Rumor: Reason for the shutdown.




Originally Posted by Aisynia View Post
It would be a disastrous business decision to pull the license like that. Yeah, by pulling the license, they eliminate a competitor.. but they also eliminate any kind of confidence in their brand, which is more important. Other companies and development houses would see PWE as toxic if they did that. If PWE will do that to NC, what would stop them from doing it to anyone else? No, as ruthless as PWE is, they are too smart for that.
Not necessarily. I think in a lot of circles, people would just shake their heads at the incompetence of NCSoft in not getting renewal terms baked into the contract at the outset.

Seriously, if you're going to do business with a competitor, you'd better make sure that you don't give them a gilded invitation to screw you - that's Business 101.

Originally Posted by Aisynia View Post
I think this is NC. They took a huge loss over the last year because of that game that starts with "A", and they may have shut down Paragon in order to use it as a tax writeoff.
I've seen this speculation a few times, and it doesn't hold water IMO. A tax writeoff is only useful when a company is actually profitable. It doesn't do you any good when the root problem is that you're not making any profits.



Originally Posted by That_Ninja View Post
Wait, if PS had another, non Cryptic-engine game in development, why did they get the axe? I don't care about PWE now, NCsoft is where my ire is going to be.
Probably because a) it was years and tens of millions of dollars away from being ready to go and b) it was going to be an MMO, which is increasingly looking like a really bad bet.



Originally Posted by Aisynia View Post
That's the real question.

Tax write-off?
Wow, Aisynia. Do you remember me? I think I was in your SG like 6 years ago. The Echelon. I played False Terror.

Oh. The memories. They are a-floodin' back.



Originally Posted by Not_Rhino View Post
Wow, Aisynia. Do you remember me? I think I was in your SG like 6 years ago. The Echelon. I played False Terror.

Oh. The memories. They are a-floodin' back.
Yes I do I wish you the best too

I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.



Haha, I see you play STO too (or else just posted the same thing as a user on their forums). I played for a while as I'm a big Star Trek nerd but never really got into it. But yeah, it's kind of weird running into people on the forum here that I haven't seen in like 6 years. For a person who never got too involved in the forum or community, it really drives it home that I was still a part of it. Anyways, all the best.



I suspect that it's probably NC that killed Paragon.

We know that they can be completely brutal - they have shown that plenty of times in the past. They did it with the EU, they did it with Tabula Rasa, they did it with Exteel.

They have form in this. So it's rather a false flag to blame PW. It would be a very high risk strategy for them to say no - they'd be cutting of some solid revenue, and would get a reputation in the industry as a skank, and there's no guarantee that any CoH players would go to CO if the news got out. In fact it could hurt their existing player base quite badly as there's a lot of cross fertilization.

But whoever wants City of Heroes dead did a very good job of killing it

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



I have come up with an amended theory, and the opening of this thread does indeed play a role.

(Pulled from my Facebook page)

Ok, so some new information has been gathered by the community:

It might be safe to say that this was completely NCSoft's fault after all. The decision, however, was not a smart one - they simply shut down a profitable American studio to keep funding for their hemorrhagic Korean projects.

The Game Engine is still owned by Cryptic as well, so it is likely that the Paragon Studios shutdown was premeditated by NCSoft (without Paragon's knowledge) to coincide with the Engine licence renewal. That said, all the previously mentioned factors likely played a role.

Raid Leader of Task Force Vendetta "Steel 70", who defeated the first nine Drop Ships in the Second Rikti War.
70 Heroes, 9 Drop Ships, 7 Minutes. The Aliens never knew what hit them.
Now soloing: GM-Class enemy Adamaster, with a Tanker!



Truly the EA of the East.

Given my bowel churning hatred and eternal disgust with EA (and Bioware...) that is in no way meant as a compliment...

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Champions Online was and is beyond awful, and if I was going to play another superhero game I would switch to DCUO.

It's most likely that the fact is NCSoft has been losing money from their Korean games like Aion (all of them except for Lineage, which is their cash cow even though nobody outside Korea plays it) and with the much-vaunted Guild Wars 2 finally launching they decided to also kill off CoX to try to make their accounting books look good.



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
That can legally happen, but its unlikely. Would you do such a deal with some one that cheated you out of a business?

As a player, would you not feel dirty if you started giving money to the company that did this to the current development team?

As an employee, would you feel encouraged to work for a company that did this to you only to offer you another job at whatever compensation they saw now fit?
If they bought paragon, i could live with it

That doesn't seem likely that they are going to buy the IP... Let alone the geniuses we have. I'm really just going to donate everything i can spare to titan network.



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
Ok, take your racism and shove it, please.

Not Racism, just an understanding that Asian business mentality is to never admit publicly to a mistake. If you lose your company a lot of money, they may not even sack you, they’d move you to a window desk instead, a hint that they’d like you to ‘voluntarily’ leave.
If they make a big deal of it, then they have to admit you weren’t the right man for the job, which calls into question the people who thought you were right for the job, and those people that thought they were right for their jobs, until eventually the entire company is pulled into question.

It is very, very rare for them to publicly axe some one of manager or above status.

As for the hate the West thing, perhaps I was being a bit strong in my wording, but they will always focus on their assets back home, and it’s far easier to sack a studio half a world away than have questions raised in the papers back home, for doing so to a ‘local’ studio.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
And if the rumor is true, then NCSoft should have said that when they made the announcement to us. Simply knowing who delivered the dickshot would put the focus where it belonged. On PW/Cryptic.

Doing it this way they've only hurt themselves.
Actually I think if it was true NCSoft would have jumped all over mentioning it in their closure announcement to deflect criticism for shutting down the game. If they could have deflected the antagonism that is now aimed at them over to Perfect World don't you think NCSoft would have jumped at the chance?

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Originally Posted by Ashtur View Post
Honestly, if you download and look at the NCSoft corporate info, it's pretty clear that CoH is a tiny, almost meaningless piece of the pie. The reduction in sales (worldwide) on Aion from Q1 to Q2 this year is 5x the entire revenue from CoH for the quarter. Yes, that's what I said. Not Aion's sales, just the margin of lower sales...

For better or worse, Paragon Studios and CoH are rounding errors in NCSoft's math.

I don't plan on giving them any more money to round off.
Exactly. Which is why I'm fond of my theory that NCSoft has gotten in the habit of making their books look better by closing a game every couple of years. They found some way to do use it to their advantage and just keep doing it. COH/Paragon made them money but compared to their other sources it wasn't that huge.

See for some reason NCSoft feels that they can gain an advantage by tossing away a solid $10 Million per year profit source. And remember that was $10 Million profit not the total the game brought in.

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

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Originally Posted by That_Ninja View Post
Wait, if PS had another, non Cryptic-engine game in development, why did they get the axe? I don't care about PWE now, NCsoft is where my ire is going to be.
I think the real target of the closure of Paragon and COH is to kill the unnamed project. That is where they can go wild in claims about losses.

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

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Originally Posted by TerraDraconis View Post
Exactly. Which is why I'm fond of my theory that NCSoft has gotten in the habit of making their books look better by closing a game every couple of years. They found some way to do use it to their advantage and just keep doing it. COH/Paragon made them money but compared to their other sources it wasn't that huge.

See for some reason NCSoft feels that they can gain an advantage by tossing away a solid $10 Million per year profit source. And remember that was $10 Million profit not the total the game brought in.
You're reading the chart wrong. CoH sales were $10M/year, not profit.



PWE wouldn't have put anything of substance at risk by playing nice about licensing renewal for a niche game offered by a competitor. Building a reputation as a bad partner has the potential to hurt them far more, in the long run, by reducing their chances of finding partners willing to work with them for projects of greater importance to PWE. The terms of such partnerships could end up being more unfavorably drawn for PWE, if they can even find partners, if they have a bad reputation for how they work with others.

If the IP issue wasn't a key strumbling block and COH was generating both profits and positive cash flows, all of which were probably true, then suddenly shutting it down wasn't very smart -- and that's not even considering the reputation problems they'll create for themselves, for the future. How much trust will anybody here have for NC Soft games, in the future, when they do things like this?

There are a lot of possibilities. But, the most likely scenario is that NC Soft made an error in judgment by closing down COH and Paragon Studios.

A "blastroller" build explanation: electricity / ice / fire



Originally Posted by candlelight View Post

If the IP issue wasn't a key strumbling block and COH was generating both profits and positive cash flows, all of which were probably true, then suddenly shutting it down wasn't very smart -- and that's not even considering the reputation problems they'll create for themselves, for the future. How much trust will anybody here have for NC Soft games, in the future, when they do things like this?

They wouldn't care if they were 'focusing' on their home markets.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



It just doesn't make sense that Paragon Studios would blithely be releasing new powersets and putting Issue 24 on test if they knew there was a renewable contract up at any minute that had such a ridiculous chance of being cancelled or turned down.

I don't buy it.

I think NCSoft's poor earnings report this past early August had much more to do with it. They needed more cash flow (or less bills) to satisfy shareholders, fast. That, and the fact that they're Asian and CoH is an American game would have had more to do with shutting CoH down instead of Aion or Lineage 2 here.

Aion and Lineage are wildly popular throughout Korea and Asia. They're going to keep getting developed anyway, regardless of how poorly they do in the USA and Europe by comparison, so why would they shut them down here really? I doubt the costs of translating Korea's versions of Aion and Lineage 2 are anywhere near what the costs are for supporting a full 80-person development team here in the USA for CoH.

In contrast, CoH bombed in Asia. The culture clash is evident-- they just don't "get" superheroes like we Americans do-- so development costs can't be justified as much. The USA and Europe are just remote pin-dots on the map for them compared to the millions of Asians in their home turf.




If this was the case then there would be no need for secrecy from the entire staff, no justification for no notice terminations of the staff, no need for the slap in the face no notice of the end for the playerbase. There would have been a prepared notice posted by the Community Rep, the staff would have been given enough notice to pack up and say goodbye.

Again, I say bovine excrement. I doubt your rumor and find it more likely this is just something to try to sidestep the massive NCHate coming their way.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



I've actually seen in another thread a better theory. Basically that Nexon which owns NCSoft told them to do something about their problems. Fast decisive action such as cutting a game and studio that is making you money but whose loss won't particularly hurt you counts as such action.

Note the speed that NCSoft moved at. So it looks like their answer to their owner when told to do something is to take a harmless to them show action of cutting Paragon and COH. Just look at the suddenness and speed of the shutdown. This does not have the look of being planned but instead of an action taken in haste.

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

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Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
This is from the Gucomic forums:

If this is true... the NCSoft hate may be entirely out of place... and moving on to Champions Online may be precisely what they want to come out of this.

If this is the case, then I would just like to say... I tried CO, and while it's a fine game, it's definitely no city of heroes. I was recently planning to resubscribe when I checked NCSoft and saw this. I'm willing to subscribe to a game I've been playing for 7 years and know, but I am NOT going to replace it with Champions just because COH is no longer available.