I am crying.




I remember seeing the first trailers and thinking 'Wow, this game looks so cool! Flip into a jump and- Wow! Just start flying?!' The way the characters looked, the way the city looked even back then in the old trailers was something I'll never forget.

I got this game around launch. I played it dutifully. 8 years I've spent enjoying this game and playing in this city and talking to all you people.

The saddest part for me is that I unsubbed a few weeks ago purely because I wanted to try out another MMO before it went Free to Play and see how much changed. In the comments when you unsub, you can say what caused you to make that decision. All I wrote down there was 'I'll be back. =)'

It seems that is no longer the case, at least to subscribe. I'll be there the day the game shuts down, whether as a subscriber or not.



I imagine everyone at Paragon is, too.


I am Lord Omi. Now and forever. They can take our City, but they can't take me.



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
Also crying.

Thank God I found out about this AFTER my job interview today and not BEFORE. I'd have been hard pressed to explain to the interviewers why I was in tears the whole time.

I never got to say this, but your videos were the most amazing COH stuff I have ever seen. You're awesome.


I am Lord Omi. Now and forever. They can take our City, but they can't take me.



Can't cry now. I'm at work.

After work, I'm sure I'll get misty eyed.

Some of these threads I've read have had me letting out a tear or two the past few hours.

I'm a published amateur comic book author: www.ericjohnsoncomics.com
******MA Arcs****
Arc 5909: "Amazon-Avatars"
Arc 6143: "Escalation" (Nominee: Architect Awards, Nominee: Player Awards, and Dev's Choice!)



I mentioned in another post that after 20 years of serving in the US Navy aboard submarines, facing conditions and events that would make most people go fetal and into a state of psychosis, I never shed a single tear.

Until today.

I can't stop crying.

Never have I felt this way about a game, however, I know it's more than a game...its this incredible heroic community.

I feel as though I've lost an immediate family member.

Listening to Evanescence isn't helping either, but that's the mood I'm in.

As my icon shows, I am in a state of despair.



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
It sucks I am not happy, but all I can really think about is how Arbiter Hawk, Synapse, Dink and the rest must feel. They got up this morning to go do what they love only to be drawn and quartered in the public square by the suits.

What about them and their families. My friend in tech was out of a job for 18 months after the suits did this in his company. That is what I was thinking about.
Yes. I recently finished law school and am still looking for a full time job over a year later. It's not a fun time to have to be in the job market, and NCSoft just dumped a lot of people there with apparently zero warning (I have a twitter post from CoH Devs from earlier today talking about Dark Matter codes going up).

So my thoughts and sympathies are with the devs and all the other staff that just lost their jobs and still have families to support. I'm so sorry this happened to you. Thank you for a great experience, and good luck.



Trying not to but tearing up.



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
Also crying.

Thank God I found out about this AFTER my job interview today and not BEFORE. I'd have been hard pressed to explain to the interviewers why I was in tears the whole time.

Michelle, for what it's worth, you are not alone. Let it out, because I'm right there with you.



Hey! Three day weekend! Early release from work! Home, chores, play with the dogs, and then to PARAGON!

Wait...what's this?

No, I am not crying. I'm a middle-aged man with a security clearance. I'll get over this trifle.

I'm not crying, not at all.

But I hope my wife doesn't open the door for a while. Just...you know.

Not that I'm crying, or anything.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



I've finally stopped crying, but every time I visit these forums it happens again.


I am Lord Omi. Now and forever. They can take our City, but they can't take me.



Got to work this afternoon (I work evenings), only to have a coworker ask me quietly if I still played this game. I got a link to the Kotaku article about this when I answered yes.

It has been a rough shift - and I know what I'll be doing when I get home.

My first "turning point" in this city was during the Rularuu Invasion, and charging in with my BS/Regen Scrapper. Skyway City, at Level 10. It went...poorly.



Originally Posted by Dr_Darkspeed View Post
Almost, thinking of going and having a drink.
Update, now reasonably drunk. But drank it all out of my CoH and CoV glasses.

And shed the odd tear.

Always remember, we were Heroes.



Yup I tried not to but yes I am crying, this is a horrible feeling, time for booze here too.

The end is just a new beginning, Goodbye all my coh friends and even the enemies, its been a blast I will miss you all. Thank you Paragon team, you gave me a home from home I will always appriciate it.



I'm very, very close to crying.

Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.



I think I was too stunned at first to cry, but the tears are flowing freely now. I feel like I am watching a friend die........

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



