Can we have an Outcast task force?
that badge is dead simple to get with a full team or full team diff setting in the Hollow arcs. But alas, heard and noticed that not many people team hollow mishes.
Expanding their storyline could be fun. I want to know more of what makes these guys tick.
-Female Player-
You'd think so, but no - I actually do run Hollows arcs and I've found it to be around a 50/50 chance of getting the badge while running at +0x8, and that's including Hollows, not limited to it. It might tie in with the low boss spawn rate, but regardless, even the Tsoo with their promptly forgettable arcs have more of a content presence than the Outcasts.
hm interesting. running on a team of 8 by the end of the arcs I always ended up with the badge.
There are some in Steel Canyon. The badge I have hardest finding bosses in good numbers especially in mishes is them Family Bosses.
-Female Player-
and there's 200 family bosses in that one mish?
Is there one for red side? |
As for redside, no idea - I never really played villains.
Yeah I really wish they'd let Untouchable count for the Accolade instead :P
I recently ended up hunting this badge in Steel Canyon's Silver Lake and Platinum Lake neighborhoods, actually went pretty quickly that way. Still working on Volcanic, though. Might just end up farming WWD1 for the last 40 of those...
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
How about uhm... a level 14-23 Outcast T.V. respec trial?
How about uhm... a level 14-23 Outcast T.V. respec trial?
![]() |
It'd be Hollows all over again.
{wouldn't mind another respec trial, though}
And while we're at it? Why not have some Outcast presence on redside. At least in Newspaper missions? I mean Trolls appear in Newspaper missions, but nowhere else redside.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!
I like the idea of the outcast getting either a TF or Trial. I do know that Unai Memento has the to save a thousand worlds arc that has an outdoor/city street map that contains The Family. For redside Family I just street sweep in St. Martial.
Signed because I like outcasts, and I like task forces. It'd be cool redside or blueside, or different versions/stories for both.
In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.
How about a 20-25 Taskforce where Frostfire has escaped from the Zig with a few other lesser known metahumans and you have to follow their trail of crime, eventually bringing them all in.
Then a 25-30 Strikeforce where you fight against potential new leaders of the Outcasts in an attempt to become the leader yourself, eventually ending with a side-switched Frostfire trying to stop you and an official disbanding of the Outcasts. Maybe add in that your superior villainy was the reason for Frostfire's alignment switch.
I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc
Outcasts are a gang. Not every gang is popular enough to become multinational and have representatives in other countries. Even Skull and Hellion presence in the Isles is weak. The Outcasts are a Paragon exclusive club the same way Goldbrickers are exclusive to the Isles.
Or with Goldbrickers, what's the point of even mentioning Midas with no intentions of delving deeper into that group or giving them a time to shine. Or what is golden roller's connection with them and etc. How does one becomes a goldbricker. I find them more interesting as a group than say Skyraiders, who get their moment of glory. I mean you dont even run into outcast in the early level mayhem missions of steel canyon even. At east not that I recall, I remember them clockwork things and skyways was trolls but may have it switched.
-Female Player-
This primarily came from the realization how hard it is to get the Weatherman badge {side note, please increase the boss rate in Outcast spawns}, but I noticed - they're really under-represented in the whole content arena. They appear in a handful of Hollows missions, and are sprinkled here and there throughout various arcs, but their time in the spotlight is limited to the Frostfire mission.
So... give the superpowered street thugs some love?