Hate NCSoft? Maybe think again




Past kindness does not excuse future cruelty.

That we have set such a low bar for corporate behavior should be worrisome.



Let me feel my feelings, Turk! We worked on this!

Be sure to drink your




You've heard the puppy/dog comparison. Pretty much sums it up.

You don't buy a product such as this, help it survive, it's actually a profitable situation... and kill it because your OTHER products aren't doing well.

You just... don't. That's stupid.

But they did.

They could sell the IP, servers, software, character database, account database... all of it. They could.

They, apparently, won't.

This isn't like that other MMO where they got hacked, the backups didn't work, and they simply lost everything, ever, never to be seen again. My goodness, I didn't even play it, and that hurt to even hear about.

No, this is deliberate *murder* of a product... for no good reason than 'because'.

And I will never... EVER... so much as support or pay into any thing that has NCSoft on it again.

My sig says it all. They can repent. Otherwise, at the darkening of the great Paragon City, November 30, 2012 is the end of my relationship with **anything** to do with NCSoft. I will never cut NCSoft slack, as long as the status quo remains.

I'm grateful they let us continue till then, and I will grant them that one last bit of humble gratitude. They had no real need to do that either, so for this... slack. But only for this.

Sell the IP. Release the code/data. Hell, just release the servers as they are. Make the right steps... and I can have NCSoft in good graces. Until then, they are, in effect, dead to me as of November 30, 2011, and that's that.


August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
Let's remember - NCSoft saved this game.

Don't ever forget that. We might be really upset and angry with them right now but without NCSoft, City of Heroes would have died in 2007/8.

Cryptic were about to can it to move forward with the then Marvel IP they had won the rights to develop that then became CO. They were the first body to cast CoH aside - and it took NCSoft to step in, and buy the Cryptic dev team ("all except one" is how I believe it was phrased at the time) and create what ultimately became Paragon Studios.

But with that change, Paragon went from strength to strength. The game improved immeasurably once Posi and War Witch were given free rein - and that then led to the whole GR/End game thing.

We can justifiably be angry at how they've dealt with this - but it was their decision to invest in CoH again, that kept it going as long as it did. For NCsoft it was a purely commercial decision without emotion. For us, it really hurts. But without them taking the commercial decision to save it we'd have missed four years of Paragon City, and experienced none of the levelshifting Praetoria we know now.

So - hate them if you will... but also cut them a bit of slack.

Just a thought
Are you a NC Soft fanboy, or employee?

I do finally hate NC Soft for what it is and what they did to Paragon Studios finalized that feeling.

I'll explain why.

Come October 2006 I will have been playing Guild Wars 1 off and on for 6 years. Last year I finally had it. I had it with the massive amount of bots in PvP, particularly in the Jade Quarry as that is where I was spending most of my time. I had it with hearing all the time about player accounts being hacked and stolen. (Most of the 'bots', possibly all, in the game were set up on stolen accounts) Sick of the hacked/stolen accounts set up with spam bots advertising gold selling websites. I never got into the random arenas PvP because of the large amount of bots, but more so than the bots, players who syncronized their teams to get in together and assure themselves consecutive victories (The point of random arenas is that all players on both sides were suppose to be random, and according to GW1 ToS, this should have been considered 'match manipulation', a perma-ban offense but they did NOTHING about it). Thankfully to this day I've never had my account hacked or stolen.

When the date for the pre-purchase of GW2 was announced I was excited and hoping for something different and past problems (named above) taken care of. I was going to pre-purchase it so I could participate in the beta weekends since I've never beta tested an upcoming game. Until............I saw a few player reports on the official GW1 support forums that after linking their GW1 and GW2 accounts, their accounts were hacked and stolen. (So much for that not happening anymore, eh?) So I decided to stick with CoH and wait a few months to get GW2 until things settled down, the economy stabilized for the most part, major bugs that happened at launch were fixed, and they FINALLY did something about account security instead of putting the responsibility and blame on the PLAYERS.

But.........I've been reading recent reports about GW2. I will NOT be buying GW2 now. Not to spite NC Soft for what they did to Paragon Studios, that's only part of it. But because A-net doesn't give a damn about their players. Currently in GW1, as of about a week ago when I logged in and played a bit, bots are still in PvP and gold selling spam bots are still showing up in towns, on characters that have elite armor no less, i.e. stolen accounts. (In fact I reported 1 and support said the account was terminated).

Here is what I've been reading about for GW2:

Article dated Aug. 29, 2012 ( the day after official launch)
Subject: ArenaNet warned players to be vigilant with account security and ADMITTED they've had a lot of accounts hacked!

Here on Sept. 1, 2012, and Sept. 3, the official GW2 wiki had an announcement about account security, working on support tickets from players who've been hacked, etc.: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game...mber_1.2C_2012
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game...mber_3.2C_2012 (Edit: info in the link was most recent game status update. New links added.)

And something funny and disturbing: The same day Paragon Studios is given the boot, Anet perma-bans a large number of GW2 accounts (3 days after launch) for exploiting a bug in the game. From reports I've seen in comments on MMORPG.com and other places, at least 3,000 accounts or more were banned. The cherry on top of the cake? Anet isn't even admitting they made a mistake in the game! They are going to be "nice" about it by unbanning accounts and giving players a 72 hour suspension instead. The stipulation for getting your account back? Admit that you violated the rules, promise to delete all in game currency and items you obtained through the bug in the game. And Anet warns "Once you have done so, we will lower your ban to 72 hours, and following your re-activation we will check your account to make sure that you have honored your commitment. If that commitment is not honored, we will re-terminate the account." The problem? Some players may not have realized they were exploiting a bug (that should have NEVER happened in the first place), and some players may have been banned by accident. For those banned by accident, if any and I'm sure there were at least a few, the players have to admit to doing wrong when they may not have even known.

(some comments on MMORPG.com people were saying they are now paranoid that they may get their GW2 account perma-banned for an exploit they had no idea was even there)

And more: Because of the massive volume of players, GW2 digital sales have been halted for now so they can lighten the load on the servers. (you can still buy a retail boxed copy though) http://games.slashdot.org/story/12/0...f-guild-wars-2

This happened the day after all the account bans. Coincidence? Someone here has a conspiracy theory that does make some sense: http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/...1#post18231180

cyceron: seems pretty suspicious that just after 4k bans they stopped their sales because servers get over poppulated , maybe that hard permabans are premeditated to lighten servers population ?
Now with my experience and what I've seen (never had my GW1 account perma-banned) but Anet's policy on bug exploits is 0 tollerence. It lies in the depths of the galaxy where the stars don't shine in ABSOLUTE 0 temperatures kinda policy and they NEVER EVER unban accounts for ANYONE, even players that plead with them that they had no idea they were violating the rules, and granted some of them probably didn't know. As per that person's conspiracy theory: is it possible the thousands of account bans, then the discontinuation of online sales, were both to lighten the server load for the massive amount of players logging in and playing? And the only reason they made the offer to unban accounts for an exploit was because they succeeded in their server load goals?

Sorry for the lengthy post, but in conclusion I don't trust NC Soft anymore. I've also read reports about items in the cash shop for Lineage II and Aion being INCREASED, possibly doubled. It sounds to me that those are the games they should have shut down, or at least 1 of them.



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
I didn't miss his point. I'm trying to put this in perspective. This is very very bad. Nobody's winning here and some very good people have lost their jobs.

BUT... and my point remains - we had many more years of pleasure than we might have because at one point NCSoft stood up and did the right thing.

That doesn't excuse how they are behaving now but it does take out the "Oh noes, NCSoft is ebil" line.
It's Corporate greed.

Of course it's evil.

Fight The Power



You're suggesting then that if Mother Teresa became Harold Shipman, she should be let off?

I get the point of what you're saying, but it really doesn't hold any water.

Additionally, why are you so keen to try and dumb down the ire directed towards NCSoft? I believe this is your second post on the subject.

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



To further comment on my previous post: I was just checking my email and saw that I had received 1 of those phishing emails about a Guild Wars 2 password reset. As I previously stated: I don't plan to buy GW2, or even own it. Again, I'm tired of this crap.

Edit: I also keep getting emails from "Blizzard" about the upcoming expansion and sometimes that my "account" was found to be in violation of the rules and I need to resolve the problem with them by logging into some website. The thing is: I have never, and never will, have a Blizzard account of any kind or purchase any of their products.



Originally Posted by monkeyslap View Post
And something funny and disturbing: The same day Paragon Studios is given the boot, Anet perma-bans a large number of GW2 accounts (3 days after launch) for exploiting a bug in the game. From reports I've seen in comments on MMORPG.com and other places, at least 3,000 accounts or more were banned. The cherry on top of the cake? Anet isn't even admitting they made a mistake in the game! They are going to be "nice" about it by unbanning accounts and giving players a 72 hour suspension instead. The stipulation for getting your account back? Admit that you violated the rules, promise to delete all in game currency and items you obtained through the bug in the game. And Anet warns "Once you have done so, we will lower your ban to 72 hours, and following your re-activation we will check your account to make sure that you have honored your commitment. If that commitment is not honored, we will re-terminate the account." The problem? Some players may not have realized they were exploiting a bug (that should have NEVER happened in the first place), and some players may have been banned by accident. For those banned by accident, if any and I'm sure there were at least a few, the players have to admit to doing wrong when they may not have even known.

(some comments on MMORPG.com people were saying they are now paranoid that they may get their GW2 account perma-banned for an exploit they had no idea was even there)
No, dude. The rest of your rant can stand, but this is BS.

The exploit WAS AN EXPLOIT. Hugely. And there was NO WAY to "accidentally" perform the actions that were causing people to be banned.

There was a vendor selling high-end weapons for 21 currency instead of 21,000. It was obvious and right there in the vendor. He went from 94,000, 74,000 and then 21. It was an obvious mistake.

People bought THOUSANDS of these weapons, and used an in-game item transmuter to roll the dice, creating THOUSANDS of super-rare items that were flooding the game market on its first week out the door, which would have completely destroyed balance and the game's economy.

And instead of just letting that stand, the way EVERY other MMO company that I've ever played under has done, leaving the people who play honestly in the dust of cheaters, Anet took action to protect the rest of us.

In addition, Anet is giving people a 72 hour ban for using hate speech in public channels, cursing people out, abusing them, calling things "gay" or "retard" in a derogatory way. Because they're PROTECTING their game and their customers in a way that NO other MMO company I've ever played under has EVER bothered to do, despite the code of conduct we all sign to be allowed into the games.

So no. That one doesn't get to stand. Anet DOES care about their customers. I for one have been protected by them in a number of ways - because the people they're banning are botters, RMT spammers, racist/homophobes and cheaters. And I'm ALL FOR those people getting thrown out on their *****.



Well, without NC there would have been no last 8 years- afair they were the *only* publisher willing to take a chance on CoH.

That still doesn't absolve them of responsibility for killing it, and for that I curse them and all their future MMO progeny.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by monkeyslap View Post
Are you a NC Soft fanboy, or employee?
I'm neither. I'm a big fan of this game however.

Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
You're suggesting then that if Mother Teresa became Harold Shipman, she should be let off?

I get the point of what you're saying, but it really doesn't hold any water.

Additionally, why are you so keen to try and dumb down the ire directed towards NCSoft? I believe this is your second post on the subject.
I don't want to get into that comparison because it's just so wrong. Let's just say I'm with Christopher Hitchins on that.

I'm not trying to dumb down anything - but there's a couple of reasons to maybe reflect on why ranting at NCSoft isn't our best course of action and they are reasonably simple:

NCSoft don't have the emotional attachment we do and to them it's product, like beans or peanuts. They are simply conducting their business in the best way they see fit. It's tough on many but it's just business. I dislike their decision but I don't hate the company nor any individuals associated with that and hyperbole isn't going to change anything.

But there's a far more pragmatic reason - IF this game is to be saved, it is far better that NCSoft is approached with respect and decorum than a ranting "NCSoft is ebil" - and these forums are a big part of that process. Getting the back up of key decision makers right now is not a good thing.

NCSoft have handled this poorly in this instance but in the round they gave the game a new lease of life and we should remember that.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



There's a difference between expressing one's vehemence for NCSoft here in the forums while intending to spend no more money on their titles, and sending NCSoft a nastygram through the proper channels.

I'll let more diplomatic people do the negotiating with NCSoft, like TonyV. If I participate in the write-in campaigns I'll be cordial--but we aren't directly communicating with NCSoft here. We're talking amongst ourselves and the former Paragon Studios employees.



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
No, dude. The rest of your rant can stand, but this is BS.

The exploit WAS AN EXPLOIT. Hugely. And there was NO WAY to "accidentally" perform the actions that were causing people to be banned.

There was a vendor selling high-end weapons for 21 currency instead of 21,000. It was obvious and right there in the vendor. He went from 94,000, 74,000 and then 21. It was an obvious mistake.

People bought THOUSANDS of these weapons, and used an in-game item transmuter to roll the dice, creating THOUSANDS of super-rare items that were flooding the game market on its first week out the door, which would have completely destroyed balance and the game's economy.

And instead of just letting that stand, the way EVERY other MMO company that I've ever played under has done, leaving the people who play honestly in the dust of cheaters, Anet took action to protect the rest of us.

In addition, Anet is giving people a 72 hour ban for using hate speech in public channels, cursing people out, abusing them, calling things "gay" or "retard" in a derogatory way. Because they're PROTECTING their game and their customers in a way that NO other MMO company I've ever played under has EVER bothered to do, despite the code of conduct we all sign to be allowed into the games.

So no. That one doesn't get to stand. Anet DOES care about their customers. I for one have been protected by them in a number of ways - because the people they're banning are botters, RMT spammers, racist/homophobes and cheaters. And I'm ALL FOR those people getting thrown out on their *****.
Whoah. I'll try to sum it up:

Digital sales of GW2 were stopped because of the massive amount of players joining the game, the day AFTER thousands of accounts get banned for a rules violation. Is it possible the account bans were also to alleviate some of the pressure on the servers, and the reason they changed it to "give them a second chance" and switch to a 3 day ban instead was because server load was lightning up?

I know. It's a wild theory. But I never said that people were not exploiting the game. Merely pointing out that Anet was putting ALL the blame on the players and not even admitting that the bug was their fault to begin with.

Should they have banned people who clearly were taking advantage of it? Yes I believe so.

Did they admit they made a mistake and promise to be more careful so they didn't have to ban people again? Hell NO.

Edit: P.S. How can Anet "care" about their customers when GW1 account hacks and thefts, as well as rampant botting, still taken place and have been for many years? How can they care since, as I pointed out and they admitted to a small degree, GW2 accounts have been getting hacked since before the weekend beta started and they were doing the pre-sales?



If you read the Reddit thread most of the bans were either due to account hijacking due to aggressive gold farmers whose actions got the account banned or players who thought they were on an Xbox headset where spewing racial slurs and general profanity is the norm. It's a hilarious read.

Those who got banned due to account hacking are getting their accounts unbanned, they just need to use unique passwords.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
That might be overstating the damage here. No beloved pets have died as a result of this decision.
Just a beloved game and beloved characters, with collateral damage done to the beloved community.

'It's just business' doesn't magically remove evil from a decision any more than 'I did it for science!' or 'I was just following orders'. Indeed, the stereotypical mafioso villain often cites the business motivation before enacting some rather despicable deeds.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
If you read the Reddit thread most of the bans were either due to account hijacking due to aggressive gold farmers whose actions got the account banned or players who thought they were on an Xbox headset where spewing racial slurs and general profanity is the norm. It's a hilarious read.

Those who got banned due to account hacking are getting their accounts unbanned, they just need to use unique passwords.
Yes. After playing GW1 for 6 years I'm fully aware about the 99.9% of accounts that bot and cheat are actually stolen accounts.

But, here is more info I found dated August 29, 2012, the day AFTER the game launches:


Originally Posted by ArenaNetTeam
Account security - We're seeing an uptick in reports of account theft and attempted account theft. We believe hackers are using databases of email addresses and passwords stolen from other games and web sites, and pre-existing trojan horses, to search for matching Guild Wars 2 accounts which they attempt to compromise.
This is a load of crap. Account hacking/theft has been rampant in Guild Wars 1 since I started playing in late 2006, or possibly before that. How many players from way back then are still going to be using the same exact computers they had, or if they are using the same computer, never ever find these "pre-existing trojan horses" when anti-virus software has changed and updated so much since? And what of all the players completely new to Guild Wars and have never played it until GW2 launched? I think they are lying and don't want to admit, which would be really bad PR, that their 'own' websites are being hacked. Why do you think they shut down the GW2 official forums? I doubt it's only because of the influx of players.

Originally Posted by ArenaNetTeam
Forums - Our most important priority at the moment is to ensure that the game runs stably and flawlessly. So as to not create additional demand on our infrastructure and on our programming team, we made the decision not to open the forums until the initial mass influx of players has calmed down a bit.
Originally Posted by ArenaNetTeam
Botting - We'll start substantial banning of bots on Wednesday, August 29. Since we're currently seeing widespread casual, unsophisticated botting, we will start with 72-hour bans for first offenses. In the coming days, as we address the casual botting problem, we plan to switch to our normal policy of permanently banning anyone who runs a bot.
I remember them saying something a couple years or so ago during development that botting was going to be nearly impossible in GW2. What do they mean by "casual" botting? Bots that only do it an hour or 2 a day instead of non-stop 24/7?

I definitely can NOT trust ArenaNet or any other NC Soft game anymore, aside from CoH. Period.



Originally Posted by monkeyslap View Post
Whoah. I'll try to sum it up:

Digital sales of GW2 were stopped because of the massive amount of players joining the game, the day AFTER thousands of accounts get banned for a rules violation. Is it possible the account bans were also to alleviate some of the pressure on the servers, and the reason they changed it to "give them a second chance" and switch to a 3 day ban instead was because server load was lightning up?

I know. It's a wild theory.
Wild is right. Why even make stuff up and post it? Seriously?

Originally Posted by monkeyslap View Post
But I never said that people were not exploiting the game. Merely pointing out that Anet was putting ALL the blame on the players and not even admitting that the bug was their fault to begin with.

Should they have banned people who clearly were taking advantage of it? Yes I believe so.

Did they admit they made a mistake and promise to be more careful so they didn't have to ban people again? Hell NO.
Again, you are ignorant. HELL YES.


In the coming hours, we will be restoring account access to those who were suspended for exploiting the bugged vendor prices for the Norn Cultural weapons. Not everyone will have access restored right away. In some cases we are awaiting more information from the player, and some appeals are still coming in. We will address each appeal as quickly as we can.

We’d like to remind everyone that we do not seek to punish, and any time a drastic measure like this is taken, it is taken to maintain the health and integrity of the game. As we reinstate these accounts, we expect everyone who appealed to honor their commitment to destroy all illegitimate gains, whether those are crafting items, currencies, or the weapons themselves. To remove currencies, making a purchase of appropriate value and destroying that purchase will suffice.

We would also like to acknowledge that we are not free from blame. In a game this big, problems inevitably occur that are difficult to locate , and moving forward we will continue to address these issues in a timely, communicative and efficient manner. What constitutes an exploit, and what has resulted in these suspensions, is using a flaw in the game to gain an unfair advantage over other players that is clearly not in line with the design of the game. Please remember, opportunity does not equal permission.

We also understand that sometimes the consequences of such an exploit may not be clear or apparent. In these cases, try to think about how the actions of one player can affect the millions of other players, or the in-game economy as a whole. In your appeals, many of you stated that you only purchased large quantities of weapons to use for personal gain and not for profit. Such an act devalues the time and effort put forth by every other player who opts not to take advantage of an exploit. We will be publishing a FAQ on exploits soon.

On the subject of your appeals, most of you expressed understanding for the decisions that we made. For that, we are deeply appreciative. Going forward, we will strive to maintain only the highest of standards for the game and the community, and we ask that you do the same.

As one player noted in his appeal, we have the opportunity to work together to forge a legendary MMO experience and that is not something we take for granted. If you encounter any other bugs or anything suspicious in game, please feel free to report it by typing "/bug" in-game, or by sending an e-mail to exploits@arena.net.

All of that said, on behalf of ArenaNet and NCsoft, we’d like to extend a sincere welcome back to Tyria. Let's all have some fun.

Regards, The Guild Wars Support Team"

Originally Posted by monkeyslap View Post
Edit: P.S. How can Anet "care" about their customers when GW1 account hacks and thefts, as well as rampant botting, still taken place and have been for many years? How can they care since, as I pointed out and they admitted to a small degree, GW2 accounts have been getting hacked since before the weekend beta started and they were doing the pre-sales?
Seriously, is it so hard to do a little research before you slander?

The GW2 hacks are the result of aggressive goldfarmers, and email lists culled from other games, resulting in password changes by using legitimate customer emails, and people who are phished and are stupid enough to click a link in an email. It is NOT a result of poor security on Anet's part, but they are adding an authenticator to the account options ASAP.



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
The GW2 hacks are the result of aggressive goldfarmers, and email lists culled from other games, resulting in password changes by using legitimate customer emails, and people who are phished and are stupid enough to click a link in an email. It is NOT a result of poor security on Anet's part, but they are adding an authenticator to the account options ASAP.
I was sent two different e-mails telling me my Guild Wars e-mail address was changed. I've never played either of them. I'm assuming the links in the e-mails lead to some sort of phishing site.

Culex's resistance guide



Originally Posted by Pitho View Post
I was sent two different e-mails telling me my Guild Wars e-mail address was changed. I've never played either of them. I'm assuming the links in the e-mails lead to some sort of phishing site.

Here's Anet's posting on it as of today's (Tuesday's) daily update:

Account Security

Hackers have lists of email addresses and passwords stolen from other games and web sites, and collected through spyware, and are systematically testing Guild Wars 2 looking for matching accounts. To protect yourself, use a strong, unique password for Guild Wars 2 that you've never used anywhere else!

Customer Support

Our customer support team is prioritizing hacked accounts and other blocking login issues over other types of support requests. If you submit a support ticket for a hacked account, ensure it is properly prioritized by following these instructions. We have now completed prioritized requests submitted prior to Sunday, September 2. If you have an older ticket for a hacked account or blocking login issue that has not been completed, that means it's not correctly prioritized. Submit a new ticket using the above instructions, and in the title write, "Blocking Login - Ticket submitted <date> - Ticket number xxxxxx-xxxxxx" (fill in the date and ticket number of your existing ticket), and we will prioritize your existing ticket.

Email Authentication

Once you validate your account email address, we help protect you from attempted account hacking (even if the hacker guesses your password) by sending you an email every time you attempt to login from a new location, asking you to approve or deny the login attempt. Keep in mind, if you receive an email asking you to approve or deny a login attempt and you didn't make that login attempt, that means a hacker knows your password. Change your password immediately. Be sure not to flag an email authentication message as spam; if you do, your email provider may prevent future email authentication messages from reaching you. If email authentication is preventing you from logging in, contact our customer support team following these instructions and we'll disable it for your account.



Originally Posted by Pitho View Post
I was sent two different e-mails telling me my Guild Wars e-mail address was changed. I've never played either of them. I'm assuming the links in the e-mails lead to some sort of phishing site.
Same thing with me. I already had a "Someone has reset your guild wars 2 account password. Was this you?" email and I haven't, and won't, buy GW2.

Edit: Forgot to mention what I found strange about the email........It was using my email address I used to originally create my NC Soft master account and Guild Wars 1 account. For the past couple years my master account has had a different email address listed as my contact email.

And lately for the past year or so I've been getting emails saying that my Blizzard account was found to be in violation of the rules and I had to go to some site to log in and talk to them about it. I've never ever had a Blizzard account of any kind. Don't care much for their games. Most recently getting emails about the upcoming World of Warcraft expansion.

I'm not dumb enough to fall for this. The only thing I can think of is that I used that email address to register for accounts on a few F2P MMORPGs in the past, all of which I didn't care for, and maybe Anet is right about the hacks of other databases.