8/28's Coffee Talk

Agent White



I like the coffee talks, even when they're a little light on "breaking news". Zwill is personable and funny, and it's nice to be able to put a face to some of the rednames, and hear them talk a little bit about work process and design philosophy.

If you're only watching them for the big reveals, then yeah, I can see where all the tangents and vamping and goofing around would be annoying. I guess your best bet would be to just skip them...the important info usually hits the forums and official website pretty soon after anyway.

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Originally Posted by GlassGoblin View Post
On the other hand, since my odds of attending a summit are remote, watching one can be a good way to get to know the crew a bit, and laugh at the occasional* hijinks. I don't get to do it often, but seeing Aeon (I think) troll Zwill by having Jack-in-Irons stroll under the Atlas globe was a hoot. In that sense, I think what Zwill & crew are doing here is a success.

*For larger values of "occasional"
In the one today, when they were showing off TechKnight, off to the side there was a small explosion, which lead off into Zwill trying to figure off what was going on, eventually realizing that someone was triggering the Shivan Invasion meteor strikes around them... he then mentioned that if we see Jack-In-Irons come up and dance behind him, we'll know it's <somethingsomething> (I already forgot who he said >,<).

There was also when both of the guys behind them (in the room, not on CoH) got up and hurriedly left the room, followed by confusions over why everyone in the office suddenly vanished, wondering if there was a fire alarm going off... turns out it was just some bacon-wrapped things had been brought in!

It was certainly silly, but definitely amusing. If you don't care for them, they're easy enough to skip (if there's any juicy info, it'll quickly be re-posted onto the forums). Zwill does a really good job acting as 'host' on them from the little I've seen.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



I don't watch the Coffee Talks. I find the video format to be tedious, and I prefer the Lumpy Space Zwillinger voice my head generates for LSZ's textual words to the real thing.

That said, I enjoy the information that trickles onto the forums from the Coffee Talks - moreso when it's new and exciting, but sometimes the pointless silliness serves to amuse as well.

I miss the breakdowns that that one guy used to do (was it Von Krieger or something?) with the various screenshots.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Yes, Von Krieger. I've since been taking it up but don't go for strict transcripts so much as summaries and usually skip ones like this that don't offer much of interest. But if there's some nifty tidbit it usually finds it's way on here some way or another



I haven't seen the video posted yet, so I haven't been able to track back to take another look at the super-secret screen that Zwill flashed up. Anyone get a look?



I don't want to be the curmudgeony ******* of the community (yet again...), but I honestly just don't log in to watch the development team "shoot" about tangents and off-topic banter. It's the same reason I'm really not interested in Fantasy Football and such. I want to get to know these people, sure, but through topics relevant to the game more than anything else.

There needs to be a sort of balance here, I feel. Sure, not having these coffee talks and getting information only through Marketing-approved press releases is bad, but just catching water cooler conversations just seems... Not very interesting. It'd be cool if it were one-on-one, like catching a developer at a con in-between gigs, but as a broadcast to the community? They don't need to happen that often if there isn't that much to talk about.

Maybe "something to do with the game" isn't the right way to put it. Let's go with "I'd like to see Coffee talks only when those having the talk actually have something to say." Treat them like vlogs. Maybe you want to announce a new feature, or maybe you just have something off-topic to address. Like, say, the whole studio went to watch The Room together and want to give us their impressions, maybe Matt Miller lost an arm-wrestling contest against Melissa Bianco and we just have to hear about that. Sure, it's not game-related, but it's still a broadcast with a point and I'd watch that.

But if you're trying to figure out what to say, you just don't need to do a Coffee Talk. Save it for when you're inspired to talk about something.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



There is a balance Sam, some coffee talks are about new goodies or upcoming things, sometimes they're just about for fun stuff like costumes or new mice.

It's pretty much like the Market. Something is going to be coming every week but not necessarily something new nor something that'll interest everybody. If it's not interesting you then you're probably not the one it's being targeted at.



The only thing I care about regarding coffee talks is that there's no transcripts.

But as for the idea of the thing, I think it's great that they have weekly chats for players to watch, though. Some may interest me, some may not, but I am disinclined to expect that every one of them will be what I want to hear.

What I primarily care about is information. Social chit-chat just bores the heck out of me. I can't sit through an hour of that or mostly that. But other people like that sort of thing, and more power to them, as long as they don't try to drag me along.

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Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
The only thing I care about regarding coffee talks is that there's no transcripts.
Condescending Wonka launch detected. Incoming in 5... 4...

Good luck. You'll need it. The No Text crowd will be sure to shower you with memes in response.

I'd love to have transcripts. Even official summaries. It wasn't worth the ire of those who must have everything be unsearchable though.



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
To be perfectly clear I actually favor the idea that they only do this once or twice a month. I'm simply suggesting that trying to host this Coffee Talk thing once a week is maybe bordering on a bit of over-saturation that dilutes the relevance of it.

It's an opinion... take it or leave it.
Well, different subjects get talked about and different people are on every week, I think that is the main reason it is a weekly thing. Imagine trying to have 4 different people come in and chat about what they are working on and answer questions once a month. It would end up with really short segments to fit it in an hour or with Zwill broadcasting through half a work day.



Hah, in what is quite possibly the last Coffee talk ever, nothing new is discussed. That's kinda fitting/sad...

Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.



Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
Condescending Wonka launch detected. Incoming in 5... 4...

Good luck. You'll need it. The No Text crowd will be sure to shower you with memes in response.

I'd love to have transcripts. Even official summaries. It wasn't worth the ire of those who must have everything be unsearchable though.
Wow. People are actually against transcripts? And to hell with anyone who's hard of hearing, deaf, has auditory processing disorder, or would just like the information to be searchable.

Some people are just ********.

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