Why you should stop inviting people to DFB...




Now that I have your attention...

This is not about DFB in general. It's a great way to knock out the first few levels.

It's not about people grinding it up to some arbitrary level. What you do with your characters is none of anybody's business.

It is, in fact, about how to make sewer trials easier.

What most people know, but not quite register, is that Death From Below trial is that DFB is a turnstile trial. That means that, while most who start DFB runs do so by pre-assembling a team and then queueing, whereas those looking for a trial ask or wait for announcements to be made, at which point they contact the leader.

Now consider the role of the leader once the trial is underway. It becomes, to all intents and purposes, superfluous. Certainly, there is always room for leadership, but it ceases to be enforceable and so far I haven't seen a situation where enforcement is needed. As with all trials, the team composition is locked, and mission is fixed - all the team leader can do is kick a teammate should the need arise, and that too can be done via kick voting.

Consider the team composition. Whereas most task forces do require a certain versatility {leading to turnstile's rather... anemic reception following incarnate trials}, low levels are an almost universal equalizer - with nearly no powers at their disposal, there is very little difference between most archetypes at the outset.

Now, in turn, consider the turnstile mechanics. All it requires of its participants is to queue themselves for the trial. All it requires of the trial is a critical mass of queued participants. Once these two requirements are fulfilled, all the participants are whisked away into the trial and can merrily go on their way.

It bypasses the need to organize a team - the game does that for you. It bypasses the need to assemble everyone into the same zone, or for that matter, the same instance - it works anywhere, even inside a mission. In short, it provides a degree of convenience with no cost involved.

So the next time you're forming a DFB - or looking for one - don't tell people to send you a tell {if they can}. Instead, tell them to queue up. I have little doubt this will not be an overnight change to the DFB teaming mechanics, but as more and more people begin using the queue to join the trial, the quicker and more convenient it will become to the point where forming DFB teams will become as quaint and outdated as the old sewers themselves.



I get where your coming from..but..

Joining the Q and waiting is not really viable. As you say, if MORE people did it, the wait time would be much less, meaning that then even more Q up. It just does not work well enough. The speed of which a person can go to AP, broacast, 'DFB, pst plz!' and invite 7 people (assuming the zone is failing full..even use lfg chat too) is just so fast. Just cause the event does not need any set team make up, does not make Qing any better.

As you point out, everyone needs to be in the same zone though, and yes, that can take longer, especially in some newbies are somehow lost. But again..the speed in which you could just kick the hold up, get a new member..and Q away..

Also, a HUGE advantage of actually forming the team via invites, is that you can TELL everyone to come to you at Mis Lib (or whatever) so that when you Q, there will be NO one afk, hopefully. From teh amount of times I did the summer event..I can totally say that the amount of teams held up (even disbanded to due not enough people, I guess that could happen) due to someone not click Yes, were huge. That is even more likely if someone Qs up, gets a bit impatient and perhaps goes afk, alt tabs, spaces out etc.

I have had time when I q'd for an hour, for the summer event and it didnt start. Then a simple 'anyone what to join the event' in LFG and bam..starts. I know that IS with people Qing, as you say we should..but it ONLY actually started after my message, which kinda defeats the purpose in 'just' Qing up.



Problematically, the turnstile will start an event with as few as four people, but for DFB you want at least six, so that you'll get AVs instead of EBs. And the AVs are a huge chunk of the trial's XP. There's a delay (I think 90 seconds) between when the turnstile has enough people to start and the trial actually launches, so if another two people queue up in those 90 seconds, you'll be fine.

...but, to be able to expect two additional people to queue in 90 seconds, would mean you average at least 1 person queuing up every 45 seconds. That's enough people to launch a full team every 6 minutes. DFB is popular, but even on Freedom during the busiest hours I don't see a full DFB leaving every six minutes.

So, having everybody queue up individually rather than form a team and then queue is very, very likely to result in an awful lot of small teams that are significantly less productive.



Originally Posted by Quinch View Post
Now that I have your attention...

This is not about DFB in general. It's a great way to knock out the first few levels.

It's not about people grinding it up to some arbitrary level. What you do with your characters is none of anybody's business.

It is, in fact, about how to make sewer trials easier.

What most people know, but not quite register, is that Death From Below trial is that DFB is a turnstile trial. That means that, while most who start DFB runs do so by pre-assembling a team and then queueing, whereas those looking for a trial ask or wait for announcements to be made, at which point they contact the leader.

Now consider the role of the leader once the trial is underway. It becomes, to all intents and purposes, superfluous. Certainly, there is always room for leadership, but it ceases to be enforceable and so far I haven't seen a situation where enforcement is needed. As with all trials, the team composition is locked, and mission is fixed - all the team leader can do is kick a teammate should the need arise, and that too can be done via kick voting.

Consider the team composition. Whereas most task forces do require a certain versatility {leading to turnstile's rather... anemic reception following incarnate trials}, low levels are an almost universal equalizer - with nearly no powers at their disposal, there is very little difference between most archetypes at the outset.

Now, in turn, consider the turnstile mechanics. All it requires of its participants is to queue themselves for the trial. All it requires of the trial is a critical mass of queued participants. Once these two requirements are fulfilled, all the participants are whisked away into the trial and can merrily go on their way.

It bypasses the need to organize a team - the game does that for you. It bypasses the need to assemble everyone into the same zone, or for that matter, the same instance - it works anywhere, even inside a mission. In short, it provides a degree of convenience with no cost involved.

So the next time you're forming a DFB - or looking for one - don't tell people to send you a tell {if they can}. Instead, tell them to queue up. I have little doubt this will not be an overnight change to the DFB teaming mechanics, but as more and more people begin using the queue to join the trial, the quicker and more convenient it will become to the point where forming DFB teams will become as quaint and outdated as the old sewers themselves.
Good idea...if more people used it more. The time it takes sitting there for Q currently, is more than enough time for two back to back runs of the DFB including forming the teams. If more people used it as you said, the time will greatly decrease. How can we convince other people or sufficient quantity of people to get on board and to somehow let fresh players, which many are know that the q system exist and how it works. Many fresh people dont even know about the q thing until later but since some are from other games, they naturally find broadcast and loos for team that way.

Queing-good idea but it's downfall is it's under used overall.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
Problematically, the turnstile will start an event with as few as four people, but for DFB you want at least six, so that you'll get AVs instead of EBs. And the AVs are a huge chunk of the trial's XP.
Not 100% sure, but I think it was changed so that you get AVs all the time, even when you only bring 4 people.



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
I get where your coming from..but..

Joining the Q and waiting is not really viable. As you say, if MORE people did it, the wait time would be much less, meaning that then even more Q up. It just does not work well enough.
I know - I realize it will be a gradual process, which is why I'm calling on DFB leaders to tell people to queue up instead of inviting. The result will be the same, and it would serve as a slow introduction to the turnstile as it is.

The speed of which a person can go to AP, broacast, 'DFB, pst plz!' and invite 7 people (assuming the zone is failing full..even use lfg chat too) is just so fast. Just cause the event does not need any set team make up, does not make Qing any better.
You're kind of contradicting yourself - sure, DFB as it is is fairly fast. But because it bypasses the need to go to AP, broadcast, get invited etc., the turnstile makes it even faster.

Also, a HUGE advantage of actually forming the team via invites, is that you can TELL everyone to come to you at Mis Lib (or whatever) so that when you Q, there will be NO one afk, hopefully.
You do need to click "Enter" to actually enter the trial - if you're AFK, your spot is replaced by the next person in queue.

From teh amount of times I did the summer event..I can totally say that the amount of teams held up (even disbanded to due not enough people, I guess that could happen) due to someone not click Yes, were huge. That is even more likely if someone Qs up, gets a bit impatient and perhaps goes afk, alt tabs, spaces out etc.
The summer event... had its own share of problems unrelated to the turnstile, especially relating to the AVs.

Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
Problematically, the turnstile will start an event with as few as four people, but for DFB you want at least six, so that you'll get AVs instead of EBs. And the AVs are a huge chunk of the trial's XP. There's a delay (I think 90 seconds) between when the turnstile has enough people to start and the trial actually launches, so if another two people queue up in those 90 seconds, you'll be fine.
I'm not entirely sure what you mean - a trial run {no pun regretted} I put together a couple of hours ago started with seven, which gradually queued up to that number. If there's not enough people queued, you can simply wait until they do, as the window shows how many people are currently queued while it waits for the confirmation to enter - the same thing you'd need to do if you were assembling a team manually.



I mean that, once there are 4 people queued up for DFB, the system waits 90 seconds, then takes everyone in the queue and gives them the window with the green and the red button. That window will itself expire after 60 seconds, so you can't necessarily wait until a satisfactory number of players have joined.



Originally Posted by Quinch View Post

...as the window shows how many people are currently queued while it waits for the confirmation to enter - the same thing you'd need to do if you were assembling a team manually.
Where is this window that shows how many people currently queued?

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Meh, this won't stop people from spamming the LFG channel for DFB (oddly enough, I rarely see anyone run a DIB nowadays....)



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
I mean that, once there are 4 people queued up for DFB, the system waits 90 seconds, then takes everyone in the queue and gives them the window with the green and the red button. That window will itself expire after 60 seconds, so you can't necessarily wait until a satisfactory number of players have joined.
And because you get the confirmation whether you want to enter or not, you can opt not to enter until enough people have joined.

Originally Posted by Rufus T Fyrfly View Post
Meh, this won't stop people from spamming the LFG channel for DFB (oddly enough, I rarely see anyone run a DIB nowadays....)
I think it might, actually - some folks spam because that's the prevalent way of forming DFBs. If the method shifts - especially if it's more convenient - the perceived need to spam is reduced as well.



Originally Posted by Quinch View Post

I think it might, actually - some folks spam because that's the prevalent way of forming DFBs. If the method shifts - especially if it's more convenient - the perceived need to spam is reduced as well.
If they were to turn the queue into a sort of lobby based system, that would cut down on alot of the LFT "spam". I've seen it work in other games.



Why you should stop inviting people to DFB...

* Because you don't know these people and it's a SEWER... on a comparison of First Dates this is the equivalent of taking her to Burger King and an Adam Sandler movie...

* Anything that involves sewers and/or toilets and is called "Death From BELOW" isn't something any normal person would want to be associated with...

* Besides the fact that you'd be face planting in raw sewage if you're defeated... you are ported to a hospital that is... wait for it... in a sewer too... but don't worry... the nursing staff assures me it's entirely sterile... even the cockroaches have to scrub before entering...

* The very concept of a Hellions Arch-Villain must violate SOME universal laws... on the other hand maybe he's the one who finally got the purse...

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



I rather doubt that I'm gaining some monumental time advantage from randomly queuing up than I am simply inviting people, and I would rather not risk making a 4 person team which would either take much longer than the preferred 8 person team, or result in everyone quitting because we aren't able to handle the trial.

I also prefer to have the option to kick people who can't, for instance, understand what "don't attack the minions, focus on the boss, don't use AOE's" means.

EDIT: People talking in LFG doesn't bother me either as I have it on a separate tab that I ignore until I need it. I suggest doing that as opposed to reinventing the way our society does things.



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
Why you should stop inviting people to DFB...
Steelclaw, ladies and gentlemen!

Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
I also prefer to have the option to kick people who can't, for instance, understand what "don't attack the minions, focus on the boss, don't use AOE's" means.
Remember that you have the option to votekick folks now.

EDIT: People talking in LFG doesn't bother me either as I have it on a separate tab that I ignore until I need it. I suggest doing that as opposed to reinventing the way our society does things.
That's fine, I guess - but this is as much about helping people DFB easier than any problems with /LFG.



When the LFG feature was first added, I was so excited! I thought finally! I could run TFs and Trials without having to go through the hassle of team-forming and broadcasting. It would be like most conventional multiplayer games where I just ask the computer to do it, and it puts me on a "server" that's right for me. All I had to do when I wanted to run one was queue and wait. And now I can even do it from instances! Woo-hoo!

Except no-one ever uses it. I'm not "waiting" when I queue, I'm still running missions, but in a five-hour session of gaming, the queue never once kicked in, yet I saw numerous Trials form over global channels. I've tried this intermittently since, but it never happens. I have, thus far, never, ever, EVER been able to join anything by queueing up for it alone. The system that could have gotten even me to team frequently simply sees no use at all.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post

* Because you don't know these people and it's a SEWER... on a comparison of First Dates this is the equivalent of taking her to Burger King and an Adam Sandler movie...
What's so bad about Burger King?




Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Except no-one ever uses it.
Part of that is that the queue itself got a... well, I wouldn't call it a stigma, but definitely a dismissal, because it was initially introduced for something it was completely inadequate for {namely the incarnate trials}. This philosophy carried over to all turnstile events as being simply a means of transporting pre-assembled teams into trials, with the assembling part of the whole mechanic being relegated to neglect.

Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
What's so bad about Burger King?
His parents killed the Burger King when he was a child.



Originally Posted by Rufus T Fyrfly View Post
(oddly enough, I rarely see anyone run a DIB nowadays....)
Nothing odd about people not wanting to run an awful trial. How often do you see Doc Quaterfield running? (For the sake of argument let's ignore the thread I posted on the Pinnacle forum last week...)

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
When the LFG feature was first added, I was so excited! I thought finally! I could run TFs and Trials without having to go through the hassle of team-forming and broadcasting. It would be like most conventional multiplayer games where I just ask the computer to do it, and it puts me on a "server" that's right for me. All I had to do when I wanted to run one was queue and wait. And now I can even do it from instances! Woo-hoo!

Except no-one ever uses it. I'm not "waiting" when I queue, I'm still running missions, but in a five-hour session of gaming, the queue never once kicked in, yet I saw numerous Trials form over global channels. I've tried this intermittently since, but it never happens. I have, thus far, never, ever, EVER been able to join anything by queueing up for it alone. The system that could have gotten even me to team frequently simply sees no use at all.
This, with the sole exception of the Summer Blockbuster event. I only got into those by just queueing randomly while I ran missions. (And even that was not a constant thing)

Nothing odd about people not wanting to run an awful trial.
What's awful about it? I only ran it a handful of times (due to nobody else wanting to run it) but it didn't seem to be doing anything DFB wasn't doing. (Or the Magi trial, for that matter)



I think it's a great idea, Quinch. Sure, a few teams might possibly fizzle out because of low numbers or something, but if everyone who wants a DFB used the Q, it wouldn't happen. At least not on the high population servers.

The queue worked really well for the summer event. I ran a lot of those, and very, very few of those lost the 4th, or were otherwise unplayable. And any other disadvantages of the queue for the summer event are not applicable to DFB.

Would dearly love to see a lot less DFB spam in the LFG channel. I don't know why team leaders feel that they need to spam every 20 seconds or whenever they get another teammate, which ever comes first. It gets really difficult to see anything else that's going on, since only DFB and DIB feel the compulsion to spam like that. I always feel badly for those occasional 23 stalkers and etc. posting that they're LFG - their messages are just drowned out completely.



Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
What's so bad about Burger King?
You know what? Enjoy your burger/DFB and don't worry about it.

As for DFB i would be willing to go with a compromise in most cases of recruiting 6 players and then queuing. Yeah, not ideal for the OP's purposes, but a team of four PuGgies can be a slog, and i missed the note where the AVs don't downgrade to EBs anymore.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
* The very concept of a Hellions Arch-Villain must violate SOME universal laws... on the other hand maybe he's the one who finally got the purse...
What do you mean? There's already other, higher-level Hellion AVs.

I think they call them Rikti though.



I am actually seriously considering leveling a character 1-50 in DFB. I have been experimenting with Tankers recently. I am a traditional Brute player, and Tanks frustrate me. Not only is my attack payer severely restricted, the power choices are in the wrong orders. I have a toothless Dark?dark Tanker sitting at 29 right now. Great build, great I/Os (so far) and yet does not have the Blue bar to get through a single fight and has zero attack capability. You can hit him with 3 simultaneous Alphas and he glows pretty however. If this was my only Tanker I was experimenting with I might be content to grind him the rest of the way, but I tend to explore organically, and am building multiple Tankers with different sets. For Playtesting I jump out into the Task Force Commander series, generally preferring to hit any TF once I have outleveled it 3+ levels, so I get an honest look at how the character performs there. But I am looking at just leveling one up from 1-50 in DFB, letting me ignore all the unbalanced problems of tankers from 10-40 when they have such tremendous growing pains.



Originally Posted by Quinch View Post
Remember that you have the option to votekick folks now.
Which requires you to be out of combat for (two minutes?) before you can initiate it. And the speed at which DFB moves, the fight is over and the team is halfway to the next boss.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
When the LFG feature was first added, I was so excited! I thought finally! I could run TFs and Trials without having to go through the hassle of team-forming and broadcasting. It would be like most conventional multiplayer games where I just ask the computer to do it, and it puts me on a "server" that's right for me. All I had to do when I wanted to run one was queue and wait. And now I can even do it from instances! Woo-hoo!

Except no-one ever uses it. I'm not "waiting" when I queue, I'm still running missions, but in a five-hour session of gaming, the queue never once kicked in, yet I saw numerous Trials form over global channels. I've tried this intermittently since, but it never happens. I have, thus far, never, ever, EVER been able to join anything by queueing up for it alone. The system that could have gotten even me to team frequently simply sees no use at all.
I always tell the leader of trials I am on to leave an open slot or two when they queue so they can pick up some random folks. One or two unknowns isn't going to hurt most trials. And it gets people into the trials in the manner they prefer.

It's too bad that half the time the leader ignores me and fills up anyway. That's up to ten minutes of waiting when the difference of max teammates and one or two less is minimal, and they could be helping someone else get into a trial.

I appreciate it when leaders play along. The empty spot(s) is/are almost always filled. There's almost always someone or someones queued.

I wish it would become a more widespread phenomenon.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Personally, I've always thought that you shouldn't be able to use the LFG feature when you're not, in fact, LFG (if you already have a full team, that's a Group and you're no longer Looking For one).

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound