Save Paragon City! efforts coordination

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
We're the Resistance - right now, we're on the Warden path - but a switch to the Crusader path is still an option.
Was thinking about this on the way home from AZ-

What about the Vanguard?

It's lore related, and it's side-neutral (for those of us who are diehard Red or Goldsiders).



What else can we do? I know that the Browncoats did a lot of different charitable events and such to try and raise the profile of Firefly/Serenity when it got cancelled, and their efforts to some extent at least did help to get the Serenity movie finally greenlit.

Are there some kind of similar things that we could do?

I really want to do more to help out, but I'm personally at a loss for ideas, sadly.



Originally Posted by Draeth Darkstar View Post
World of Tanks is a pretty young game, though.
Not really. It's been out for four years now - 2008-2012. It may not have been out in English-speaking countries for that whole time, but it's a pretty well-rounded game at this point.

What you have to keep in mind is that are a Russian developer with non-Russian branches and I don't know that they act as a publisher for other gaming studios. Maybe they do, maybe they don't, but I'm just not sure how "big" they are. Yes, they have World of Tanks/Planes/Warships, but of the three, only World of Tanks actually exists in any form that I can find in-game footage of.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Volunteer, people!

Please be sure to check all the updates TonyV has been posting and respond accordingly.


Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Some ideas on things we can do collectively to help out:

Blue Siders:

Charity work- donating clothing (especially capes!)
Rescuing kittens from trees
Get the word out by discarding your secret identities and wearing your costumes openly

Red Siders:

Rob banks to fund the buyout of the CoH Property
Kidnap the developers and hold them for ransom unless Paragon Studios is reopened

Gold Siders:

Locate a struggling third world nation and oust the ruling regime
Set up a series of private servers and put the people to work on a CoH-based economy for the new country

(But seriously, let's keep up the efforts! )



I fully support this petition



One thing going for City of Heroes at the moment, it's never had such good advertisement. Since I brought the game 7 years ago I don't think CoH has been plastered so much over the internet as it is now. That must be a good selling point?

Too many 50's to list here's a few you may know.
Slazenger, Area51, Area53, Area54, Erruption, Mind Plague, Thresher, Sheath, Broadside, Debt



Originally Posted by Lucretia_MacEvil View Post
--Replace in-game character bios with a "Save our City!" message with a link to this thread (and a note that no forum log-in is necessary to view it; I just checked to verify this). Save previous bios to a text file if necessary.
Came up with my standard versions for Heroic and Villainous characters. The idea behind this is to get people who play, but don't frequent the forums, to join our efforts. With this info in your character(s) bio(s), players don't even need to talk to you to learn where/how to get involved. If anyone else is interested in doing this, the messages are here:

--For Heroes:

Our entire universe stands on the brink of destruction. Be a Hero. Help save CoH.

Efforts coordination thread on the City of Heroes Forums:
(You do not need to be a registered forum member to view this thread)

Online petition:

Paragon City needs your help! Together, we can do it!

--For Villains:

NCSoft is going to foil all our plans in one fell swoop. Don't let them one-up your Villainy. Help save CoV.

Efforts coordination thread on the City of Heroes Forums:
(You do not need to be a registered forum member to view this thread)

Online petition:

Let's show 'em who REALLY runs the Rogue Isles!



Originally Posted by William_Valence View Post
A thought occurs. Nexon is now the largest shareholder. That might mean they have some pull in these decisions. They may well have been a contributing factor to the shut down decision, but they might be usefull in attempts to get NCsoft to sell.

(213) 858-5930137 North Larchmont Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90004

Are the different contacts I could find for the company.

The goal in contacting them is to convince them that NCsoft selling the IP would be more valuable than just sitting on it. Selling gets them revenue they would not get from a shelved title, as well as goodwill for supporting their most active and dedicated NA/EU community even if it means they are going separate ways.

If we can get them to apply pressure from within that could be a big help.

My Idea for the approach:

1. Burning the game to the ground burns the community. It gets them no revenue, and hurts the relationship between NCsoft and the players

2. CoH is a unique game that attracts a non-standard market. A market that NCsoft no longer targets thanks to the termination of the CoH title. Selling the game does not create unwanted competition

3. Selling the game would be a new move for NCsoft. Nexon could show themselves as leaders focused on the players. The Goodwill and press they'd get would be worth more than the money from the sale.

4. But there'd still be money from a sale. It would help pad NCsoft's numbers and make Nexon look even better with a jump in income right after their becoming the largest shareholder.

5. The community is making a very large stink about this. Contacting gaming sites, creating petitions, ect... This won't be a quiet end, and Nexon will have a large influence on whether the noise is cheering NCsoft/Nexon, or something a great deal less plesent.
ok this is really good and I will add it to the masterpost as possible other companies along with blizzard. i am all for these Contacting Corperate ideas because it's on the level ncsoft is on haha...

I drew this for my friend Ninja Earl. I aspire to be a concept artist.
Taimatsu-maru Fire/SS tank Grapes. Plant/Kin troller Blood? Healer/Emp/BR fender | more...
Tumblr CoH Faces DeviantArt Ask for: Facebook



Here's what I ended up sending to the Nexon PR E-mail:

Nexon is currently the largest shareholder of NCsoft. With this I thought it would be important to bring up possible issues with NCsoft's recent decision to terminate the City of Heroes title. NCsoft has an infamous history and reputation for burning titles to the ground that they no longer wish to publish, instead of selling them. In the past this was much less of an issue as the games were pretty much dead, so closing the game didn't really effect a playerbase in a way that would hurt NCsoft. This is not the case with City of Heroes. City of Heroes was a successful western game that, according to NCsoft's own financial release, brought in 50% of the NA/EU income for NCsoft. The NA/EU market was about 4% of the total income for NCsoft, so it would not be unbelievable that they decided to move out of that particular market, however, the decisions they make in the next few days will very much impact their future, and the money Nexon has invested in them. NCsoft needs to sell the City of Heroes IP instead of burying it, and it's in Nexon's best interest as NCsoft's largest shareholder to ensure this happens. I'll explain why:

1. Burning the game to the ground burns the community. It gets them no revenue, and hurts the relationship between NCsoft and the players. It also makes players of current titles nervous. If City of Heroes was half the NA/EU gross, how can they be sure their favorite NCsoft title isn't on the chopping block. This could cause panic among NCsoft consumers and a steep drop in their willingness to pay for digital items in a game that could be closed down ten days later. This is referencing the fact that our game was shut down ten days after the release of new store items that were incredibly well received, something that would scare the Aion NA or potentially Guild Wars 2 communities into slowing down in-game store purchases, just in case.

2. CoH is a unique game that attracts a non-standard market. A market that NCsoft no longer targets thanks to the termination of the CoH title. Selling the game does not create unwanted competition. Players attracted to the title, that are willing to play a MMO other than City of Heroes may also be spurred to purchase a copy of Guild Wars 2, due to it's Free to Play nature. Opening the possibility for micro transactions that would have otherwise not occurred.

3. Selling the game would be a new move for NCsoft. Nexon could show themselves as leaders focused on the players. The Goodwill and press they'd get would be worth more than the money from the sale. People would see Nexon as a company focused on community and support. People would be far more likely to play your games should they feel you care about the investment they put in.

4. But there'd still be money from a sale. It would help pad NCsoft's numbers and make Nexon look even better with a jump in income right after their becoming the largest shareholder. Right now, City of Heroes would be gone. Imagine a dotted line bar on top of the revenue you have now, that represents was your income could be, should you sell the IP and assets. Right now your revenue is lower than it could be.

5. The community is making a very large stink about this. Contacting gaming sites, creating petitions, ect... This won't be a quiet end, and Nexon will have a large influence on whether the noise is cheering NCsoft/Nexon, or something a great deal less pleasent.

Please think about the PR ramifications of NCsoft's actions, and help us convince NCsoft that a sell is the best move for their future. You're money is at stake with this and thank God it's a situation you can influence. Please feel free to contact me if there is anything you need from our community, or the fine people over at the Titan network at (Who are also putting their time and effort into saving this game)

I thank you for your time and hope you can help us,

*Name Redacted* (@William Valence in the CoH community)
If anyone wants to mirror the e-mail, they're welcome to. Also if anyone has other ideas for contacting Nexon's other departments, that'd be great.

Murphys Military Law

#23. Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.

#46. If you can't remember, the Claymore is pointed towards you.

#54. Killing for peace is like screwing for virginity.



I'm sending chaud and Boubouille at MMO-Champion a PM asking if they will consider covering our story as well. They primarily do news regarding World of Warcraft and other Blizzard games, but they occasionally make exceptions, and have done pieces on SWTOR and GW2 recently.

Edit: I've also sent Tim Buckley at Ctrl-Alt-Del an email, as he has not responded on twitter (unsurprisingly, as he has a ton of followers).

@Draeth Darkstar
Virtue [Heroes, Roleplay], Freedom [Villains], Exalted [All Sides, Roleplay]
I24 Proc Chance = (Enhanced Recharge + Activation Time) * (Current PPM * 1.25) / 60*(1 + .75*(.15*Radius - 0.011*Radius*(360-Arc)/30))
Single Target Radius = 0. AoE Non-Cone Arc = 360.



Nerf Now's latest comic was superhero related, but not about City of Heroes, so I took the opportunity to place in the comments this message:

For a minute there, I thought you were making a comic about the closing down of City of Heroes. Maybe you guys haven't heard about that? Sign the petition asking NCSoft to reconsider closing down the game at-



Originally Posted by Super_Ready View Post
Penny Arcade have now been emailed.
Originally Posted by Draeth Darkstar View Post
Edit: I've also sent Tim Buckley at Ctrl-Alt-Del an email, as he has not responded on twitter (unsurprisingly, as he has a ton of followers).
Originally Posted by Atlantea View Post
Nerf Now's latest comic was superhero related, but not about City of Heroes, so I took the opportunity to place in the comments this message:
Not to diss your efforts, but these kind of webcomic "celebrities" will usually only pay attention to an MMO if it's a popular one like Warcraft (to protect their precious "nerd cred"), or a very new one they want advertising dollars from.

I hope I'll be proven wrong, but they're likely not even going to mention CoH shutting down.

An MMO closure is definitely not a joke, and I have no intention of making light of it. And it can be a tough and emotional thing for players to go through, speaking from personal experience. And I know that it's often much harder on the developers than on the publisher. However, I also know that it doesn't necessarily turn you into a sad, depressed sack of tears for the rest of your life. People can move past it, and heal.



I started a thread on the GamebreakerTV forum asking them to cover the effort to save City of Heroes on their Friday podcast TWIMMO (This Week In MMO).

Please Talk About The Effort To Save City Of Heroes On TWIMMO

And they did. Well... sort of.

In TWIMMO episode 111, at 35 minutes and 30 seconds in, they talk about City of Heroes shutting down. They don't mention the efforts to save it though. In fact, it looked like Gary (the host) was kinda surprised to even see City of Heroes in his notes and wasn't really sure what to say.

So not as good as I hoped, but at least they talked about it.

Feel free to post a 'Thank You' in their forums or, if you really want to thank them, go click on some of their ads.



Hey Tony, letting you know--I've made a thread about archiving efforts for the City of Heroes forums, if you could add that.

It's right here!



I've been playing City of Heroes since the first day of it went beta and I can say without a doubt, NCSoft is making a mistake. All they have to do is a competitive analysis and they should realize they can corner this super hero MMORPG market.

Bad idea NCSoft.



Here's another article I've spotted. I don't know if this was posted here before. But I didn't see it.

I like the way this guy thinks.

I prefer to think of it this way: “Those who stand for nothing, fall for anything.” Simply throwing up your hands and saying “that’s life” is to acquiesce to living only one step above a vegetative state. You’ll accept whatever people tell you, take whatever life gives you, and won’t utter a whimper of dissent no matter what. I’ll admit that some things can’t be changed because we hold none of the cards, or lack key information. Our actions may not even dent the veneer of the situation. Thing is, unless we’re 100% absolutely, positively, beyond-a-shadow-of-a-doubt certain that any action we take is a wasted effort, then we’ve already lost, and we should be prepared to continue losing in the future because no matter what we think we know, nothing (aside from death and taxes, they say) is a foregone conclusion.
I submit that simply throwing money at the company isn’t a show of support. It’s easy to set up a recurring payment and be done with it; it’s a business transaction, like filling the car with gas or buying groceries, and none of which requires “any skin in the game”. If you care, you need to fight. I could easily sit back and excuse myself by saying that I’m not playing or paying, and it doesn’t matter to me if the game vanishes. But I do care, and because “trying” in this case costs so little, I can’t imagine letting it go without a fight.
Read the whole thing. It's good.



Stewart would probably mock us. I don't think Colbert would, but we'd have to give it a good pitch or he'd politely ignore it.



Originally Posted by Zombieluvr View Post
Some ideas on things we can do collectively to help out:

Blue Siders:

Charity work- donating clothing (especially capes!)
Rescuing kittens from trees
Get the word out by discarding your secret identities and wearing your costumes openly

Red Siders:

Rob banks to fund the buyout of the CoH Property
Kidnap the developers and hold them for ransom unless Paragon Studios is reopened

Gold Siders:

Locate a struggling third world nation and oust the ruling regime
Set up a series of private servers and put the people to work on a CoH-based economy for the new country

(But seriously, let's keep up the efforts! )
You sir, have done a great job in demonstrating why I love this community on several different levels.

Professionally certified pessimism expert

Statesman is someone who shouldn't rap ever, even if he's trying to help people out. -IolitePhoenix

Check out my Infinity toons at the Vis Viva family web page.



Originally Posted by gec72 View Post
I'd be worried that we'd be easily mocked by Colbert/TDS as anything.
NPR would be a great place to start!

So would Maddow's "Greatest (new) Thing in the World (today)". I bet she would be totally into the community organizing going on.