A few Poison questions.




With water coming next week..I am thinking of making a water blast/poison corr.

Last time I did poison was on an MM, before the recentish changes..and I was not impressed.

Can anyone with experience with it comment? And yes, I know a LOT of pvp builds use it..but I am pretty much only thinking for pve. Not that a pvp persons comments wont help also..

I am poking in Mids, and seeing the rez and mez prot as very skippable. The heal I'd take..even if it is hardly amazing. Does Poison Trap still suck? I know it is faster placing..thats it..

The cone slow..I did not mind that on my MM. Would most likely skip the hold too.

Venom Gas..best to slot that for -to hit and end red?

Last thing..if I do decide to build him for some defence (ranged +scorp) then I could not take power boost too. Is that a 'must have' for poison?



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
With water coming next week..I am thinking of making a water blast/poison corr.

Last time I did poison was on an MM, before the recentish changes..and I was not impressed.

Can anyone with experience with it comment? And yes, I know a LOT of pvp builds use it..but I am pretty much only thinking for pve. Not that a pvp persons comments wont help also..

I am poking in Mids, and seeing the rez and mez prot as very skippable. The heal I'd take..even if it is hardly amazing. Does Poison Trap still suck? I know it is faster placing..thats it..

The cone slow..I did not mind that on my MM. Would most likely skip the hold too.

Venom Gas..best to slot that for -to hit and end red?

Last thing..if I do decide to build him for some defence (ranged +scorp) then I could not take power boost too. Is that a 'must have' for poison?
The changes to the debuffs helped since they are AoE debuffs now, even though it's a small AoE. But because of the way the splash works it allows you to partially stack the debuffs if there are multiple targets, which is nice. Under the best conditions with stacking Envenom and Venomous Gas you can get a 63.75% resistance debuff. Add in an Achilles' Heel proc and you have the potential for 83.75% resistance debuff on multiple targets. As I said, that's all under the best conditions, but it shows what's possible.

As far as Antidote goes, it's worth noting that you can stack that with the heal to give someone 30% resistance to toxic damage. Still not super useful, but it could come in handy if you have a spare power pick.

Poison Trap is alright on it's own, still not as good as the one in Traps. But I've had good results putting a Lockdown proc in it since the pseudopet activates 2 separate holds it has a fairly good chance of firing. The cone slow has a chance to hold as well, so there's some stacking opportunities there.

For slotting Venomous Gas, I say slot for endurance, the achilles' heel proc, and then whatever set gives you bonuses you want. Also, I wouldn't say power boost is a must have for poison, but it is nice to have. I'd say it comes down to a matter of playstyle: would you use power boost enough for it to be worth skipping the s/l defense of scorpion shield?



Thanks Zal.
Still not sure about power boost. Even on my doms and blasters with it (of which I have a lot) I dont really use PB as much as I could/should.
Depends also on how many Water power I pick..if it goes the way of tw, stj, and stff..I'll be taking them all...lol



If you plan on mainly soloing, the rez and mez protection can be skipped, but both are nice for teaming. Would you skip clear mind or clarity? I also picked up vengeance and like firing it and then giving the dead guy a rez with a little boost. Plus, making your teammates vomit is priceless.

Poison trap needs a few procs slotted into it to go from terrible to fantastic. Luckily, it can take about eight or nine different procs, so you have a lot to choose from.

And I put two Dark Watchers and an Achilles Heel in my Venomous Gas.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



I play a Plant/Poison Controller and I love the character often times because the fun of Poison rather than Plant.

The biggest disappointment about Poison is that the AoE is a very small radius for some of the powers, but luckily they are on super fast recharges (even without bonuses) so you can spread the debuffs quickly.

While the rez and the mez protection can be skipped, both of them take damage resistance set IOs, so they make great 1-slot placeholders for those procs such as Steadfast Protection's +3% def or KB protection!

I don't think Poison Trap sucks, although I use it as on my Controller for additional hold-stackng. If you don't plan on getting that close and personal, maybe you can skip it - but it does make a decent placeholder for slotting a Basilisk's Gaze for 7.5% more recharge. You can also slot it for damage, but you probably won't need that on a Corruptor.

I slotted Venomous Gasses with 4 Dark Watchers, focusing on -tohit and -endredux for 5% recharge.

I have thinking of creating a Water/Poison myself - Water has a diverse damage typing (smashing, fire, and cold) and AoE, while Poison has a great amount of AoE -resistance to all.

Also, for Incarnate abilities I recommend Intuition Radial Paragon as your Alpha. This alpha increases Defense Debuff, To Hit Debuff, Slow Debuff, Range and Damage. With this, I believe by stacking Envenom, Weaken and Venomous Gasses I was able to get defense debuffs to about -60 and tohit to -45 or so (been a bit since I looked at the numbers - they were high!). Also it increases your damage, which is always great!

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I would agree with the previous posters. I have a Beam Rifle/Poison corruptor. Poison trap is greatly improved from awful to modest. As Bionic Flea stated, the proc'ing in the slotting can add a lot of oomph. It's not a Fulcrum Shift/Adrenaline Boost kind of power, but I wouldn't skip it.

I like the mezz protection, antidote. You can slot some resist damage special enhancers in it for your own status protection. Please note, unlike clarity from Sonic, it does NOT provide +perception for fighting blind. This alone is enough to pick up leadership to get tactics.

Paralytic poison in my opinion is a great hold. It animates quickly, 2 sec cast time, mag 3, and you can knock nasty spawns out of the battle like sappers, skyraider engineers, rikti communication officers, et al.

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My experience with Poison has been before and after buffs. Once on an MM and once on a Beam/Poison corruptor.

One trick that the AoE debuffs allow you to accomplish is stacking them on a target. For example, hit your target with the debuff, then hit a target next to him. He'll have 150% of the debuff because the AoE is half strength.

I find the slow cone to be extremely useful for the -recharge.

Power Boost typically does not affect your debuffs, though, so I wouldn't recommend that.

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In addition to -Dmg -ToHit, Weaken is also everything Power Boost is, but backwards. -Mez Duration, -Heal, -Defense mods, etc.

Not many people know that.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
In addition to -Dmg -ToHit, Weaken is also everything Power Boost is, but backwards. -Mez Duration, -Heal, -Defense mods, etc.

Not many people know that.
I've been trying to wrap my head around exactly what that does but it's kind of weird thinking about it. Like, the debuff to defense mods, does that mean it's defense powers buff less? And the debuff to ToHit mods, is that +ToHit buffs and -ToHit debuffs? What exactly does that entail for the foes?



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
I've been trying to wrap my head around exactly what that does but it's kind of weird thinking about it. Like, the debuff to defense mods, does that mean it's defense powers buff less? And the debuff to ToHit mods, is that +ToHit buffs and -ToHit debuffs? What exactly does that entail for the foes?
The magnitude and power of buffs is reduced. So if a Freak heals while Weakened, the heal will be less. Sky Raider FFG's will give less defense if hit with Weaken. Anything with +ToHit will have less +ToHit. Like GP said, it's a reverse Power Boost.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
The magnitude and power of buffs is reduced. So if a Freak heals while Weakened, the heal will be less...

When I was lvl'ing my Demon/Poison MM up I always loved hitting Freaks with Weaken. "oh that 200-400 heal that you usually use?! yeah...it only now heals you for 70-100" :P


Now I'm tempted to do a Water/Poison instead of Water/Cold! >_<

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Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
The magnitude and power of buffs is reduced. So if a Freak heals while Weakened, the heal will be less. Sky Raider FFG's will give less defense if hit with Weaken. Anything with +ToHit will have less +ToHit. Like GP said, it's a reverse Power Boost.
But Power Boost also improves debuffs like the -ToHit from my Dark/EM blaster. Does this reduce the effect of foe debuffs too?



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
But Power Boost also improves debuffs like the -ToHit from my Dark/EM blaster. Does this reduce the effect of foe debuffs too?
Yes. A to-hit debuff is (basically) a to-hit buff with a negative modifier. Anything that affects the power of To-Hit buffs will also affect your debuffs.

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Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
If you plan on mainly soloing, the rez and mez protection can be skipped, but both are nice for teaming. Would you skip clear mind or clarity? I also picked up vengeance and like firing it and then giving the dead guy a rez with a little boost. Plus, making your teammates vomit is priceless.
I was on an ITF and the Emp only had heals and the rez. Was not amusing, but was a couple forming and leading so...

Yeah, will also be going Water Poison. Poison was painful to level back when, hopefully the aoe splash helps things.

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Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
Yeah, will also be going Water Poison. Poison was painful to level back when, hopefully the aoe splash helps things.
Prior to the changes I had a Bots/Poison MM that I got to the early 30s before abandoning - I had a level 50 Bots/Traps already and Traps was far and away a better set. As for after the changes, the limited experience I had with it on beta with a Dark/Poison Corruptor led me to believe that the AoE splash was a minor benefit at best, but I was soloing at low levels and things wouldn't pack together nicely for me so I often didn't hit anything with the tiny splash - it's the same size AoE of Whirling Hands/Axe/Sword, so it's possible to get good use if things are packed in tightly but... yeah. I guess you could try corner-pulling every spawn, or just team with a Brute or Tanker to pack things in tightly for best effect.

I just wish the radius had been set to the (otherwise fairly standard) 15' radius for AoE debuffs. I can see why it'd be a stretch to call 15' a "splash" but when I was playing the set it still felt like too much of a single-target-debuff only set to me. The only real benefit in PvE over anything else is having an AoE -special, but you're spending a lot of animation time to use it as one because of the AoE size and the -special isn't all that useful on most enemies because a mez (especially Confuse, looking at the Controller side of the argument) or simply killing them is faster.

Because of the large number of clicks to cover a spawn, I don't know that it would pair well with Water (due to the Tidal mechanic) beyond being a good thematic fit. If you like the pairing and want to try it, go for it. Just know that it's going to be a very active secondary when you go into it, so you aren't surprised when other Corruptors are able to spend more time using the pretty new powerset rather than the ugly old one that had a facelift a while ago to try and be less ugly.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
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It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



I've been playing a Dark/Poison controller lately that's a lot of fun (only the second controller I've ever gotten above level 20) - as long as there's a team around to dish out damage. Between the two sets, I've always got something I can do to influence the fight (admittedly Dark Control plays a big part in that, but the poison debuffs are helpful too and how can you not like a rez that makes your allies puke? C'mon, it's a game, laugh a little!).

Alternately, I have a Ninja/Poison MM that I just wasn't having a lot of fun with. But, I blame the suicidal ninjas for that more than Poison. He could do a ton of damage if the cards were right, they had to fall exactly so to get it to work. I eventually abandoned him. Right now, he's stripped of IOs and waiting for his recipies from his villain merits to sell before I dump him altogether.

Your mileage may vary, I'm a fan of misfit toys- there's something about taking a set "everyone" says is underperforming and making it work and work well.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
But Power Boost also improves debuffs like the -ToHit from my Dark/EM blaster. Does this reduce the effect of foe debuffs too?
Please take this with a grain or two, since I'm bad at numbers and these are NOT actual values.

Let's say Weaken does -20% to Effects.

IDF Sharpguy has +10% ToHit on an Auto Power.

You hit IDF Sharpguy with Weaken.

IDF Sharpguy's Auto Power now gives him +8% ToHit.

That make sense?

Originally Posted by Valorin View Post
Your mileage may vary, I'm a fan of misfit toys- there's something about taking a set "everyone" says is underperforming and making it work and work well.
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