not for other businesses. NCSoft does look kinda bad compared to a lot of them, though; perhaps this is because of the differences in how they treat their employees and customers then?
Also, note the timestamps. A lot of the bad reviews seem to be from 2011. Many from 2008 were glowing.
Hmm ...
I was going to say the same but after going to the link... the reviews are not all doom and gloom. Sure there are some bad reviews, but there are some positive too. No 5 stars but I have never met anyone that will openly admit his job is the best job they can ever dream off (never met a some one that was self employed
![]() |
It's why I hate NCSoft so much - I understand Paragon Studios people's pain.
Edit: My review of my former company was a mixed bag - the job was good, the working enviroment good, the HR policies absolute hell.
Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.
There's a glowing review last week from Mountain View CA, aka Paragon Studios. It must have been before last Friday. lol <-- yeah I know its not really funny, but it kind of is.
Paragon Studios must have been an oasis in an otherwise disaster of a company. Whoever had to handle their Korean overlords to protect the rest of the team must have been saints. Whoever you are, sirs or madams, I applaud you. You should get a special reward for keeping the wheels from falling off the bus as long as you did.
*slow clap building up to a crescendo*
Geeze, look at these quotes:
"Extreme micromanagement"
"a lot of cronyism within the management."
"more than a few bad apples in mid and upper management"
"Have you ever seen "Office Space"? It's like that, but perhaps worse."
"The politics are terrible"
Oh wait, those are for Blizzard.
Hey there Mister Buzz Kill Brillig.
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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)
I've just been checking out different game companies on that site: EA, PWE, Cryptic, FunCom, Blizzard, Activision, and NCSoft. The reviews for each company, in their totality, paint a unique picture for each company. You can't just hand wave it away as people ******** for bitchings sake, or ******** about the same types of things. What does this all mean for COH? Not sure, but snowballs and hot places come to mind. Anyway, it was a fun read.
Glassdoor is just a bitchfest, just like forums and "user reviews."
Using it to prove a point just shows that you don't understand your sources. |,21.htm
Of course, it's probably hard for companies more in the middle to get good review scores. On average, more people that are bothered by something will go to a site like this than someone satisified.
Culex's resistance guide
Well, I can point to at least one company with positive reviews:,21.htm Of course, it's probably hard for companies more in the middle to get good review scores. On average, more people that are bothered by something will go to a site like this than someone satisified. |
On that note... my self-boss went on vacation the day I returned to CoH... I think he called and says is returning by Nov 30.
Not sure we need to be ragging on NCSoft any more than we currently are. Yes, they are obviously to blame since it was the company's decision to close down the game. But this sort of negativity doesn't really help, it just makes us feel better about disliking them, and let's us know that we are not alone in our negativity. Such things have their place, but as many have stated over and over:
We need NCSoft right now. They hold the key to a vast majority of the better solutions. Like it or not, we need them to see a community dedicated to the game and its survival, not a community dedicated to hating on them and bad-mouthing the company. |
I don't support trying to ruin NCsoft as a business because all attacking a publisher financially does is hurt the legitimate developers that rely on that publisher. But if said publisher treats employees badly, then I'm not going to look the other way and try to be nice. NCsoft pull the strings, and so we need to be diplomatic if we want anything to come out of this. But "diplomatic" is not the same as "timid."
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
I don't think that's a good position to take. I've already been vocal about dismissing the militant "Boycott NCsoft! Tank ArenaNet for their affiliation!" positions, but that doesn't mean I support sucking up to NCsoft. Yes, we need them, but we need to appeal to their sense of good business and love of money. I'm more than convinced there's nothing we can do to appeal to their kindness and generosity. Even if I believed corporations were capable of that, that kind of went out the window with the foreclosure.
I don't support trying to ruin NCsoft as a business because all attacking a publisher financially does is hurt the legitimate developers that rely on that publisher. But if said publisher treats employees badly, then I'm not going to look the other way and try to be nice. NCsoft pull the strings, and so we need to be diplomatic if we want anything to come out of this. But "diplomatic" is not the same as "timid." |

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The website features commentary from employees about the businesses they work for. Check out what they have to say about NCSoft:
"Extremely poor management: The worst I ever had in fact."
"If you have a choice, don't choose NCSoft."
"A bad thing that's getting worse."
"Stay away."
"Terrible environment, unorganized, a lack of leadership and absolutely no support."
"Organized chaos, consistently shifting leadership."